Articles in Politics
Sara’s News Roundup 6/19/11

Recent LGBT news selected by Sara Boesser in Juneau, Alaska.
1) Being gay today: The debate over pride in the 21st century
Toronto, Canada, Globe and Mail, June 10, 2011
2) Bisexual Christian embarks on homophobic ‘hurt’ journey
BBC News, U.K., June 15, 2011
3) Maine Pols Save Transgender Rights Policy
Maine, Advocate, June 8, 2011
4) White House to host Pride celebration on June 29
Washington, Washington Blade, June 7, 2011
5) From I.R.S. to Gay Couples, Headaches and Expenses
Utah, New York Times, June 11, 2011
6) Trans people trying to be just ordinary
Ontario, Canada, The Spec, June 10, 2011
7) Portland Adopts Trans-Inclusive Health Care for City Workers
Portland, Oregon, Advocate, June 9, 2011
8) Gaga sings ‘Born This Way’ at Rome gay rally
Rome, Italy, MSNBC, June 12, 2011
9) Man in Turkey Admits To Writing ‘Gay Girl in Damascus’
Turkey, Yahoo News, June 12, 2011
10) Some gay-rights foes claim they now are bullied
Boston Globe, June 12, 2011
11) Kentucky: Disabled Gay Couple Ejected From Pool
Hazard, Kentucky, Advocate, June 13, 2011
12) Gay: Born this way?
The Independent, June 14, 2011
13) NETROOTS: Lesbian SEIU Head Backs Exec Order Against LGBT Job Bias
Washington, Washington Blade, June 18, 2011
14) Bankruptcy Court: DOMA Unconstitutionally Limits Same-Sex Married Couples From Joint Bankruptcy Filing
Los Angeles, Metro Weekly, June 13, 2011
15) GOP Candidates on Marriage, DADT Repeal
New Hampshire, Advocate, June 14, 2011
16) Church clears the way for celibate gay bishops
London, England, BBC, June 19, 2011
17) Chris Christie Makes the Gaga-Argument for Gay Rights
New Jersey, Advocate, June 15, 2011
18) UN backs gay rights for first time ever
Geneva, Switzerland, Associated Press, June 17, 2011
PINK DOT in Anchorage, Alaska: Support the Freedom to Love

The open-minded people of Anchorage are invited to join us downtown to create a human Pink Dot this Saturday, in a fun and visual demonstration of support for LGBT people that began in Singapore and has spread worldwide.
“Come out and show your support for everyone’s Freedom to Love through the formation of a Huge Human Pink Dot!
Find your nicest pink (or pink tie-dye) and let’s stand together and express our support of the Freedom to Love.
Everyone should have the freedom to love, regardless of sexual orientation. But fear, ignorance and prejudice often stand in the way. We believe the first step to overcoming these barriers is for open-minded segments of society to come together. If you believe that Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender people deserve to express their love just like any other Alaskan, come join us to form a giant PINK dot on June 18, and help us make this statement!”
Watch the inspirational video from Pink Dot Singapore:
“The Online Citizen: A Community of Singaporeans” posted their event and noticed that we’re doing Pink Dot in Alaska:
“Pink Dot 2011 will be held on the 18 June, Saturday at Hong Lim Park. The event which celebrates the freedom of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgendered (LGBT) people to love is now in its third year and seeks to continue its mission in making Singapore a more inclusive and cohesive society. Last year, the event saw a record turnout of over 4000 people.
With less than two weeks to go, the hype for the event has been steadily rising with its official video going viral worldwide and reaching 180,000 views within just three weeks.
The campaign has also inspired the sprouting of Pink Dots across the world in places like New York, London, Montreal, Alaska, Taiwan, Malaysia and the Philippines.”
So come to the Anchorage Town Square on Saturday at 3pm to create a human Pink Dot and show that Alaskans support the freedom to love.
Pink Dot [Anchorage, Alaska]: Supporting the Freedom to Love
When: Saturday, June 18 from 3:00pm – 4:00pm
Where: Anchorage Town Square (downtown)
Wear Pink!
Just show up, mingle, have fun and smile for our cameras – an aerial photograph has been planned to commemorate this symbolic event. Bring yourself, family, and friends… Along with Your Fabulous Pink!!!
You don’t have to, but if you’re going to come down to show your support, you might as well go all the way!
It is NOT a protest. It is a congregation of people who believe that everyone deserves a right to love, regardless of their sexual orientation. Fear and bigotry can get in the way of love – between friends, family and other loved ones – so this is an event for everyone who believes that LGBT individuals are equally deserving of strong relationships with our family and friends.
Many LGBT Alaskans around you are not easy to identify. They may be amongst your sisters and brothers, sons and daughters, colleagues and bosses, teachers and schoolmates. Though more LGBT individuals are slowly emerging into the mainstream, prejudice and bigotry in present societal attitudes keep many LGBT individuals from coming out of the closet. Many of them fear that in coming out, they might lose their family, friends and even their jobs. Yet, by not coming out, their lives are shrouded in secrecy.
Relationships should be built on love, not fear and secrecy. Unfortunately, most LGBT individuals in Anchorage are denied this basic freedom to be who they are in front of their loved ones. Your presence at the Pink Dot [Anchorage Alaska] event can change that. The gathering on June 18th may be a small gesture, but it goes a long way.
For more information, visit the Pink Dot [Anchorage, Alaska] event page.
Netroots Nation is not just one nation

A second report from Minneapolis, this time from Netroots Nation proper, as the participants of the LGBT Netroots Connect preconference mix in with the population of the more general NN11 attendance, and have a very very long day. But a day that, one hopes, gets us somewhere.
Sara’s News Roundup 6/12/11

Recent LGBT news selected by Sara Boesser in Juneau, Alaska.
1) 35% – Disapprove of Gay and Lesbian Couples Raising Children
Pew Research Center, Yahoo News, June 9, 2011
2) Army Launches DADT Website
Washington, Advocate, June 6, 2011
3) Don Lemon on Being Gay, Black & Twitter Feed Crush Fodder
National Black Justice Coalition, May 31, 2011
4) Red Sox to Do “It Gets Better” Video
Boston, Advocate, June 6, 2011
5) For Gay Men, Serious Relationships Still Harbor Risks for HIV
HealthDay News, June 7, 2011
6) Steeped in a man’s sport, lesbian footballers fit the mold
Germany, D-W World, June 7, 2011
7) Female couple flout French same-sex marriage ban
Nancy, France, AFP, June 4, 2011
8) LEBANON: Lady Gaga’s newest album seized as potentially offensive to Christians
Lebanon, LA Times, June 6, 2011
9) Glbt (Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender) Teens More Prone To Risky Behaviors
Atlanta, Third Age, June 6, 2011
10) Bisexual, Lesbian Women Less Likely to Get Pap Tests
Health Behavior News Service, June 7, 2011
11) Transgender Vermonters Score Historic Legislative Victories – Under the Radar
Vermont, Seven Days, June 1, 2011
12) Wyoming Supreme Court reverses same-sex divorce ruling
Cheyenne, Wyoming, Tribune, June 7, 2011
13) [Transgender] Anti-discrimination bills among 49 signed into law by Sandoval
Carson City, Nevada, Las Vegas Review-Journal, June 2, 2011
14) US bishop ends ban on blessing of same-sex couples
West Hollywood, CA, Guardian, June 9, 2011
15) Canceled Mass outrages gays
Boston, Boston Globe, June 11, 2011
16) VA says transgender [and intersex] vets are eligible for hormones
Washington, Associated Press, June 10, 2011
17) Gwyneth Paltrow encourages children to learn about lesbian parents
London, Telegraph, June 10, 2011
Southern Baptist Convention called upon to apologize for mistreatment of LGBTs

A new coalition of organizations has started a petition calling on the Southern Baptist Convention to apologize for the harm its teachings have caused the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community. The coalition includes the Association of Welcoming and Affirming Baptists, Believe OutLoud, Faith in America, GetEQUAL, Soulforce and Truth Wins Out. Sign the petition!
Right now you may be crazy for wearing a dress or pants. You can help change that.

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) is the last word defining “mental illness” to mental health, medical, and legal professionals — despite its many flaws and biases. It has a long record of being used to label gays and lesbians as “deviant.” It’s still being used that way against trans people
Sara’s News Roundup 6/5/11

Recent LGBT news selected by Sara Boesser in Juneau, Alaska.
1) Mayor Bloomberg makes case for gay marriage law
New York, New York Post, May 26, 2011
2) Gay seniors offered help Program to assist gay senior citizens
Northampton, Mass., The Republican, May 29, 2011
3) ‘Coming Out’: Gay Teenagers, in Their Own Words
New York Times, May 20, 2011
4) Expert: Use gay slurs controversy to tackle homophobia in sports
CNN, May 27, 2011
5) Chaz Bono and transgenderism’s rich history
New Statesman, May 26, 2011
6) The trouble with ‘Don’t Say Gay’
Tennessee,, May 27, 2011
7) Gay Group Smart to Endorse Obama Early
Washington, Huffington Post, May 27, 2011
8) Pooja Bhatt stands for the LGBT community
India, Yahoo News, May 26, 2011
9) Survey: Gays Gaining Global Acceptance
Advocate, May 30, 2011
10) Krieger: Why can’t LGBTs get along with each other?
San Francisco,, May 31, 2011
11) Federal judge in Seattle OK’s gay softball organization’s limit on number of straight players
Seattle, Washington Post, June 2, 2011
12) Obama again declares June ‘Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Pride Month’
Washington, Daily Caller, May 31, 2011
13) Comedian Hoffman will get into Le Mood Jewish culture conference
Montreal, Canada, Gazette, June 3, 2011
14) The San Francisco Giants release their ‘It Gets Better’ ad
San Francisco, Yahoo News, June 1, 2011
15) Transgender man to compete in Escape From Alcatraz
San Francisco, San Francisco Chronicle, June 4, 2011
16) Polls Show Huge Public Support for Gay and Transgender Workplace Protections
Center for American Progress, June 2, 2011
17) Administration Officials Mark AIDS Anniversary
Advocate, Washington, June 5, 2011
Obama declares Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Pride Month

Yesterday President Obama released a proclamation for LGBT Pride Month which detailed his achievements toward LGBT equality since he took office in January 2009, and the work yet to be done. Notably absent: any mention of marriage equality, repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), or even same-sex civil unions.
State, Church, and You

When will Church actually be separated from State? Why can’t freedom of religion be extended to mean freedom FROM religion?
Sara’s News Roundup 5/29/11

Recent LGBT news selected by Sara Boesser in Juneau, Alaska.
1) Alaskan Students Awarded $2,500 in Scholarships from Pride Foundation
Pride Foundation, Alaska, May 18, 2011
2) Leaders of Color for N.Y. Marriage
New York, Advocate, May 20, 2011
3) Study: Homosexuality, celibacy didn’t cause abuse
Washington, Associated Press, May 18, 2011
4) A steamy lesbian love scene on ‘The Good Wife’? Add to the list of girl-on-girl prime-time TV action
LA Times, May 19, 2011
5) Editor Shares Transition Story
Advocate, May 19, 2011
6) Sexual Diversity and the Catholic Church: Time for a Serious Conversation?
Huffington Post, May 10, 2011
7) Frank Bruni Named First Openly Gay Op-Ed Columnist in New York Times History
New York, The Wrap, May 23, 2011
8) Tenn. Green-Lights Discrimination
Tennessee, Advocate, May 23, 2011
9) Poll: Christians Support LGBT Equality
Advocate, May 23, 2011
10) Congressional briefing spotlights findings of Injustice at Every Turn
Washington, National Gay & Lesbian Taskforce, May 16, 2011
11) Billie Jean King addresses Vermont graduates
Burlington, Vt.,, May 23, 2011
12) Straight or Gay? Vowels in Speech May Give it Away
U.S. News & World Report, May 20, 2011
13) Oakland school’s lessons in gender diversity
San Francisco Chronicle, May 24, 2011
14) Bulls’ Noah says $50,000 fine for slur is ‘fair’
Chicago, Miami, May 24, 2011
15) Parents keep child’s gender under wraps
Toronto, Canada, Yahoo News, May 24, 2011
16) People Think 1 in 4 Americans are Gay
Advocate, May 27, 2011