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Articles tagged with: Dan Sullivan

An unfundamentalist Christian’s view of the Anchorage equal rights election

Saturday, 7 April 2012 – 7:00 AM | One Comment
An unfundamentalist Christian’s view of the Anchorage equal rights election

Bent Alaska is glad to share the following post about the April 3 Anchorage election by John Shore, a nationally recognized author, Christian humorist, and LGBT ally.

Yes, Anchorage, there WILL be an Election Central this year!

Monday, 4 April 2011 – 4:00 PM | Comments Off on Yes, Anchorage, there WILL be an Election Central this year!
Yes, Anchorage, there WILL be an Election Central this year!

I voted todayYou know I have been lucky to live and work in many states in the political process. But Alaska is unique in the fact that when elections occur, Alaskans of all political persuasions gather with the candidates themselves, supporters, the media, and everyone watches the votes come in. It’s a chance to witness democracy at its finest. This is the gathering known as Election Central.

So I was disturbed when I heard that Mayor Dan “The one we should Ban” Sullivan had not approved funding for the traditional Election Central.

Maybe he wants everyone to adjourn to a certain pub he is part-owner of downtown, so he can make a profit during the evening?

Maybe because he has personally attempted to defeat three members of the Anchorage Assembly with his own candidates, he may have jitters and doesn’t want to face the press as well as three emboldened and perturbed re-elected members of the Assembly, if the votes pile up against his choices.

Maybe he really is a fiscal conservative and feels any displays of democracy are too frivolous?

Who knows… but that’s why I sprang into action. I contacted a local member of our community, Douglas Locke — the owner of Kodiak Bar & Grill, who graciously donated the use of the A Street Event Hall and refreshments. The facility was a Centergy Office, Congregationalist Church, and most recently the Steinway Piano Studio.

It is located between 6th and 7th streets at 637 A Street. See map.

There’s plenty of parking, the facility is ADA-certified, and you can’t miss it with the orange awnings. There will be press, candidates, and a wonderful example of how democracy still works in this nation.

I have no idea at the writing of this post who will win on Tuesday. I don’t care if you are liberal or conservative, Democrat or Republican, Coffee or Tea… just go vote. And after the polls close, come join your fellow Alaskans at the party.

To make a pun on Yes Virginia, there is a Santa Claus, let me close by saying, Yes Anchorage, there will be an Election Central this year!!!

See the Facebook event page for more information.

Are you LGBT? Have you lived, worked, spent time in Anchorage? We need your help.

Wednesday, 2 March 2011 – 1:37 PM | Comments Off on Are you LGBT? Have you lived, worked, spent time in Anchorage? We need your help.
Are you LGBT? Have you lived, worked, spent time in Anchorage? We need your help.

“My review shows that there is clearly a lack of quantifiable evidence necessitating this ordinance.” That’s what Anchorage Mayor Dan Sullivan stated on August 17, 2009 when he vetoed Anchorage Ordinance 2009-64, the Anchorage equal rights ordinance, which had been passed the previous week by a vote of 7 to 4 by the Anchorage Assembly. If you are an LGBT person who lives, works, or spends time in Anchorage — or if you’ve lived/worked/spent time in Anchorage in the past — please complete the Anchorage LGBT Discrimination Survey.

ACTION: Anchorage Mayor appoints homophobe to school commission during LGBT Pride Month – Contact the Assembly

Wednesday, 9 June 2010 – 12:36 AM | 3 Comments
ACTION: Anchorage Mayor appoints homophobe to school commission during LGBT Pride Month – Contact the Assembly

UPDATE: The Assembly heard our concerns and voted on June 22 to postpone Bronson’s appointment indefinitely! Happy Pride Week to all.

* * *

What was he thinking?! Anchorage Mayor Dan Sullivan appointed rabidly anti-gay Dave Bronson, founder and president of the Alaska Family Council and long time member of Anchorage Baptist Temple, to sit on the School Budget Advisory Commission – and he tried to sneak Bronson through the Assembly confirmation vote at last night’s meeting, while progressive Assembly member and PrideFest 2010 grand marshal Elvi Gray-Jackson is out of town.

Bronson is the guy who threatened then-Assembly Chair Debbie Ossiander last summer, saying the AFC would blame her personally for the failure to stop the gays if Ordinance 64 passed. He even highlights his anti-gay activities in his resume, reaching back to his role in the 1994 repeal of the previous equal rights ordinance to show why he thinks he should be on the School Budget Commission.

As for his finance background – none. His education degree – zip. His kids’ experience with the Anchorage school district – nope, they were home schooled. What are his qualifications? According to the resume he submitted for the school position, he leads a bible ministry, is a retired pilot, and has spent the past two decades being a professional homophobe.

Last night, the Assembly voted 6-4 to postpone the confirmation vote until their next meeting, on Tuesday June 22, when all members will be present. Yes, that’s right, they might confirm this hater four days before Alaska’s PrideFest!

Please contact the Assembly today and oppose Bronson’s appointment: wwmas@muni.org for the whole Assembly, and HERE for the list of assembly email addresses and phone numbers.

Also contact Mayor Sullivan and ask that he withdraw the appointment: mayor@muni.org and (907) 343-7100.

* * *

Addendum, 6 Feb 2011: The resume submitted Bronson submitted for the position is no longer available on the Municipality of Anchorage website. However, a post at The Mudflats from 8 Jun 2010 lists the “qualifications” he presented in his resume:

  • Member of the Anchorage Baptist Temple since 1992
  • Founding board member and current Chairman of the Board of the Alaska Family Council
  • Volunteer Coordinator for the Repeal of the Homosexual Ordinance, Municipality of Anchorage 1994
  • Officer District 30, Republican Party of Alaska
  • Leader AWANA Children’s Bible Ministry
  • With Alaska Family Council helped lead the effort against MOA O-64 [the 2009 Anchorage equal rights ordinance]
  • With Alaska Family Action, helped lead Alaskans for Parental Rights parental notification petition drive