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Say NO to Wayne Anthony Ross as AG

Friday, 10 April 2009 – 1:25 PM | 7 Comments
Say NO to Wayne Anthony Ross as AG

This guest post by Marsha Buck gives the contact information for testifying against Wayne Anthony Ross’ appointment as Attorney General, and includes her own testimony as an example. For more on Wayne Anthony Ross, see Public input needed on WAR and Palin’s AG pick called gays “degenerates.”

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If you were not able to testify during the Senate hearing, you have another opportunity to testify on the confirmation of Wayne Anthony Ross as Attorney General of Alaska today, Friday, April 10 at 5 p.m. when the House Judiciary Committee will take public testimony, in Room 120 of the Capitol, by teleconference (1-888-295-4546), or by going to your local Legislative Information Office. I hope many of you will be able to testify.

During the Senate hearing on Wednesday, 31 people provided testimony, 14 in support of Mr. Ross and 17 in opposition. Six people testifying in opposition spoke about his record of discrimination against gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender Alaskans and many more voices need to be heard on this topic. Our greatest allies in opposition to Mr. Ross’ confirmation appear to be members of the Native community, many of whom spoke forcefully against the appointment because of his record on subsistence and his divisiveness.

If you cannot testify on Friday, please call or email members of the House Judiciary, or send a Public Opinion Message, and express your concerns about Mr. Ross and his statement in the state Bar Association newsletter in which he referred to GLBT Alaskans as “degenerates” and spoke of being gay as a “perversion.”

Contact information for House Judiciary members:

Rep. Jay Ramras Phone: 465-3004 Email: Representative_Jay_Ramras@legis.state.ak.us

Rep. Nancy Dahlstrom Phone: 465-3783 Email: Representative_Nancy_Dahlstrom@legis.state.ak.us

Rep. Carl Gatto Phone: 465-3743 Email: Representative_Carl_Gatto@legis.state.ak.us

Rep. Bob Lynn Phone: 465-4931 Email: Representative_Bob_Lynn@legis.state.ak.us

Rep. Max Gruenberg Phone: 465-4940 Email: Representative_Max_Gruenberg@legis.state.ak.us

Rep. Lindsey Holmes Phone: 465-4919 Email: Representative_Lindsey_Holmes@legis.state.ak.us

The entire Legislature will be voting on the confirmation of Wayne Anthony Ross on Thursday, April 16th. Please contact all legislators, including your own senator and representative, and state your opinion about the confirmation of Mr. Ross as Attorney General. The Public Opinion Message (POM) system is an excellent way to communicate with legislators briefly and easily.

Thank you for your activism in support of civil equality for ALL Alaskans!

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Senate Judiciary Hearing Testimony

Wayne Anthony Ross Nomination for Attorney General

April 8, 2009

My name is Marsha Buck and I live in Juneau. I am here representing Alaskans Together for Equality, Inc. which is a new statewide organization to advance the civil equality of all Alaskans with a focus on gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender equality.

I would like to testify in opposition to the appointment of Wayne Anthony Ross as Attorney General for Alaska. Mr. Ross’ record of negative comments about gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender Alaskans would appear to make him biased against the citizens Alaskans Together for Equality represents and therefore make it difficult for us to imagine how he could uphold our constitutional rights fairly and without discrimination.

We need an Attorney General who respects ALL Alaskans equally, including gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and intersex Alaskans. I would, therefore, ask that you oppose Mr. Ross’ nomination.

Thank you,

Marsha Buck
Board President, Alaskans Together for Equality, Inc.