Articles tagged with: schools
Sara’s News Roundup 4/25/12: Obama endorses safe school laws

Pres. Obama endorses national safe schools and nondiscrimination laws; the shrinking antigay base; and other recent LGBTQ news selected by Sara Boesser in Juneau, Alaska.
Day of Silence 2012 observed this Friday, as another gay teen is mourned

Day of Silence in protest of the bullying and silencing of LGBT students and their allies is being observed on Friday, April 20, in high schools and colleges throughout the nation — including, in Alaska, UAF and UAA.
Ask Lambda Legal: Day of Silence

In this month’s “Ask Lambda Legal” column, Lambda Legal answers a high school student’s question about GLSEN’s Day of Silence, which will be observed on April 20.
“Gender identity” added to Fairbanks school policies

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District passed a motion to include “gender identity” as a protected group in their non-discrimination and anti-harassment policies — the first school district in Alaska to do so.
Fairbanks NSB school board vs. PTA president on gender identity

In a first for Alaska, the Fairbanks North Star Borough School District is set to add gender identity to its non-discrimination and anti-harassment policies — over the objections of the PTA president of the school that asked for advice on the policy.