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Category Archives: Terveys
Pausing under the clouds: A how-to guide for getting out of the grey
Hungry, angry, lonely, tired: some of the things to be mindful about when life starts looking like shit. Again. Continue reading
My story of 2009
Not quite ALL about my 2009, because that would take a year to write. This only took several hours.
Posted in About writing, Alaska justice system, Alaska politics, Cold, depression, Journal, Long Dark, NaNoWriMo, Ordinance, True Diversity Dinner
Tagged Alaska Commons, Alaska Judicial Council, Alaska Legislature, Anchorage Daily News, Anchorage ordinance 2009-64, Anchorage Press, Arliss Sturgulewski, Bent Alaska, cave, Celtic Diva, Columbia Sussex, couch, Crossed Genres, Dad, Dan Sullivan, Dave, death, Eddie Burke, Floridana Alaskiana v2.5, Grandpa Claude, Green family, Green-Lieght family, grey, Grrlzlist, Heather Aronno, Hilton Anchorage, hotel workers, Identity Inc., Identity Reports, James Bopp Jr., Jane Angvik, Janson Jones, Jesse, John Aronno, Julius, lgbtq, LGBTQ allies, lima beans, Linda Kellen Biegel, Mark, Mark Begich, Melz published work, Mer, Miller v. Carpeneti, Mom, my apartment, NaNoWriMo 2009, Nicholas Hughes, One in 10, Palin ethics complaints, PrideFest, Progressive Alaska (blog), Ptery, Sarah Palin, Sean Cockerham,, Stef Gingrich, Summer of Hate, sunflowers, True Diversity Dinner 2009, Väi the cat, veto, Vic Fischer, violence against women, Wayne Anthony Ross (WAR), writing
It’s all just an act… or maybe not
My last trip into the pit — my name for the worst form of depression/despair I sometimes go into — was in November & December 2007. Want to know what it feels like? I’ll try to explain. And also how I get out of it.
Posted in depression
Tagged 5-HTP, Christopher Erin Rogers, Flickr, Melz history, NaNoWriMo 2007, the pit
Saturn is Heavier in My Dreams
Saturn is Heavier in My Dreams My head’s getting squashed again, all low and squat like I lived on Saturn or someplace like that, where the planet is heavy, and a woman from Earth can’t lift her head. My feet … Continue reading
Posted in depression, Poems
Tagged poem, Saturn, writing
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The Daily Tweets, 2009-09-09: Partly cloudy
Coming out of the grey. # Well, I _thought_ I was coming out of the grey. Maybe not. # Yet another example of GOP family values hypocrisy. CA lawmaker open-mic’d his affairs w/ lobbyists. # Twitter app on Facebook … Continue reading
Posted in depression, The Daily Tweets
Tagged grey
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Night of the butcher knife
An excerpt from “Dream,” the fifth chapter of Mistress of Woodland, based on two actual experiences — including a depiction of that state of depression I call the pit.
Posted in depression, Mistress of Woodland
Tagged depression, grey, Night of the Butcher Knife, the pit, writing
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Waking from the grey
The grey is a term I have for one of my modes of experiencing depression. I wrote about it three years ago: The grey is like a great grey landscape of bleakness, just dust & stones. Emotionally dead: I can’t … Continue reading
Repetitive stress injuries
My Aussie friend Sian told me a few years back that the difference between the Aussie (& British, no doubt Commonwealth) usage whinge & the word more commonly used by Americans, whine, is that to whine is simply to complain, … Continue reading
Posted in About writing, Journal, Terveys
Tagged RSIs (repetitive stress injuries), whinge, writing
Ode to Alcohol (poem)
I’m a safe drinker nowadays (& besides, I love this photo, & Midnight Sun Brewery makes some good stuff!), but back in the day I drank waaaaay too much. Yet it played a role in my letting go, eventually, of … Continue reading
Posted in depression, Poems
Tagged aha, alcohol, beer, friends, giving up self-hate, Heidi, Julie, Lori, Midnight Sun Brewing Co., pantoum, poem, Sharon, Village Lounge & Disco, Wellesley College, writing
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