Friday, 14 May 2010 – 7:45 AM
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SEAGLA Social Fridays (6-8 p.m.) for GLBT people and our friends over 21, at The Imperial Bar.
SOAP presents “Alice in the Underground” at the Empress Theater thru 5/15, at 7:30. Tickets $20 general/ $15 students, seniors, and military. Free for youth under 18.
Wednesday Social Group, contact Joshua for the location.
Mat-Su Valley
Mat-Su LGBT Community Center in Palmer is open M-F 5-8 p.m. (except 6-8 on Wed.) The social group meets Wednesdays, 5-6 p.m. at Vagabond Blues.
“Helping Transpeople Find Their Voice” on 5/15 at 9 p.m. A great show at Mad Myrna’s to benefit TransAKtion, the Transgendered Alaskan Social Group, and the TransAlaska Pipeline website.
LipGLoss Revue returns to Kodiak Bar & Grill on 5/15 at 10 p.m.
Community Bake Sale to benefit the Four A’s on 5/16 from 4-6:30 p.m. The annual Bake Sale at Mad Myrna’s includes a dessert competition this year!
GLBT Art Show entries sought by Out North, opens 5/21
Sunday, 2 May 2010 – 8:11 PM
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A selection of this week’s LGBT news from Sara Boesser in Juneau, Alaska.
Washington, DC Agenda, April 27, 2010
Washington, Human Rights Campaign, April 28, 2010
Australia, Brisbane Times, April 17, 2010
Sacramento, Calif., Press-Telegram, April 24, 2010
New York, Advocate, April 27, 2010
Chester, Penn.,, April 29, 2010, April 30, 2010
Advocate, April 27, 2010
Kent State University, Kent, Ohio,, April 19, 2010
Fetish Ball was a wild success Saturday night, with impressive costumes, sexy games, a packed house, and about $8000 raised for the Four A’s food bank to provide meals for people with AIDS. It also attracted a negative comment on the blog and a snarky poetic response. Sarha, Ms. Alaska Leather, wrote,
Fetish Ball 2010 will go down in history as the biggest fetish fund raiser ever! Thank you to those that attended the planning meetings, participated in setup and tear down, ran game booths, walked the runway and worked so hard to make this happen.

Fetish Ball is an annual theme party hosted by the Anchorage fetish, leather and s/m community. It’s not a specifically gay event, and many heterosexual people attend. Ms. Alaska Leather, one of the event organizers, is married to a man. But gay people have always been involved, it’s a benefit for Four A’s held at Myrna’s, and the event and poster were listed with other GLBTA weekend events last Friday on the blog.
Soon after the post went live, an anonymous comment appeared:
Fetish Ball 2010??? with a medical theme??? And those in the LGBT community wonder why they aren’t openly accepted… lol!
During the ordinance hearings last summer, Bent gained several anonymous trolls. They are attracted like moths to certain topics, such as the UA policy change and transgender issues. Posts that describe discrimination against LGBT people will often get a comment saying that we deserve whatever bad treatment we get. Some of the comments are openly hateful, like this one, for example, and these below the post.
The Fetish Ball comment isn’t as hateful as those, but the string of false assumptions between gays and fetishes and the lack of acceptance or rights was more than I had time to deal with on the weekend. So I posted the comment on Bent’s Facebook wall under the Fetish Ball link and waited to see how the friends would respond.
The first person easily summed up the situation:
Everyone has fetishes. The LGBT community and allies are just more willing to embrace it instead of acting like hypocrites.
Well said. The next person responded with a poem! She’s a transwoman who attended the ordinance hearings and noticed that some of the haters have a trans fetish:
The fundies sneering at me in halls,
for going to the fetish balls,
Are the ones behind restroom doors,
who hit on me to drop my drawers.
Only Baptists have asked me to,
do the things that Baptists rue,
to spread my legs for them to see,
When all I want to do is pee.
Spitting on me when I pass,
Then stand behind to watch my ass,
Brimstone public testimony,
Then privately ask to see my pony.
Sunday mornings go a-churching,
Friday nights ask me for birching,
For churchman insults heaped a-plenty,
Hun, you’re never going to get any.
She added, “I am not particularly appreciative of the behavior expressed towards me by certain orthodox individuals. Perhaps they believe that God doesn’t exist if no one is looking.”
SNAP! I’m glad I’m on her side.
Thanks to the FB friends for answering an ignorant blog comment with insight and creativity. And thanks to all for a great event that raised funds for a good cause.
Tuesday, 20 April 2010 – 5:29 AM
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Exciting developments from Alaska’s Transgender community: the TransAK website is back online and up-dated with two new projects, TransAKtion and a podcast, and four members will be guest speakers at a special YWCA luncheon Transwomen in Alaska on June 16.
TransAK website
TransAlaska Pipeline, the website for the TransGendered Alaskans’ Social Group, is back and better than ever! New features include
TransAKtion, an effort to form a TG non-profit in Alaska, and the up-coming “Good Morning, TransAmerica” podcasts hosted by Anja.
“It has long been a dream of mine to see an organization formed by us, run by us, that exists to help us.
Transgendered people suffer discrimination at every turn. Many of us face violence, simply for being ourselves. Transition can also be cost-prohibitive for many of us, especially the guys. Many of us are forced into the sex industry due to lack of opportunties and societal marginalization of TGs.
There is so much work to do. This website is the first step towards fulfilling my dream of uniting us into a real community.”
The podcasts are expected to debut on April 30 with the segments “Transpeople and Christianity: Does God have a plan for us?” – Part 1, “Life in a small Alaskan town” featuring a trans commercial fisherman, and a review of the book “The Riddle of Gender: Science, Activism & Transgender Rights.”
If you are the owner of a trans-friendly business, please let them know, so your business can be listed in the directory. Visit TransAK at
“Transwomen in Alaska” 6/16 at noon
Guest speakers Anja Gensel, Kelly Johnson, Michelle Gallante and Meaghan Lockard present Transwomen in Alaska as part of the “Opening Minds and Hearts” luncheon series at the YWCA of Anchorage on June 16, from 12-1 p.m. Open to the public, $15 or $10 for students with ID. YWCA Anchorage is located at 324 E. 5th Ave. RSVP 644-9605.
Trans Social Group
The Transgendered Alaskans’ Social Group meetings are held in Anchorage on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month, 6:30-8:30 p.m. at the GLBT Center. The Mat-Su Valley meetings are held Wednesdays at 5 p.m. at the Vagabond Blues Coffee Shop in downtown Palmer. Check the
calendar on TransAlaska for more events.
Sunday, 28 March 2010 – 5:40 PM
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This week’s LGBT news roundup from Sara Boesser in Juneau, Alaska.
Washington, Bloomberg, March 25, 2010
Washington, AOL News, March 26, 2010
Huffington Post, March 22, 2010
Washington, Advocate, March 25, 2010
Mexico City, Mexico, LA Times, March 19, 2010
New York, Advocate, March 24, 2010
Advocate, March 22, 2010
McClatchy, March 26, 2010
Jackson, Miss., ABC Local, March 19, 2010
Jackson, Miss., ABC Local, March 25, 2010
LGBT MAP (Movement Advancement Project)
San Francisco, Advocate, March 26, 2010
Taipei, Taiwan, Earth Times, March 28, 2010
Guernsey, U.K., BBC News, March 25, 2010
Saturday, 20 March 2010 – 2:16 PM
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Gay AK: Notes from and for LGBT Alaska
SB 202 Adds Gender Identity
Good news: The
Alaska Hate Crimes Bill (SB 202) passed out of the Senate Judiciary committee, with the gender amendment added. Senators French, Egan & Wielechowski voted with us, Senators McGuire & Coghill voted against. A new version of the bill will be posted with the amendments, and it may be referred to the Finance committee. Thank you for sending messages, POM’s and testimony to Judiciary, and stay tuned for the contact addresses for Finance members.
Seeking PrideFest events
Alaska PrideFest 2010 is encouraging all groups, in all Alaskan cities, to submit activities scheduled during Pride Week (June 19-27) for publication and promotion on the new
Alaska PrideFest web site. Please send time, date, location and a brief description to
Gail, PrideFest Planning Co-Chair. We are also seeking parade participants, park-strip vendors, stage entertainers and happy volunteers to help make “2010: A Pride Odyssey” an event to remember.
‘Masqueerade’ vendors, ads, tickets
RAW is calling for Celebration of Change vendors and program ads. Sell your wares: $25 for a table and $25 for a business card ad in the program. They are also looking for more fabulous volunteer crew members to help make this show a success. Celebration of Change is on March 27 at the Wilda Marston Theatre. Tickets are $15, available at Metro and the GLCCA. Volunteer application and vender/ad information at
Search for MCC Anchorage
Your Internet searches can raise funds for MCC Anchorage. Go to
Good Search and paste “Metropolitan Community Church of Anchorage” for the charity name (the 2nd box.) Then
MCCA will get revenue for every search. The second option is to install a non-intrusive toolbar which appears on your web browser so you don’t need to change your homepage. It’s a great way for non-profits to make a bit of change.
Student Advocate of the Year
Do you know a high school student who should be recognized for advancing LGBT equality in his or her school or community? If so, nominate them to win GLSEN’s 2010 Student Advocate of the Year Award, presented by AT&T. The winner travels all-expenses-paid to New York City to attend GLSEN’s 2010 New York Respect Awards on 5/24, where his or her unique accomplishments as an exemplary student leader will be honored. Login and complete the nomination form by April 2 at the
Student Advocate of the Year contest.
Alaska Women Speak summer issue
Alaska Women Speak Quarterly is a periodical by and for Alaska Women. We are looking for contributions of prose, poetry and art on the Summer 2010 theme of “My-topia.” You know what Utopia is, what’s your -topia? As always, we are in need of donations to keep the presses rolling. Send writings by 5/15 to
Alaska Women Speak, and donations to AWS, PO Box 210045, Anchorage 99521. Thanks for your continued support.
The Alaska Hate Crimes Bill (SB 202) has a second hearing before the Judiciary Committee on Wednesday, March 17. Alaskans Together asks us to contact our state senators in support of SB 202 with gender identity added.
Senator Bettye Davis introduced SB 202 earlier this month, and five people testified in favor of the bill at the first committee hearing. The full text of the bill is
Please send a message today in support of SB 202. Ask the Judiciary Committee to add gender identity and expression and to pass the amended bill out of committee.
Here are 2 ways to contact the senators in support of the Alaska Hate Crimes Bill.
Alaskans Together provided the contact info and a suggested message:
1. Send an email message to members of the Senate Judiciary Committee plus the bill’s sponsor, Senator Davis. It is always a good idea to copy your own state senator as well.
Senator Hollis French
Senator Bill Wielechowski
Senator Dennis Egan
Senator Lesil McGuire
Senator John Coghill
Senator Bettye Davis
2. Another option is a Public Opinion Message or POM, a short and easy-to-send 50 word message that should be addressed specifically to the Senators listed in the previous paragraph. Send the POM from the
Alaska State Public Opinion Message System.
Your POM could say something like:
“I strongly support SB 202 with an amendment that adds gender identity and expression to Section 11.76.150(a). Please pass this bill, with a gender identity amendment, out of the Senate Judiciary Committee on Wednesday, March 17th.”
Alaskans Together supports the amendment of SB 202 to add the phrase “gender identity and expression” to Sec. 11.76.150 (a) because:
a) it covers crimes motivated by prejudice, bias, or hatred based on the victim’s sexual orientation as well as on other inherent characteristics, but does not yet cover gender identity.
b) people who are perceived as gender variant, whether heterosexual or gay, seem “different” to some people and may evoke a violent emotional response leading to harm.
c) a substantial number of crimes have been documented that are based on the societal perception of someone as “too feminine” or “too masculine,” or transgender. These crimes can include bullying in schools as well as assault and battery throughout Alaskan communities.
Alaskans Together supports the Alaska Hate Crimes Bill (SB 202) because:
a) it covers crimes motivated by prejudice, bias, or hatred based on the victim’s sexual orientation as well as on other inherent characteristics.
b) we recognize that hate crimes are not limited to the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community but occur throughout minority communities and are designed to create fear. This bill emphasizes that Alaska has no tolerance for such acts.
c) the Alaska court system has primary jurisdiction over crimes of assault and battery which may result in prosecution as hate crimes when occurring in Alaska.
d) Alaska prosecutors and law enforcement officials need the support and force of an Alaska statute in order to most effectively investigate, prosecute, and track all potential hate crimes within the state.
Wednesday, 10 March 2010 – 4:19 PM
| Comments Off on Fly-fishing, SRS, Gay-friendly Music & Free Healthcare Guide
Gay AK: Notes from and for LGBT Alaska
Free Fly-fishing Retreat for Breast Cancer Survivors
The Casting for Recovery Alaska program is accepting applications to attend our 2010 summer retreat on July 9-11. This 2-night weekend features flyfishing instruction, all meals & lodging on a quiet lake outside Wasilla, and the support of other women breast cancer survivors (including optional support program in the evening) – for free. No fishing experience required! Apply online at
Casting For Recovery Alaska by April 30th. Fish on!
Sexual Reassignment Surgery is tax deductible
A few years ago, a transwoman tried to deduct the medical expenses of SRS from her taxes and was denied by the IRS because they said it was cosmetic surgery and not medically necessary. On Feb 2, a federal court affirmed that
SRS is medically necessary and not cosmetic. Along with the American Medical Association resolution saying the same thing, insurance companies will hopefully drop one of their main arguments for the discriminatory “transgender” exclusion, that it is a cosmetic procedure. Also: FFS (Facial Feminization Surgery) will soon be available in Anchorage, Alaska!
Local Irish Band Seeks Gay-Friendly Gigs
Back Alley Banned plays traditional Irish music around Anchorage. “Since Mayor Dan Sullivan vetoed the anti-discrimination ordinance last summer, I’ve had my own small boycott of the McGinley’s Irish Pub of which Sullivan is part owner,” writes banjo player Heather Resz, “and my band declined the offer to play at the bar for St. Patrick’s Day. If you know of a nice gay-friendly venue that needs an Irish band any time, Back Alley Banned is available.”
MCCA Looking for Guitarist/Pianist
Metropolitan Community Church of Anchorage is an Inclusive Church looking for an additional half-time musician with strong guitar and vocal skills to play in our weekly worship services. We are a thirty plus member Christian church that includes a diverse worship service for a church of GBLT, affirming, and straight congregants. Candidate will work directly with the Worship Leader to construct meaningful, Spirit-filled worship. Students/Interns welcome. Interested applicants may submit a letter of interest or resume with to
MCC Anchorage 2222 East Tudor Road, Anchorage, AK 99507.
PFLAG Releases New Healthcare Publication for Allies
PFLAG’s Straight for Equality project announced the release of its newest publication,
Straight for Equality in Healthcare. For many LGBT people, accessing healthcare can be difficult because they often do not know how their healthcare provider will react to their sexual orientation or gender identity. This new publication and website were developed to provide a solution that demonstrates to providers why it’s important to be inclusive, give concrete steps they can take to creating a comfortable environment for LGBT patients in their practice, and much more. Visit
Straight for Equality to view the website and download the free
Straight for Equality in Healthcare guide. A new chapter workbook that you can use to create welcoming healthcare environments in your community is coming soon. Contact
PFLAG national for more information.
Denny’s received a pile of email about the local anti-trans incident reported by Anja on Tuesday, and leaders of the Anchorage LGBTA community are in contact with the manager/owner. Meanwhile, an anonymous hater left this comment on the Bent post:
you people need to face the facts, by people I mean gays, trans whatevers etc. You are not “normal” and though you are allowed to co-exist in our society it does not mean everyone has to accept your lifestyle. you all need to grow a thicker skin, remember the saying sticks and stones can break my bones but names will never harm me ? get off your politically correct high horse and shut up already
Note to Mayor Sullivan: Do you really think this hater will treat his neighbors, co-workers, clients, employees and renters fairly and equally – without discrimination – when he learns that they are gay or trans? FAIL
A transgender support group in Anchorage was harassed during a recent meeting at Denny’s restaurant and now the Denny’s corporate office is backing out of a proposed diversity training for the local staff. Anja co-founded the trans support group and their TransAlaska Pipeline website. She sent this message to Bent Alaska:
After the ugly incident that ocurred here in Anchorage, Alaska on December 27, 2009 in which a Denny’s manager openly pointed out and made fun of a group of trangendered people TO OTHER CUSTOMERS in the crowded restaurant, we were led to believe that Denny’s would be subjecting their employees to sensitivity training concerning transpeople as an acceptable resolution.
We have been more than diplomatic in dealing with them, requesting that the manager who incited the incident not be fired, but instead be required to attend an Identity, Inc. sensitivity training.
Denny’s obviously took this as a sign of weakness, and is trying to ignore the whole incident now.
It appears that Denny’s corporate is now pushing this off as a local matter to be swept under the carpet with NO action taken anywhere.
We must take a stand on this. To all of my sisters and brothers out there who are tired of being discriminated against, PLEASE write a letter/e-mail of concern to Denny’s Corporate. Let them know that doing nothing about this is unacceptable, and that it must never be allowed to happen again.
Go to the national Denny’s contact page, click the “Email Us” link and voice your concerns.
Denny’s was involved in a series of lawsuits in the 1990’s involving servers denying or providing inferior service to racial minorities, especially African-American customers. After a $54.4 million settlement, Denny’s created a racial sensitivity training program for all its employees.
Last year, Denny’s lost a transgender bias case in Maine. “This company needs diversity training to understand what it means to be gender-nonconforming,” said Betsy Smith, executive director of Equality Maine.