Articles tagged with: Black History Month
Being gay and black: A discussion of intersecting identities — Wednesday at UAA

Being Gay and Black: A Discussion of Intersecting Identities is an open discussion of the intersecting identities between lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender (LGBT) and black individuals.
Bessie Smith, singer (Black History Month)

Bessie Smith was the most popular female blues singer of the 1920s and 1930s, known as the Empress of the Blues, and was a major influence on subsequent jazz vocalists. Bent Alaska presents her story as part of our celebration of Black History Month 2012.
Peter J. Gomes, minister and theologian (Black History Month)

Peter J. Gomes, a “Christian who happens as well to be gay,” was a minister and professor at Harvard University who argued that the Bible is not racist, anti-Semitic, anti-feminist, or anti-gay. Bent Alaska presents his story as part of our celebration of Black History Month 2012.
Audre Lorde, poet and writer (Black History Month)

A self-proclaimed “Black, lesbian, mother, warrior, poet,” Audre Lorde was a Caribbean-American poet, writer, and activist in the civil rights, antiwar, and feminist movements. Bent Alaska presents her story as part of our celebration of Black History Month 2012, with thanks to GLAAD and the Equality Forum.
James Baldwin, author (Black History Month)

James Baldwin was an African-American and gay writer whose novels and essays captured the conflicted spirit of late 20th century America. Bent Alaska presents his story as part of our celebration of Black History Month 2012, with thanks to GLAAD and the Equality Forum.
Bent Alaska celebrates Black History Month

February is Black History Month. Bent Alaska will be carrying a number of features and stories this month in celebration of Black History Month, and celebrating the lives and achievements of Black LGBTQ people in particular.
Brother Outsider and Black History Month

February is national Black History Month, and the Anchorage Urban League is co-sponsoring a showing and discussion of Brother Outsider: The Life of Bayard Rustin at the Anchorage Museum, along with Identity, the ACLU of Alaska and other sponsors.