Articles tagged with: Anchorage municipal election 2012
The Botched Election: Mel Green & Linda Kellen Biegel on the 2012 Anchorage municipal election

Melissa S. Green of Bent Alaska and Linda Kellen Biegel of The Mudflats were were the guests last week of Alaska Commons for an hour-long on-camera discussion of issues surrounding the botched April 3, 2012 Anchorage municipal election. Alaska Commons posted video from the discussion last Friday; we repost it here, with some additional commentary.
The Muni played favorites with ballot distribution (Anchorage 2012 election)

Analysis of official Municipality of Anchorage reports from the botched April 3 municipal election by Jeanne Friedman show vast differences in how ballots were distributed to precincts on Election Day, with some precincts receiving enough ballots for only 16 percent of their registered voters, and others receiving enough for 70 to 101 percent of their registered voters. The figures raise the possibility of intentional disenfranchisement of voters in some precincts.
Uncounted ballots: A new can of worms (Anchorage election 2012)

At 6:30 PM on Friday, July 13, Assembly Chair Ernie Hall and Municipal Clerk Barbara Jones issued a press release about 141 “potentially uncounted ballots” from the April 3 Anchorage municipal election which had been discovered in sealed election bags on the previous Wednesday. As a result, the Anchorage Election Commission will yet again convene and the Anchorage Assembly will for a third time certify the botched election. Linda Kellen Biegel responds.
Anchorage Assembly to hold work session on election recount — Friday, June 15

The Anchorage Assembly will hold a work session on election recount issues at City Hall on Friday, June 15. The topic will be the 15-precinct hand recount of of the botched April 3 Anchorage municipal election, and will include a report by members of the Recount Group which called for, and observed, the hand recount.
Barbara Jones appointed Anchorage Municipal Clerk; Recount Group prepares report

Barbara Jones, currently the Anchorage Municipal Ombudsman, has been appointed Anchorage Municipal Clerk, and will take up the position on July 1. She will replace Barbara Gruenstein, who submitted a letter of resignation on May 22, on the same day that the Anchorage Assembly recertified the botched April 3 municipal election after the limited 15-precinct hand recount. The 10-voter group which paid for the recount is preparing a report which will reportedly be part of the discussion at an Anchorage Assembly work session on June 15.
Anchorage election: 10-voter Recount Group to prepare findings on recount problems, many which have been ignored

The Anchorage hand recount is done — or at least as done as the Municipality is willing to do it, despite its failure to conduct the recount according to the rule of law. Tonight the Anchorage Assembly will vote on recertifying the April 3 election. The 10-voter group which requested the recount plans to issue a report of its findings on numerous errors made during the election and the hand recount.
Anchorage election hand recount leads to flipped race in one precinct, other anomalies

The initial hand recount of 15 precincts from Anchorage’s April election was completed on May 14, but some races will be recounted for “clarification” — but recount observers note additional discrepancies, lack of training for recount workers, and the Municipality of Anchorage’s continuing failure to observe the rule of law in conducing the recount.
Open letter to the Municipality of Anchorage: Dissembling to save face

A new…ish resident of the Municipality of Anchorage calls the Assembly, Municipal Clerk’s office, and Election Commission on their dissembling about the botched April 3 election.
Anchorage election: Former election coordinator calls for full handcount; voters file for handcount & audit

Former municipal election coordinator Guadalupe Marroquin calls for a full hand count of every precinct’s ballots from the the April 3 Municipal election; and an application for a hand count of 15 precincts and full audit of the election has been been filed with the Municipal Clerk. The Anchorage Assembly meets today (Thursday, May 3) at 5 PM in the Loussac Library on whether to certify the election.
Anchorage Election Commission ignores broken security seals, recommends no independent investigation on broken election

Following its hastily-called two-day “special meeting,” the Municipal Election Commission on Wednesday issued its report recommending that the Anchorage Assembly certify the bollixed April 3 municipal election and recommending against an independent investigation of the election’s numerous irregularities — including broken security seals.