Articles tagged with: transgender
Transgender support group in Fairbanks to meet Thursday

By popular demand, a peer-to-peer transgender support group is starting in the Interior. The group welcomes anyone who identifies as male-to-female (MTF), female-to-male (FTM), transgender, genderqueer, intersex, questioning, or otherwise not fully congruent with the sex listed on their original birth certificate.
Ask Lambda Legal: Transitioning at Work

In this month’s “Ask Lambda Legal” column, Lambda Legal answers a question from a transgender woman about employment discrimination when transitioning at work.

With Annie Muse’s poem “Twirl,” Bent Alaska is pleased to continue featuring the creative writing of LGBTQA Alaskans.
White lines and a bell-shaped curve: The Rule of the 68%

If I paint a couple of white lines that the 68% can easily conform to, I will have at my disposal a powerful conforming force. But if the lines are white enough, thick enough, enforced enough, and I land out in the tails, I can even cease to be considered human. I could become Other.
“Tomboy” screens at the Bear Tooth Monday, Jan. 30

In “Tomboy” (2011) by filmmaker Céline Sciamma, 10-year-old Laure is a girl who introduces herself to the kids in her new neighborhood as “Mikael”, a boy. “Tomboy” plays at the Bear Tooth in Anchorage on Monday, January 30, 2012 at 5:30 PM.
Who are you? I really want to know!

In our TBLG community (yes, TBLG — let’s get the initials in the right order for once, shall we?) we really do want to “get” each other. It’s just that there are some places we, ourselves, cannot go. And that’s Okay. We just need to be very careful to be aware that our own orientation is not the only “right” orientation. We need to be very careful not to be mean.
Trans-suicide: I nearly became a statistic myself

The National Transgender Discrimination Survey in 2011 found that 41% of its respondents had attempted suicide at some point in their lives . Annie Muse suggests that keeping oneself safe from self-harm is not so much about “coming out” to others as it is about “coming in” to oneself.
TransAlaska gender support group forming in Fairbanks: First meeting tonight

A new peer support group is forming in Fairbanks geared in particular toward female-to-male transgender persons and masculine-oriented women.
I Heard the Moon Call — A Song for My Trans Sisters

Bent Alaska is pleased to welcome a new contributor, Annie Muse. With her poem “I Heard the Moon Call,” we’re also pleased to inaugurate Bent Alaska’s greater inclusion of the creative writing of LGBTQA Alaskans.
Transgender Day of Remembrance: Remembering the dead — and the living

On Transgender Day of Remembrance, let’s remember those who have lost their lives to suicide and murder, but let’s also remember — and celebrate, honor, love, and welcome — the living. Even if we don’t “get” them. There’s so many worthy, cool, and interesting transgender and genderqueer people with all kinds of lives and all kinds of interesting stories to tell. And not only stories about being transgender.