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Tag Archives: lgbtq
The Daily Tweets, 2010-01-13: Haiti earthquake
Today’s tweets were dominated by news of yesterday’s magnitude 7 earthquake in Haiti, the idiotic statement about the earthquake by Christianist Pat Robertson, & the Prop 8 trial in California. Continue reading
Posted in The Daily Tweets
Tagged Bent Alaska, Christianism, Christianity, earthquake, Firedoglake (blog),, Haiti, in the news, lgbtq, Marriage equality, natural disaster, Pat Robertson, Prop 8, Red Cross, Sarah Palin, Wyclef Jean, Yéle Haiti
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The Daily Tweets, 2010-01-12: Faux Palin, Prop 8, DADT, & fresh produce
RT: @shannynmoore: Palin is to journalism what Dahmer was to cooking. // She should fit in quite well with Faux News. # Mainstream media coverage of Cheney & Palin: stenography & “regurgitating press releases.” (h/t @celticdiva) #fb # Bent … Continue reading
Posted in The Daily Tweets
Tagged community supported agriculture, Dollhouse (TV), Don't Ask Don't Tell (DADT), Faux News, food production & supply, Glacier Valley Farm CSA, lgbtq, same-sex marriage, Sarah Palin
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My story of 2009
Not quite ALL about my 2009, because that would take a year to write. This only took several hours.
Posted in About writing, Alaska justice system, Alaska politics, Cold, depression, Journal, Long Dark, NaNoWriMo, Ordinance, True Diversity Dinner
Tagged Alaska Commons, Alaska Judicial Council, Alaska Legislature, Anchorage Daily News, Anchorage ordinance 2009-64, Anchorage Press, Arliss Sturgulewski, Bent Alaska, cave, Celtic Diva, Columbia Sussex, couch, Crossed Genres, Dad, Dan Sullivan, Dave, death, Eddie Burke, Floridana Alaskiana v2.5, Grandpa Claude, Green family, Green-Lieght family, grey, Grrlzlist, Heather Aronno, Hilton Anchorage, hotel workers, Identity Inc., Identity Reports, James Bopp Jr., Jane Angvik, Janson Jones, Jesse, John Aronno, Julius, lgbtq, LGBTQ allies, lima beans, Linda Kellen Biegel, Mark, Mark Begich, Melz published work, Mer, Miller v. Carpeneti, Mom, my apartment, NaNoWriMo 2009, Nicholas Hughes, One in 10, Palin ethics complaints, PrideFest, Progressive Alaska (blog), Ptery, Sarah Palin, Sean Cockerham,, Stef Gingrich, Summer of Hate, sunflowers, True Diversity Dinner 2009, Väi the cat, veto, Vic Fischer, violence against women, Wayne Anthony Ross (WAR), writing
The Daily Tweets, 2009-12-03: Happy coming out!
@jansonjones Good to see your head poked up over that big hump! in reply to jansonjones # Happy coming out to Meredith Baxter, a “later in life” lesbian. #
Posted in The Daily Tweets
Tagged coming out, Happy coming out!, lesbian, lgbtq, Meredith Baxter
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Crossed Genres announces its first short story anthology — and "Cold" will be in it!
Crossed Genres will publish its first anthology containing one story from each of its first 12 issues — including my story “Cold” from the LGBTQ issue.
Posted in Cold
Tagged accepted for publication, Crossed Genres, lgbtq, science fiction, writing
Crossed Genres LGBTQ issue: The ad goes live
Crossed Genres’ Issue 12, the LGBTQ issue, goes live on November 1. And I’m in it! — And meanwhile, it’s ad on went live yesterday, in an unexpected act of generosity & welcoming to queers & their allies from one of the biggest names in science fiction & fantasy. Thanks,!
Posted in Cold, LGBTQA writers
Tagged Crossed Genres, lgbtq, Outer Alliance,, writing
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Coming out
In celebration of National Coming Out Day 2009. As Julia O’Malley pointed out after Sullivan vetoed the Anchorage equal rights ordinance, it’s not laws that change people, but personal relationships. Which is why the most important work I’ve done in the struggle for equal rights for LGBTQ people is simply to live my life, openly, as who I am.
Posted in LGBTQA
Tagged Anchorage ordinance 2009-64, coming out, lgbtq, National Coming Out Day, Wellesley College
Overheard: Antigay pogroms in Iraq
Gay men are systematically been hunted down and killed in Iraq. Members of the LGBT Human Rights Division at Human Rights Watch are trying to help, but more help is needed — from us.
Posted in LGBTQA
Tagged Don't Ask Don't Tell (DADT), gay Iraqis, human rights, Human Rights Watch, Iraq, lgbtq
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True Diversity Dinner video, part 3: Hotel workers, & Elvi's speech
Part 3 of Janson Jones’ video of the September 25 True Diversity Dinner in Anchorage includes Hilton hotel workers protesting outside the Mayor’s Unity Dinner, and the speech of Assembly Member Elvi Gray-Jackson.
Posted in Social justice, True Diversity Dinner
Tagged Elvi Gray-Jackson, Hilton Anchorage, hotel workers, Janson Jones, lgbtq, Mayor's Unity Dinner, True Diversity Dinner 2009, unions, UNITE HERE Local 878, video
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