Articles tagged with: transgender
Sara’s News, 6/10/12: More blows to marriage discrimination

Prop 8 headed to SCOTUS, yet another federal court rules against DOMA, and Washington State will vote on marriage equality this fall; Marriott has special deals for Pride; politicians & their gay kids; and other recent LGBTQ news selected by Sara Boesser in Juneau, Alaska (with supplemental info from Bent Alaska).
Sara’s News, 6/5/12: Federal appeals court finds DOMA unconstitutional

Federal appeals court rules DOMA unconstitutional; lesbian councilwoman may become NYC’s next mayor; gay students graduating openly at military academies; and other recent LGBTQ news selected by Sara Boesser in Juneau, Alaska (with supplemental info from Bent Alaska).
Transgender peer support group meets in Fairbanks — Thursday, June 7

The Fairbanks & Interior peer-to-peer transgender support group is meeting this Thursday, June 9, at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Fairbanks (UUFF). Meetings are open to anyone who identifies as transgender, genderqueer, gender-questioning, gender-bending, or friends/family members/supporters.
Bent News, 2012-05-30: Another judge rules against DOMA; SPLC on NOM’s antigay lies

Another federal judge rules against DOMA; Southern Poverty Law Center reports on NOM’s antigay lies; suicide risks for black gay youth; transgender rights in Manitoba; British TV series features transgender main character; an antigay attack in Minnesota ; and other news of the week from @bentalaska.
Sara’s News, 5/28/12: Openly transgender athlete to make U.S. Olympic bid

Keelin Godsey becomes the first openly transgender athlete to compete for a spot on the U.S. Olympic team; CNN and ESPN journalist LZ Granderson writes about being black and gay; the first museum of gay and lesbian art opens in New York City; and other recent LGBTQ news selected by Sara Boesser in Juneau, Alaska (with supplemental info from Bent Alaska).
Bent News, 2012-05-22: Ex-gay therapy loses its one scientific “proof”; black faith leaders against NOM’s wedge tactics

Spitzer repudiates “ex-gay” study; black LGBT activists and faith take action against NOM’s wedge politics; protection from discrimination against transgender workers takes effect; and other Bent Alaska news of the day.
Sara’s News Roundup 5/8/12: North Carolina’s Amendment 1; transgender workers protected under 1964 Civil Rights Act

North Carolina votes tomorrow on anti-marriage equality Amendment 1, transgender workers protected under Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act; and other recent LGBTQ news selected by Sara Boesser in Juneau, Alaska (with supplemental info from Bent Alaska).
Bent News, 2012-04-20: Transgender panel of MSNBC; unequal tax burden for LGBT families

Transgender panel discusses gender identity and discrimination on MSNBC show; the unequal burden of taxation on LGBT families; and other Bent Alaska news of the week.
Sara’s News Roundup 4/16/12: The roots of antigay hostility

The roots of antigay hostility; coming out in a supportive family is good for LGB health; transition-related medical expenses are tax-deductible; and other recent LGBTQ news selected by Sara Boesser in Juneau, Alaska.
Bent News, 2012-04-15: Hate crime convictions in eastern Kentucky

First convictions under the the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act; updated policy for gender markers on immigration documents; and other Bent Alaska news of the day.