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Category Archives: Polis
The Daily Tweets, 2010-04-17: Against animal abuse
Today was a day focused on writing. But I want to highlight a couple of stories from today re: animal abuse, one by John Aronno at Alaska Commons, and one about a welcome law to outlaw sexual abuse of animals in Alaska. Continue reading
Posted in Alaska politics, The Daily Tweets
Tagged animal abuse
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Sullygate: My letter to the Anchorage Assembly in support of Assembly Resolution AR 2010-92
In 2001, the Municipality of Anchorage lied to Aetna about George Sullivan being an eligible permanent employee of the Municipality. That and other reasons that an independent counsel should be retained to investigate the Sullivan ‘insurance’ matter.
Posted in Alaska politics
Tagged Anchorage Assembly, Dan Sullivan, Sullygate
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Sullygate: Why we need an independent investigation
Important questions about the Sullivan ‘life insurance’ trust remain — and they demand answers that only an independent investigation can provide. Demand passage Assembly Resolution AR 2010-92, which will provide one.
Posted in Alaska politics
Tagged Anchorage Assembly, Dan Sullivan, Sullygate
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Why I picked Dick Traini over Andy Clary, & you should too (Anchorage Assembly Midtown Seat F)
Three reasons to vote for Dick Traini over Andy Clary in next Tuesday’s municipal election: (1) Dan Sullivan; (2) LGBTQ equality (or rather, its lack); (3) experience. Please vote on April 6!
Posted in Alaska politics
Tagged Anchorage Assembly, Anchorage Baptist Temple, Andy Clary, Dick Traini, Glenn Clary, Jerry Prevo
Taking a Sullygate break
A brief update: I’m taking a breather from Sullygate for my writing — got a deadline. I’ll come back in early April with an analysis of the deputy municipal attorney’s 3/22 memorandum that answers some but not all questions.
Posted in Alaska politics
Tagged Anchorage Assembly, Dan Sullivan, Sullygate
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The Daily Tweets, 2010-03-23: Livetweeting Assembly meeting w/ Sullygate resolutions
This post summarizes my livetweet of the Anchorage Assembly on two resolutions re: Sullygate — along with the tweets themselves. Mention also of Sullivan’s alleged extramarital affair.
Posted in Alaska politics
Tagged Anchorage Assembly, Dan Sullivan, Sullygate
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Sullygate: MOA Dept. of Law analysis; Ethics Board rules against Mayor Sullivan
A legal analysis of from the deputy municipal attorney has been issued (I provide a copy); and the Ethics Board rules against Mayor Dan Sullivan, saying that he should have disclosed his potential conflict of interest.
Posted in Alaska politics
Tagged Anchorage Assembly, Dan Sullivan, Sullygate
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Sullygate: The Lindemuth/Crawford relationship
Susan Lindemuth, 30-year Manager of Records and Benefits at the Municipality of Anchorage, and Larry Crawford, current chief of staff to Mayor Dan Sullivan, are 50/50 co-owners of their residence. What’s this mean to the Sullivan ‘life insurance’ matter?
Posted in Alaska politics
Tagged Anchorage Assembly, Dan Sullivan, Larry Crawford, Sullygate, Susan Lindemuth
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The Daily Tweets, 2010-03-20: Mindfried
The Daily Tweets, 2010-03-20 Completely mindfried after finally completing my mondo Sullygate timeline. Check it out – #fb # Complete #Sullygate timeline — 193,000 “life insurance” payout to Sullivan trust #fb # Harriet Drummond comments @ that Matt … Continue reading
Posted in Alaska politics, The Daily Tweets
Tagged Anchorage Assembly, Dan Sullivan, Sullygate
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Sullygate: Two resolutions to be introduced at Anchorage Assembly on March 23
Two resolutions will be introduced at the Anchorage Assembly on March 23 on questions surrounding the putative $193,000 George Sullivan ‘life insurance’. Here’s details, including complete text of both resolutions.
Posted in Alaska politics
Tagged Anchorage Assembly, Dan Sullivan, Sullygate
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