Articles tagged with: News
Sara’s News Roundup 8/7/11

Recent LGBT news selected by Sara Boesser in Juneau, Alaska.
1) Prop 8 trial returns Sept. 6
California,, August 1, 2011
2) Liberals push for end to sex change sterilisation
Sweden, The Local, August 11, 2011
3) Dolly Parton Apologizes for Gay T-Shirt Incident at Dollywood Splash Country
Knoxville, TN, ABC News, July 29, 2011
4) Gay marriage: awkward issue for some GOP hopefuls
New York,, August 1, 2011
5) New Book Explores Coco Chanel’s Bisexual Romances
Advocate, August 01, 2011
6) Single people relegated to second-class status
Washington Blade, August 4, 2011
7) Gender Neutrality: Could Facebook Be Next?
Advocate, August 1, 2011
8) Two minority groups with a lot in common
Washington Blade, July 28, 2011
9) Deaf and Hard of Hearing Gay Community, June 27, 2011
10) Adam Lambert Is Proud of Being Gay
Advocate, August 4, 2011
11) Lucille Ball Found Gay Rights “Perfectly All Right”
Advocate, August 6, 2011
Sara’s News Roundup 7/31/11

Recent LGBT news selected by Sara Boesser in Juneau, Alaska.
1) New Study: Support for Gay Marriage Grew Faster in Past Two Years
US News and World Report, July 27, 2011
2) Lesbian couple are Norway heroes
SameSame, July 26, 2011
3) Lesbian soldier Cammermeyer ‘Serving in Silence’ no more
Langley, Washington, Seattle PI, July 26, 2011
4) Pioneering LGBT Ministry Debunks ‘Pray the Gay Away’ with Debut Film
Angeles, Calif., Rainbow Times, July 24, 2011 Newswire
5) Gay couple asked to reverse shirt at Dollywood
Dollywood, Tenn., Associated Press, July 27, 2011
6) Group Targets California’s LGBT Education Law
California, Advocate, July 27, 2011
7) When They Play Women, It’s Not Just an Act
New York Times, July 28, 2011
8) SLDN Releases Freedom to Serve Guide, Re-launches Online Site
Servicemembers Legal Defense Network, July 28, 2011
9) Wedding Expert: NY’s Gay and Lesbian Comedians Riff on Marriage, July 24, 2011
10) Pregnant man Thomas Beatie reveals buff body, ripped abs in new photos after baby number three
Oregon, New York Daily News, July 27, 2011
11) Gay Ski Week ‘fantastic’
Ontago, New Zealand, Ontago Daily News, August 1, 2011
Sara’s News Roundup 7/24/11

Recent LGBT news selected by Sara Boesser in Juneau, Alaska.
1) Historic anti-DOMA hearing at the Senate airs pro-, anti-gay sides
Washington,, July 23, 2011
2) Transgender people to be recognised in law
Ireland, Irish Times, July 15, 2011
3) Lesbian Couples Boosting Gay Marriage Numbers
NPR, July 11, 2011
4) Up, Up and Out of the Closet: DC Comics introduces several gay superheroes including Batwoman, The Question, and Voodoo in its new line of comic books
Advocate, July 18, 2011
5) Obama Nominates Another Gay Man for Federal Bench
Washington, Advocate, July 21, 2011
6) Alaska sued in transgender driver’s license case
Juneau, Alaska, Sacramento Bee, July 18, 2011
7) Queer theologian makes the case for (radical) love ~ God as ‘Divine Top’ and other surefire feather rufflers
Gay City News, June 29, 2011
8) One-third of Methodist clergy in New England would break rules on same-sex marriages
New England, Providence Journal, July 18, 2011
9) Clay Aiken on Being a Gay Teen in the South
North Carolina, Advocate, July 22, 2011
10) NY’s ‘First Lesbian’ of Bronx ready for wedding
New York, AFP, July 22, 2011
11) North Carolina Is in for a Fight on Marriage
North Carolina, Advocate, July 1, 2011
12) Researchers Discover Sex-Change Gene
Advocate, July 21, 2011
13) N.Y. Marriage Windfall: $155M
New York, Advocate, July 23, 2011
14) Let the Outgames begin
Vancouver, Canada, Yahoo News, July 21, 2011
15) Couples wed on 1st day gay marriage is legal in NY
New York (AP), Yahoo News, July 24, 2011