Articles tagged with: Anchorage equal rights ordinance AO-64 (2009)
How to eat red herring, or, Prevo’s response to the MOA tax assessor ruling

In August 2011, court documents in the divorce of Allen Prevo, son of Anchorage Baptist Temple pastor Jerry Prevo, raised questions about the actual ownership of certain ABT properties benefiting from religious property tax exemptions. Now, nearly a year later, Municipality of Anchorage tax assessor Marty McGee has ruled that $61,000 in back taxes are owed on two of those properties. ABT pastor Jerry Prevo is already marshaling his arguments. What will they be? Chances are, they’ll include an unhealthy, high-sodium serving of red herring.
Anchorage’s April 3 election: Some answers, many more questions

Minnery given a pass; 6 times as many questioned ballots than in previous elections; a private company running election worker hiring and payroll; numerous “voters” from outside the Municipality; the Chapel by the Sea connection… here’s what we’ve learned in the past 6 days.
An unfundamentalist Christian’s view of the Anchorage equal rights election

Bent Alaska is glad to share the following post about the April 3 Anchorage election by John Shore, a nationally recognized author, Christian humorist, and LGBT ally.
ACTION ALERT: Anchorage Assembly refuses to authorize independent investigation

Bent Alaska reader Christina Logan asked us to share this alert. If you have complaints about being unable to vote, contact the Municipal Clerk’s office (info given below). If you are support an independent investigation into the election irregularities, write to the people included in Christina’s alert.
Christians for Equality: Service of prayer & action for equality, Friday at St. Mary’s

Call to Equality: A Service of Prayer & Action is a service and “prayer rally” offered by Christians for Equality in support of One Anchorage and Prop. 5, the Anchorage Equal Rights Initiative. The service will be held at St Mary’s Episcopal Church on Friday, March 2 at 7:00 PM.
Fairview Community Council passes resolution for equal rights in Anchorage

Fairview Community Council has passed a resolution calling for the inclusion of sexual orientation and gender in the Municipality of Anchorage’s equal rights code, Title 5. The resolution passed at the community council’s January 12 meeting by a vote of 13 to 1. The resolution comes as the Anchorage Equal Rights Initiative (One Anchorage) is set to be voted upon in the April 3 municipal election.
It’s official: Anchorage Equal Rights Initiative certified for April 2012 ballot

It’s official: the Anchorage Equal Rights Initiative will appear on ballot for the April 3, 2012 Anchorage municipal election. One Anchorage, the group spearheading the initiative, received an email yesterday addressed to One Anchorage campaign chairs Arliss Sturgulewski and Gov. Tony Knowles.
13,515 signatures: Anchorage Equal Rights Initiative will be on the April 2012 municipal ballot

The One Anchorage campaign will turn in 13,515 signatures — over twice the 5,871 needed — to put the Anchorage Equal Rights Initiative on the Municipality of Anchorage’s April 3, 2012 ballot. If passed, the measure will provide the same legal protections to gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people already provided to other Anchorage residents.
Transgender Day of Remembrance: Remembering the dead — and the living

On Transgender Day of Remembrance, let’s remember those who have lost their lives to suicide and murder, but let’s also remember — and celebrate, honor, love, and welcome — the living. Even if we don’t “get” them. There’s so many worthy, cool, and interesting transgender and genderqueer people with all kinds of lives and all kinds of interesting stories to tell. And not only stories about being transgender.