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Sara’s News Roundup 12/13/09

Sunday, 13 December 2009 – 8:39 PM | Comments Off on Sara’s News Roundup 12/13/09
Sara’s News Roundup 12/13/09
UPDATE: The Bloomberg article (#15) is a false report. See “Death Penalty Still in Antigay Bill” for the story.

This week’s LGBT world and US news roundup from Sara Boesser in Juneau, Alaska.
New York, New York Post, December 9, 2009

New York, 365Gay.com, December 6, 2009

Atlanta, Georgia, National Black Justice Coalition, December 3, 2009

Huffington Post, December 2, 2009

New York, 365Gay.com, December 7, 2009

New York, Associated Press, December 2, 2009

California, Hollywood.com, December 3, 2009

Spain, ABC News, December 6, 2009

Business Week, December 4, 2009

Toronto, Canada, Physorg.com, December 1, 2009

Washington, Malaysia News.Net, December 8, 2009

New Jersey, Observer-Tribune, November 27, 2009

U.K., Advocate, December 7, 2009

San Francisco, New America Media, December 9, 2009

Uganda, Bloomberg.com, December 9, 2009

Houston, Texas, PRNewswire, December 12, 2009

Human Rights Day and Sullivan’s Hypocrisy

Friday, 11 December 2009 – 7:41 AM | Comments Off on Human Rights Day and Sullivan’s Hypocrisy
Human Rights Day and Sullivan’s Hypocrisy

Yesterday was International Human Rights Day and the theme was “Embrace Diversity, End Discrimination.” So Mayor Dan Sullivan – who vetoed an LGBT non-discrimination ordinance passed by the Anchorage Assembly – proclaimed Thursday as Human Rights Day, quoting the “everyone-except-gays” anti-discrimination law as proof that he is committed to “civil and human rights for all Anchorage residents and visitors…”
The Anchorage Human Rights Day proclamation touts the straights-only anti-discrimination law, proclaims the day, and ends with the message that the mayor “encourage(s) all residents to work together in the coming year on ways that we can achieve greater progress in respecting, protecting, and fulfilling the full range of human rights contained in the Universal Declaration.”
… so he can veto them?
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was signed in 1948 and did not include sexual orientation or gender identity. That explains why the mayor respects not the full range of human rights but the full range contained in the Declaration. Clever… and hypocritical.
But the official Human Rights Day statement does include gays.
The statement begins with the sentence, “The concept of non-discrimination lies at the heart of human rights.” UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay lists the successes first, the international laws and treaties on non-discrimination which protect people throughout the world. Then Pillay describes the discrimination we still need to address, against women, indigenous people, racial and ethnic groups, religious groups, refugees and migrants. Gays and lesbians are named in the conclusion, which also describes the harmful effects of discrimination on society and closes with a call to action to help end discrimination (from someone who has not recently vetoed a non-discrimination ordinance and thus has credibility on the issue):
“Many other groups face discrimination to a greater or lesser degree. Some of them are easily definable such as persons with disabilities, stateless people, gays and lesbians, members of particular castes and the elderly. Others may span several different groups and find themselves discriminated against on several different levels as a result.
Those who are not discriminated against often find it hard to comprehend the suffering and humiliation that discrimination imposes on their fellow individual human beings. Nor do they always understand the deeply corrosive effect it has on society at large.
Discrimination feeds mistrust, resentment, violence, crime and insecurity and makes no economic sense, since it reduces productivity. It has no beneficial aspects for society whatsoever. Yet we continue to practice it – virtually all of us – often as a casual reflex, without even realizing what we are doing.
I would therefore like to encourage people everywhere – politicians, officials, businesses leaders, civil society, national human rights institutions, the media, religious leaders, teachers, students, and each and every individual – to honour Human Rights Day 2009 by embracing diversity and resolving to take concrete and lasting actions to help put an end to discrimination.”
In support of Human Rights Day, a new Yale study shows that gay people suffer more anxiety and depression in states with fewer gay rights. The American Journal of Public Health reported that LGBT people living in states that don’t have LGBT-inclusive protections suffer higher rates of psychiatric conditions such as anxiety disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder and depression.
The study concludes: “Policies that reduce discrimination against gays and lesbians are urgently needed to protect the health and well-being of this population.” More proof for why we need to pass ENDA.
For a brief moment, I wondered if Mayor Sullivan was making proclamations like Human Rights Day and November’s Say No to Bullies Month as a trojan horse strategy to get the social conservatives more comfortable with the idea of civil rights and reduce the tension around gay issues so they won’t blow up the federal building in downtown Anchorage when the military’s Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policy is repealed. But sadly, it’s more likely a cheap strategy to tell the racial and ethnic minority groups that he is willing to give lip service to their rights (no real power, of course, just empty tokens of appreciation) in exchange for their votes on a second term as mayor… where he will continue to oppose our rights.
Happy Human Rights Day, Anchorage.

Ex-gays inspire Kill the Gays bill in Uganda, CBC & Prevo are silent

Thursday, 10 December 2009 – 2:43 PM | 2 Comments
Ex-gays inspire Kill the Gays bill in Uganda, CBC & Prevo are silent

American ex-gay leaders, mega-church pastors and conservative senators are behind the push for Uganda’s anti-homosexuality law that will impose life imprisonment for being gay, death by hanging for having gay sex if you’re HIV positive, and up to 3 years in prison for not reporting gay people to the government.

U.S. ex-gays organized a conference in Uganda earlier this year that provided the inspiration and supposed “evidence” to justify the Anti-Homosexuality Law, introduced right after the conference. If gays can be cured by prayer, goes the argument, then those who continue to be gay are just not praying hard enough. In Uganda, being gay is already a crime, and now anyone who isn’t cured will be sent to prison for life or killed.

Is the true intent of the ex-gay industry to eliminate homosexuals – by any means necessary? Do the sponsors of the ex-gay events in Alaska support this? Why haven’t the UAF Campus Bible Club, the Abbott Loop Community Church, and Jerry Prevo spoken out and condemned this death bill?

Rachel Maddow is reporting an on-going series called “Uganda Be Kidding Me” on the U.S. connection to the proposed law. A segment focusing on the ex-gays shows three American groups closely involved with Uganda’s effort to eliminate gays: congressmen connected to The Family, evangelical pastors, and the ex-gays.

Watch Uganda Be Kidding Me: the story behind ‘curing’ gays (Dec 8):

Visit msnbc.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

The ex-gay methods are dangerous and ineffective, and these groups are exporting a deadly homophobia to countries like Uganda. But the larger goal of The Family is Dominion, a world run by evangelical Christian rule. In other words, sharia, and a return to the Dark Ages.

Frank Schaeffer on the Brad Blog shows that killing gays for Jesus is just part of the larger plan. Bruce Wilson on Talk To Action connects Rick Warren’s purpose driven “reformation” to Uganda’s anti-homosexuality law, and explains the Dominion plan for setting up evangelical Christian governments. Uganda is just the tip of the iceberg.

Box Turtle Bulletin tracks the ex-gay industry and has been following the Uganda bill all year.

For an inside look on African gays, GayUganda is a blog written by a gay Uganda man who is still in the country, writing about the bill and the international response, and questioning whether he and his partner should leave or stay and be martyred. It’s heartbreaking.

So who is going to ask Campus Bible Club, Abbott Loop, and Prevo if they support the Kill the Gays bill?

Sara’s News Roundup 12/6/09

Sunday, 6 December 2009 – 11:04 AM | Comments Off on Sara’s News Roundup 12/6/09
Sara’s News Roundup 12/6/09
This week’s LGBT news roundup from Sara Boesser in Juneau.
Fairbanks, Alaska, Juneau Empire, December 2, 2009
Cleveland, Ohio, WKYC.com, December 1, 2009
California, November 2009
Stockholm, Sweden, AFP, December 1, 2009
Salt Lake City, Utah, Daily Utah Chronicle, December 1, 2009
Buenos Aires, Reuters, November 30, 2009
US Magazine, December 1, 2009
Atlanta, Georgia, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, November 16, 2009
November 2009
Advocate, December 2, 2009
Washington, D.C., Washington Post, December 5, 2009
Farmington, Connecticut, Bristol Press, December 4, 2009
Maine, fivethirtyeight.com, December 4, 2009
New York, Freedom to Marry, December 1, 2009
New Jersey, Advocate, December 4, 2009

Meditation, Grants, Facebook, Arctic Heat, and lots ‘o news

Saturday, 5 December 2009 – 10:38 AM | Comments Off on Meditation, Grants, Facebook, Arctic Heat, and lots ‘o news
Meditation, Grants, Facebook, Arctic Heat, and lots ‘o news
Gay AK – news for and about LGBTA Alaska
Good News, Bad News
In national news this week, DC approved gay marriage, New York defeated gay marriage, and New Jersey said they are almost ready to vote on gay marriage. Washington state’s expanded domestic partnership law took effect on Thursday. Atlanta GA elected the first openly lesbian African-American state senator in the U.S., and Campbell CA elected the youngest openly gay Asian-American mayor. Meanwhile, Christopher Constant of Anchorage went to the Victory Fund conference to get ready to run the first openly-LGBT candidates for anything in Alaska. Email Chris at constant(at)alaska.net to see how you can help. We have work to do.

In local news, Gov. Parnell appointed Judge Craig Stowers, a conservative Christian, to the Alaska Supreme Court. The anti-gay and anti-choice groups are thrilled. Speaking of anti-choice and anti-gay, the same local groups that strongly oppose granting protected status to gays are pushing a new ballot initiative to give personhood status to fetuses so that abortion will become murder. They’re doing this in several states, and the Alaska version was just introduced.

Facebook: Hold Sullivan Accountable & Church Life Alaska
Two interesting new Facebook pages: Hold Mayor Dan Sullivan Accountable was created by a young man who lists the ordinance veto as one of many reasons he is concerned about our mayor. Church Life Alaska is a Christian Church for the LGBT community of Anchorage and Allies. If you know about a new local LGBT-related page or group, please share it on Bent’s FB wall.

Arctic Heat 2010 seeks volunteers and candidates
Arctic Heat will be in February 2010 and we are looking for people to help plan and produce the event as well as those interested in running for the following titles: Mr Alaska Leather, Ms Alaska Leather, Mr Bear Alaska, Alaska Bear Cub. Other titles are being considered and will be included if people show an early interest in assisting. Please contact The Last Frontier Men’s Club if interested.
Identity and ACLU win Pride Foundation grants
Congratulations to Identity, Inc. and the ACLU of Alaska for being the two Alaska non-profits awarded new grants by the Pride Foundation on Wednesday.

Gay-friendly Meditation Center & “Your mind is not your enemy”
Bird Trungma is opening the Dharma Joy of Enlightenment Buddhist Meditation and Study Center of Anchorage, and is giving a talk called “Your mind is not your enemy” on 12/13, from 1-3 p.m. at the A.T.O.M. Center, 4025 Raspberry Road, requested donation $25.
Bird is bisexual, with a preference for women, and was “a student of the Tibetan Buddhist guru, the Vidyadhara, Venerable Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche since the 1970’s. He was the first Buddhist guru to not only accept gays, but to appoint an openly gay man, Thomas Rich, as his Regent, meaning his chief student and acting guru to all of the rest of us. Besides being the first gay person appointed to such a high position, he was also the first Westerner so appointed. Thomas Rich was given the name Osel Tendzin by Trungpa Rinpoche and acted in that capacity during the 1970’s and 1980’s, prior to his death from AIDS. I knew him personally and loved (and still love) him very much.” For more info on the Center and the talk, email Bird at Joy of Enlightenment.

Anti-Gay Lobby Bullies UA Regents and Students

Thursday, 3 December 2009 – 11:07 PM | 2 Comments
Anti-Gay Lobby Bullies UA Regents and Students

Bent Alaska and the UA student, staff and faculty group asking the Board of Regents to add sexual orientation to the UA non-discrimination policy both got an unusual Facebook friend request the day after Thanksgiving: from Dave Bronson, of the anti-gay Alaska Family Council.

Why did Bronson ask to friend us three days before the regents meeting at UAA, when it was already public knowledge that the students would make their request again? Did he hope we wouldn’t notice that he’s an employee of the Family Council? Was he that desperate to know what else we might have planned?

Earlier in the week, the Alaska Family Council – a political lobby group unrelated to the university – sent an email blast titled “Don’t Let UA Regents Be Bullied By Homosexual Activists,” denouncing the students who are asking for the policy change (and who mostly happen to be heterosexual):

We have learned that activists in the homosexual movement are attempting to convince the University of Alaska Board of Regents to change the university non-discrimination policy so as to give special recognition to homosexuals. If successful, individuals engaging in homosexual behavior will be afforded the same recognition as members of racial and ethnic minorities.

Of course we want the same recognition as other minority groups. And if we’re asking for the same rights, then they aren’t special rights, they’re equal rights.

The Family Council told their members to email each of the 11 regents and pressure them to reject the students’ request.

Jessi Angelette, a UAF student leading the effort, did testify at the meeting, saying in part:

I am here today before you once again to urge you to amend the current non-discrimination policy and to add it to the next meeting’s agenda…

The Alaska Family Council has sent out an email stating that you the Regents are being bullied by homosexual extremists. This couldn’t be farther from the truth. We are a representation of the students you have sworn an oath to educate and protect. There are thousands of students who call the campuses home while trying to attain their education. Isn’t it their right to feel protected from being harassed and discriminated against based on their orientation or their perceived orientation where they call home?

After doing research of other college and university non-discrimination policies, we have found that many have sexual orientation included in their polices and some of the schools are in states that do not have laws protecting LBGT citizens, such as Alabama. We have also looked at Tier 4 in the school rankings where UAF is ranked and have found only 1/6 of the schools do not have sexual orientation in their non-discrimination policy. These schools have shown that even though their cities and states may not have laws to protect the LBGT citizens, they have taken it upon themselves to insure the safety of their students.

UAA students John and Heather Aronno also support the policy change. In The Bully on Campus at UAA, they quote the Family Council argument that this policy would limit their freedom to insult us, then respond to Jim Minnery, who signed the email:

…Have you been to UAA Jim? The right-to-life club hands out fliers with a revolver aimed at a fetus. We’re not in any danger zone that threatens the suppression of free speech, nor is anyone impeding the free exercise of religion… Unless it’s hate speech. You’re the one asking people who are otherwise in no way affiliated with UAA to flood board member inboxes and voicemail, and if that doesn’t work, barge into a board meeting and scream bloody murder. Again.

The students also note that the Council email links to a faux-college video called “Indoctrinate U: Our Education, Their Politics” and the page only lists past screenings, not the upcoming ones (to avoid protests?) Don’t be surprised if it shows in Anchorage next year.

So, which group do you think the UA Regents should give priority: UA students and staff, or an unrelated political lobby trying to force their religious bigotry on our public university?

Please take a moment and contact the UA Regents in favor of the student request. If you are a current or former UA student, staff or faculty member, please mention your connection to the university.

And if you moderate a GLBT Alaska Facebook page, please check profiles before you accept friend requests. You never know who will want to be your “friend.”

Sara’s News Roundup 11/29/09

Sunday, 29 November 2009 – 7:06 PM | Comments Off on Sara’s News Roundup 11/29/09
Sara’s News Roundup 11/29/09
LGBT news links from Sara Boesser in Juneau.
1) World AIDS Day is December 1, 2009
Eonline, November 19, 2009
New York, Reuters, November 25, 2009
365Gay.com, November 22, 2009
Washington, National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, November 23, 2009
Services and Advocacy for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Elders
Newsweek, September 18, 2008
Uganda, Africa, Advocate, November 25, 2009
Virginia, SameSame.com, November 2009
Los Angeles, November 26, 2009
The Star, November 26, 2009
Bangkok, Lebanon, Bangkok Post, November 29, 2009

Hate Vigil, Morality, Gospel Show, and a Seat at the Table

Friday, 27 November 2009 – 4:48 PM | 2 Comments
Hate Vigil, Morality, Gospel Show, and a Seat at the Table
Gay AK – reports from LGBTQ Alaska
Anchorage Vigil Against Hate Crimes
Anchorage, along with many other American cities, held a candlelight vigil last Sunday afternoon on the Park Strip to honor two young men who lost their lives recently because of anti-gay and anti-trans hate: Jorge Steven Lopez Mercado, age 19, was beheaded and dismembered, and James Mattison, age 15, was raped and stabbed to death. Thanks to Christopher Narvaez for organizing the vigil, and to Heather Aronno for the story and photos posted on Alaska Commons.
“The Morality of Same-Sex Marriage”
Listen online to the lecture that Dr. Joseph Thompson of UAF’s Philosophy department gave Nov 20 on “The Morality of Same-Sex Marriage.” The event was sponsored by the UAF Socratic Society and hosted by the UAF Gay-Straight Alliance.
Gospel Show benefits MCC
Miss MeMe’s Gospel Show raised $500 for the MCC Church. Thank you to those of you who supported the show and ICOAA: the Friday Divas who performed, the titleholders who participated, and all of our court and supporters.
A Seat at the Table
Christopher Constant is throwing a fundraising event on Monday at Mad Myrna’s to get ready to run openly-LGBT political candidates in Alaska. It is well past time we had a seat at the table. Chris will bring his limited edition art prints for sale, as well as two first edition “Dyke Life” board games designed by local Radical Arts for Women member Kenna Bates. Please join him and help this important effort.

Sara’s News Round-up 11/22/09

Sunday, 22 November 2009 – 11:50 AM | Comments Off on Sara’s News Round-up 11/22/09
Sara’s News Round-up 11/22/09
LGBT news links from Sara Boesser in Juneau.
Resources for Ministries Affirming the Diversity of Human Sexuality, Open Hands, 1998
New Jersey, Advocate, November 20, 2009
Washington, Advocate, November 13, 2009
South Africa, Advocate, November 19, 2009
Buenos Aires, Argentina, Reuters, November 18, 2009
Religious Dispatches, November 18, 2009
New York, Reuters, November 11, 2009
Salt Lake City, Utah, Washington Times, November 112, 2009
Africa, AllAfrica.com, November 11, 2009
Baltimore, National Catholic Reporter, November 20, 2009
Bend, Oregon, Advocate, November 20, 2009
Cleveland, Ohio, Advocate, November 19, 2009

Action: Support ENDA

Wednesday, 18 November 2009 – 11:46 PM | 11 Comments
Action: Support ENDA

A Message from Alaskans Together for Equality

In Alaska, firing a person because of their sexual orientation and/or gender identity is still legal. This is also true in 60% of the United States where gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) citizens are not protected against employment discrimination. Congress is getting ready to vote on the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) which would offer protection from discrimination for LGBT citizens, and action on our part is required. If we want the discriminatory status quo to change, it is our responsibility to speak up and ask our Congressman Don Young and our Senators Mark Begich and Lisa Murkowski to vote in support of fairness and basic protections from job discrimination for LGBT Americans.

Neither Representative Young nor Senator Murkowski have made public their support for ENDA. We can help by writing letters to the editors of our local newspapers on the importance of passing this legislation. We can also spread the word among our friends and family to take action in support of this legislation. Most importantly and easy to do – we can email and call all three members of our Congressional delegation. This will only take about 5-10 minutes – isn’t ending discrimination worth that?

Call and email Congressman Young, Senator Murkowski, and Senator Begich today.

Contact Congressman Don Young
at 202-225-5765 and via e-mail.

Contact Senator Murkowski
at 202-224-6665 and via e-mail.

Contact Senator Begich
at 202-224-3004 and via e-mail.

Here is a suggested phone message:

“My name is____________ and I am a proud resident of (your city, Alaska). I am calling in support of the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (H.R. 3017 and S. 1584), to protect lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people from job discrimination. Please take swift action to pass ENDA. I can be reached at ________ (provide your phone number). Thank you.”

Sample email message to our Congressional delegation (please personalize):

“Subject: Support the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (H.R. 3017/S. 1584)

Honorable Congressman/Senator______________:

Today, employers in many states including Alaska can still legally fire people because they are lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender. These hardworking Americans deserve the same protection as their coworkers, and Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) would go a long way to making this a reality.

Please support an inclusive ENDA – the bill that protects lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) Americans from losing their jobs simply because of their sexual orientation or their gender identity.

LGBT Americans deserve and need the ability to work — just like every American. Please help by supporting ENDA (H.R. 3017 and S. 1584) and bringing the bill to a vote in the House and Senate soon.

Thank you.

[Insert Name,
address and phone number]”

We must speak up loudly and clearly! The opponents are flooding Congressional offices with calls and emails – we all need to call in and speak up against discrimination. Our elected officials need to hear that this bill (ENDA) is a top priority of fair-minded Alaskans.

The Matthew Shepard and James Byrd Hate Crimes Prevention Act passed because the LGBT community and our many allies spoke up so loudly and clearly – that they even heard us in Washington DC.

We have a real opportunity for positive change!

Change will come, if enough of us act. The more of us who call, the faster full equality for LGBT citizens will arrive!

After you call and write your email, please forward this message or tell your friends and family what is at stake and ask them to contact their Congressional delegation too.

Are you a member of Alaskans Together for Equality yet? You can help by joining our organization and supporting our important advocacy work for LGBT equality across Alaska by becoming a member today.