Articles tagged with: Alaska Pride
Alaska Pride Conference 2011: Welcome by Doug Frank

Doug Frank was a cofounder of the Alaska Pride Conference, first held in 1994, and is well-known for his decades of service to Alaska’s LGBTQA community. Doug provided Bent Alaska with a copy of the remarks with which he welcomed us to Alaska Pride Conference 2011, held this past Saturday at Alaska Pacific University. Thank you, Doug!
Alaska Pride Conference 2011: A photo essay

Mel Green spent most of yesterday at Alaska Pride Conference 2011, held on the Alaska Pacific University in Anchorage. The Alaska Pride Conference is an annual day-long event held in Anchorage filled with workshops, speakers, vendors, and great food.
Pride Conference calls for workshop and vendor applicants

Pride Conference organizers have issued their call for workshop and vendor applicants. And we’ve got the application forms here! So step up, step out, and fill ’em out.
This one for you, James Crump

James Crump came to Alaska to find himself, and stayed in Alaska to share himself with us. His death on June 25 at Anchorage’s Pride parade was a blow not only to his family & friends, but also to our whole community. But just what is our community — and where do we go from here?

This past Saturday in Anchorage offered us to tragic realities: the death of a human being; and the rash of ugly and bigoted comments made by some about that death, reminding us of where we are as a divided community — and the need for our active involvement in local government.
A personal note from a Bent Alaskan

By this time, four days after the accidental death of James Crump at the Anchorage Pride parade, some people must feel as if Bent Alaska is in a 24/7 crisis mode… and as if we are writing about nothing else, nothing that might take people’s minds off the sadness that so much of Anchorage’s LGBTQA community has been feeling these past few days. That’s kind of what I’ve been thinking too. And so I thought it might be helpful to explain a little about what’s going on at Bent Alaska right now.
A Circle of Support: Counseling for friends of James Crump at UAA Thursday evening

UAA’s Student Health & Counseling Center will offer grief counseling and information on resources for friends of James Crump and others affected by his sudden and tragic death at Pride last Saturday. Please be sure also to check other resources for psychological and spiritual support about which we posted yesterday.
Anchorage Assembly honors memory of James L. Crump

Three days after James L. Crump died in a tragic accident only minutes after the start of Anchorage’s annual Pride parade, Assembly members Elvi Gray-Jackson and Harriet Drummond — who had walked in the parade not far behind James — introduced a resolution in the Assembly to honor him. The resolution had unanimous support of the Assembly and Mayor. Members of James’ family were present for the passage of the resolution.
Remembering James Crump; and counseling & spiritual support

This post has information about psychological counseling and spiritual support for those affected by the events of last Saturday, when our brother and friend James L. Crump tragically lost his life. There will also be a resolution introduced tonight in the Anchorage Assembly to remember and honor James, and anyone who can attend is asked to.
Pride Foundation… AND chocolate!!! What could be better?

A benefit for Pride Foundation is being hosted at Modern Dwellers Chocolate Lounge this evening in Anchorage. Come support Pride Foundation’s support of Alaska LGBTQ organizations, & have some really good chocolate too!