Articles tagged with: Alaskan AIDS Assistance Association (Four A’s)
Revenge of the Drag Queens: Drag Queen Bingo 2012 in photos

Revenge of the Drag Queens, Anchorage’s 5th annual Drag Queen Bingo, a fundraising event of the Four A’s and AMP, took place last night on 4th Avenue by Snow City Café. Bent Alaska’s Christopher Constant was there and brought back these photos (plus one by Juli Morgan).
Pride 2012, Thursday, June 7: Revenge of the Drag Queens, with cupcakes (& monsters!) for dessert

Thursday, June 7: This evening’s going to be a real drag — Drag Queen Bingo, that is, the annual Four A’s fundraiser for AMP, followed by Cupcakes & Monsters karaoke at Mad Myrna’s, a fundraiser for Alaska Pride.
Women’s health care forum at Anchorage Museum Wednesday, May 30

A women’s health care forum at the Anchorage Museum Auditorium on the evening of Wednesday, May 30, will address questions about how the Affordable Care Act will affect Alaska women.
Trevor Storrs: Grand Marshal for Alaska Pride Fest 2012

Trevor Storrs will be the Grand Marshal for Anchorage’s 2012 Celebrating Diversity Parade, Alaska Pride Fest announced Saturday. The Celebrating Diversity Parade, to be held on Saturday, June 9, is part of Alaska Pride Fest 2012.
First Annual Scott Turner Memorial Bake Sale: Sunday at Mad Myrna’s

In honor of our dearly departed friend, Scott Turner — who is not dead, he just moved away! — we proudly present the 1st Annual Scott Turner Memorial Bake Sale, benefiting the Four A’s, Sunday at 4:00 PM at Mad Myrna’s.
Fetish Ball 2012: Society’s Dark Secrets benefits Four A’s

Fetish Ball 2012: Society’s Dark Secrets is this Saturday night at Mad Myrna’s. Fetish Ball is an annual benefit for the Alaskan AIDS Assistance Association (Four A’s). All proceeds benefit the Four A’s Food Bank.
Cory’s Amateur Strip Show to benefit the Four A’s

Is the cold Alaskan winter bringing you down? We’ll cure your winter blues with a hot night at Cory’s Amateur Strip Show, this Saturday at Mad Myrna’s. All proceeds will benefit the Alaskan AIDS Assistance Association (Four A’s).
Beauty & The Beast Cabaret this Wednesday benefits the Four A’s

Mad Myrna’s invitAlaskan AIDS Assistance Association (Four A’s)es you to be their guest for an evening cabaret with the cast of “Beauty & The Beast” this Wednesday, January 11. All proceeds will benefit the Alaskan AIDS Assistance Association (Four A’s).
Pride Foundation announces 2011 Alaska grantees

Pride Foundation announced yesterday $10,000 in grants to five Alaska nonprofits in three Alaska cities — Anchorage, Fairbanks, and Juneau. Congratulations!
Stories of Pride: Pride Foundation presents an evening of storytelling and celebration at Out North

Pride Foundation would like to express our gratitude to the many donors and volunteers who have made this year a success with an intimate evening of storytelling and celebration. Light food and beverages will be served, coming out stories will be powerful, and “thank you’s” will be abundant. This is a free event. All are welcome.