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Category Archives: LGBTQA
My story of 2009
Not quite ALL about my 2009, because that would take a year to write. This only took several hours. Continue reading
Posted in About writing, Alaska justice system, Alaska politics, Cold, depression, Journal, Long Dark, NaNoWriMo, Ordinance, True Diversity Dinner
Tagged Alaska Commons, Alaska Judicial Council, Alaska Legislature, Anchorage Daily News, Anchorage ordinance 2009-64, Anchorage Press, Arliss Sturgulewski, Bent Alaska, cave, Celtic Diva, Columbia Sussex, couch, Crossed Genres, Dad, Dan Sullivan, Dave, death, Eddie Burke, Floridana Alaskiana v2.5, Grandpa Claude, Green family, Green-Lieght family, grey, Grrlzlist, Heather Aronno, Hilton Anchorage, hotel workers, Identity Inc., Identity Reports, James Bopp Jr., Jane Angvik, Janson Jones, Jesse, John Aronno, Julius, lgbtq, LGBTQ allies, lima beans, Linda Kellen Biegel, Mark, Mark Begich, Melz published work, Mer, Miller v. Carpeneti, Mom, my apartment, NaNoWriMo 2009, Nicholas Hughes, One in 10, Palin ethics complaints, PrideFest, Progressive Alaska (blog), Ptery, Sarah Palin, Sean Cockerham,, Stef Gingrich, Summer of Hate, sunflowers, True Diversity Dinner 2009, Väi the cat, veto, Vic Fischer, violence against women, Wayne Anthony Ross (WAR), writing
Coming out
In celebration of National Coming Out Day 2009. As Julia O’Malley pointed out after Sullivan vetoed the Anchorage equal rights ordinance, it’s not laws that change people, but personal relationships. Which is why the most important work I’ve done in the struggle for equal rights for LGBTQ people is simply to live my life, openly, as who I am.
Posted in LGBTQA
Tagged Anchorage ordinance 2009-64, coming out, lgbtq, National Coming Out Day, Wellesley College
Overheard: Antigay pogroms in Iraq
Gay men are systematically been hunted down and killed in Iraq. Members of the LGBT Human Rights Division at Human Rights Watch are trying to help, but more help is needed — from us.
Posted in LGBTQA
Tagged Don't Ask Don't Tell (DADT), gay Iraqis, human rights, Human Rights Watch, Iraq, lgbtq
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True Diversity Dinner 1 & 2: Video by Janson Jones
Parts 1 & 2 of video coverage of the September 25, 2009 True Diversity Dinner in Anchorage by Janson Jones of Floridana Alaskiana v2.5. Part 1 includes background on the summer 2009 fight for the Anchorage equal rights ordinance AO 2009-64; part 2 is a montage of Janson’s photos of the dinner.
Posted in Ordinance, Social justice, True Diversity Dinner
Tagged Anchorage ordinance 2009-64, crossposted, Dan Sullivan, diversity, Hilton Anchorage, hotel workers, Janson Jones, Mayor's Unity Dinner, True Diversity Dinner 2009, unions, UNITE HERE Local 878, video
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Q & A: What happens when you click "Volunteer" at the Alaskans for Parental Rights website?
Q. What happens when you click “Volunteer” at the Alaskans for Parental Rights website? A. You get taken to the “Volunteer” page for the “Yes on 8” website. Yes on 8 is the campaign in California to deny the equal right to marry to same-sex couples. Here’s further evidence of linkages showing how Alaska’s Christianist right is dependent upon financial, organizational, and ideological support from outside the state.
Posted in Alaska politics, Marriage equality
Tagged abortion, Alaska Family Council, Christianism, Jim Minnery, same-sex marriage
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James Dobson’s God is a child abuser, & so is Jerry Prevo’s
Max Blumenthal’s new book Republican Gomorrah talks among other things about corporal punishment in Christianist practices of child discipline — practices taught by Focus on the Family leader James Dobson and, at least in 1985, Anchorage Baptist Temple pastor Jerry Prevo.
Diversity, unity, family
Mayor Dan Sullivan claims, with his Mayor’s Unity Dinner, to be honoring values we all share, including the importance of family. But his veto last month of the Anchorage equal rights ordinance makes it clear that he only deems some families important — and mine’s not one of them.
Posted in Ordinance, True Diversity Dinner
Tagged Anchorage Assembly, Anchorage ordinance 2009-64, crossposted, Dan Sullivan, family, Green-Lieght family, lgbtq, True Diversity Dinner 2009
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Should white heterosexuals be permitted at a diversity event?
Does being a lesbian make me “diverse”? Does being white and heterosexual make my white heterosexual friends and relatives “not diverse”? Duh. But apparently some people believe you should have diversity credentials to attend a diversity dinner. With a tribute to our allies in the summer 2009 fight for the Anchorage equal rights ordinance.
No, Debbie, Title VII does NOT prohibit sexual orientation discrimination in employment. Hello?
Wishing doesn’t make it so: despite Anchorage Assembly Chair Debbie Ossiander’s contention that Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 covers sexual orientation discrimination, federal case law consistently shows that it does not. Here’s more proof, with a recent 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals case which found that an effeminate gay man in Pennsylvania (but not actually Emmett Honeycutt) laid off from his job had recourse under Title VII for discrimination based on gender role stereotyping, but not for sexual orientation.
Gay-ins at McGinley’s
Brendan Joel Kelley at the Anchorage Press reports on last Friday’s goings-on at McGinley’s — about which I wrote at the time. Brendan mentions Michael Mason’s conversation with managing partner Jack Lewis: According to Mason, he plans on returning to … Continue reading