If I can get online at the hearing and picnic today, I’ll do a bit of live-blogging in the comments below this post. Feel free to join in.
Tuesday, 16 June 2009 – 1:27 PM
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Gov. Palin, in today’s acceptance of David Letterman’s apology, talked about America’s Right to Free Speech: “may that right be used to promote equality and respect.” I couldn’t agree more!
The second Assembly hearing on the equal rights ordinance for Anchorage is tonight, Tuesday June 16, in Loussac Library. Doors open at 3 p.m., meeting starts at 5, arrive early if you want a seat inside.
At least two groups are holding picnics with food and music outside on the Library lawn. Potluck of the People will celebrate both the diversity and the unity of our city, and everyone is invited. Bring food and musical instruments. Wear whatever you like and make your own sign.
An anti-ordinance demonstration is also planned, with food and a “praise band.” Mass-produced signs with a pre-approved message in large block letters (shows up great on TV!) will be available for you to carry. Everyone wears red. The demo is Prevo’s media display, to show that he calls the shots in this town, to flash his big red band.
So who should determine the laws of Anchorage?
1. The Assembly and Mayor, with input from a diversity of Anchorage people.
2. Residents of Wasilla (who are being allowed to testify against the ordinance.)
3. Jerry Prevo.
The ordinance has already been watered down once to appease Prevo, who responded that “the term “sexual orientation” is not acceptable in any discrimination ordinance.” Members of the clergy, including Prevo and those who support equality, met with the Assembly and Mayor last night. Today, the ordinance is being
revised again.
Who should decide what becomes the law in Anchorage and what doesn’t? The Assembly, Mayor and residents, including you and me and the Moderate Majority? Or extremists like Prevo and his followers?
Send your answer to the Assembly members today:
Attend the second hearing on the equal rights ordinance this evening. Come early if you want a seat inside the library. Bring food, drink and music for the unity picnic on the lawn. See you there!
Tuesday, 16 June 2009 – 1:16 AM
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from Equality Works

The second round of testimony is on Tuesday, June 16, 5-11 pm. Once again, we want to try to fill Loussac Library with a sea of blue (and don’t forget your Equality Works buttons!). You may have already testified, but we still need you to be there in solidarity with those who haven’t had a chance. They need to hear you applauding and supporting their bravery just as they did for you.
Please come early! Doors to the Assembly chambers are unlocked at 3 pm, but if you can get there earlier, even better. Bring a book, bring friends, bring your laptop–but be there!
There is a third round of testimony scheduled for the following day, Wednesday, June 17, from 4-10 pm. So if you can’t make it on Tuesday, come Wednesday.
A Note on Safety
We are aware that the atmosphere outside Loussac Library last week was in many ways far more heated and hostile than the atmosphere inside the Assembly chambers. Many of our supporters were so intimidated by the red shirts that they never even made it into the library. Others were afraid to walk back to their cars alone when the meeting was over.
To ensure that LGBT community & allies feel safe and welcome at this week’s hearings and other hearings to come, Jackie Buckley is organizing the Buckley Brigade—a welcome wagon/security team that will be present to greet our supporters with smiling faces, escort them back and forth to their cars if necessary, and ensure that the rallying outside doesn’t get too loud or out of control.
If you have any friends who left Loussac Library last week without going inside, please let them know that the Buckley Brigade will be working all evening to make sure that everyone is safe. If you’re outside the library and don’t see a supportive face, head toward the fountain just south of the library entrance and someone will greet you there.
If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to email
Tiffany McClain of Equality Works. Thank you!
Gov. Sarah Palin has ignored a Gay Pride Month proclamation submitted by Anchorage PrideFest, but a proposal to add “sexual orientation” to the city’s non-discrimination policies caught the attention of Wasilla fundamentalists, who arrived in busloads to testify at an Anchorage hearing on Tuesday while their children protested outside.

Children opposed to the equal rights ordinance lined the entrances to the parking lot and building during the meeting, wearing red shirts and carrying mass produced signs from the Alaska Family Council.
Palin’s hometown of Wasilla is not part of the Anchorage Municipality, but perhaps opponents could not find enough anti-gay Anchorage residents willing to testify against their neighbors and coworkers.
Before the hearing, Anchorage PrideFest sent a
Pride Month proclamation to Gov. Palin, inviting her to attend the annual Parade & Festival on June 20. Palin has not responded, although she has proclaimed Flag Day, Fishing Week and Auburn Founders Day in honor of Auburn, New York, so far for June.
The proclamation asks Palin to declare June as Gay Pride Month and to “urge all citizens of Alaska to join me in celebrating diversity by attending, supporting, recognizing, and respecting Anchorage PrideFest 2009 activities and events.”
On June 1, President Obama
declared June 2009 as LGBT Pride Month, stating support for measures like “outlawing discrimination in the workplace,” a subject covered by the proposed Anchorage equal rights ordinance.
The ordinance,
AO 2009-64(S), adds “sexual orientation” to the list of groups protected against discrimination in employment, housing, financing, education, public accommodations and municipal business. The original proposal was revised by the mayor to address concerns by religious opponents, but
opponents still object, saying “the term “sexual orientation” is not acceptable in any discrimination ordinance.”
Wasilla residents do not pay property taxes to Anchorage, nor do they vote for our Assembly members. However, a suggestion to limit testimony to Anchorage residents was turned down by the Assembly Chair.
Please join us at the next hearing on the equal rights ordinance on Tuesday, June 16, at Loussac Library. Doors open at 3, the meeting begins at 5 p.m. and ordinance testimony is likely to run from 7-11. Come early if you want a seat inside. Everyone is invited to share food and music at a Potluck for the People, on the Library lawn. Anchorage residents are encouraged to
write to our Assembly members and ask them to
vote YES on the Equal Rights Ordinance.
The Assembly has also scheduled a hearing for Wednesday, June 17, from 4-10 p.m.

In addition to planning a full week of Pride activities, Anchorage PrideFest 2009 has asked Gov. Sarah Palin to proclaim June as Gay Pride Month in Alaska, like President Obama proclaimed June LGBT Pride Month throughout the United States.
A few days later, Jasmine Stokes of Identity and Anchorage PrideFest, sent similar Gay Pride Month proclamations to Gov. Sarah Palin and Mayor Matt Claman, inviting both to join the LGBT community for the Anchorage
Diversity Parade and Pride Festival on June 20. Neither has responded.
Anchorage Pride Week runs June 13-21, with the Parade and Festival on the Park Strip on Saturday. The
full schedule of PrideFest 09 includes movies, a play, religious services, a reception, and the choosing of this year’s Mr/Ms/Miss Gay Anchorage.
Here is the introductory letter to Gov. Palin and the Gay Pride Month Proclamation for the State of Alaska:
June 4, 2009
Governor Sarah Palin
State of Alaska
P.O. Box 110001
Juneau, AK 99811-0001
RE: Gay Pride Month Proclamation
Dear Governor Palin:
Identity, Inc. is an Alaska 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization that, in addition to providing a number of services to the LGBT community in Anchorage, has also hosted Anchorage PrideFest each June for more than 20 years. Each year the Celebrating Diversity Parade and Festival on the Park Strip are big hits, drawing visitors, residents and eager participants. Throughout the city people feel a sense of pride and joy at being able to express the great diversity found here in Anchorage and the entire state of Alaska.
This year our theme is “The Last Queer Frontier” in honor of the state of Alaska that has and continues to be home to so many people who have done amazing things for the LGBT community, and also to bring attention to how the community has grown in its level of confidence despite various trials. It also pays respect to our Governor and the administration which has chosen to be progressive and accepting despite the many difficulties of taking the right stand.
The Pride Festival and Parade are scheduled for June 20, 2009. As you know, President Barack Obama has recently signed and announced a proclamation declaring June LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender) Pride Month. In honor of both his proclamation as the leader of the nation and the 40th Anniversary of the Stonewall Riots, it would be inspiring to have you show your support. I have enclosed a proclamation declaring June as Gay Pride Month in the State of Alaska that I invite you to personally announce. I would also like to extend the invitation, as always, to join the LGBT community in celebration.
If you have any questions about Anchorage PrideFest 2009, please contact me [phone number removed] or via email through the Anchorage PrideFest web site.
Identity, Inc.
Jasmine Stokes
Publicity Chair, Anchorage PrideFest 2009
State of Alaska
Whereas, Alaska is a state composed of a great variety of diverse peoples, cultures, religions, sexual orientations, languages and customs; and
WHEREAS, a society can only define itself as democratic and truly strong once there is an equal participation of all the community in any social, economic, and political activities; and
WHEREAS, the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered communities have contributed to the state of Alaska through active involvement in economic and cultural progress despite and in the face of active discrimination; and
WHEREAS, Anchorage PrideFest and Parade of 2009 is scheduled for June 20, 2009; and
WHEREAS, In June of 2009 the entirety of the United States finds itself approaching the 40th anniversary of the Stonewall Riots, a pivotal event in the development of gay rights and the establishment of a unified effort to rectify the wrongs experienced by those who endured that time; and
WHEREAS, the State of Alaska respects and values the dignity of all of its citizens;
NOW, THEREFORE, I Sarah Palin, Governor of Alaska, do hereby proclaim the month of June 2009 as:
And strongly urge all citizens of Alaska to join me in celebrating diversity by attending, supporting, recognizing, and respecting Anchorage PrideFest 2009 activities and events.
Friday, 12 June 2009 – 5:17 AM
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We want to thank you all for coming out to show the Municipal Assembly and the city of Anchorage how much you believe in equality for all. We appreciate and admire the courage of all who spoke, and the love and support of those who came to ensure that the people who testified had friends and allies to shore them up.
In many ways it was a difficult and emotional night, but in other ways it was quite heartening. It is easy to dwell on the hurtful things that were said, but we also saw the best of Anchorage in that room. It is our hope that you will help us carry the positive energy into the following weeks as the public hearings continue.
What You Can Do Now
Show up for the second round of testimony on Tuesday, June 16th! Once again, we want to fill Loussac Library with a sea of blue (and don’t forget your Equality Works buttons!) You may have already testified, but we still need you to be there in solidarity with those who haven’t had a chance. They need to hear you applauding and supporting their bravery just as they did for you.
Come early. Doors to the Assembly chambers are unlocked at 3 pm. Bring a book, bring friends, bring your laptop–be there!
University of Alaska students and supporters asked the Regents to add “sexual orientation” to the UA system’s nondiscrimination policy during the Regents meeting in Fairbanks last week. The News-Miner wrote in part:
Jessica Angelette, president of the University of Alaska Fairbanks Gay-Straight Alliance, told the university’s Board of Regents on Thursday that its current anti-discrimination rules lack explicit bans on discrimination based on “sexual orientation,” something she indicated leaves university life scarier for gay students and active supporters of gay rights.
Angelette told regents that some students, gay or straight, are harassed after participating in campus events. She said one girl moved out of her dorm room two weeks before classes ended because she was being bullied by her roommate.
“We … would like to work with the board to have the amending policy (be) the first step in making all campuses safe for every student,” she said.
The university system follows some “interdependent partnership” rules that extend benefits for same-sex couples to employees and faculty. But efforts to explicitly mention sexual orientation in the regents’ nondiscrimination policy — which bans discrimination based on sex, race and other factors — have fallen short at least twice, according to university records.
The comment section below the article is filled with thoughtful support and a few opponents who just don’t get it.
This comment posted under the screen name “reason” clearly explains why the policy change supports the UA mission and is essential in attracting the most qualified employees:
Kudos to UA students for taking the initiative to ask for a change in policy that is long overdue!
Many colleges and universities across the United States already include “sexual orientation” in their nondiscrimination policy, and many are beginning to add “gender identity” as well. The Fairbanks North Star Borough public school district already includes both of these aspects of identity in their nondiscrimination policy. It is important for UA to add both of these to its nondiscrimination policy in order to protect students, staff, and faculty from the very real incidents of harassment that do take place on campus and that Christopher Eshleman’s article describes very well. Adding to the UA’s nondiscrimination policy is essential in forwarding the university’s mission: students, staff, and faculty all need a climate free of harassment in order to do their best work.
Moreover, like any other organization situated in a national and international marketplace, UA is competing with comparable organizations for students, staff, and faculty. Accreditation standards require universities to hire faculty with the most advanced degrees in their fields, and in many disciplines, such degrees are not offered in the state of Alaska. UA thus _must_ compete in the national and international marketplace for many of its faculty. As a faculty member who has sat on search committees for job candidates, I recently heard a job candidate express great surprise upon learning that UA does not offer a form of protection from discrimination that elsewhere is considered “standard.” The lack of language concerning “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” hurts UA.
The University of Alaska system cannot and should not wait for a federal law banning discrimination based on “sexual orientation” and “gender identity”. Many universities, colleges, school districts, and businesses already ban these kinds of discrimination because such policies better help them to achieve their mission. UA needs those protections now: to ensure that we can compete most successfully in the national and international marketplace to deliver the best education to the students in Alaska, and to ensure that all of our people can do their best work in a climate free of harassment and discrimination.
Tuesday, 9 June 2009 – 10:14 AM
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Join supporters of the ordinance before the public hearing tonight in Anchorage at an Equal Rights Rally & Picnic at Northeast Cuddy Park next to Loussac Library, starting at 3:30 p.m. Make signs, share food, and show your support for equality!

We need YOU to be at the public hearing on June 9th to show Assembly members that people in our town want lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Alaskans to be protected from discrimination!
Where? Loussac Library, Assembly Chambers 1st Floor (36th & Denali)
When? 5:00-11:00, but if you want to get a seat or you plan to testify, we recommend that you get there no later than 4:30.
What to do? Wear blue—the color of peace and unity—and your Equality Works button.
What if I can’t stay for the meeting? Get out your markers and paint to make a sign and show your solidarity outside the library for as long as you can stick around.
Note on Hearing Conduct: This is an official meeting that must be conducted as fairly and impartially as possible. It is important that we conduct ourselves with respect and restraint, no matter how offensive the remarks we might hear coming from the other side. Please refrain from booing, name-calling, or otherwise mocking those who disagree with you. Also, we want to see hundreds of supportive signs outside Loussac library, but they will not be allowed inside the hearing room.