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Lima Beans for Croft, the Equality Candidate

Monday, 4 May 2009 – 3:15 AM | 2 Comments
Lima Beans for Croft, the Equality Candidate
Eric Croft or Dan Sullivan for Mayor of Anchorage? That’s easy. Croft has a record of support for LGBT issues, while Sullivan has led the fight against us on several occasions.
When Alaska GLBT News asked readers who they supported for mayor of Anchorage before the primary election, the first replies included one for each of the main progressive and moderate candidates, and half a dozen that said “anyone but Dan.”
But Croft is more than the not-Dan candidate. He’s the equality candidate:
  • “I believe and have always believed that people should be free to choose their life partner and have that recognized by the state,” Croft wrote in a recent email to Alaska GLBT News. “I will continue to fight for and vote for equality.”
  • Croft fought against and voted against the gay marriage constitutional ban in the Legislature in 1998.
  • “In the House debate, I compared the gay marriage ban to constitutional bans in southern states against interracial marriage, and told my colleagues that we as a state would be embarrassed by this amendment. We lost. In the decade since, I have always been proud of that vote. I am today.”
  • On partner benefits, he told the ADN the Supreme Court was right to allow benefits for same-sex couples.
  • “I don’t understand why two people expressing their love for each other affects my marriage,” said Croft in 2006. Eric and Joanna have been married for 15 years.
  • When asked if he thinks people choose to be gay: “I don’t care. It’s none of my business, really,” Croft said. “I grew up in an Alaska where you didn’t really inquire too much into people’s personal lives.”
  • “At one mayoral forum, they asked us to hold up a green or red card on gay marriage and I held up the red signifying that I knew of the constitutional amendment. I did not mean that my position had changed.”
Our friends in Juneau have more good things to say about Eric:

“Please let Anchorage know that here in Juneau Eric Croft was an outright supporter of us finally getting our state partner benefits. He offered wisdom and support on all his committees when he was a legislator. His opinions were always sound and balanced, thoughtful and well spoken. I think you can’t go wrong with Eric Croft,” wrote Maureen Longworth and Lin Davis, plaintiffs in the state domestic partner benefit case.

But what were the reasons for the “anyone but Dan” replies?
  • Dan tried to block implementation of domestic partnership benefits in Anchorage, against the Supreme Court ruling. (we got the benefits despite him.)
  • He lead the opposition against selling a municipal building to Out North as their new home. (they bought it anyway.)
  • He opposed the School Board over a PFLAG-sponsored display in the high schools.
  • He promoted a religious right-wing agenda on the Assembly.
  • He doesn’t have lips. (I admit that my partner sent that reply. It’s a pet peeve. How can you trust a lip-less man?)
Eric Croft for Mayor of Anchorage. Vote for Croft on Tuesday, or vote early at City Hall or Loussac Library. Bring a friend. Every Vote Counts.

Gay AK: Scholarships, Frontrunners, and Memorial Day

Sunday, 3 May 2009 – 10:45 PM | Comments Off on Gay AK: Scholarships, Frontrunners, and Memorial Day
Gay AK: Scholarships, Frontrunners, and Memorial Day

ICOAA Scholarship Applications
July 3 is the submission deadline for the Imperial Court of All Alaska’s Scholarship Program applications, available online at the ICOAA web site under “About Us.”
Femme Fatale
Photo (right) of Divas at Femme Fatale 2009, May 1-2 in Juneau, Alaska.

Just (about to be) Married
Congratulations to Chris Olson and Michelle Coen on their upcoming wedding in Iowa. They met in 1981 while living in Anchorage, Alaska but moved to Wisconsin in 1998 to be closer to their families. They plan to marry in Olsen’s Iowa hometown, so her 96-year-old mother can attend the wedding. Story and photo.
Anchorage Frontrunners, Tuesdays starting 5/5
Join Anchorage Frontrunners, a GLBT group that walks/runs/rollerblades (dogs welcome) along the Coastal Trail on Tuesdays from May-September. Meet at Westchester Lagoon at 6 p.m. in the far west parking lot near the coffee shack.
Memorial Day GLBT Community Picnic 5/25
The annual Memorial Day Community Picnic will be held at Kincaid Park again this year. The Community Picnic is a tradition going back more than 40 years, held in Eklutna until that property was sold last spring. The College of Emperors and Empresses sells burgers, hot dogs, chips, and drinks as a fundraiser for ICOAA.

Outside LGBT News

Sunday, 3 May 2009 – 8:56 PM | Comments Off on Outside LGBT News
Outside LGBT News
In Iowa, same-sex couples began marrying on Thursday, following the 3 day waiting period after the first licenses were issued. The senates of both New Hampshire and Maine passed marriage equality bills last week, and the bills will go to the state houses for approval. Unfortunately, the New Hampshire senators also voted to kill a bill that would have extended housing and employment anti-discrimination protections to transgender people.
The federal Hate Crimes Act passed the House and has Pres. Obama’s support. New Mexico will now offer health care coverage to domestic partners of retired government and school workers (current workers have received benefits since 2003.) 
A federal judge has awarded a former Army Special Forces commander nearly $500,000 in back pay and damages. Diane Schroer applied for a terrorism analyst job while still a man and was offered the job, but the offer was pulled after he told a library official that he was having surgery to change gender. The ruling is important because the judge recognized this as job discrimination.
The Scandinavian country of Iceland elected a lesbian Prime Minister. Johanna Sigurdardottir is the first openly gay head of a national government in modern times, and her country’s first female prime minister. She and her partner were married in 2002.
The British government has named Carol Ann Duffy as the UK’s new poet laureate. The first woman to be appointed in the 341-year history of the post, she is also the first openly gay person and the first Scot to hold the title.

Gay AK: Facebook, Four A’s, and Thanking our Allies against WAR

Sunday, 26 April 2009 – 9:41 AM | Comments Off on Gay AK: Facebook, Four A’s, and Thanking our Allies against WAR
Gay AK: Facebook, Four A’s, and Thanking our Allies against WAR
Bent on Facebook
Join the party and connect with others: be friends with Bent Alaska. Many LGBT Alaskans are announcing our community’s events and posting photos on Facebook pages, then sharing the links on Bent Alaska’s wall. Share your links, events, photos and ideas, and meet LGBT Alaskans and our allies. Bent Alaska on Facebook.
You are also invited to subscribe to Alaska GLBT News, the free statewide e-newsletter.
Fiesta & Bake Sale raised $4,000 for Four A’s
Two Four A’s fundraisers were held at Mad Myrna’s last weekend, the No Foolin’ Fiesta and Scott’s Bake Sale and Bake-Off.
“We’re so happy with the results of the Four A’s events these past two days,” writes Chrissy Bell, Director of Development at Four A’s. “Over $4,000 was raised this weekend! Thank you MJ and Scott for two awesome events and to everyone who came out to support those living with HIV and HIV prevention in Alaska.”
Scott Turner wants to thank everyone associated with the Community Bake Sale. “You all raised over $2300,” writes Scott. “Even in crazy economic times, we managed to beat last year’s total again!”
Please thank those who voted against WAR
Many of our state senators and representatives voted against the confirmation of W.A. Ross last week. Please take a moment to thank them. Here is the full list, for and against.
One of the representatives who mentioned WAR’s prejudice against gays as a reason for voting ‘no’ was Rep. Les Gara from downtown Anchorage. Please remember his support of our community. 
From his e-newsletter: “Good AG’s don’t come into the job with lists of groups they dislike. They have to get along, and make rational decisions so they don’t take the state into costly “political cause” litigation. And they have to do their jobs in an even handed way. An Attorney General has to represent everyone in the state, not just his own causes. For example, while Mr. Ross is not required by anyone to hold a particular position on gay rights, he seems to dismiss gay Alaskans as equal human beings… Mr. Ross fits lots of job requirements. But his temperament is better suited for politics, party causes, and private law. In private practice you can represent a few. As the State’s top lawyer you’re supposed to represent all.”
Read WAR’s complete letter to the Alaska State Bar newsletter, where he called gays “immoral”, “perversion” and “degenerates” in opposition to the 1993 effort to add sexual orientation to the Anchorage non-discrimination code.

National News: Hate Crimes, Uniting Families, and the ‘trans panic’ Defense

Saturday, 25 April 2009 – 12:14 PM | Comments Off on National News: Hate Crimes, Uniting Families, and the ‘trans panic’ Defense
National News: Hate Crimes, Uniting Families, and the ‘trans panic’ Defense
Uniting Families and Stopping Hate Crimes
The Uniting American Families Act (UAFA) has been re-introduced to Congress. An estimated 36,000 same sex bi-national couples in America are in danger of having one partner deported because their relationships are not recognized. UAFA will protect them from deportation the way heterosexual couples are protected. Visit Immigration Equality to read the personal stories and send letters to Congress.
The federal hate crimes bill, known as the Matthew Shepard Act, has been re-introduced as well. Watch the appeal from Judy Shepard (video below), and visit HRC’s action center to send letters to members of Congress.
Defeat of the ‘trans panic’ defense
Allen Ray Andrade was found guilty of 1st degree murder, of a bias motivated crime, of vehicle theft and identity theft, for the killing of Angie Zapata, an 18 year old transgender Latina woman. Andrade’s so-called ‘trans panic’ defense – that he panicked and killed her when he realized she was transgender –  did not sway the jury, and he was sentenced to life without parole.
Progress in WA and CT
Washington’s Gov. Gregoire signed a transgender hate crimes bill on Wednesday, which added “gender expression or identity” to the state’s hate-crime law and had bipartisan support in the legislature.  
The Washington state House and Senate also passed an expanded domestic partnership bill that grants approximately 250 additional rights and responsibilities to registered domestic partners.
The Connecticut General Assembly voted to update the state’s marriage laws to conform to the recent landmark court ruling allowing gay and lesbian couples to marry. The bill defines marriage in Connecticut as the legal union of two people, and transforms ‘civil unions’ into ‘marriages’. The bill also strips language from a 1991 law that said the state does not condone “homosexuality or bisexuality or any equivalent lifestyle.” Gov. Rell is expected to sign the bill. 

Alaskans Together on WAR’s Defeat

Thursday, 16 April 2009 – 6:29 PM | Comments Off on Alaskans Together on WAR’s Defeat
Alaskans Together on WAR’s Defeat

Alaskans Together for Equality applauds the legislature’s vote to reject Wayne Anthony Ross as Attorney General.

“Wayne Anthony Ross’s derogatory statements about gay Alaskans, his stance on native rights, and his views on women and domestic violence made him an incredibly polarizing and divisive figure,” wrote Tim Stallard for Alaskans Together.

“Many Alaskans joined us in our doubt that Ross could uphold the constitutional rights of ALL Alaskans without discrimination. We hope that Governor Palin will nominate someone who will earn the public’s trust and respect the constitutional rights of all Alaskans.”

Alaskans Together for Equality, Inc. is the statewide lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender civil rights organization in Alaska.

WAR goes down!

Thursday, 16 April 2009 – 12:48 PM | 3 Comments
WAR goes down!

Report from Mel: “23 yeas, 35 nays. Wayne Anthony Ross will NOT be Alaska’s Attorney General. We fought the good fight, people, and we WON!”

WAR’s anti-gay letter: pedophile jokes, criminals, "immoral in the eyes of anyone with intelligence"

Wednesday, 15 April 2009 – 9:59 PM | 5 Comments
WAR’s anti-gay letter: pedophile jokes, criminals, "immoral in the eyes of anyone with intelligence"

UPDATE from Mel: “23 yeas, 35 nays: WAR goes down! Wayne Anthony Ross will NOT be Alaska Attorney General. We fought the good fight, people, and we WON!”

* * *

Wayne Anthony Ross’ letter to Lawyers Against Discrimination began with a reference to gays as pedophiles: “Dear LAD: (LAD??? Intentional, on your part? Or merely a Freudian slip?)”

Three weeks ago, Bent Alaska reported that Attorney General-nominee Wayne Anthony Ross called gays “degenerates”, “immoral” and a “perversion” in a letter to the Alaska State Bar Association’s newsletter, according to the ADN. Since then, Ross has refused to answer the legislators when asked if he feels this way about gays and lesbians now, and, when pressed, compared his homophobia to hating lima beans.

We’ve learned much about Ross, on many topics, but the question remained: what did the rest of his letter say? The Legislature is scheduled to vote on Ross’ appointment Thursday at 11 a.m., and Bent obtained the letter just in time.

Ross wrote the letter to the Alaska Bar Rag in March 1993 in response to an appeal from “Lawyers Against Discrimination,” a group that fought the repeal of a non-discrimination ordinance, approved by the Anchorage Assembly, which prohibited the Municipality from employment discrimination on the basis of “sexual preference.”

“It was a big messy battle in Anchorage in late 1992/early 1993,” writes Mel Green. “The ordinance was ultimately rescinded.” Discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or preference remains legal today in Anchorage and the rest of Alaska.

Ross’ full response to Lawyers Against Discrimination:

“Dear LAD: (LAD??? Intentional, on your part? Or merely a Freudian slip?)

I received your letter of 23 February 1993 regarding the Anchorage homosexual rights ordinance. While I am not surprised to see some of the names on your letterhead, I am most disappointed in other names thereon. I had more respect for some of you than I do now.

I am in favor of repeal of the measure. I see nothing involving civil rights in this matter. We all, heterosexual or homosexual, have certain rights. This bill seems to give extra rights to a group whose lifestyle was a crime only a few years ago, and whose beliefs are certainly immoral in the eyes of anyone with some semblance of intelligence and moral character.

It is a shame that you folks don’t have some causes you could become involved in that are of benefit to society in general. Instead, you support degenerates. No wonder the legal profession is treated with less respect than we wish.

If, as you apparently believe, morality is not based on long-standing God-given and God-instilled principles, but is something that changes from time to time based on public perception of right and wrong, then that is even more reason for you to allow this referendum to go to a vote of the people. After all, isn’t it your position that public morality is based upon whatever the public decides?

None of you has done anything publicly (to my knowledge) to attempt to protect the millions of lives of innocent children killed each year through abortion, yet you collectively contribute $5,000 to the cause of sexual perversion. It is quite disheartening to me to see my fellow members of our honorable profession display such a lack of proper priorities.

Wayne Anthony Ross

(from page 7 of the May-June 1993 Alaska Bar Rag)

— hat tip to Steve for obtaining Ross’ letter

Mel’s anti-WAR letter: “cavalier” attitude on domestic violence and abuse

Wednesday, 15 April 2009 – 9:14 AM | 2 Comments
Wayne Anthony Ross

I’m a writer-blogger, not a political blogger — though I did try it out a little last fall after Palin became a vice-presidential candidate. But it proved too emotionally exhausting for me, & other Alaska progressive bloggers were doing it better. Sometimes, though, you gotta take a stand on something. So here’s the letter that I just finished sending out to Alaska legislators. Every. Single. One. Of. Them. It’s about my opposition to confirming Wayne Anthony Ross as Alaska Attorney General.

WAR compares gays to lima beans, "hates" us

Monday, 13 April 2009 – 3:28 PM | Comments Off on WAR compares gays to lima beans, "hates" us
WAR compares gays to lima beans, "hates" us

Wayne Anthony Ross, Gov. Palin’s choice for Attorney General, was asked during Friday’s confirmation hearing how he would view cases involving homosexuality, since he called gays “immoral”, “perverse” and “degenerates” in the Alaska Bar newsletter.

“Let me give you an analogy,” Ross said. “I hate lima beans. I’ve never liked lima beans. But if I was hired to represent the United Vegetable Growers, would you ask me if I liked lima beans. No. If I disliked lima beans. No. Because my job is to represent the United Vegetable Growers.”

Gays=Lima Beans. He compares publicly insulting a minority group to hating the taste of a food. He “hates” us.

Later in the hearing, a representative talked about Ross’ well-known “flamboyance” and Ross said that flamboyance is something he associates with a fancy hanky in his breast pocket, “that kind of guy,” he chuckled.

What ‘kind of guy’ is Ross? He insults gays, Native Alaskans, women, blacks, unions members, peace activists, environmentalists … he called the federal government our ‘enemy’ during last week’s hearing … he made a sexist joke in response to an ethics complaint against Palin … and he wants to be the top attorney for the State of Alaska.

Ross thinks the hypothetical Vegetable Growers would hire a lawyer who publicly declares “I hate lima beans.” The question is, will the real State of Alaska hire an Attorney General who “hates” Alaskans?