Articles tagged with: Pride 2012
Pride 2012, Saturday, June 2: T-shirts & lemonade, remembering our dead, a trip to the zoo, & a pageant

Saturday, June 2: lots to do for Pride! Drink Lemonade 4 LOVE in Anchorage, Wasilla, or Fairbanks, remember those who came before us, visit Identity’s booth at Anchorage’s Downtown Market, enjoy Gay Day at the Alaska Zoo, and finish it off with the glamor and fabulousness of ICOAA’s annual MGA Pageant at Mad Myrna’s!
Congregation Beth Sholom hosts Shabbat services for GLBT community — Friday, June 1

Join Rabbi Michael Oblath and Congregation Beth Sholom at the Shabbat service for the LGBT community on Friday, June 1, part of Anchorage’s celebration of Pride Week 2012.
Alaska Pride Week 2012: The complete schedule

Alaska Pride Week in Anchorage begins on May 31 this year, and is just a little bit longer than a week to accommodate all the great events. Here’s the full schedule of Anchorage’s Pride events, with links to individual stories with further information on events. (Check back on this page, because we’ll be updating it with links as the stories are written and posted!) And don’t miss the official Pride 2012 commercial!