Sunday, 6 October 2013 – 5:19 PM
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Bent Alaska’s blog will continue in hiatus indefinitely; but the Bent Alaska Facebook Group on Facebook is thriving — join us! A long-overdue update from Bent Alaska’s editor.
Monday, 29 March 2010 – 8:00 PM
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The UA system’s lack of protection for gays and lesbians is the topic of a front page article in this month’s UAA student newspaper The Northern Light. The article quotes Regent Kirk Wikersham as saying that he hasn’t heard much about adding sexual orientation to the non-discrimination policy:
“I haven’t heard anything antidotal regarding the issue when I travel to different campuses,” Regent Kirk Wikersham said. “I don’t know if (a policy) would pass right now. The board has not really spoke privately on the subject, but we decided at our retreat in January we would deal with it this year.”
Students have raised the issue before the board at every public regents’ meeting for over a year, sharing their concerns about the lack of protection for LGBT students, staff and faculty in the UA system. Apparently, Regent Wikersham needs to hear more.
If you study or work on a UA campus and have ever seen, heard or experienced unfair treatment of LGBT people, be sure to tell the regents about that (without outing the people involved.) LGBT people who are currently being harassed are less likely to speak up for themselves, for fear of being outed or fired, so it’s important that we speak for them.
If you have friends at other campuses, especially the smaller ones, please ask them to contact the regents as well. There are LGBT people at every UA campus, and the regents need to hear from them and their friends.
“Seeing as this has been an ongoing issue for about 25 years, I don’t see it going away,” [Jessica Angelette, the GSA president at UAF] said. “There is too much press and public interest, and not just in Alaska but the entire nation.”
Thursday, 25 March 2010 – 9:46 PM
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Defense Secretary Gates announced changes in the military’s anti-gay policy Don’t Ask Don’t Tell that limit third-party outings. The Pentagon still wants to make a one year study on the possible effects of a repeal, and Gates said the changes provide a “fair” way to enforce the gay ban while it’s in effect.
But the ban itself is unfair, and the repeal effort is heating up. Lt. Dan Choi and Capt. Jim Pietrangelo handcuffed themselves to the White House to protest Obama’s failure to act on the repeal. Support for the repeal is also growing in Congress, and Alaska’s Senator Begich recently said it’s time to move on.
Lt. Dan Choi, who faces discharge from the military for being gay, talks with Rachel Maddow about the latest adjustments in the “Don’t ask, don’t tell” policy:
Tuesday, 23 March 2010 – 8:49 PM
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Students have a First Amendment right to bring a same-sex date and wear gender non-conforming clothes to the prom, a federal court ruled today. School officials violated Constance McMillen’s rights when they canceled the prom rather than let her attend with her girlfriend and wear a tux.
“All I ever wanted was for my school to treat me and my girlfriend like any other couple that wants to go to prom,” said McMillen, an 18-year-old senior at Itawamba Agricultural High School in Fulton, Mississippi. “Now we can all get back to things like picking out our prom night outfits and thinking about corsages.”
School officials told McMillen that she could not arrive at the prom with her girlfriend, who is also a student at the school, and that they might be thrown out if any other students complained about their presence. The school board canceled the prom when the ACLU and the Mississippi Safe Schools Coalition demanded that the district reverse its decision.
In the 12-page ruling, the court wrote, “The record shows Constance has been openly gay since eighth grade and she intended to communicate a message by wearing a tuxedo and to express her identity through attending prom with a same-sex date. The Court finds this expression and communication of her viewpoint is the type of speech that falls squarely within the purview of the First Amendment. The Court is also of the opinion that the motive behind the School Board’s cancellation of the prom, or withdrawal of their sponsorship, was Constance’s requests and the ACLU’s demand letter sent on her behalf.” Further, the court says that since the school represented the private prom being organized by parents at a furniture store as open to all students, then the court expects that event will indeed invite McMillen and her girlfriend.
McMillen said that she plans to attend the “private” prom, but has also long planned to attend the Mississippi Safe Schools Coalition’s Second Chance Prom, to be held Saturday, May 8 in Tupelo. That event, sponsored by Green Day,, Iron Chef Cat Cora, and Lance Bass, among others, will be open to all LGBT students in the state, as well as straight students who are LGBT-supportive. The MSSC and the ACLU deal every year with complaints from LGBT students all over Mississippi who face resistance from their schools about bringing same-sex dates to proms or who don’t feel safe going to their own school proms.
“Today’s ruling isn’t just a win for Constance and her girlfriend – it’s a win for all the students at her school, and for all lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender students who just want to be able to be themselves at school without being treated unfairly,” said Kristy Bennett, Legal Director of the ACLU of Mississippi. “Public schools can’t just stomp on students’ free expression rights just because they don’t want to deal with these students, and if schools do try to do that they’ll be dealing with us.”
In Alaska, some LGBT students bring same sex dates to their school prom, if they feel comfortable doing that. Many don’t attend prom or bring an opposite sex friend to fit in. But they have the right to bring a same sex date, if they want to.
Alaska also has an alternate prom for LGBT students and their high school allies. The annual Pride Prom is the closing event for Day of Silence/Night of Noise, organized in Anchorage by the Gay-Straight Alliance student clubs.
Monday, 22 March 2010 – 3:34 PM
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Asked if he would support a repeal of the military’s Don’t Ask Don’t Tell policy, Sen. Begich replied “It’s done its time, it’s time to move on and change the policy.”
“When you look at the militaries of Canada, Great Britain and Australia, they don’t have any policy like this, and we’re serving arm in arm with them right on the front lines in Iraq and Afghanistan, and it has not caused any disruption of how we perform our duties. It’s done its time, it’s time to move on.”
Thursday, 18 March 2010 – 7:26 PM
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Two LGBT actions took place Thursday, one on each coast: a rally and protest in DC against Don’t Ask Don’t Tell, and a San Francisco sit-in and national call-in for ENDA, the ‘don’t fire me for being gay’ bill that is stalled in committee. Both actions are connected to, “a movement of everyday people dedicated to full equality” that includes Will Phillips, the 10 year old boy who refuses to say the pledge until LGBT people have equal rights.
First, Lt. Dan Choi and Capt. Jim Pietrangelo handcuffed themselves to the White House to protest Obama’s failure to act on the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell:
On the west coast, GetEQUAL is holding a peaceful sit-in at Pelosi’s SF office until she agrees to move ENDA forward, and supporting the protest with a nationwide call-in:
“Can you call Speaker Pelosi’s office right now and demand that ENDA (HR 3017) come to the floor for a vote? 202.225.4965.”
“A majority of Congress supports this bill to stop job discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity, but promises to bring it to a vote last fall were broken several times,” writes Jillian Weiss for GetEQUAL. “We have visited, called and written Congress by the thousands, and have been ignored… This ‘tyrrany of the majority’ must stop. Nonviolent direct action is relevant and needed and it’s happening now.”
“ENDA is important because studies show that LGBT workers endure high unemployment, underemployment and harassment. We have to lie and hide in order to get and keep a job. In 30 states across America, there is no law against firing someone based on his or her sexual orientation, and the same is true in 38 states for gender identity.”
“Ask Police Officer Michael Carney of Springfield, Massachusetts, who testified before Congress about the harassment he had to endure in the station house before being fired. Ask Vandy Beth Glenn of Atlanta, Georgia, who told Congress about being fired from her job as a proofreader with the Georgia legislature because she is transgender. This has gone on long enough.”
Shoot, ask the LGBT people in Anchorage who worked hard to get job and housing protections last year only to have Mayor Sullivan veto Ordinance 64 – his first of several unpopular vetoes. Please call Speaker Pelosi today, then join GetEQUAL:
I join with others who are ready to take bold action to demand equality for LGBTQ people. I will not accept excuses, delays, compromises, or empty promises, and I will hold accountable any person or organization who stands in the way. I will push back, rise up, and speak out against all forms of discrimination that plague our community.
“The mission at GetEQUAL is simple: to create a movement of everyday people—lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and straight—who are dedicated to bringing about full legal and social equality. We believe there are millions of Americans who are tired of waiting and are ready to act. Our goal is to serve and grow this constituency by helping them take strategic, coordinated, bold action to demand equality, and to hold accountable those who stand in the way.”
“We know it will take all of us working together to reach our goals, so we seek to create a broad and inclusive community. GetEQUAL will bring together people of every sex, gender, race, class, age, ability, look, religion, family status, or citizenship; those who can contribute in small ways, and those who are able to put themselves on the line. United, we can build a more powerful movement to demand change. We invite you to join us, and ask your friends and family to do the same.”
Watch 10-year-old Will Phillips of West Fork, Arkansas, talk about how we all need to take risks and get in a little trouble if we want to achieve full equality for LGBTQ people:
Wednesday, 17 March 2010 – 8:49 PM
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Jene Newsome, an Air Force sergeant stationed in South Dakota, was outed by city police, discharged under Don’t Ask Don’t Tell, and has returned home to Fairbanks with her wife Cheryl Hutson. They created a Justice for Jene! Facebook page, and ask us to contact the Rapid City mayor and council on her behalf.
Newsome served nine years in the Air Force before the forced honorable discharge ended her career. She lived according to the military’s Don’t Ask Don’t Tell policy and never told them about her orientation.
But the Rapid City police did tell. They told the Air Force they saw a marriage certificate at Newsome’s home when they showed up with a warrant for Hutson, who was wanted on theft charges in Alaska. Newsome was not named on the warrant and did not commit any crime. The couple had married in Iowa, where gay marriage is legal just across the South Dakota border.
Please send an email to the Mayor of Rapid City, the Police Chief, and the City Council asking that:
1. the officers involved in outing Jene Newsome be reprimanded, and the police department issue an official apology to her, and
2. Rapid City implement a non-discrimination policy that includes protections for LGBT people and applies to the police department.
Contact information for the Rapid City Council Members is HERE.
Newsome and the ACLU of South Dakota filed a complaint against the police for invasion of privacy, but the bigger problem is the Don’t Ask Don’t Tell policy. President Obama promised to support a repeal, and a majority of the public agrees that qualified gays and lesbians should be allowed to serve. Congress is expected to introduce a repeal this summer, and Defense secretary Robert Gates asked the Pentagon to start changing the policy. The third-party outing that ended Newsome’s career is yet another example of why Don’t Ask Don’t Tell must be repealed.
Keep up to date with Jene and Cheri on the Justice for Jene! fan page.
The Alaska Hate Crimes Bill (SB 202) has a second hearing before the Judiciary Committee on Wednesday, March 17. Alaskans Together asks us to contact our state senators in support of SB 202 with gender identity added.
Senator Bettye Davis introduced SB 202 earlier this month, and five people testified in favor of the bill at the first committee hearing. The full text of the bill is HERE.
Please send a message today in support of SB 202. Ask the Judiciary Committee to add gender identity and expression and to pass the amended bill out of committee.
Here are 2 ways to contact the senators in support of the Alaska Hate Crimes Bill. Alaskans Together provided the contact info and a suggested message:
1. Send an email message to members of the Senate Judiciary Committee plus the bill’s sponsor, Senator Davis. It is always a good idea to copy your own state senator as well.
2. Another option is a Public Opinion Message or POM, a short and easy-to-send 50 word message that should be addressed specifically to the Senators listed in the previous paragraph. Send the POM from the Alaska State Public Opinion Message System.
Your POM could say something like:
“I strongly support SB 202 with an amendment that adds gender identity and expression to Section 11.76.150(a). Please pass this bill, with a gender identity amendment, out of the Senate Judiciary Committee on Wednesday, March 17th.”
Alaskans Together supports the amendment of SB 202 to add the phrase “gender identity and expression” to Sec. 11.76.150 (a) because:
a) it covers crimes motivated by prejudice, bias, or hatred based on the victim’s sexual orientation as well as on other inherent characteristics, but does not yet cover gender identity.
b) people who are perceived as gender variant, whether heterosexual or gay, seem “different” to some people and may evoke a violent emotional response leading to harm.
c) a substantial number of crimes have been documented that are based on the societal perception of someone as “too feminine” or “too masculine,” or transgender. These crimes can include bullying in schools as well as assault and battery throughout Alaskan communities.
Alaskans Together supports the Alaska Hate Crimes Bill (SB 202) because:
a) it covers crimes motivated by prejudice, bias, or hatred based on the victim’s sexual orientation as well as on other inherent characteristics.
b) we recognize that hate crimes are not limited to the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community but occur throughout minority communities and are designed to create fear. This bill emphasizes that Alaska has no tolerance for such acts.
c) the Alaska court system has primary jurisdiction over crimes of assault and battery which may result in prosecution as hate crimes when occurring in Alaska.
d) Alaska prosecutors and law enforcement officials need the support and force of an Alaska statute in order to most effectively investigate, prosecute, and track all potential hate crimes within the state.
The very real consequences of DADT repeal; seeking survivor benefits for same-sex partner of Alaska shooting victim; waiting on SCOTUS decision about whether it will hear Prop 8 case; and other recent LGBTQ news selected by Sara Boesser in Juneau, Alaska.
In this month’s “Ask Lambda Legal” column, Lambda Legal answers a question about the federal government’s longstanding ban against donations of blood from men who have sex with men (MSM).
Alaska Pride Conference 2012 kicks off on October 5 with a First Friday showing at Tref.Punkt Studio of Love is Love, a photographic exhibit of LGBT couples from across the state.
United for marriage: Light the way to justice. The U.S. Supreme Court will hear oral arguments this Tuesday and Wednesday, March 26–27, in two cases about freedom to marry. Please join us on Tuesday, March 26, at the federal courthouse in Anchorage (7th & C) in a circle united for equality.
Pariah, a critically acclaimed film about a 17-year-old African-American woman embracing her lesbian identity, will screen at UAA on Friday, November 2, and will be followed by a discussion on acceptance in honor of Mya Dale. The event is free and open to the public.