Articles in News
Anchorage election: 10-voter Recount Group to prepare findings on recount problems, many which have been ignored

The Anchorage hand recount is done — or at least as done as the Municipality is willing to do it, despite its failure to conduct the recount according to the rule of law. Tonight the Anchorage Assembly will vote on recertifying the April 3 election. The 10-voter group which requested the recount plans to issue a report of its findings on numerous errors made during the election and the hand recount.
Bent News, 2012-05-22: Ex-gay therapy loses its one scientific “proof”; black faith leaders against NOM’s wedge tactics

Spitzer repudiates “ex-gay” study; black LGBT activists and faith take action against NOM’s wedge politics; protection from discrimination against transgender workers takes effect; and other Bent Alaska news of the day.
Sara’s News Roundup 5/21/12: NAACP endorses marriage equality

The NAACP endorses same-sex marriage and other reactions to President Obama’s May 9 announcement of support for marriage equality; Boy Scouts oust a lesbian den mother; and other recent LGBTQ news selected by Sara Boesser in Juneau, Alaska (with supplemental info from Bent Alaska).
Bent News, 2012-05-18: Federal rules against prison sexual assault, progress in Maine and Florida

- RT @metroweekly: Obama Admin Issues #LGBT Inclusive Rules Aimed at Eliminating Prison Sexual Assault – #
- RT @HRC: Maine Legislature Passes Protections for Students #lgbt #antibullying #
- Congrats! RT @equalityfl: Victory! Volusia County [in central Florida] Passes Domestic Partnership Registry #lgbt #
International Day against Homophobia and Transphobia 2012

Today is International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia (IDAHO), celebrated every May 17 to garner support for the human rights of LGBTQI persons worldwide.
Anchorage election hand recount leads to flipped race in one precinct, other anomalies

The initial hand recount of 15 precincts from Anchorage’s April election was completed on May 14, but some races will be recounted for “clarification” — but recount observers note additional discrepancies, lack of training for recount workers, and the Municipality of Anchorage’s continuing failure to observe the rule of law in conducing the recount.
Bent News, 2012-05-16: Salinas, KS gets new nondiscrimination ordinance

- Congrats! Salina (Kansas) City Commission passes GLBT anti-discrimination ordinance #
- Took out LGBT too/ @lauritadianita: House is voting on version of #VAWA (HR4970) that takes away tribes’ ability to issue restraining orders #
- Good. We all need protection RT @ThinkProgressFD: White House Threatens To Veto Watered Down Violence Against Women Act #
Sara’s News Roundup 5/8/12: North Carolina’s Amendment 1; transgender workers protected under 1964 Civil Rights Act

North Carolina votes tomorrow on anti-marriage equality Amendment 1, transgender workers protected under Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act; and other recent LGBTQ news selected by Sara Boesser in Juneau, Alaska (with supplemental info from Bent Alaska).
Anchorage election: Former election coordinator calls for full handcount; voters file for handcount & audit

Former municipal election coordinator Guadalupe Marroquin calls for a full hand count of every precinct’s ballots from the the April 3 Municipal election; and an application for a hand count of 15 precincts and full audit of the election has been been filed with the Municipal Clerk. The Anchorage Assembly meets today (Thursday, May 3) at 5 PM in the Loussac Library on whether to certify the election.
Anchorage Election Commission ignores broken security seals, recommends no independent investigation on broken election

Following its hastily-called two-day “special meeting,” the Municipal Election Commission on Wednesday issued its report recommending that the Anchorage Assembly certify the bollixed April 3 municipal election and recommending against an independent investigation of the election’s numerous irregularities — including broken security seals.