Articles in Politics
Sara’s News Roundup 8/1/10

FotF targets Murkowski on DADT & Defense Budget, part 2

“The Abortion amendment FoF is talking about, is the Burris Amendment, which does not in fact affect the prohibition that currently exists on publicly funded abortions at armed services hospitals and even if the amendment passes, female service members will still be forced to privately finance the procedure, thanks to the Hyde Amendment. What it does, is allow military hospitals to provide abortions to women service members in war zones only, at the service member’s own expense.”
“Because that budget also includes the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell and a provision for female service members to pay for an abortion at a military hospital, with funds out of their own pockets, should they happen to be raped in a combat zone… so of course the FoF does not like that at all, because as we know its better not to buy bullets and body armor for our service people should the budget include anything to do with the queers or women.”
Republican senator apologizes for anti-gay career

“I should begin with an apology. I am sincerely sorry for the votes I cast and the actions I took that harmed lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people. Just as important to me, I am sorry for not stepping forward and speaking up as an elected official on behalf of equal treatment for all people. For nearly 26 years, the voters in my area of California trusted me as their elected representative. I look back now knowing there is so much more I could have done to inform the public about LGBT people and to fight for equal rights under the law. Regrettably and selfishly, I took another path in my life and political career—I chose to conceal who I truly am and to then actually vote against the best interests of people like me. All this was done because I was afraid–terrified, really–that somehow I would be revealed as gay.My past actions harmed gay people. In fact, all people are harmed when there is unequal treatment of anyone under the constitution and laws of our country. I do not believe in discrimination, and yet my votes advanced unequal of treatment of gay people and promoted the suspicion and fear that limits people from being forthright and accepted in society.Now, from what I have lived and learned, I want to do the best that I can to advance equality and freedom for all people. Given the shame and confusion that many feel over their sexual orientation, perhaps my situation can serve as an example of both the harm that can come from denial and fear, and the opportunity to try to make things right.… Now, I am somewhat of a novelty in politics. I am a gay Republican. I have always been a Republican, even as an eight-year-old boy with an intense interest in campaigning, elections and government. To me, Republican principles hold that each individual is special and unique; each individual should have the maximum freedom and opportunity under our Constitution; that government has no business in the private lives of our citizens.If these truly are the guiding values of Republicans—how did we ever get into the situation where my party is viewed as the anti-gay-rights party? Well, maybe because Republicans, including myself, have voted and acted to oppose equality and freedom for gay people.It’s time for fair-minded Republicans to speak up for what our party really stands for—individual freedom and limited government. If we truly believe the greatness of America is founded on the individual achievements of ordinary citizens acting with the maximum amount of personal liberty, then there should be no debate over where Republicans stand on the rights of LGBT Americans.”
Sara’s News Roundup 7/18/10

FotF targets Murkowski on DADT

“… After their intro remarks, they summed up by using all the buzz words and concepts, something like “if you don’t condone ‘open homosexuality’ in the military or want your tax dollars spent on abortions at military bases, call Lisa Murkowski and tell her to vote no on the defense budget which has amendments to repeal DADT and bar abortions on military bases.”“There was absolutely no opportunity to talk to a live person at the end… We need to counter by calling her to vote YES!”
Argentina Legalizes Gay Marriage!

“They are portraying this as a religious moral issue and as a threat to ‘the natural order,’ when what we are really doing is looking at a reality that is already there,” said President Kirchner. “It would be a terrible distortion of democracy if they denied minorities their rights.”
“Today’s historic vote shows how far Catholic Argentina has come, from dictatorship to true democratic values, and how far the freedom to marry movement has come as twelve countries on four continents now embrace marriage equality. Argentina’s vote for the freedom to marry marks an important advance for fairness and family values as more couples around the world will now share in marriage, with families helped and no one hurt. Today’s vote adds momentum to the international movement to secure the freedom to marry for all loving and committed couples.”“Key to Argentina’s human rights achievement was strong leadership from legislators and the president. It is time we see more of our own elected officials standing up for the Constitution and all families here in the United States. America should lead, not lag, when it comes to treating everyone equally under the law.”
Prevo calls gay Christians "deadly" as Ray Boltz sings of love

The Ray Boltz concert in Anchorage was a hit with LGBT fans and mainstream Christians – but not with Jerry Prevo, who warned his flock to avoid the free concert and wrote a column attacking gay Christians, calling Boltz an “ex-Christian” with “deadly secrets.” Boltz took the high road and answered the hate with a new song about love:
“I will choose to love,
though they shake their fists at me.
And I will be myself with you,
living authenticity.
Though they wrap their hatred
in a message from above,
I will choose to love.”
Amen to that.
In June, Bent reported that Ray Boltz was coming to Anchorage and posted his hit song “Don’t Tell Me Who to Love”, featured in a video for marriage equality. Meanwhile, Prevo warned his followers about the concert in a special all-caps “BEWARE” message, and explained in the ABT bulletin why Christians should not attend the concert of one of their favorite Christian singers:
“Many of us are familiar with such Christian songs as “Thank You” and “Watch the Lamb” written by Ray Boltz. For years, Mr. Boltz performed before numerous crowds and churches, singing and preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He sold over 4.5 million records before retiring from Christian music. Why did he retire?”
Prevo is very familiar with the song “Thank You” — in fact, his congregation chose the Boltz song as their special tribute to Prevo when they celebrated his 38 years of spreading fear and hate against gays. Oops! Boltz had already come out, but ABTers are notoriously behind the times.
“In December of 2004, Boltz revealed to Carol, his wife of 30 years, and his four children that he was a homosexual. Since that time, he has divorced his wife in lieu of his settling into his new-found lifestyle.”
Carol writes a blog in support of gay Christians, and gives advice to their former spouses. She also manages Ray’s website, and weeds out the hate mail from people like Prevo. Boltz lives with his male partner, as an honest gay man whose family loves and accepts him. He performs at gay-friendly churches around the country, and the tickets are often free.
“How does this happen? Paul gives us a look into this phenomenon. “For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying its power” (2 Tim 3:2-5). These are the religious people; these are the ones who exist in the community of believers; these are the ones who exhibit a “form of godliness.”
Do you think he has a special grudge against gay Christians? Blasphemers, traitors, brutal – he aims that whole list of sins at gay people of faith, just because they tell the truth about how God created them and continue to believe that God loves them. Prevo hates that truth.
“How hopeless can it be to know the truth and deny the power of that truth? How can we go through the motions day after day, coming to church, and even involved in ministry, yet “denying the sovereign Lord who bought us?” (2 Peter 2:1) “They profess to know God, but in works deny Him” (Titus 1:16). Jude wrote “They have gone in the way of Cain, have run greedily in the error of Balaam for profit, and perished in the rebellion of Korah” (v.11).”
Actually, these quotes apply perfectly to preachers who sell hate-for-profit disguised as religion. Just sayin’.
“Only an individual and God can know what deadly secrets he/she keeps. Don’t let them have power over you like Cain’s hatred for Abel (Gen. 4:7). Having a clear understanding of doctrine, attending church, and working in the ministry are vital to the Christian life, but they can also be counterfeited to fit a religious form. Jesus did not say the good branch sits faithfully in pews; He said, “It abides.” This is revealed in a continual desire to draw near to God, the expression of obedience, and a hatred for sin. Nothing would be more tragic than to say those hopeless words, “Did we not prophecy in your Name?” to the Lord who never knew you.”
Being gay is a “deadly” secret? Yes, says Prevo, a secret that will lead to the murder of good Christian Abels who are taken in by the “counterfeit” gay Christians.
Hate laced with the threat of violence. Don’t let them have power over you like Cain… don’t let them murder you with their deadly secrets… defend yourself and your family… kill them first.
Crazy dangerous hate.
Why does Prevo hate Ray Boltz so violently? He should be happy that Boltz continues to believe and has not abandoned the church.
Prevo hates Boltz because he knows that when Christians hear a believer they respect singing heartfelt songs about being gay and knowing God’s love, they will forget to be afraid of him and will be touched by the truth and humanity of his music.
And when they stop fearing gays, they won’t pay Prevo to protect them from a non-existent threat.
Try it for yourself. Watch the video below and the other videos from the local concert, and see if his songs move you. “Who Would Jesus Love” from the new album True is especially appropriate for Anchorage in the aftermath of the ordinance.
“Would He only love the ones
who look the same as me?
Would He only offer hope
when He saw similarity?
Would he leave the others waitin
like a stranger at the gate?
Would He discriminate?
Tell me, who would Jesus love?”
The following video opens with photos of his Alaska visit set to “Don’t Tell Me Who to Love”, then switches to the concert. Boltz tells about coming out to his supportive family, and sings the new song “I Will Choose to Love.” (The song starts around 4:20 and it’s worth waiting for.)
The haters in Anchorage need to hear this message, even more than the gays and allies do. I hope a few disobeyed Prevo and went to this incredible concert. Perhaps they will also choose love.
Firing of transwoman because coworkers might feel "uncomfortable" is discrimination, Court rules

U.S. District Judge Richard W. Story handed down a decision finding the firing of Vandy Beth Glenn—a former Georgia state legislative editor who announced that she would be transitioning from a man to a woman—unconstitutional.Born Glenn Morrison, the plaintiff alleged that her boss, Georgia Legislative Counsel Sewell Brumby, dismissed her after two years of employment because the gender transition she was about to undergo would make coworkers feel “uncomfortable” and be seen as “immoral” by Georgia lawmakers. In Glenn v. Brumby et. al., Sewell argued that lawmakers “would no longer trust his office if a transgendered person worked there,” states in a 50-page decision, Story wrote: “[A]voiding the anticipated negative reactions of others cannot serve as a sufficient basis for discrimination and does not constitute an important government interest.”
… In this case, “the court proved that the Georgia General Assembly isn’t above the constitution,” says Lambda Legal transgender-rights attorney Dru Levasseur, who is co-representing Glenn, in a press release. “The evidence was clear—Vandy Beth was fired because her boss didn’t like who she is, and that kind of treatment is unfair and illegal.”
Sara’s News Roundup 7/11/10

Watch: Robosexual Marriage

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