Articles in Politics
Bent News, 5/26/11: Roger Ailes finds us skeeeeeery!

A Gallup poll update on American attitudes about gays and lesbians, how to help Joplin LGBT tornado victms, Moscow Pride, Fox News president Roger Ailes is skeeeeered, and more from the past couple of days in today’s Bent News.
Prepare for Takei Pride Month!

Tennessee’s “Don’t Say Gay” bill would prohibit teachers from discussing homosexuality in classrooms below the 9th grade level. But never mind: just say “Takei” instead!
Sara’s News Roundup 5/15/11

Recent LGBT news selected by Sara Boesser in Juneau, Alaska.
1) Virginians are almost evenly split on gay marriage, Post poll finds
Virginia, Washington Post, May 6, 2011
2) Marriage equality film comes to Harlem
Harlem, New York, Pam’s House Blend, May 5, 2011
3) Female-to-male transsexual people have more autistic traits
University of Cambridge, Mass., May 5, 2011
4) Brazil’s Supreme Court approves civil unions for gay couples
Brazil, Pink News, May 6, 2011
5) Brazilian volleyball player says he is gay after enduring homophobic taunts
Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, Associated Press, May 6, 2011
6) Phoenix gay dads adopt, raise 12 happy kids
Arizona, Arizona Republic, May 2, 2011
7) More companies covering transgender surgery ~ Advocates want corporate America to see sex reassignment as AMA does
MSNBC, February 21, 2011
8) Inclusive Message for Mother’s Day
Advocate, May 7, 2011
9) Betty White Reflects on Gay Following
Advocate, May 0, 2011
10) NCLR honors George Washington University transgender student athlete
San Francisco, Metro Weekly, March 16, 2011
11) Justice Dept. to Continue Policy Against Same-Sex Marriage
Washington, New York Times, May 8, 2011
12) More cancer among gay men, California study finds
California, CNN, May 9, 2011
13) Air Force lesbian who won reinstatement retiring
Seattle, Associated Press, May 10, 2011
14) LGBT Elders Raise Serious Fears About Long Term Care Facilities
Washington, Red Wire, April 5, 2011
15) Gay marriage bill introduced in NY State Assembly
New York,, May 10, 2011
16) Larry King for N.Y. Marriage Equality
New York, Advocate, May 12, 2011
A majority of Republicans support either marriage or civil unions for same-sex couples

A majority of Republican voters support some form of legal recognition for same-sex relationships, according to a recent poll; and national trends show that a majority of Americans support marriage equality for same-sex couples.
Sara’s News Roundup 5/8/11

Recent LGBT news selected by Sara Boesser of Juneau, Alaska.
1) Bill Clinton Endorses N.Y. Marriage
New York, Advocate, May 5, 2011
2) Lesbian ex-cadet giving up West Point fight
Albany, New York, Associated Press, April 27, 2011
3) Gay Mormon Comes Out on The Voice
Advocate, May 4, 2011
4) 15-year-old girl says Christian school threw her out for talking about being bisexual on Facebook
Sacramento, New York Daily News, April 28, 2011
5) How Chaz Bono, Cher’s son, became a man — and possibly a transgender icon? [documentary on Oprah’s OWN channel May 10]
Los Angeles Times, May 6, 2011
6) ‘True Blood’s’ Evan Rachel Wood says she’s bisexual, ‘into androgyny in general’
LA Times, April 18, 2011
7) Maternity Store Offers Discount Only To Lesbian Customers
New York, CBS News, April 23, 2011
8) S.F. Catholic lawsuit rejected by Supreme Court
San Francisco, San Francisco Chronicle, May 3, 2011
9) Hands up! Moment a sham wedding groom was seized at the altar after officers hid in the church vestry
U.K., Daily Mail Reporter, April 15, 2011
10) Despite rapid growth, India lets its girls die
Moren, India, Associated Press, May 4, 2011
11) Growing Up Gay and Transgendered in Appalachia
Appalachia, The Atlantic, April 30 2011
12) Harvey Milk High School Competes for Gaga Funding
New York, Advocate, May 4, 2011
13) NYT Editorial: Fit to Rule on Same-Sex Marriage
New York Times, May 3, 2011
14) Gay Calif. mayor seeks U.S. House seat
California, Washington Blade, May 5, 2011
15) Arthur Laurents Dies at 93
New York, Advocate, May 5, 2011
16) USOC official Peter Vidmar resigns after anti-gay marriage actions
USA Today, May 7, 2011
Believe Out Loud: A Million Christians for LGBT Equality

This Mother’s Day, Believe Out Loud is inviting mothers and children everywhere to break the silence.
Determined to give voice to the millions of Christians who believe in equal rights for all, including the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered (LGBT) community, Believe Out Loud is launching a campaign to get one million Christians to break the silence and join the burgeoning chorus for full LGBT equality in the church.
Progressive Christians across numerous denominations believe that Jesus’ message of justice, compassion and love compels them to be fully welcoming of all people, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. Now is the time to speak up and remind the world that it is possible to be Christian AND believe in LGBT inclusion.
Simply believing that LGBT individuals ought to be welcomed into our church communities is not enough. The time has come to break the silence. Believe Out Loud. Express your compassion by welcoming and supporting the gay and lesbian members of our communities. Join us, and raise Christian voices around LGBT issues.
How can you make your beliefs real? Be active. It can be as simple as starting a conversation. Lending a hand. Offering a seat. Kind gestures are the first step down the road to inclusion.
Watch their new video and be inspired to break the silence around LGBT equality in your church:
How many gays must God create before we accept them?

The Minnesota legislature is debating a ban on same sex marriage, similar to the one passed in Alaska in the 90’s. On Monday, Rep. Steve Simon spoke in support of gays and lesbians and raised thoughtful questions, like this one that earned him spontaneous applause:
“How many more gay people does God have to create before we ask ourselves whether or not God actually wants them around?”
Watch the video:
Sara’s News Roundup 5/1/11

Recent LGBT news selected by Sara Boesser of Juneau, Alaska.
1) League of Women Voters Joins N.Y. Marriage Coalition
New York, Advocate, April 25, 2011
2) West Point rejects lesbian cadet
Albany, New York, Associated Press, April 22, 2011
3) Clement to defend DOMA with different firm
Washington Blade, April 25, 2011
4) Put It Gets Better In School Libraries, March 28, 2011
5) Texas may strip away transgender marriage rights
Austin, Texas, Associated Press, April 25, 2011
6) U.S. Department of Labor adds gender identity and pregnancy status to its equal employment policy
Washington, National Gay and Lesbian Taskforce, April 28, 2011
7) Uncensored, Gay Dorian Gray
Advocate, April 28, 2011
8) Marines get trained on accepting gay recruits, April 28, 2011
9) Ellen DeGeneres leads celebrities on Out’s power 50 list
San Francisco Chronicle, April 28 2011
10) Archie Comics devoting series to new gay character
San Francisco Chronicle, April 4, 2011
11) StoryCorps: A military man finds peace with his sexuality and his Mormon faith
San Francisco Chronicle, April 7, 2011
12) White House to host first ever trans meeting
Washington, Washington Blade, April 27, 2011
13) Business moguls pen letter endorsing same sex marriage
New York, CNN, April 29, 2011
Can you stomach this?

Caleb Pritt writes opinion pieces for Bent Alaska. His opinions are his own.
This post concerns an attack on a transgender woman in a Baltimore McDonalds, the attack video that went viral over the weekend, Caleb’s response to the incident, and suggestions for taking action.
Update: Please see Caleb’s post “Words do matter….” for a follow-up on issues about race brought up in comments to this post.
* * *
I want you to watch this video before continuing with the article. [warning for violence]
Chrissy Lee Polis is just like you and I. She has a brain, a heart, and she is an American who expects the benefits of a nation that promises LIFE, LIBERTY, & THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS. But in the words of one of this nation’s modern fathers, Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., from his famous “I Have a Dream” address at the Lincoln Memorial, we now echo for the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, TRANSGENDER, Ally community, the following:
“When the architects of our republic wrote the magnificent words of the Constitution and the declaration of Independence, they were signing a promissory note to which every American was to fall heir. This note was a promise that all men would be guaranteed the inalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. It is obvious today that America has defaulted on this promissory note insofar as her citizens are concerned….a bad check which has come back marked “insufficient funds.” But we refuse to believe that the bank of justice is bankrupt. We refuse to believe that there are insufficient funds in the great vaults of opportunity of this nation.”
Chrissy Lee Polis was spit upon, attacked, beaten, and dehumanized by sadly two African-American women who forgot Dr. King. Forgot about the sacrifices and the lives that allowed these two women to walk into a McDonalds and order their food. Even more insulting, McDonalds, which is a symbol of America as much as Sunday football or the American flag, had employees that looked on and watched this display of hatred and did nothing to intervene.
The question has to be asked, when do we say enough is enough? I say today is the day we say enough is enough. When the day has come, which is now, that ANYONE cannot enter a McDonalds and be served, but rather savagely treated like a dehumanized choice to be viciously assaulted with no regard, enough is enough.
Shall we as a society continue to fund a corporation that allows this hatred and violence to happen? If it doesn’t stop now….WHEN WILL IT?!
McDonalds needs to institute policies for ALL of its employees teaching them sadly how to be humans. This means no violence, no sacrificing of liberties, and no allowing the idea of some or any violence or disrespect is allowed.
As Dr. King also said, “An injustice somewhere is a threat to justice everywhere.”
What happened in Baltimore can tomorrow be in Anchorage, in Honolulu, in Salt Lake City, in Boston, in Fayetteville, N.C., or yes even in Washington, D.C.
We need to remember the words of Dr. King and re-echo them today. We need to stand up and tell McDonalds, THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE.
Here are 3 ways to do it:
Starting Monday at 4:00 p.m. for twenty-four hours, I ask you to make your Facebook profile pic a picture of a simple candlelight. The candle is for Chrissy Lee Polis and to let her know, while we are not at the vigil in Baltimore, a candle of hope burns bright all across this nation and she is loved.
Secondly, the phone number for McDonald’s Corporate is 1-800-244-6227, open 7 days a week from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. CST. Let them know you are horrified and that you demand nationwide training in transgender issues for ALL McDonald’s franchise owners and employees.
Thirdly, and finally, if you want to sound off, join Aunty Anita and I in two places. Join on Facebook, the group named BOYCOTT McCRUELTY. And also join us on the radio at Aunty Anita on Tuesday, April 26 at 7p.m. Alaska Time/ 8pm Pacific. The studio hotline is toll free (619) 393-6513. Please call in or listen on demand.
In the words of Reverend Jesse Jackson, who I hope will join us in this fight for civil rights, “Red, Yellow, Black, and White….WE ALL are precious in His light.”