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Partial locavore
Living in Alaska, it’s hard to be a complete locavore. But I’m glad to be able to be a least a partial locavore, thereby reducing my carbon footprint, supporting Alaska farmers, & getting some really great local produce. Continue reading
Local farmers, local food
My first box of produce from Glacier Valley Farm CSA is cause to celebrate — not just good food, but also the connection that comes from supporting local farmers. Thank you, farmers of Mat-Su.
Battlestar Rhapsody
This brilliant parody of Queen’s “Bohemian Rhapsody” retells the tale of “Battlestar Galactica.”
Posted in Journal
Tagged Battlestar Galactica (TV), Caprica (TV), humor, science fiction, video
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Buddha in the coffee shop
My Side Street Saturday included an encounter with a handcarved Vietnamese Buddha of white-grey marble, which its owner hopes to sell as a fundraiser for Veterans for Peace. A little about Job, integrity, cold, & low atmospheric pressure, too.
Posted in Cold, Journal, No Way Way
Tagged Bible, Book of Job, Buddha, Cold notes, integrity, Side Street Espresso, theodicy, Voice from the Whirlwind, winter, writing
My story of 2009
Not quite ALL about my 2009, because that would take a year to write. This only took several hours.
Posted in About writing, Alaska justice system, Alaska politics, Cold, depression, Journal, Long Dark, NaNoWriMo, Ordinance, True Diversity Dinner
Tagged Alaska Commons, Alaska Judicial Council, Alaska Legislature, Anchorage Daily News, Anchorage ordinance 2009-64, Anchorage Press, Arliss Sturgulewski, Bent Alaska, cave, Celtic Diva, Columbia Sussex, couch, Crossed Genres, Dad, Dan Sullivan, Dave, death, Eddie Burke, Floridana Alaskiana v2.5, Grandpa Claude, Green family, Green-Lieght family, grey, Grrlzlist, Heather Aronno, Hilton Anchorage, hotel workers, Identity Inc., Identity Reports, James Bopp Jr., Jane Angvik, Janson Jones, Jesse, John Aronno, Julius, lgbtq, LGBTQ allies, lima beans, Linda Kellen Biegel, Mark, Mark Begich, Melz published work, Mer, Miller v. Carpeneti, Mom, my apartment, NaNoWriMo 2009, Nicholas Hughes, One in 10, Palin ethics complaints, PrideFest, Progressive Alaska (blog), Ptery, Sarah Palin, Sean Cockerham,, Stef Gingrich, Summer of Hate, sunflowers, True Diversity Dinner 2009, Väi the cat, veto, Vic Fischer, violence against women, Wayne Anthony Ross (WAR), writing
Sarah James & Michael Pollan at Bioneers 2009
The 2009 Bioneers conference is going on right now. I can’t go this year, but thanks to them livecasting some of the plenary sessions, I got to hear Sarah James & Michael Pollan this morning. Four more keynoters will also be livecast.
Tired of kvetching about the Twitter Quitter? Snark about the Governator instead!
Need a clearing of the mind after all the political strafing of Sarah Palin? Join us in going after a really bad Arnold Schwarzenegger movie! And for a bonus, you can also snark about ex-professional wrester, ex-Minnesota governor Jesse Ventura! An afternoon’s entertainment at its very best.
Posted in Journal
Tagged humor, Janson Jones, livesnark
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