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Articles tagged with: Elections 2011

At least 3 allies re-elected to the assembly

Wednesday, 6 April 2011 – 1:25 AM | Comments Off on At least 3 allies re-elected to the assembly
At least 3 allies re-elected to the assembly

Three of the four pro-equality assembly members were re-elected by Anchorage voters on Tuesday, with solid leads over Mayor Sullivan’s conservative challengers.

The preliminary election results show assembly allies Elvi Gray-Jackon, Harriet Drummond and Patrick Flynn being re-elected, while the East Anchorage race between incumbent Mike Gutierrez and challenger Adam Trombley is too close to call. As of this writing, Trombley leads Gutierrez by about 250 votes.

Dave Bronson of the Alaska Family Council was soundly defeated by Assemblywoman Elvi Gray-Jackson, who won with a margin of over 15% of the vote.

Two assembly members who oppose equality – Bill Starr and Chris Birch – were also re-elected.

In the school board races, Gretchen Guess has a good lead over Treg Taylor, while Pat Higgins leads Bob Griffin by 186 votes.

Absentee ballots will be counted on April 15.

Vasquez may respect your ‘lifestyle’ but not your rights

Tuesday, 5 April 2011 – 1:30 AM | Comments Off on Vasquez may respect your ‘lifestyle’ but not your rights
Vasquez may respect your ‘lifestyle’ but not your rights

West Anchorage assembly candidate Liz Vasquez was asked at the UAA forum if she supports an LGBT non-discrimination law, and she gave an awkward reply about the Supreme Court, lifestyles, and hate crimes against religious minorities. Here is her complete answer: (transcript is below the video)

Q. Would you support an equal right ordinance extending equal protections to gay, lesbian and transgender persons in Alaska’s workforce, similar to the proposition Mayor Sullivan vetoed in 2009?

A. “Well, first of all, a question like this should be decided by the state supreme court or the United States Supreme Court. There’s an extensive analysis that is done in extended [sic] protected class to any given group and indeed part of the analysis, what socio-economic factors have been of hinderance to this particular group, and the recent Department of Justice, United States Department of Justice studies indicate that 80% of the hate crime is committed against individuals of the Jewish faith, 10% is committed against those individuals of the Muslim faith. So the assembly really is not the forum to consider this very serious issue. I do believe sincerely that people need to respect each others’ lifestyle, as long as people are not hurting other people.”

Wow. Let’s take it apart:

Liz Vasquez“Well, first of all, a question like this should be decided by the state supreme court or the United States Supreme Court.”

This is a shocking statement coming from a conservative. Alaskans don’t want the federal government telling us what to do about polar bears, health care or education, but somehow we need big government to interfere in the daily lives of our workers and local businesses. Never thought I’d hear a conservative say that.

Look, it’s simple: The Anchorage Assembly doesn’t need permission from the U.S. Supreme Court to make city laws protecting city residents. It doesn’t work that way.

“There’s an extensive analysis that is done in extended [sic] protected class to any given group and indeed part of the analysis, what socio-economic factors have been of hinderance to this particular group, and the recent Department of Justice, United States Department of Justice studies indicate that 80% of the hate crime is committed against individuals of the Jewish faith, 10% is committed against those individuals of the Muslim faith.”

First of all – WTF?? 80% of American hate crimes are not against Jewish people. I’d guess that around half of the hate crimes in America are based on racial prejudice, and that the other half are about equally divided between hate crimes based on anti-LGBT bias and those based on bias against religious minorities. Turns out that I’m (mostly) right. (Thanks to Alaska Commons for the DOJ link, and the audio clip.)

In truth, slightly less than 14% of hate crimes are targeted against Americans because they’re Jewish – a serious problem, but not Nazi Germany.

We’ve cleared up that lie, but the main point here is that she (mis)quoted hate crime statistics against religious groups when asked about protecting workers from being fired for being gay. Either she doesn’t know the difference between job discrimination and being beaten up, or that was her convoluted way of saying that prejudice against religious minorities is important but prejudice against gays isn’t.

“So the assembly really is not the forum to consider this very serious issue.”

The Assembly is exactly the right place to have an Anchorage discussion about protecting Anchorage workers. It’s hard to believe that a candidate running for the assembly would say that the assembly should not consider serious issues.

“I do believe sincerely that people need to respect each others’ lifestyle, as long as people are not hurting other people.”

Ow. This sentence hurts my brain. It’s a people word salad. All she needs is a “you betcha” at the end.

The West Anchorage candidates for assembly are worlds apart on LGBT issues: ally and incumbent Harriet Drummond voted for the non-discrimination ordinance in 2009 and will continue to support equality. Liz won’t.

Please vote for Assemblywoman Harriet Drummond for the West Anchorage assembly seat.

Yes, Anchorage, there WILL be an Election Central this year!

Monday, 4 April 2011 – 4:00 PM | Comments Off on Yes, Anchorage, there WILL be an Election Central this year!
Yes, Anchorage, there WILL be an Election Central this year!

I voted todayYou know I have been lucky to live and work in many states in the political process. But Alaska is unique in the fact that when elections occur, Alaskans of all political persuasions gather with the candidates themselves, supporters, the media, and everyone watches the votes come in. It’s a chance to witness democracy at its finest. This is the gathering known as Election Central.

So I was disturbed when I heard that Mayor Dan “The one we should Ban” Sullivan had not approved funding for the traditional Election Central.

Maybe he wants everyone to adjourn to a certain pub he is part-owner of downtown, so he can make a profit during the evening?

Maybe because he has personally attempted to defeat three members of the Anchorage Assembly with his own candidates, he may have jitters and doesn’t want to face the press as well as three emboldened and perturbed re-elected members of the Assembly, if the votes pile up against his choices.

Maybe he really is a fiscal conservative and feels any displays of democracy are too frivolous?

Who knows… but that’s why I sprang into action. I contacted a local member of our community, Douglas Locke — the owner of Kodiak Bar & Grill, who graciously donated the use of the A Street Event Hall and refreshments. The facility was a Centergy Office, Congregationalist Church, and most recently the Steinway Piano Studio.

It is located between 6th and 7th streets at 637 A Street. See map.

There’s plenty of parking, the facility is ADA-certified, and you can’t miss it with the orange awnings. There will be press, candidates, and a wonderful example of how democracy still works in this nation.

I have no idea at the writing of this post who will win on Tuesday. I don’t care if you are liberal or conservative, Democrat or Republican, Coffee or Tea… just go vote. And after the polls close, come join your fellow Alaskans at the party.

To make a pun on Yes Virginia, there is a Santa Claus, let me close by saying, Yes Anchorage, there will be an Election Central this year!!!

See the Facebook event page for more information.

Anchorage election: Assembly and school board candidates to vote for

Monday, 4 April 2011 – 3:49 AM | One Comment

Anchorage voters going to the polls Tuesday will see pro-equality assembly members up for re-election in 4 districts, a supportive challenger, and 2 good school board candidates on the ballot, running against a slate of anti-gay candidates endorsed by Mayor Sullivan. Here are Bent Alaska’s recommendations.

Assembly ally challenged by doomsday letter writer

Monday, 7 February 2011 – 6:00 AM | 2 Comments
Assembly ally challenged by doomsday letter writer

Dave Bronson, a prominent member of the anti-LGBTQ organization Alaska Family Council, is challenging incumbent Elvi Gray-Jackson for her seat on the Anchorage Assembly.