Articles in Religion
Southern Baptist Convention called upon to apologize for mistreatment of LGBTs

A new coalition of organizations has started a petition calling on the Southern Baptist Convention to apologize for the harm its teachings have caused the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community. The coalition includes the Association of Welcoming and Affirming Baptists, Believe OutLoud, Faith in America, GetEQUAL, Soulforce and Truth Wins Out. Sign the petition!
Celebrating the ordination of Sara Gavit, St. Mary’s Episcopal Church

The Right Reverend Mark Lattime, Episcopal Bishop of Alaska, will ordain Sara Gavit to the Sacred Order of Deacons at St. Mary’s Episcopal Church in Anchorage this Saturday.
State, Church, and You

When will Church actually be separated from State? Why can’t freedom of religion be extended to mean freedom FROM religion?
Alaska Presbyterians react to LGBT ordination vote

Last week the Presbyterian Church (USA) ratified a historic change permitting the ordination of gay and lesbian clergy. How have Alaska Presbyterians reacted?
Will Alaska get gay Presbyterian ministers?

The Presbyterian Church (USA) becomes the fourth mainline Christian denomination to permit the ordination of LGBT ministers and lay leaders. Celebrating Immanuel Presbyterian Church (Anchorage) and other More Light churches which worked for decades to bring about this change.
Believe Out Loud: A Million Christians for LGBT Equality

This Mother’s Day, Believe Out Loud is inviting mothers and children everywhere to break the silence.
Determined to give voice to the millions of Christians who believe in equal rights for all, including the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered (LGBT) community, Believe Out Loud is launching a campaign to get one million Christians to break the silence and join the burgeoning chorus for full LGBT equality in the church.
Progressive Christians across numerous denominations believe that Jesus’ message of justice, compassion and love compels them to be fully welcoming of all people, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. Now is the time to speak up and remind the world that it is possible to be Christian AND believe in LGBT inclusion.
Simply believing that LGBT individuals ought to be welcomed into our church communities is not enough. The time has come to break the silence. Believe Out Loud. Express your compassion by welcoming and supporting the gay and lesbian members of our communities. Join us, and raise Christian voices around LGBT issues.
How can you make your beliefs real? Be active. It can be as simple as starting a conversation. Lending a hand. Offering a seat. Kind gestures are the first step down the road to inclusion.
Watch their new video and be inspired to break the silence around LGBT equality in your church:
Lewis: I’m gay and from Wasilla, Alaska

The second video from Wasilla was uploaded today on I’m From Driftwood!
After coming out, Lewis is met with religious fanatics at school but love and support at home.
Watch Lewis: I’m From Wasilla, AK
Thanks to Lewis for sharing his home and school coming out stories, and a big high five to his parents for being so loving and supportive of their son!
IFD traveled all the way to Alaska to include us in their story tour, collecting “true stories by gay people from all over in an attempt to help LGBTQ teens feel not so alone.”
Read about their great Alaska adventures here, and watch the other I’m From Wasilla video story here.
IFD has posted five written stories from LGBTQ Alaskans, in addition to the 2 videos. They’re all listed on the IFD Alaska page.
If you haven’t submitted a story yet, write one and send it to them. The story guidelines and submission page is here.
How many gays must God create before we accept them?

The Minnesota legislature is debating a ban on same sex marriage, similar to the one passed in Alaska in the 90’s. On Monday, Rep. Steve Simon spoke in support of gays and lesbians and raised thoughtful questions, like this one that earned him spontaneous applause:
“How many more gay people does God have to create before we ask ourselves whether or not God actually wants them around?”
Watch the video:
Director Rolla Selbak and “Three Veils” starring Sheetal Sheth, in Anchorage 6/11

Out North is hosting a special one-night screening of the film “Three Veils” on June 11 at 7pm, and filmmaker Rolla Selbak will be there.
Passover LGBT potluck, a kosher chef challenge

Congregation Beth Sholom in Anchorage is hosting a Passover Potluck on Friday, April 22, for LGBT Jews and their friends and families. This is a Passover Dinner — it is NOT a Seder. Everybody is welcome. You don’t have to be Jewish; you don’t have to be invited by anyone.