Articles tagged with: Inc.
This one for you, James Crump
James Crump came to Alaska to find himself, and stayed in Alaska to share himself with us. His death on June 25 at Anchorage’s Pride parade was a blow not only to his family & friends, but also to our whole community. But just what is our community — and where do we go from here?
My first Anchorage Pride, 1983 — and (some of) Identity’s early history
As Pride Week approaches, we thought we’d revisit a few of the Pride Weeks of Anchorage’s past. Last week, Alaska Pride gave us a flashback to 1978. Now we’ll jump forward in time a few years: to 1983, my first Pride in Anchorage, just short of a year after I first arrived in Alaska.
New youth grant and Alaska staff from Pride Foundation
Pride Foundation of the Pacific Northwest is strengthening their commitment to Alaska’s LGBT community by funding a full time regional staff position and continuing to provide grants for Alaska’s LGBT non-profits.