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Sunday, 6 October 2013 – 5:19 PM | Comments Off on A long-overdue Bent Alaska update — October 2013

Bent Alaska’s blog will continue in hiatus indefinitely; but the Bent Alaska Facebook Group on Facebook is thriving — join us! A long-overdue update from Bent Alaska’s editor.

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Politics, religion, etc.


Arts, sports, & other stuff we do when we’re not at work. Or even when we ARE at work.

PFLAG Juneau wins $1,000 in Pride Foundation Raffle

Sunday, 5 October 2008 – 7:20 AM | Comments Off on PFLAG Juneau wins $1,000 in Pride Foundation Raffle
PFLAG Juneau wins $1,000 in Pride Foundation Raffle
Over 2,500 people entered the Raffle With a Twist, telling Pride Foundation which non-profit organization is their favorite and hoping to win some money for them. Here are the winners of the 2008 Raffle:
Rainbow Center of Tacoma is the grand prize winner of $2,500! 
In addition, the most nominated organization from each of our five states will receive $1,000 for their work. The following received the most nominations for their state:
AK – PFLAG Juneau 
ID – A.L.P.H.A. (Allies Linked for the Prevention of HIV/AIDS)
MT – Mt. Fund for Tolerance (at the Montana Community Foundation)
OR – Planned Parenthood Columbia Willamette 
WA – CAIR Project (Community Abortion Information Resource)
A huge thanks to everyone who entered the Raffle and spread the word about it!

Jump the Broom: In Solidarity and Celebration of Love & Marriage

Saturday, 4 October 2008 – 5:53 AM | Comments Off on Jump the Broom: In Solidarity and Celebration of Love & Marriage
Jump the Broom: In Solidarity and Celebration of Love & Marriage
Celebrate Love, Acceptance & Equality for All
Juneau Arts and Cultural Center
October 5, Sunday afternoon, 3:30 – 6:30 PM


Newly-wed/Oldy-wed Game, Emceed by Sharon Gaiptman and Peter Freer,  
Meet Juneau’s Finest on stage being asked questions about their relationships!


Songs performed by special guests


Jump the Stick:
 We use this old Welsh, African American, and Gypsy tradition 
to honor the relationships of those not allowed to legally marry.


Dancing with DJ Ms. G


Appetizers/snacks/deserts for sale, No Host Bar


Pay as you can – all proceeds go to Equality for All 
to keep gay marriage legal in California 
and to support the No on 8 Initiative. 
(Bring checks for your donations or cash if you must.)


Wear your wedding clothes if you like, or your wishful wedding clothes.
If they no longer fit, feel free to pin them on!

This Week in GLBT Alaska – 10/3/08

Friday, 3 October 2008 – 9:59 AM | Comments Off on This Week in GLBT Alaska – 10/3/08
This Week in GLBT Alaska – 10/3/08
Check out this week’s events from Alaska GLBT News. 
For full listings, news briefs and up-coming events, subscribe to AGN.
Jump the Broom: in Solidarity and Celebration of Love and Marriage 10/5, 3:30-7:30 p.m. Juneau Arts & Cultural Center. All proceeds go to Equality for All.

Harvest Ball 10/3, door at 7 p.m., show at 8 p.m. $15 at the Pioneer Park Civic Center. ICOAA 

Disco/Funk Party with DJ Double D 10/4, 9 p.m.-? 21 and over. Jeff’s house. 


Ever Ready in Eagle River 10/3, 7:30 – 11:30 p.m.

Salon DaVinci’s Four A’s Fundraiser 10/4, 10 a.m.-6 p.m.

End of Summer Weenie Roast with The Last Frontier Men’s Club 10/4, 7 p.m.

The Voices of Mad Myrna’s, a Night of “Live” Karaoke 10/4, 9 p.m.

Bible Study at MCC, starting this Sunday 10/5, 1:15-1:45 p.m.

Hump Day Happy Hour with TLFMC 10/8, 5-7 p.m.

LGBT Alaskans on Sarah Palin: video

Thursday, 2 October 2008 – 5:46 AM | Comments Off on LGBT Alaskans on Sarah Palin: video
LGBT Alaskans on Sarah Palin: video
LGBT Alaskans come out against Sarah Palin in this new HRC video:

Stonewall Democrats Respond to Palin Accusations on Sexual Orientation

Wednesday, 1 October 2008 – 7:15 PM | Comments Off on Stonewall Democrats Respond to Palin Accusations on Sexual Orientation
Stonewall Democrats Respond to Palin Accusations on Sexual Orientation
Vice Presidential Candidate Wrongly Argues that Sexual Orienation is a “Choice”
Washington, DC – Today, the National Stonewall Democrats issued the following statement in response by accusations from Governor Sarah Palin that sexual orientation is a choice:
“John McCain chose a poor running mate, but he did not choose his sexual orientation. This is another example of why we need a pro-equality President like Barack Obama in the White House. For Governor Palin to suggest that individuals randomly choose their sexual orientation based on nothing but a whim is wrong and it repeats the talking points of the anti-gay special interests which continue to control the McCain/Palin campaign and the Republican Party. ”  – Jon Hoadley, Executive Director
Governor Palin asserted that sexual orientation is a choice – a fact disputed by the majority of the scientific community – in a response to a question posed by Katie Couric of CBS News. Couric asked Palin to comment on her views regarding sexual orientation in light of revelations that Governor Palin’s church continues to promote harmful “converstion therapy” for gay Americans.
Palin responded: “But what you’re talking about, I think, value here, what my position is on homosexuality and you can pray it away, because I think that was the title that was listed on that bulletin. …  And you know, I don’t know what prayers are worthy of being prayed and I don’t know what prayers are going to be answered or not answered. But as for homosexuality, I am not going to judge Americans and the decisions that they make in their adult personal relationships. I have one of my absolute best friends for the last 30 years who happens to be gay, and I love her dearly, and she is not my ‘gay friend,’ she is one of my best friends, who happens to have made a choice that isn’t a choice that I have made. But I’m not going to judge people.”
CBS News released the interview portion quoted above late Tuesday evening.
                         A PATTERN OF DISCRIMINATION
– As Governor, Palin currently supports the efforts of radical activists to strip Alaska residents – specifically state workers – of the most basic domestic partner benefits.
– It was only when the Alaska Attorney General warned Palin that the Republican position of stripping domestic partnership benefits was unconstitutional (in light of a recent Alaska Supreme Court ruling) that Palin reluctantly vetoed legislation that would have defied the court ruling. Palin quickly moved on to support an alternate strategy to strip domestic partner benefits by placing an anti-equality amendment onto the state ballot.
– When Alaska had the opportunity to extend the freedom to marry to all Alaskan couples, Palin joined with radical efforts to scapegoat same-sex couples in order to scare voters on this issue. In 1998, Palin championed a constitutional amendment that deeply discriminated against same-sex couples in the Alaska constitution. The passage of this amendment, with the full support of Palin, kicked-off a wave of discrimination by encouraging Republicans and radical activists in other states to place similar measures on state ballots for the next decade to come.
                    An Anti-Equality Advocate from Day One
– The FIRST piece of legislation signed by Governor Palin was done at the request of radical, anti-LGBT groups.
– Palin squandered over $1.2 million of taxpayer money to place an anti-LGBT “vanity” vote before voters at the request of radical anti-LGBT activists – including Focus on the Family, the Concerned Women of America and the Family Research Council. The ballot language asked voters if they supported Republican efforts to strip existing benefits for LGBT state employees. As a non-biding initiative, the measure had no influence on Alaska law. As the only question on the ballot, Palin willingly wasted over $1.2 million in state money to promote the talking points of anti-LGBT activists.
– The McCain/Palin ticket SUPPORTS anti-marriage amendments pending before voters in Arizona, California and Florida. In fact, when asked by the Family Research Council to star in an anti-LGBT ad in 2006, Senator McCain said yes. When Arizona voters rejected his pleas by defeating the initiative, Senator McCain again offered his name to efforts to once again place an initiative on the Arizona ballot in 2008.
– The McCain/Palin ticket OPPOSES the Employment Non-Discrimination Act.
– The McCain/Palin ticket OPPOSES federal hate crimes legislation.
– The McCain/Palin ticket OPPOSES the Uniting American Families Act, which would unite families headed by same-sex couples where one spouse is an American citizen.
– The McCain/Palin ticket OPPOSES the repeal of the failed “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, Don’t Pursue” policy which has dismissed over 12,500 servicemembers. At a time when our military asks Americans for their service, the McCain/Palin ticket believes that millions of Americans should be barred from offering their patriotism simply because of who they are.
National Stonewall Democrats is the national voice of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and allied Democrats, with more than 90 local chapters across the nation. Stonewall Democrats works to elect more pro-equality Democrats regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity – and to improve the Democratic Party on issues important to LGBT Democrats.
 For more information, see: www.stonewalldemocrats.org

October Is GLBT History Month

Tuesday, 30 September 2008 – 12:11 PM | 2 Comments
October Is GLBT History Month
Modeled after Black and Women’s History Month, GLBT History Month highlights annually the achievements of 31 gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender Icons—one each day—with a free video, bio, bibliography, images and other resources. Take the weekly Trivia Challenge each Friday, starting October 10, and the Rainbow Challenge at the end of the month. 

Gay Men and Salmon Sex: Bob Smith Reads from Selfish and Perverse

Sunday, 28 September 2008 – 1:06 PM | Comments Off on Gay Men and Salmon Sex: Bob Smith Reads from Selfish and Perverse
Gay Men and Salmon Sex: Bob Smith Reads from Selfish and Perverse
Comedian Bob Smith wrote the novel Selfish and Perverse, about three gay men and a lesbian in Alaska and Los Angeles.
In the clip below, Smith reads a few Alaskan scenes from the book, and talks about the GLBT people he met here. The last scene is a great piece about salmon sex.
This isn’t a new video, but the novel is about GLBT characters in Alaska and is funny. I’m posting it now in honor of the summer’s low salmon runs.
The reading was taped at the National Lesbian and Gay Journalists’ Association Annual Convention.

Court crowns Emperor and Empress, gives awards and scholarships at Coronation

Saturday, 27 September 2008 – 1:45 PM | Comments Off on Court crowns Emperor and Empress, gives awards and scholarships at Coronation
Court crowns Emperor and Empress, gives awards and scholarships at Coronation

Mike Bartels of Fairbanks and Paula Butner of Anchorage were crowned at Coronation 2008 as the new Emperor and Empress of the Imperial Court of All Alaska (ICOAA). The Court also announced the winners of five annual awards, and the recipients of the scholarship program.

A total of $60,000 was granted to the 25 scholarship recipients for 2008.

The Scholarship Awards are based on economic need, scholastic achievement, leadership ability and contributions to the Lesbian/Gay community, with preference given to members of the gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and allied (GLBTA) community.

The Imperial Court’s five annual community service awards are given to individuals and businesses in Alaska’s GLBTA community.

Chosen by the College of Emperors and Empresses:

The Raymond Jorgenson Community Service Award to a group/business went to Bent Alaska

Raymond Jorgenson worked tirelessly for many years on behalf of the GLBTA community of Alaska and the Imperial Court. He was a founding member of every GLBT organization that existed during his day and espoused that it was only through our combined efforts that Alaska’s community could grow stronger. In his honor, the College chooses an organization, group, or business award each year to recognize their outstanding works on behalf of our community.

The C Wayne Hussey Community Service Award to an Individual went to Mr. Gay Alaska Kevin Holtz

C Wayne Hussey was the first Elected Empress of All Alaska and a founder of the Imperial Court of All Alaska. This award is presented annually by the College in recognition of an individual’s outstanding contributions to the community.

Elected by the Fairbanks Community:

The Rochelle DeLite Fairbanks Community Service Award went to College Floral owned by Michael Bartels

Rochelle DeLite served the Fairbanks Community and Imperial Court throughout the 1980’s and 1990’s as a driving force to keep both the Duchy of Fairbanks and the community together. In her memory, the GLBTA community of Fairbanks elects a recipient each year for their outstanding contributions to the Fairbanks Community.

Elected by Alaska’s LGBT Community during voting for Emperor and Empress:

The Peter Dispirito Award for Community Service went to Allie Hernandez.

An outspoken member of the community, Peter was very active in all GLBTA Community affairs. He was instrumental in opening the first gay bar in Alaska, was one of the founding members of the Imperial Court of All Alaska, one of the foremost members of the gay social scene and was loved by all who knew him. He was murdered in 1973. His murderer was convicted of manslaughter and sentenced to a mere 2 ½ years in prison. After serving only several months, he was released on parole. The murder and subsequent light treatment of the murderer only served to unite the Gay community and sparked the first real Gay Community activism in Alaska. To honor his memory past recipients, the board of directors of the ICOAA, and the College all place nominations on the ballot at the time of voting for Emperor and Empress… the community then elects the recipient of the award for their contributions to the advancement of the GLBTA Community in Alaska.

Chosen by the reigning Emperor and Empress and given to persons under the age of 21:

The Shante’ Youth Volunteer Service Award went to Paul O’Leary & Ashley Earll.

This award is given in memory of Shante’, for her outstanding contributions to the community. Our Hawaiian Princess worked closely and tirelessly with the GLBT youth of Anchorage to further acceptance among their peers and a more cohesive bond between them and the broader GLBT community. Also as a teacher of her Native dance to other young people, she brought them into our community as allies, helping foster new lasting friendships and understanding in the Anchorage community at large.

This Week in GLBT Alaska 9/26/08

Friday, 26 September 2008 – 1:31 PM | Comments Off on This Week in GLBT Alaska 9/26/08
This Week in GLBT Alaska 9/26/08
Check out this week’s events from Alaska GLBT News, the email newsletter. 
For full listings, news briefs, and up-coming events, subscribe to AGN.

Kenai Peninsula

“It Goes Without Saying” 9/26 & 9/27 at 8 p.m., 9/28 at 4 p.m. Bill Bowers performs at the Bunnell Street Gallery in Homer. $25 general/$22 gallery members, youth 8-18 pay half price.

Bac’untry Bruthers at the Seward Music Festival on Saturday 9/27 at 1 p.m. 


Party with the New Emperor and Empress 9/27, doors at 8 p.m. show at 9 p.m. Investitures of the 36th Reign, $15 at Mad Myrna’s.

Last Sunday Brunch 9/28, 10:30 a.m. with The Last Frontier Men’s Club

Where is the love in trying to make gays go straight?

Thursday, 25 September 2008 – 1:58 PM | 4 Comments
Where is the love in trying to make gays go straight?

COMPASS: Other points of view
Opinion | adn.com


Published: September 22nd, 2008 10:41 PM
Last Modified: September 22nd, 2008 10:41 PM

One of my earliest memories is being told by the principal of my Christian school that, along with Prince fans and devotees of the rock band Kiss, homosexuals were going to hell.

I was only 6 years old and had never heard of a homosexual, but my principal was happy to spell it out for his elementary school audience: “Homosexuals are men who have sex with men.” By the end of the school day, I was in tears, convinced that my mother’s love for Prince had doomed us both for eternity.

At the time, homosexuality had no relevance to my life, and because after this incident my mother promptly enrolled me in public school, I was spared any additional attempts to prevent me from growing up to be gay. But what about the children whose parents weren’t aware of what their kids were being taught? Or whose parents’ beliefs might have been more in line with that of the principal’s? What about the slightly older child, already aware of his or her attraction to people of the same sex, forced to come of age weighed down by this message of condemnation?

For years, these children remained vulnerable to the harmful teachings of adults who used their authority and their religious standing to promote an anti-gay agenda under the guise of Christian righteousness. It is disheartening to know that some groups continue to promote a philosophy that endangers peoples’ mental health and validates social intolerance.

Over time, the homophobic discourse of Christian fundamentalism has grown more benevolent in tone. Instead of threatening the gates of hell, for example, Focus on the Family’s Love Won Out ministry claims to help people “overcome” their same- sex attractions with “compassion and grace.” They claim to be able to “transform” people’s lives with holistic therapies and counseling.

But just because the tone has changed doesn’t mean that the consequences have disappeared. In a 1998 position statement the American Psychiatric Association cited the numerous potential risks of the “therapies” promoted by these ministries of so-called “transformation,” including depression, anxiety and self-destructive behavior. The American Psychological Association, National Association of Social Workers, and the American Academy of Pediatrics have also expressed their concern about the harmful consequences of these ministries on the well-being of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning people and their families.

For all their talk of love, the Love Won Out ministry blindly ignores the love and affection that exists between gay and lesbian couples. We are portrayed as emotionally stunted in/piduals with no interest in each other beyond the physical, thereby diminishing public respect for and recognition of our relationships and families.

If you look beneath the “self-help”-styled rhetoric, at the core of their philosophy is the belief that if you’re gay or lesbian, there is something fundamentally wrong with you that needs to be changed. Not only is this belief medically incorrect — psychiatrists dismissed it almost 40 years ago — it also implicitly validates social prejudices that lead to acts of discrimination, harassment and violence. These acts cause far more mental harm to gays and lesbians — and do more harm to our democracy — than allowing law-abiding citizens to live their lives equally, honestly, and without fear — regardless of their sexual orientation.

I work for the American Civil Liberties Union of Alaska, an organization that protects the right of every citizen to believe in and promote the religion of their choice. Focus on the Family has every right to bring its Love Won Out conference all the way to Anchorage and share its mission with whoever is willing to listen. But our Constitution also grants me the right to urge you — for the sake of your loved ones’ mental well-being and happiness, for the sake of promoting a more democratic and compassionate community, and in the name of love — not to believe a word they say.

Tiffany McClain is Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Public Policy Coordinator for ACLU of Alaska in Anchorage.