Monday, 8 June 2009 – 7:11 PM
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A revised version of the ordinance that removes “veteran’s status” and strengthens the religious and business exemptions was released on Friday. The revision,
AO 2009-64(S), also states that the ordinance “does not apply to discrimination because of one’s biological gender in matters such as access to restrooms…”
“We feel that excluding transgender people from the right to use the restroom in which they feel most safe and comfortable is not only unnecessary, but an irresponsible public policy choice that endangers lives… We sincerely hope [for] an ordinance that respects everyone’s right to safe use of public restrooms and is based on facts rather than fiction and fear.”
But opponents to the ordinance fill their collection plates by pedaling fiction and fear. The response from Jerry Prevo’s site was immediate:
“NEW!!! A revised version of the sexual orientation ordinance has been released by the acting Mayor. Supposedly, it is to prevent some of the problems we have raised. However, the term “sexual orientation” is not acceptable in any discrimination ordinance. The first ordinance shows what the homosexual movement really wants. We must say NO to the inclusion of homosexuality in any discrimination ordinance. Please encourage the Assembly to vote NO on this ordinance and do not amend Anchorage’s discrimination ordinance to include homosexuality as an acceptable alternative lifestyle. This will eventually lead to homosexuals wanting to make homosexual marriages legal in Alaska.”
Ivan Moore and others who thought that an ordinance limited to sexual orientation would be acceptable to Prevo and his followers, the message is clear: they will not accept anything that gives us civil rights, in any form. The equal rights ordinance cannot be made acceptable to Rev. Prevo, because gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered human beings
are not acceptable to him:
“I can’t minister to these people. I can’t tell them that Jesus Christ died for them and will forgive them just like He will an adulterer or a murderer…”
We cannot compromise with him because he is not bargaining in good faith. He is simply using the media attention to gain money and fame.
Prevo’s real goal is to increase his power over our city’s laws and politics.
He admitted to ADN reporter Julia O’Malley that he will force a recall vote if the Assembly passes any version of equal protections for gays. He also admitted that he will use his pulpit to ruin the careers of politicians who resist his control of the city.
The choice clear for us, our allies, and anyone who thinks that Anchorage should not be run by a fundamentalist minister. We must support an inclusive ordinance, stand firm against Prevo and take back our city.
Friday, 5 June 2009 – 8:01 AM
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This week’s LGBT events from the statewide newsletter (subscribe to
Alaska GLBT News)
Ask the UA Board of Regents to Amend the Non-Discrimination Policy, 6/4-6/5
Dance Your Heart Out: Country Western 2 step lessons & dancing 5/29, 7:30 p.m. $12/drop in. Bovee Studio, 1845 Caribou Way, off College Rd. RSVP to Judith
SEAGLA Social Fridays (6-8 p.m.) for GLBT people and our friends over 21, at The Imperial Bar, downtown
Mat-Su Valley
Mat-Su LGBT Community Center in Palmer is open M-F 5-8 p.m. (except 6-8 on Wed.) The social group meets Wednesdays, 5-6 p.m. at Vagabond Blues. Harmony Choir meets at the Center on Thursdays, 6:30 p.m.
Would Jesus Discriminate? Town Hall meeting, prayer, potluck and panel 6/5, 6 p.m. at St. Mary’s, on the corner of Tudor and Lake Otis
Celebration of Change Art Show 6/5, 7-9 p.m. First Friday reception at the Kodiak Bar and Grill.
Liz Collins’ First Friday opening 6/6, 5-7 p.m. at Out North
Alaska Rainbows monthly dinner 6/6, 5 p.m. RSVP to Colleen
Assembly Hearing on the Equal Rights Ordinance 6/9, Loussac Library, arrive at 4 p.m. RSVP to Equality Works
Friday, 5 June 2009 – 5:31 AM
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Many of Anchorage’s major employers have in place a non-discrimination policy that protects their lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) employees.
These employers, like a majority of the Fortune 500 companies, understand that LGBT-inclusive non-discrimination policies help recruit and retain a more diverse, talented and productive work force. Updating Anchorage’s non-discrimination laws would offer protections to thousands of workers, and these protections are good for our families and our economy. It’s time for Anchorage to protect the diversity that makes our city great.
Some of the biggest companies in Anchorage already include sexual orientation and gender identity in their nondiscrimination policies.
A Non Discrimination Ordinance: Good for Communities. Good for the Economy. Good for Business.
It was only a matter of time before someone who considers himself a supporter of the equal rights Ordinance took Prevo’s “men in dresses” bait and suggested that we dump the protections for transgender people. That someone was Ivan Moore.
Moore’s piece in today’s
Anchorage Press supports the Ordinance but recommends that we only protect gays from discrimination. (He doesn’t mention lesbians or bisexuals.)
“On June 9, the Assembly should cut the words “or gender expression or identity” and the related language, and simplify the ordinance down to its real intent, to protect gays from being discriminated against. Gender expression and identity are simply not nice tidy subsets of sexual orientation, and so their placement as such is wrong. Personally, I think they should consider the inclusion of gender identity, but separately from orientation. Gender expression should be gotten rid of entirely, the mostly heterosexual crossdressers can just freaking do it in private, and the drag queens… well they don’t care, they like the controversy anyway.”
As far as I know, Moore is heterosexual. Equality Works shows the response from the GLBT community
in their recent post:
“People need protection from discrimination on the basis of their gender identity/expression. No one — straight or gay — should be treated unfairly in work or the public sphere. Equality Works believes the small minority of transgender people in our community — people who have served in our military, who drive our taxis, and who have children and families to provide for — are no less deserving of employment and housing than anyone else. While some in our community try to paint transgender people as a dangerous threat, transgender men and women are far more likely to be the targets of violent harassment and discrimination than those who would refuse them equal opportunity under the law.”
Don’t play Prevo’s divide-and-conquer game. Stand with us in support of a transgender-inclusive nondiscrimination policy.
Equality Works Seeks Truthful Discussion on Proposed Ordinance
Sets Record Straight on Mayor’s Proposal to End Discrimination in Anchorage

Equality Works, a coalition of Alaska Organizations working to end discrimination in Anchorage, today announced a coordinated effort to ensure that debate about the proposed equal rights Ordinance focuses on the facts.
Jackie Buckley, spokesperson for Equality Works stated: “Equality Works believes that workers in Anchorage should be judged solely on their qualifications and the merits of their work, and that no one should have to deny who they are in order to keep an apartment or a job. We know that the vast majority of Anchorage residents want to protect their friends, neighbors, family and coworkers from discrimination or harassment.”
“Unfortunately, there has been an effort to misrepresent what the proposed updates to the Municipality’s Equal Rights law would do,” continued Buckley. “It is important that in considering Anchorage’s future and the kind of city we strive to be, that we base our decisions on facts — not unfounded and unproven fears.”
- Anchorage already has a nondiscrimination law. However, because “sexual orientation” is not currently a protected class, the Anchorage Equal Rights Commission has no jurisdiction to track or investigate these cases of suspected discrimination. The Anchorage Equal Rights Commission has unanimously endorsed 2009-64, the proposed Ordinance updates. Supporters of equality are only asking that sexual orientation be included in the list of protected classes for a law that is already on the books.
- Anchorage’s nondiscrimination law has never prohibited businesses from establishing standards of conduct and behavior suitable for the marketplace and other professional settings. The majority of Fortune 500 companies, including some with a local presence — such as BP, Alaska Airlines, and Wells Fargo — have voluntarily adopted internal policies to protect people from discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation/gender identity. These corporations understand that LGBT-inclusive nondiscrimination policies help to recruit and retain a more diverse, talented, and productive workforce. No clause in the proposed Ordinance requires an employer, business owner, or realtor to tolerate anyone, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity, who behaves in an inappropriate, disruptive or unprofessional manner, including in a restroom or other facilities.
- The US Constitution’s Bill of Rights promises every American the freedom to practice their religion and express their opinion without persecution. The Municipality of Anchorage recognizes those rights by including “religion” as a protected class in its current nondiscrimination laws, and the Ordinance includes language that allows churches and other religious organizations to limit access or admission to those who share their beliefs.
- People need protection from discrimination on the basis of their gender identity/expression. No one — straight or gay — should be treated unfairly in work or the public sphere. Equality Works believes the small minority of transgender people in our community — people who have served in our military, who drive our taxis, and who have children and families to provide for — are no less deserving of employment and housing than anyone else. While some in our community try to paint transgender people as a dangerous threat, transgender men and women are far more likely to be the targets of violent harassment and discrimination than those who would refuse them equal opportunity under the law.
Equality Works is a coalition of organizations and individuals working to protect Anchorage citizens from discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity in matters of employment, housing, and public accommodations, and includes the Alaska Women’s Lobby, Alaska Women’s Political Caucus, Alaskans Together for Equality, Alliance for Reproductive Justice-Alaska, American Civil Liberties Union of Alaska, Anchorage Education Association, Anchorage Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, Anchorage Urban League, Association of Fundraising Professionals-Alaska Chapter, Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network-Anchorage (GLSEN), Identity, Inc., Immanuel Presbyterian Church, League of Women Voters of Anchorage, National Association of Social Workers-Alaska Chapter, Parents, Friends and Families of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG), and Planned Parenthood of the Great Northwest.
More information regarding the true facts about the proposed Ordinance may be found at
Equality Works.
Tuesday, 2 June 2009 – 2:53 PM
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[Editor’s note: Mel compiled this great list of links to written fact and opinion pieces in support of the Anchorage equal rights ordinance. I’d like to add that there is television and radio coverage as well, involving speakers from Equality Works and Metropolitan Community Church of Anchorage, plus supportive letters to the editor by LGBT Anchorage-ites and our allies every day in the ADN. The public hearing for the ordinance is June 9 at Loussac Library.]
On Tuesday, May 12, 2009, an ordinance was introduced in the Anchorage Municipal Assembly which would prohibit discrimination in employment, housing, financial practices, public accommodations, and education on the basis of sexual orientation and veteran status — adding these two classes to those already included in Title 5, Anchorage’s equal rights code: race, color, sex, religion, national origin, marital status, age, and physical or mental disability.
One week away from ordinance testimony & possibly an Assembly vote. Time to write those letters to the Anchorage Assembly, if you haven’t already done so.
Meanwhile, here’s a list — as comprehensive as I’ve been able to make it so far — of blog posts & opinon pieces favoring equality. I’ve compiled a list of pieces that are anti-equality too, but see them on my
Equality page — I don’t want to give them another link here. And please do tell me if I’m missing anything.
Anchorage equal rights ordinance
Proposed ordinance
Facts about the ordinance (as opposed to lies)
Blogs & opinion pieces
Bent Alaska. Your best single blog source for news & events in the Alaska LGBT community.
- Follow the tag Ordinance for all ordinance-related posts.
Other blogs. Various other Alaska blogs have also posted news/commentary related to the ordinance, including Celtic Diva’s Blue Oasis, Progressive Alaska, Shannyn Moore: Just a Girl from Homer, Elise Sereni Patkotak, The Immoral Minority, What Do I Know?, Christ Our Savior Lutheran Grace Notes, The Alaska Commons, The Mudflats, and Mamadance.
- 5/10/09. …and justice for all (Patrick Flynn’s Blog — Patrick Flynn, Anchorage Assemblyman)
- 5/13/09. The noise begins — repost of my blog post posted at Henkimaa here. (Progressive Alaska)
- 5/14/09. Anchorage Assembly Gay Rights Ordinance — my 1990’s flashback (Celtic Diva’s Blue Oasis)
- 5/16/09. Equality Works has a Fun-Raising party…more on Mike Method’s show — KBYR at 7:00 PM! (Celtic Diva’s Blue Oasis)
- 5/17/09. Sermon (a poem) — repost of my poem posted at Henkimaa here. (Progressive Alaska)
- 5/21/09. Gays deserve all the protections of the law, Jerry Prevo notwithstanding (Elise Sereni Patkotak; published as column entitles “If anyone has a gay agenda, it’s Prevo” in Anchorage Daily News, 5/19/09)
- 5/23/09. HOW AFRAID ARE THE “Not So Jesus Christians?” (Shannyn Moore: Just a Girl from Homer)
- 5/24/09. Jerry Prevo shows the whole world his ignorance and intolerance. Thanks for saving us the trouble buddy! (The Immoral Minority)
- 5/24/09. “What they are not telling you about the homsexual ordinance!” by GottaLaff (Political Carnival)
- 5/25/09. Dr. Prevo’s Friday Anchorage Daily News Letter to the Editor (Progressive Alaska)
- 5/26/09. Perfect love casts out fear (Christ Our Savior Lutheran Grace Notes)
- 5/28/09. If it’s good enough for J.Edgar Hoover…. (Elise Sereni Patkotak; published as column entitled “Unlike gays, church has its ‘special’ rights” in Anchorage Daily News, 5/26/09)
- 5/28/09. Men Jerry Prevo Would Ban from Anchorage Schools (What Do I Know?)
- 5/28/09. Equal Rights; Our Problem Just Got Holier Than Thou (The Alaska Commons)
- 5/29/09. Fundamentalists raise bar of intolerance by Alan Boraas (Anchorage Daily News)
- 5/29/09. Civil rights activist now focuses on gays by Steve Haycox (Anchorage Daily News)
- 5/29/09. Equal Rights Q&A (Patrick Flynn’s Blog — Patrick Flynn, Anchorage Assemblyman)
- 5/29/09. Out, out, demon hatred (Christ Our Savior Lutheran Grace Notes)
- 5/29/09. Please Help Bring Equal Rights to Anchorage! (The Alaska Commons)
- 5/30/09. What renews my belief in humanity (Elise Sereni Patkotak)
- 5/30/09. HATE; The Real Antichrist (Shannyn Moore: Just a Girl from Homer; reposted at the Alaska Report)
- 5/30/09. Isn’t There an Ice Floe Somewhere That Needs a Homophobic Preacher? (The Mudflats)
- 5/30/09. Saturday Alaska Progressive Blog Roundup – May 31, 2009 – Part One — The Quality of Writing at Our Blogs (Progressive Alaska)
- 5/30/09. Fear and Loathing in Alaska (The Immoral Minority)
- 5/31/09. All You Need is Love (Mamadance)
- 6/1/09. Check this out (Elise Sereni Patkotak)
- 6/1/09. Homophobes and their motives (Celtic Diva’s Blue Oasis)
- 6/1/09. Beware of beards in women’s bathrooms by Andrew Halcro (Alaska Dispatch)
- 6/1/09. It’s time for city to stand for equality by Cynthia Toohey and Arliss Sturgulewski (Anchorage Daily News)
- 6/2/09. Paint This Town EQUAL! (Alaska Commons)
Fear has long played a significant role in efforts to oppose movements for equal rights in our country. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, those who objected to the suffragist movement stoked fears that if women were granted the right to vote they would lose their “natural” feminine qualities. In the 1950s, Jerry Falwell argued that integration would destroy the white race. And today in Anchorage, there are allegations that by ensuring that our city protects lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) Alaskans from discrimination in employment and housing, we will somehow unleash a virtual tsunami of disruptive and illegal behavior that will threaten the safety of women and children.

Fear is an understandable human reaction to the prospect of change. However, it important that in considering Anchorage’s future and the kind of city we should strive to be, that we base our decisions on facts—not unfounded & unproven fears. To this end, Equality Works would like to focus on the FACTS of the proposed ordinance to update Anchorage’s equal rights law to include LGBT people.
On the Nature of the Ordinance
A common misinterpretation of the proposed amendment is that it will grant Anchorage’s LGBT citizens rights that no one else has. The reality is that Anchorage already has a nondiscrimination law. It protects people from discrimination on the basis of age, disability, marital status, nationality, sex, race, color, and religion in the realms of employment, housing, public accommodations, financial services, and municipal business. Anyone who suspects that they have been discriminated against on any of these bases can file a complaint with our Equal Rights Commission, which by law is empowered to investigate, mediate between parties, or pursue legal action depending on the situation. However, because sexual orientation is not included in that list of protected classes, the Equal Rights Commission is not allowed to investigate such cases of suspected discrimination.
Supporters of this ordinance are only asking that sexual orientation be included in the list of protected classes for a law that is already on the books. So when opponents argue that it will grant LGBT people “special rights,” they are misrepresenting the ordinance itself—which is simply amending a law that already exists—and intentionally or unintentionally misleading the public.
Nothing “special” is being created or added that will apply to LGBT people alone. Equality Works believes that ALL persons should be treated equal in the public sphere.
On the Effects on Business, Workplace, & Our Community
While much has been made out of how the proposed ordinance would alter workplace behavior, Anchorage’s nondiscrimination law has never prohibited businesses from establishing standards of conduct and behavior suitable for the marketplace and other professional settings as long as those rules of conduct are equally enforced. We doubt that the majority of Fortune 500 companies, including some with a local presence—such as BP, Alaska Airlines, and Wells Fargo—would have voluntarily adopted internal policies to protect people from discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation/gender identity if those policies were proven to be bad for business or to result in increased rates of workplace misconduct. On the contrary, these corporations understand that LGBT-inclusive nondiscrimination policies help to recruit and retain a more diverse, talented, and productive workforce.
No clause in the proposed ordinance requires an employer, business owner, or realtor to tolerate anyone, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity, who behaves in an inappropriate, disruptive or unprofessional manner, including in a restroom or other facilities.
On Individual Religious Rights & Religious Institutions
The Bill of Rights promises every American the freedom to practice their religion and express their opinion without persecution. These promises are two of the building blocks of our democracy. The Municipality of Anchorage recognizes those rights by including “religion” as a protected class in its nondiscrimination laws. This means it is illegal to discriminate against an individual because of their religious beliefs. The current law also includes language that allows churches and other religious organizations to limit access or admission to those who share their beliefs.
The Equality Works coalition is made up of people from a variety of spiritual backgrounds and we would never propose a law that infringes on our freedom of religion. At the same time, we believe that no one should be denied employment, refused public service, or denied a lease simply because the proprietor doesn’t agree with the partner they’ve chosen to spend their life with. It’s a matter of mutual respect.
On Gender Identity/Expression
In the proposed ordinance, sexual orientation is defined as “perceived heterosexuality, homosexuality, bisexuality, or gender expression and identity.” As used in this definition, ‘gender expression and identity’ means having or being perceived as having a self-image, appearance, or behavior different from that traditionally associated with sex assigned to that person at birth.
While sexual orientation is the phrase used to describe people’s primary attraction, gender identity refers to a person’s internal sense of being male or female, regardless of their sex assigned at birth. And gender expression refers to how people express that identity. In many cases, when people are perceived to be gay or lesbian, it is not because they have “come out” or have been seen with a partner of the same-sex. They are perceived to be lesbian or gay because they express their gender identity different from what is traditionally expected. A gay man can be harassed for being gay without ever telling his coworkers that he is—and so can a straight man who isn’t deemed sufficiently “masculine.” This is one of the reasons why it is important to protect people from discrimination on the basis of their gender identity/expression–because no one—straight or gay—should be treated unfairly in work or the public sphere because they don’t conform to rigid stereotypes.
Equality Works believes the small minority of transgender people in our community whose gender identity does not match that of the sex they were assigned at birth deserve protection. They are people who have served in our military, who drive our taxis, who have children and families to provide for and they are no less deserving of employment and housing than anyone else. While some in our community try to paint transgender people as a dangerous threat, transgender men and women are far more likely to be the targets of violent harassment and discrimination than those who would refuse them equal opportunity under the law.
Every civil rights law creates some discomfort in a workplace. Title VII discomfited those who did not wish to work with women, racial minorities or people of other faiths. The Americans with Disabilities Act required employees who felt uncomfortable around people with disabilities to nonetheless come to work and do their jobs. By revising the city’s non-discrimination laws to include sexual orientation and gender identity, the Anchorage Municipal Assembly is making the policy determination that the ability of gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people to have equal access to employment and public accommodations will make Anchorage a better place to live and work.
Decisions regarding the fate of our city should be made based on accurate information, not on misinterpretations and exaggerations rooted in fear. The Equality Works coalition is committed to participating in an honest and respectful dialogue in hopes of building a broad base of support for our efforts to protect lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Alaskans from discrimination. We believe that if all interested parties make the same commitment our community can emerge from this vital discussion with a greater respect for our diversity, a better sense of the values we share, and pride in being leaders in Alaska when it comes to protecting all our residents and workers from unfair treatment.
Gay AK: Notes from LGBT ALaska

Homer PFLAG decided to make a float for the local July 4th parade this year, so Alaska will celebrate LGBT Pride in Anchorage, Fairbanks, Juneau AND Homer this summer.
Write to your Assembly members, RSVP for the June 9th Hearing
Have you written to your Assembly members yet? If not, please write or call today. If you don’t live in Anchorage, please contact friends who do and ask them to call or write for you. Will you be at the hearing on June 9th? Please RSVP with Equality Works. Have Questions or Concerns?
Email Tiffany McClain or
visit Equality Works.
Alaska-raised illustrator co-authors “Oh the Things Mommies Do!”
Crystal Tompkins and her partner Lindsey Evans, who grew up in Anchorage, are self-publishing a new LGBT children’s book, “Oh The Things Mommies Do! What Could Be Better Than Having Two?” a celebration of Lesbian Mothers and their children.
“Oh The Things Mommies Do!” is a “bouncy and playful look at the joys of a two Mom family. With its catchy rhymes and vibrant illustrations, it is a pleasure for children and parents alike.” Lindsey was raised in Anchorage, attended Bartlett High School and was a student at UAA. “Oh the Things Mommies Do!” will be available in June.
Radical Woman Award nominations due 5/30, CoC Art Show entries on 6/3
The Radical Woman Award honors women who have made significant contributions to the GLBT community in Alaska. Please nominate a wonderful woman and send a short paragraph highlighting her contributions to
Radical Arts for Women by 5/30. The winner will be announced at Celebration of Change. Female visual artists are invited to submit their work for the Celebration of Change
First Friday Art Show, 6/5-29 at the Kodiak Bar and Grill. Drop off entries on 6/3 after 3 p.m. The 25th Anniversary show of
Celebration of Change is at the Wilda Marston Theatre at 7 p.m. on June 13. Tickets for CoC are available now at Metro, or the GLCCA on Tuesdays & Thursdays.
Anchorage PrideFest seeks Volunteers
More volunteers are needed to be Parade Route Marshals for the parade, and for setup and tear down for the Festival on Saturday, June 20. If you can volunteer your time and energy please
email the GLCCA. Congratulations to M.E. Rider and Jill Ramsey, editors of the Grrlzlist, who are the Anchorage PrideFest Parade Grand Marshals for 2009. Check out the many Pride Week events, download the vendor, performer and contingent applications, and read about M.E. and Jill at
Anchorage PrideFest 2009.
Drag Queen Bingo and Pride Week with Four A’s
Four A’s is hosting several events for Pride Week 2009. Adam and Steve’s Annual Drag Queen Bingo Fundraiser is on Thursday, June 18, 7 p.m. at Snow City Café. All proceeds go to the Adam and Steve HIV Prevention program for young gay and bisexual men. The Bingo includes a silent auction and a drawing for everyone who dresses in drag. Tickets are $10 in advance, $15 at the door. Join Four A’s annual marching unit at the PrideFest Parade on Saturday, June 20th. This year’s theme will be Mission Possible: Know Your Status and we will be dressing in camo and promoting HIV testing. National HIV Testing Week is June 20-27th. Free HIV testing will be offered all week, including during PrideFest. For more info,
visit Four A’s.
Thursday, 21 May 2009 – 4:12 PM
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Opponents of the Assembly
non-discrimination ordinance say that discrimination against LGBT people does not exist in Anchorage. We know that it does, and we need to share that knowledge.

Have you been the target of LGBT-based discrimination in Anchorage? Please tell your story at the June 9 public hearing, or let someone else read it into the record.
LGBT people and straight allies are encouraged to contact Tiffany McClain or use the online form at Equality Works.
Examples of anti-LGBT discrimination are showing up in the articles and comments about the Municipal ordinance that would protect Anchorage’s lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender residents from discrimination.
Mel Green, who co-authored the study
Identity Reports: Sexual Orientation Bias in Alaska (Anchorage, AK: Identity, Inc., 1989),
recounts her personal experience of being fired from a local book store in 1984:
“It also occurred to me to wonder if maybe I’d been fired for being a lesbian. This was confirmed a couple of days later when I went in to the store to pick up my final paycheck. I talked with one of my other (former) coworkers, whose name I don’t remember — in “Prima Facie” she goes by the initial M. M was maybe two or three years younger than me, a rather innocent-seeming Mormon girl who seemed embarrassed by what she had to tell me. She said that the day before I was fired, she had seen Chris at the back of the store talking with higher-ups from downtown, including the manager. On the same day, Chris had announced to coworkers that I was gay. On the day I was fired, Chris had gone about the store singing, “Mel got fired, Mel got fired.”
“I’ve never seen Chris since, but my best guess is that she resented me for complaining to our manager about her habit of taking overlong breaks, & decided to get her revenge by playing on the prejudices of higher management.”
The Anchorage Municipal Code states that discrimination “based upon race, color, sex, religion, national origin, marital status, age, or physical or mental disability… is prohibited.”
“[H]ad sexual orientation been a protected class… I would have had grounds to file a complaint with the state human rights commission & seek redress. (Like maybe getting my job back.)
“But sexual orientation was not a protected class under Alaska Statutes. Nor was it under federal legislation, nor under municipal ordinance. I was, as they say, S.O.L.”
Straight allies are also discriminated against for supporting LGBT civil rights, or simply for being our friends and family members. Allies are encouraged to join us in sharing their experiences of LGBT-based discrimination at the hearing.
Ally Celtic Diva
describes her experiences of supporting the previous attempt to add “sexual orientation” to the Anchorage Municipal policies, in the early 1990’s, and belonging to the band Sky Is Blu, which represented Alaska at the 1993 National March on Washington for LGBT Rights:
“As a result, I received threatening phone calls (I remember my boyfriend at the time grabbing the phone from me to deal with one of the nasty callers) and all four of my tires slashed. Another member of the band was (literally) harassed and followed down the street!
“Worst of all, the only male member of the band lost the job he had been offered with, ironically, the Municipality! As a result of this, he couldn’t get hired in his field and eventually ended up moving to the lower-48 with his wife and child.”
Share your personal experiences of LGBT-based discrimination at the June 9 hearing and help to pass the ordinance. Contact Tiffany McClain or use the online form at Equality Works.