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Category Archives: Alaska justice system
I’ve been a staff member at the Justice Center at University of Alaska Anchorage since 1990 — so I’ve learned a thing or two about the justice system, & occasionally blog about it.
Miller v. Carpeneti: The conservatives behind the attack on Alaska judicial independence and impartiality
Using Scott Christiansen’s excellent article in the Anchorage Press as a jumping off point, this post goes deeper into why conservatives are attacking Alaska’s merit-based system of judicial selection, and the part that the Miller v. Carpeneti case is playing in a much larger nationwide effort to politicize judicial selection in the U.S. — with plaintiffs’ lead attorney James Bopp, Jr. at the forefront. Continue reading →
Miller v. Carpeneti: Where was the press?
The lawsuit that calls for the federal courts to overturn major provisions of the Alaska Constitution with respect to judicial selection was filed on July 2. Why, then, did the Alaska press not report on it until August 26? Also included most important filings to date in the case.
Lawsuit asks feds to overrule Alaska Constitution
When you can’t get your own way under your state’s Constitution — why, just find some federal judge to declare your Constitution unconstitutional! So with righty-tighty Alaskans with regard to judicial appointments.