Articles in Politics
A child of Anchorage Baptist Temple says: Vote for the children — Yes on 5

RJ Haywood was raised in the Anchorage Baptist Temple, where he once underwent their attempt to exorcise “the demon of homosexuality” from him. He survived and now lives happily as a gay man in Anchorage, with a message for Anchorage voters: Yes on 5.
The time to do the right thing is now: Yes on 5

“I dream of a day when I can show my future children how far we’ve come in the simple arena of basic human rights. I strive to make this day a reality before I’m old and bitter about the way my government has ignored my cries for equality.”— Bent Alaska is glad to have Colleen Crinklaw as a voice in our community.
Anchorage Baptist Temple: 61% of the funds driving anti-Prop 5 efforts

Anchorage Baptist Temple donated 61% of the $73,605 raised so far by the anti-Proposition 5 group “Protect Your Rights” chaired by Jim Minnery of the Alaska Family Council, according to media reports.
Minnery misrepresents One Anchorage fundraising

Nearly 1,100 Alaskans — about 75% of contributors — have so far donated to One Anchorage, a March 7 press release announced. But it didn’t take long for anti-LGBT leader Jim Minnery to claim that “Outside Gay Rights Funds Bankroll Prop. 5 Supporters,” completely ignoring One Anchorage’s numerous in-state contributors.
Episcopal Bishop of Alaska endorses Prop 5, Anchorage Equal Rights Initiative

The Right Rev. Mark Lattime, Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Alaska, is endorsing Proposition 5, the Anchorage Equal Rights Initiative, which will appear on the April 3 Anchorage municipal ballot.
Anchorage Baptist Temple prepares to enter Prop 5 debate, as tax assessor’s investigation continues

After a period of relative silence, Anchorage Baptist Temple is now preparing to raise its head in public discussion on Proposition 5. ABT associate pastor Glenn Clary filed on February 21 with the Alaska Public Offices Commission (APOC) as chair of a new group called “Protect Your Freedoms Vote No on Prop 5.
Your vote matters! Register by March 4 to vote in the April 3 Anchorage municipal election

YOUR VOTE MATTERS! Many elections are lost just because people forgot to register to vote. The deadline is MARCH 4 to vote for Proposition 5, the Anchorage Equal Rights Initiative, in the April 3 Anchorage municipal election.
Sara’s News Roundup, 2/19/2012: Whitney Houston against bullying

Whitney Houston against bullying, contraception & anti-LGBT rhetoric in Republican presidential politics, marriage equality in New Jersey and Maryland, Don’t Say Gay in Tennessee, and other recent LGBTQ news selected by Sara Boesser in Juneau, Alaska.
Savage Love Live in Anchorage: A photoessay

Dan Savage’s column today recounts how he “headed north last week to do Savage Love Live — a rapid-fire, slightly tipsy Q&A session — at the University of Alaska Anchorage. It was my third visit to UAA and it was a blast.” It was a blast for his audience, too.
Dan Savage speaks out for One Anchorage

Looks like Dan Savage and his husband Terry Miller will soon be recognized as legally married in their home state of Washington. But today Dan’s in Anchorage — and he’s no happier than we are about Alaska’s lack of basic civil rights protections for LGBT people.