Articles tagged with: James L. Crump
Identity: Stepping up & stepping out

Everybody knows what Identity is and does — but do they? Shannon Sanderson wrote this profile of the organization for a class at UAA this past June — and we thought everyone should get a chance to know Identity better.
Pride Foundation and Identity announce the James Crump Scholarship Fund

In honor of James L. Crump, who died in a tragic accident at the Anchorage Pride parade on June 25, 2011, Pride Foundation and Identity, Inc. have announced the James Crump Scholarship Fund. The fund, initiated by an anonymous donor, will benefit GLBT and straight ally students planning to pursue a career in nursing, medicine, social work, teaching or another helping profession and who plan to make an impact in the state of Alaska.
Moving on — watching closely

The time comes when Bent Alaska must move forward bearing our sadness over James Crump’s death on June 25 and getting back to our core business of sharing information and serving as an information hub for Alaska’s LGBTA communities. But first, I’d like to share some of the information I learned about healing from grief and trauma.
A message from Identity, & talk next Wednesday on healing from trauma

A message from Identity, Inc. Board of Directors regarding the tragic accident on June 25, 2011
This one for you, James Crump

James Crump came to Alaska to find himself, and stayed in Alaska to share himself with us. His death on June 25 at Anchorage’s Pride parade was a blow not only to his family & friends, but also to our whole community. But just what is our community — and where do we go from here?
Drag Queen Bingo, or, how I learned I was part of something greater than myself

It’s times like these that we learn to live — Christopher Constant on Drag Queen Bingo and James Crump’s death at Pride: Everything we do should pave the way for a better world beyond the reach of our lives.

This past Saturday in Anchorage offered us to tragic realities: the death of a human being; and the rash of ugly and bigoted comments made by some about that death, reminding us of where we are as a divided community — and the need for our active involvement in local government.
A personal note from a Bent Alaskan

By this time, four days after the accidental death of James Crump at the Anchorage Pride parade, some people must feel as if Bent Alaska is in a 24/7 crisis mode… and as if we are writing about nothing else, nothing that might take people’s minds off the sadness that so much of Anchorage’s LGBTQA community has been feeling these past few days. That’s kind of what I’ve been thinking too. And so I thought it might be helpful to explain a little about what’s going on at Bent Alaska right now.
A Circle of Support: Counseling for friends of James Crump at UAA Thursday evening

UAA’s Student Health & Counseling Center will offer grief counseling and information on resources for friends of James Crump and others affected by his sudden and tragic death at Pride last Saturday. Please be sure also to check other resources for psychological and spiritual support about which we posted yesterday.
Anchorage Assembly honors memory of James L. Crump

Three days after James L. Crump died in a tragic accident only minutes after the start of Anchorage’s annual Pride parade, Assembly members Elvi Gray-Jackson and Harriet Drummond — who had walked in the parade not far behind James — introduced a resolution in the Assembly to honor him. The resolution had unanimous support of the Assembly and Mayor. Members of James’ family were present for the passage of the resolution.