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Sen. Stevens Indicted

Tuesday, 29 July 2008 – 9:57 AM | Comments Off on Sen. Stevens Indicted
Sen. Stevens Indicted
U.S. Sen. Ted Stevens was indicted this morning by a federal grand jury, on seven counts of failing to disclose thousands of dollars in services he received from VECO Corp., an Alaska-based oil services company, and from its CEO, Bill Allen, over an eight-year period.
From May 1999 to August 2007, prosecutors said, the 84-year-old senator concealed “his continuing receipt of hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of things of value from a private corporation.”
During that time, the indictment says, Allen and other VECO employees were soliciting Stevens for “multiple official actions …. knowing that Stevens could and did use his official position and his office on behalf of VECO during that same time period.”
VECO’s requests included funding and other aid for the company’s projects and partnerships in Pakistan and Russia, and federal grants from several agencies, according to the indictment filed in U.S. District Court in Washington.

Pride and Politics in Anchorage Parade and Festival

Thursday, 17 July 2008 – 4:58 PM | Comments Off on Pride and Politics in Anchorage Parade and Festival
Pride and Politics in Anchorage Parade and Festival

Three political candidates participated in the Anchorage PrideFest 2008 Parade and Festival on the Park Strip, adding a strong political presence to this year’s LGBT Pride.
Supporters of Mark Begich, Diane Benson, and Ethan Berkowitz marched down 9th Avenue in the Celebrating Diversity Parade, along with the Anchorage Democrats, the ACLU of Alaska, and a variety of LGBT and gay-friendly social and community groups. 
Mark Begich walked with his supporters at the beginning of the parade, then left to attend the Statehood Celebration. He returned later with his son, and read the city proclamation establishing the third Saturday in June as Gay Pride Day. Begich, a democrat running for US Senate against Sen. Ted Stevens, has attended PrideFest every year since becoming mayor.

During the Festival, Diana Benson talked with PrideFest attendees, but did not march in the Parade or speak on stage. Benson, a progressive running for the US House of Representatives, supported Out North when it’s funding was challenged by the Assembly several years ago, and supports gay marriage. 
Ethan Berkowitz did not attend PrideFest, but sent a press release of his endorsement by the Human Rights Campaign, one of the nation’s largest LGBT rights organizations. Berkowitz, also running for the US House of Representatives, supported same-sex partner benefits as a state legislator, and includes sexual orientation and partner benefits in his civil rights statement.
In addition to the candidate contingents, two allies showed their support for LGBT equality by participating in PrideFest.
The Anchorage Democrats marched in the Parade behind a banner stating “Equal Civil Rights for ALL People.” The Anchorage Democrats also had a booth at the Festival, registering voters and providing material about the candidates, including Begich, Benson, Berkowitz, and Representative Les Gara, a member of the State House who is up for re-election.
Tiffany McClain, the LGBT Public Policy Coordinator for the ACLU of Alaska, led a group of marchers wearing yellow “Get Busy. Get Equal” t-shirts from the LGBT Project of the national ACLU and green foam statue of liberty crowns. The ACLU of Alaska was a sponsor of PrideFest again this year.
No republican candidates or signs were seen at the Parade or Festival, and no anti-gay protestors were present this year.

State House Candidate David Newman Supports Same-Sex Marriage

Monday, 14 July 2008 – 11:24 AM | Comments Off on State House Candidate David Newman Supports Same-Sex Marriage
State House Candidate David Newman Supports Same-Sex Marriage

David Newman is running for State House against Juneau Representative Beth Kerttula. David recently posted a statement
Repeal Alaska’s Constitutional Amendment Prohibiting Same-Sex Marriage
David submitted the following article to the Juneau Empire as a My Turn piece on June 11. He just found out that the Empire doesn’t run candidate pieces, so he’s published it here.
In 1998, Alaska voters approved a constitutional amendment prohibiting same-sex marriage by a vote of 152,965 to 71,631. This marked the first and only time in Alaska’s history that a constitutional amendment took rights away from a group of people. Yet despite the fact that this amendment passed by a 2-1 vote, it’s a violation of the U.S. Constitution and directly conflicts with the Alaska Constitution, because both documents guarantee citizens equal protection under the law.
Ratified in 1868, the 14th amendment to the U.S. Constitution has been cited numerous times by the U.S. Supreme Court in rulings which eliminated discrimination, including the desegregation of public schools in Brown v. Board of Education, and overturning Virginia’s ban on interracial marriage in Loving v. Virginia. The Loving case, decided in 1967, is relevant in this debate, because the arguments against interracial marriage parallel those against same-sex marriage.
In Loving, an African-American woman and a white man were sentenced to one year in jail for living in Virginia as husband and wife. The trial judge suspended their sentence on the condition that they leave Virginia and not return together for 25 years. In his ruling, the judge stated that “Almighty God created the races white, black, yellow, malay and red, and placed them on separate continents. And, but for the interference with this arrangement, there would be no cause for such marriage. The fact that he separated the races shows that he did not intend for the races to mix.” The U.S. Supreme Court struck down Virginia’s law – and the law in 15 other states as well – based in part on the fact that “(m)arriage is one the ‘basic civil rights of man,’ fundamental to our very existence and survival.”
Most people would agree that the statements made by the Virginia judge are not only supremely offensive, but ridiculous as well. Yet we should ask ourselves – Are the arguments made today against same-sex marriage really any different than those made against interracial marriage? The reasons for and against same-sex marriage have been made numerous times in the pages of this newspaper [Juneau Empire]; I won’t recite them again. But, I believe there is no difference. The disparate treatment of one group versus everyone else, whether it be based on race, ethnicity, age, gender, or sexual orientation, is discrimination, pure and simple.
Not only does Alaska’s amendment violate the U.S. Constitution, but it is in direct conflict with Alaska’s Constitution as well. Article 1, Section 1 of the Alaska Constitution guarantees Alaskans equal rights, opportunities and protection under the law. It also guarantees everyone the right to pursue happiness, which most people believe is one of the basic human rights of a civilized society. This idea was not lost on the Loving court, which stated that “(t)he freedom to marry has long been recognized as one of the vital personal rights essential to the orderly pursuit of happiness by free men.” Yet our own Constitution contains an amendment that denies same-sex couples the ability to pursue what the U.S. Supreme Court recognized as one of the most vital personal rights – not only the right to marry, but the right to enjoy all the additional benefits that accompany marriage.
When those 152,965 people stepped into the voting booth in 1998 and voted to amend Alaska’s Constitution to remove rights from an entire group of people, what were they thinking? Were they motivated by religion, fear, hate, bigotry, ignorance, or something else entirely? I don’t know. What I do know is that we as a people must reject all forms of discrimination, regardless of where it comes from or how it materializes.

Human Rights Campaign Backs Berkowitz

Thursday, 10 July 2008 – 1:08 PM | Comments Off on Human Rights Campaign Backs Berkowitz
Human Rights Campaign Backs Berkowitz
Congressional candidate Ethan Berkowitz has been endorsed by the Human Rights Campaign, one of the nation’s largest GLBT rights organizations. In recognition of their endorsement, Berkowitz made the following statement on his civil rights policy:
Civil Rights—Fighting for Freedom and Fairness for All Americans


In 1939, when Hitler invaded Poland, my mother’s mother knew that it was time to leave Europe. The immediate family made it to the United States, but those who stayed behind perished.


I grew up listening to my family’s history, and I know what it’s like to suffer persecution. My grandparents came to America because this is a country where all things are possible, where you should be judged based on who you are, not what you are. The values that unite us — work, family, freedom — are far more powerful than the issues that divide us.


No American should ever feel fear because of what they are. When I represent our state in Washington, D.C., I will fight to ensure that all Americans are treated fairly by their government in their communities, schools, workplaces and homes.


That fairness is part of who we are as Americans. Our nation’s creed holds that all people are created equal.


We all have the right to live free from discrimination, safe in our communities, with opportunity for all. Discrimination on the basis of religion, race, gender, sexual orientation, income level, or status violates our founding principles. Schools in low-income neighborhoods should be as good as the schools in the next neighborhood. Every victim of crime should receive justice, no matter the location or the crime or the victim’s personal circumstance.


I am proud of my record on civil rights. During my ten years in the Alaska State House, I fought to protect the personal liberties enshrined in the state constitution and to defend individual civil rights against the tyranny of the majority. Those positions might not always have been popular, but they are founded in the belief that the rule of law extends constitutional rights to all Americans, and protects minorities against institutional prejudices and bigotry like racism and sexism. That’s why I stood for subsistence rights. That’s why I spoke out for same-sex benefits, and against changes to the state constitution. That’s why I know that a better future for this state and this country means living up to the values of “liberty and justice for all.”


Alaska is the second most ethnically diverse state in the Union (Hawaii is number one). That diversity is a strength for us. I am proud that my daughter goes to elementary school in a Spanish immersion program, and that my wife served on the Tolerance Commission. I am honored to have the support of individuals and groups that represent the many communities that make Alaska and America diverse, strong and great. I’ll work every day to honor that trust and to protect civil rights for all Alaskans.

Another Alaska Legislator Charged with Bribery and Conspiracy in VECO Scandal

Thursday, 10 July 2008 – 12:25 PM | Comments Off on Another Alaska Legislator Charged with Bribery and Conspiracy in VECO Scandal
Another Alaska Legislator Charged with Bribery and Conspiracy in VECO Scandal
A grand jury has indicted state Sen. John Cowdery, R-Anchorage, on bribery and conspiracy counts in an ongoing federal investigation of corruption. The two-count indictment accuses Cowdery of conspiring with executives of VECO Corp. to bribe another unnamed state senator for votes to support oil and gas legislation. 
Three former Alaska lawmakers have been convicted in this investigation, and four current lawmakers are indicted.
U.S. Rep. Don Young and U.S. Sen. Ted Stevens, both Alaska Republicans, are under scrutiny for their relationships with VECO executives. Neither has been charged and both deny wrongdoing. (Associated Press)

Huckabee Endorses Young as "Pro-Family" Despite Outrage from Supporters

Wednesday, 9 July 2008 – 8:49 PM | One Comment
Huckabee Endorses Young as "Pro-Family" Despite Outrage from Supporters
Mike Huckabee’s political action committee has endorsed Rep. Don Young’s re-election in Alaska, saying “Don Young has been a consistent pro-family, pro-life vote in the Congress.”
Huckabee may like Don Young, but his supporters do not. They’re worried that the endorsement of the scandal-ridden Young will tarnish Huckabee’s image:
Given that Don Young has spent $900,000 of campaign funds on legal fees and will lose in the fall if renominated, I can’t go along with this one. 
I think that endorsing such a clearly controversial subject…and someone with skeletons in their legal closet, does more to hurt your credibility, than to help his.
You blew your reputation on this…and a reported 70% of Alaskans disagree with you. For Huckabee to support someone who has a $1M legal bill trying to defend all of his questionable deals, and tried to name one of the “Bridges to Nowhere” after himself, you obviously didn’t do your homework on this one.
… while I understand the value of loyalty, endorsing Don Young with his ethical baggage and his addiction to earmarks does not lend itself well either to your message and cause or to the Republican party.
Why didn’t Huckabee endorse Sean Parnell, Young’s challenger for the Republican nomination? Probably because Parnell endorsed Mitt Romney during the primaries, while Young backed Huckabee.