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Articles in Gay AK

UA’s Gamble, Mayor’s Marathon, Walk A Mile & Felix goes to DC

Saturday, 27 March 2010 – 7:01 AM | Comments Off on UA’s Gamble, Mayor’s Marathon, Walk A Mile & Felix goes to DC
UA’s Gamble, Mayor’s Marathon, Walk A Mile & Felix goes to DC
Gay AK: Notes from and for LGBT Alaska
UA Gambles on another general
The University of Alaska has a new President: Patrick Gamble was CEO of the Alaska Railroad, a former general from Texas, and has no work experience in the field of education. Does he support adding LGBTs to the non-discrimination policy? I guess we’ll find out. Articles on the new leader in UAA’s Northern Light and UAF’s Sun Star.
Help Felix go to Washington
Felix Rivera is a student at Alaska Pacific University and the president of the LGBTQ student group Spectrum. He plans to go to DC for a two month internship at the Institute on Political Journalism this summer, and is looking for donations and fundraising ideas. Why help Felix? “As a journalist, I have a passion for social justice issues and would gain crucial knowledge in DC and bring it back to Anchorage.” If you can help, please send Felix an email.
Walk a Mile in Her Shoes & Take Back the Night
April is designated as Sexual Assault Awareness Month, a nationally recognized time dedicated to raising awareness and preventing sexual violence. Check out the activities planned statewide, including the “Walk a Mile in Her Shoes” fundraiser for STAR where males of all ages strap on women’s shoes for a one-mile walk in Anchorage, and a rally and Take Back the Night march in Fairbanks. (Remember Take Back the Night marches?)
A Merry (and gay) Mayor’s Marathon
An Anchorage LGBT group is planning to run in the Mayor’s Marathon this summer: “I’m sure we have enough of a following to be a strong presence as part of this year’s Mayor’s Marathon. Let it be a Fun, Merry, Joyous, and Exhilarating experience for ALL of us who reside in this community!” Join the Facebook page I’m Proudly Representing My LGBTQ Community in the Mayor’s Marathon.

SB 202, Pride events, CoC vendors, MCC cents & Student Advocates

Saturday, 20 March 2010 – 2:16 PM | Comments Off on SB 202, Pride events, CoC vendors, MCC cents & Student Advocates
SB 202, Pride events, CoC vendors, MCC cents & Student Advocates
Gay AK: Notes from and for LGBT Alaska
SB 202 Adds Gender Identity
Good news: The Alaska Hate Crimes Bill (SB 202) passed out of the Senate Judiciary committee, with the gender amendment added. Senators French, Egan & Wielechowski voted with us, Senators McGuire & Coghill voted against. A new version of the bill will be posted with the amendments, and it may be referred to the Finance committee. Thank you for sending messages, POM’s and testimony to Judiciary, and stay tuned for the contact addresses for Finance members.
Seeking PrideFest events
Alaska PrideFest 2010 is encouraging all groups, in all Alaskan cities, to submit activities scheduled during Pride Week (June 19-27) for publication and promotion on the new Alaska PrideFest web site. Please send time, date, location and a brief description to Gail, PrideFest Planning Co-Chair. We are also seeking parade participants, park-strip vendors, stage entertainers and happy volunteers to help make “2010: A Pride Odyssey” an event to remember.
‘Masqueerade’ vendors, ads, tickets
RAW is calling for Celebration of Change vendors and program ads. Sell your wares: $25 for a table and $25 for a business card ad in the program. They are also looking for more fabulous volunteer crew members to help make this show a success. Celebration of Change is on March 27 at the Wilda Marston Theatre. Tickets are $15, available at Metro and the GLCCA. Volunteer application and vender/ad information at Celebration.
Search for MCC Anchorage
Your Internet searches can raise funds for MCC Anchorage. Go to Good Search and paste “Metropolitan Community Church of Anchorage” for the charity name (the 2nd box.) Then MCCA will get revenue for every search. The second option is to install a non-intrusive toolbar which appears on your web browser so you don’t need to change your homepage. It’s a great way for non-profits to make a bit of change.
Student Advocate of the Year
Do you know a high school student who should be recognized for advancing LGBT equality in his or her school or community? If so, nominate them to win GLSEN’s 2010 Student Advocate of the Year Award, presented by AT&T. The winner travels all-expenses-paid to New York City to attend GLSEN’s 2010 New York Respect Awards on 5/24, where his or her unique accomplishments as an exemplary student leader will be honored. Login and complete the nomination form by April 2 at the Student Advocate of the Year contest.
Alaska Women Speak summer issue
Alaska Women Speak Quarterly is a periodical by and for Alaska Women. We are looking for contributions of prose, poetry and art on the Summer 2010 theme of “My-topia.” You know what Utopia is, what’s your -topia? As always, we are in need of donations to keep the presses rolling. Send writings by 5/15 to Alaska Women Speak, and donations to AWS, PO Box 210045, Anchorage 99521. Thanks for your continued support.

Job Opening, 1138 Benefits, Health Care Denied & Queer the Census

Saturday, 13 March 2010 – 12:39 PM | Comments Off on Job Opening, 1138 Benefits, Health Care Denied & Queer the Census
Job Opening, 1138 Benefits, Health Care Denied & Queer the Census
Gay AK: News and notes for LGBT Alaska
Job Opening: Manager for Alaska LGBT Rights Project
The ACLU of Alaska is looking for a new LGBT Rights Project Advocacy & Campaign Manager. Read the position description and learn about the ACLU of Alaska.
1138 Benefits Denied to Same-Sex Couples
Project 1138 is designed to increase awareness of the 1,138 federal marital benefits and protections denied to same-sex couples as the result of marriage inequality. For more than a thousand reasons, YOUR relationship deserves equal treatment under the law. Take a stand against inequality and share your story on Equality Forum’s Project 1138. Separate is not Equal.
The Importance of Being Counted: LGBT in the 2010 Census
The 2010 Census is being mailed to us this month, and same-sex couples can indicate our relationships, although there are no questions for sexual orientation or gender identity. Tell our legislators that gay Americans exist! It will be another 10 years before the next Census — let’s make this one count. Queer the Census.
Lambda Legal’s 2010 Health Care Report
“When Health Care Isn”t Caring: Lambda Legal”s Survey on Discrimination Against LGBT People and People Living with HIV.” The survey looks at refusal of care and barriers to health care among LGBT and HIV communities on a national scale. This data can influence decisions being made about how health care is delivered in this country now and in the future. The report can be downloaded online.

Fly-fishing, SRS, Gay-friendly Music & Free Healthcare Guide

Wednesday, 10 March 2010 – 4:19 PM | Comments Off on Fly-fishing, SRS, Gay-friendly Music & Free Healthcare Guide
Fly-fishing, SRS, Gay-friendly Music & Free Healthcare Guide
Gay AK: Notes from and for LGBT Alaska
Free Fly-fishing Retreat for Breast Cancer Survivors
The Casting for Recovery Alaska program is accepting applications to attend our 2010 summer retreat on July 9-11. This 2-night weekend features flyfishing instruction, all meals & lodging on a quiet lake outside Wasilla, and the support of other women breast cancer survivors (including optional support program in the evening) – for free. No fishing experience required! Apply online at Casting For Recovery Alaska by April 30th. Fish on!
Sexual Reassignment Surgery is tax deductible
A few years ago, a transwoman tried to deduct the medical expenses of SRS from her taxes and was denied by the IRS because they said it was cosmetic surgery and not medically necessary. On Feb 2, a federal court affirmed that SRS is medically necessary and not cosmetic. Along with the American Medical Association resolution saying the same thing, insurance companies will hopefully drop one of their main arguments for the discriminatory “transgender” exclusion, that it is a cosmetic procedure. Also: FFS (Facial Feminization Surgery) will soon be available in Anchorage, Alaska!
Local Irish Band Seeks Gay-Friendly Gigs
Back Alley Banned plays traditional Irish music around Anchorage. “Since Mayor Dan Sullivan vetoed the anti-discrimination ordinance last summer, I’ve had my own small boycott of the McGinley’s Irish Pub of which Sullivan is part owner,” writes banjo player Heather Resz, “and my band declined the offer to play at the bar for St. Patrick’s Day. If you know of a nice gay-friendly venue that needs an Irish band any time, Back Alley Banned is available.”
MCCA Looking for Guitarist/Pianist
Metropolitan Community Church of Anchorage is an Inclusive Church looking for an additional half-time musician with strong guitar and vocal skills to play in our weekly worship services. We are a thirty plus member Christian church that includes a diverse worship service for a church of GBLT, affirming, and straight congregants. Candidate will work directly with the Worship Leader to construct meaningful, Spirit-filled worship. Students/Interns welcome. Interested applicants may submit a letter of interest or resume with to MCC Anchorage 2222 East Tudor Road, Anchorage, AK 99507.
PFLAG Releases New Healthcare Publication for Allies
PFLAG’s Straight for Equality project announced the release of its newest publication, Straight for Equality in Healthcare. For many LGBT people, accessing healthcare can be difficult because they often do not know how their healthcare provider will react to their sexual orientation or gender identity. This new publication and website were developed to provide a solution that demonstrates to providers why it’s important to be inclusive, give concrete steps they can take to creating a comfortable environment for LGBT patients in their practice, and much more. Visit Straight for Equality to view the website and download the free Straight for Equality in Healthcare guide. A new chapter workbook that you can use to create welcoming healthcare environments in your community is coming soon. Contact PFLAG national for more information.

Surfacing, New Pride site, Arctic Heat winners, Youth Drop-Ins, & DC Marriage

Tuesday, 9 March 2010 – 3:26 PM | Comments Off on Surfacing, New Pride site, Arctic Heat winners, Youth Drop-Ins, & DC Marriage
Surfacing, New Pride site, Arctic Heat winners, Youth Drop-Ins, & DC Marriage
Gay AK: Notes from and for LGBT Alaska
Holcombe Waller at Out North 3/12-3/14
Portland-based performer Holcombe Waller presents a 1-hour performance combining excerpts from two song-driven works: “Into the Dark Unknown (The Hope Chest),” a theatrical folk concert combining songs, storytelling and video imagery, and a new work titled “Surfacing,” an silent film with live musical accompaniment that explores the universal themes of love, identity and language arising in the debate for GLBT equality. Watch a video excerpt from “Into the Dark Unknown (The Hope Chest)” and check out Holcombe Waller’s website. Tickets at Out North Theatre 3800 Debarr Road, Anchorage.
Saturday Youth Drop-In meets twice a month
Identity Inc. and “QrSA” (queer and straight allies) are pleased to announce that the Gay and Lesbian Community Center of Anchorage will be hosting a new bi-monthly Saturday drop-in for youth ages 13 to 19 only. The drop-ins will take place from 12-3pm on the first and third Saturdays of the month. The community center will be open to the general public afterwards, from 3-6pm.
Alaska PrideFest’s new website
This year’s PrideFest theme will be “Alaska Pride 2010: A Pride Odyssey” and we have a new website: www.alaskapride.org. The old website is still active and current, and we will complete the transition after this year’s PrideFest so you can still find all the PrideFest information at www.anchoragepride.com. We are also excited to have full state wide representation – we have planners from Fairbanks and sponsors from Juneau – and this year will certainly be an exciting PrideFest. Check out the new website to see this year’s logo!

Introducing the new Arctic Heat title holders
The Last Frontier Men’s Club is pleased to announce their new title holders: Alaska Cub – Shane, Mr. Bear Alaska – Kirt, Ms. Alaska Leather – Sarah, Mr. Alaska Leather – Tom. Congratulations to the new title holders! (pictured right.) Thanks to all the contestants, and to everyone who attended Arctic Heat Weekend and supports the Bear and Leather Community and TLFMC. We would like to invite men over the age of 21 to get involved in our gay men’s social club, The Last Frontier Men’s Club.
Same-Sex Marriage now legal in Washington D.C.
Washington is now the sixth place in the nation where same-sex marriages can take place. Connecticut, Iowa, Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Vermont also issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples. Gay-rights advocates hailed the day as a milestone for equal rights as same-sex marriage became legal in the nation’s capital. The law survived Congressional attempts to block it, and US Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts rejected a request from marriage opponents to put the new law on hold. The first D.C. same sex marriages took place on Tuesday, March 9.

Advice from a (former) Hater: Gay in small town Alaska

Monday, 1 March 2010 – 8:28 AM | Comments Off on Advice from a (former) Hater: Gay in small town Alaska
Advice from a (former) Hater: Gay in small town Alaska
Memoirs of a Badman is a blog about a gay family in rural Alaska. The blogger, identified only as Z, writes about life with his bipolar husband K, and K’s young daughter A. In this post, a homophobic neighbor sees that Z and K are going through a difficult time and offers support and advice, with unexpected consequences:
Have you ever got the best advice from your hater?
That might not be the exact thing that happened to me, yet it was pretty much the same.
On a pretty frigid sunny (or sunny frigid) winter noon… well, it was past 3 so it must have been afternoon. Anyway, me and A were out enjoying ourselves. Actually she was trying her brand new bike with Pinkie sitting in the front seat aka the yellow plastic basket.
As usual I was half mad, half worried and slightly happy sharing the joy of riding something as cool as a pink new bike with little A.
My reasons were clear: after long hours of negotiating (read begging on my knees), K’s former boss accorded giving a job to K. Since no one is crazy enough to come to an icy hell at this time of year when the temperature tends to go below 0, K’s job was still vacant, so in reality he got his old job back. So the following day K was going to work after several jobless months and to me he looked anything but ready.
Firstly, most of the weekend he was sick with stomachache.
Secondly, he was still sleeping 12+ hours a day.
Thirdly, he looked extremely depressed.
Lastly, he made me worried and helpless not knowing what to do.
To sum it up, I knew there was something I could do, however I had no idea what it was.
Deeply consumed in my thoughts, we reached A’s favorite place, the Pinkie’s park.
Excitedly she ran to the play-ground, ignoring the possibility of her bike hitting the ground, so I had to loosen my thoughts and cover the distance to grab the bike before experiencing any close contact with the ice beneath. Thanks God I’m not that old yet and I can still react quick enough.
The night in AK approaches fast, besides the darkness and cold is not something you want to face often, thus we had to return home soon.
Walking down the street, oblivious to my surroundings, the only thing that could catch my attention was the tires screeching on the icy road.
“Hey Z, it’s gettin dark, let us give you a ride.” The driver said stopping a few inches away from A’s bike. It was our neighbors.
Though the lady is extremely friendly, her husband is so different and amuses me to no end. Before going to Boston, he looked like one of the gay-bashing crowd, however, since our return, he’s become unbelieving friendly. The reason is still unknown but I will share as soon as I find out.
With no intention of turning into ice blocks, I accepted their offer. 10 minutes later, A and pinkie were back to their carrot party and the couple was sitting on the warm and cozy couch, ready to taste the new recipe I made for lunch, salmon sushi rolls.
K didn’t like it but A absolutely loved it so I needed more volunteers to decide on making it again or not.
“Why don’t you seduce him?” E, the neighbor, blurted out while helping me with cleaning up.
“Excuse me?” I was pretty sure we were not on the same page.
“K’s your husband, isn’t he?”
“Not here. Anyway, what’s your point?”
“As far as I know there’s no husband-wife role/boundary in gay relationships, right?”
I nodded.
“So what are you waiting for? You don’t think it’s his responsibility to always initiate everything, do you?”
“Initiate what? You don’t have any idea what you are talking about. I’m giving him some time and a little space. That’s it.”
I shrugged my shoulders and started covering the plates with washing liquid (maybe too much of that).
“You are letting him go, losing him. If you’re not willing to do anything on your own, me and H (his wife) are more than willing to help.”
“Correct me please. Wasn’t it you a while ago who asked your wife not to ever talk to the queer couple living next door? Weren’t you the one who left your garbage at our front door? Weren’t you calling us names not long ago? Should I continue or is it enough?”
He went quiet and I bit my lower lip not to say something I might regret later, rolled up my sleeves and dug deep in the sink to find the invisible spoons.
But the silence was cutting deep into my conscience. I knew I didn’t have to be mean to the guy who tried hard to be nice, but I was pissed off with all the people pretending to be nice to us when they were all S.O.B.s.
“Sorry for harassing you guys, I didn’t know you well at the time and misjudged you.” He broke the silence standing close to me. Too close actually that he was right in the middle of my private space, shredding it to pieces. I could feel his warmth and smell and it felt so good I wanted to lean my head on his shoulder, I wanted to feel his skin under mine, I wanted to smell him, taste him, devour him…………….
WHAT THE FUCK AM I THINKING? I nearly crashed my head against the cabinet when he rested his hand on my shoulder.
“My wife adores you guys and missed you a lot. It’s good to have you back, we thought you weren’t coming again. She will feel devastated to lose you or see you break-up.”
I almost didn’t hear his explanation, still shocked of my own thoughts… God what was wrong with me? I’ve never fancied another guy, let alone a homophobic one.
Follow the adventures of Z and K, their daughter, relatives, and neighbors in rural Alaska on the blog Memoirs of a Badman.

No Name-Calling Week, Prof. Smoke on Matthew Shepard, & the Women’s Summit

Saturday, 16 January 2010 – 8:37 AM | Comments Off on No Name-Calling Week, Prof. Smoke on Matthew Shepard, & the Women’s Summit
No Name-Calling Week, Prof. Smoke on Matthew Shepard, & the Women’s Summit
Gay AK – notes for and from LGBT Alaska

No Sticks, No Stones, No Dissing
GLSEN’s No Name-Calling Week is January 25-29, 2010, a week of educational and art activities aimed at stopping name-calling and bullying in schools. The Creative Expression Contest is an opportunity for students to submit essays, poetry, music, original artwork, or other pieces that convey their experiences and feelings about name-calling, and their ideas for putting a stop to verbal bullying in their schools and communities. Lesson plans and other resources at No Name-Calling Week.

Gale Smoke on Matthew Shepard
Professor Gale Smoke will review Judy Shepard’s book “The Meaning of Matthew, and a World Transformed” (Hudson Press, 2009) at this month’s Anchorage PFLAG meeting. Refreshments will be available and all are invited to the meeting at Immanuel Presbyterian Church on Jan. 21 at 7 p.m. Anchorage PFLAG.

Alaskans Together announces new board and officers
Congratulations to the new board members: Heather Bayless, Kelli Burkinshaw, Shayle Hutchison, Miguel De Marzo, Verner Wilson, and Christopher Narvaez. For 2010, the new executive officers for the organization are as follows: Elias Rojas – Board President, Joseph Lapp II – Vice President, Kevin Kristof – Treasurer, and Miguel De Marzo – Secretary. We are happy to announce that ATE is now a member of the Equality Federation. Come and join in the fun and hard work by volunteering to serve on one of the committees, which meet monthly by conference call. There is room for you! Join Alaskans Together.
Women’s Summit: Anchorage lunch 3/17 and Juneau conference 3/18 – 3/19
It’s time to sign up for the 2010 Women’s Summit on March 17-19. The theme for this year is “Interpersonal Violence in Alaska: Why Alaska Ranks at the Top, and Strategies for Success.” The keynote speaker is Rebecca Levenson, Senior Policy Analyst with the Family Violence Prevention Fund. Come listen, learn and network with other women from around the state. Rebecca will also speak at a luncheon in Anchorage on Wednesday, March 17, 12 pm at the Sheraton Hotel downtown, $35/person. A limited number of scholarships are available for the Juneau conference (for travel, lodging and registration) and are due by March 1. For those arranging your own travel and lodging, applications are due by March 10. The Women’s Summit is organized by the Alliance for Reproductive Justice.
Tantric Wisdom for the Activities of Daily Living
Bird Trungma, Rinpoche, has moved her short essays on Tantric Wisdom to HubPages. She hopes you will keep reading them, and continue to enjoy and benefit from them. Her first essay tells her story of moving to Anchorage, almost leaving, then deciding to stay. Check out Bird’s Tantric Wisdom.

Church Life Brunch, AKA QrSA, and Pick.Click.Give. with the PFD

Saturday, 2 January 2010 – 3:14 PM | Comments Off on Church Life Brunch, AKA QrSA, and Pick.Click.Give. with the PFD
Church Life Brunch, AKA QrSA, and Pick.Click.Give. with the PFD
Gay AK – notes from LGBT Alaska
Youth Initiative launched
Identity Inc. officially launched their new Youth Initiative Program, AKA QrSA. The program is designed to create a safe place for LGBTQ teenagers and their allies to hang out. The first Holiday Hang-out was at the Center on Dec. 19. The youth are enthusiastic about the program, creating a Facebook page and planning events for the future. A special thank you to the volunteer staff and friends of the GLCCA, and the members of St. John’s United Methodist Church who provided gifts.
Church Life AK’s first Christmas Day Brunch
Over 15 people attended Church Life Alaska’s first annual Christmas Day Brunch. “Thanks to Identity for letting us use the GLCCA, and thanks to Steve and Edie who donated finances to make the event a success,” writes Rev. Johnathan. “Finally, thank you to all of those folk who came and spent Christmas with us for a short while!” Check their Facebook page for other events and Sunday Worship Services, or email church.life.ak(at)gmail.com .
Apply for your 2010 PFD and support Alaska’s non-profits
Starting Friday, January 1, you can apply for the 2010 PFD on line at the Permanent Fund Division and support the causes you care about through Pick.Click.Give. Identity, Four A’s and Out North are examples of LGBT-supportive non-profits that can receive these donations, and you can make donations to more than one charitable organization with Pick.Click.Give. The 2010 PFD application period ends March 31.

Christmas Music, Youth Drop-In, HIV Survey & Gifts for Change

Saturday, 12 December 2009 – 3:37 PM | 2 Comments
Christmas Music, Youth Drop-In, HIV Survey & Gifts for Change

Gay AK – news for and about LGBT Alaska

Youth Initiative “Drop In/Hang Out” kicks off in Anchorage

The Youth Initiative program is ready to offer a safe place for youth to hang out with their peers and adult facilitators. The two facilitators are Johnathan Jones and Ginger Blackmon, community leaders with youth work and education training. To kick off this exciting new program, we’re hosting a special holiday drop-in/hang-out for teenage youth (13 to 19) at the Gay and Lesbian Community Center on Saturday Dec. 19 from 12-3 p.m. The entire center will be set aside so that the youth can use the space as they like. The youth will have the opportunity to meet with the facilitators and let us know exactly what it is they would like to do and how they would like to see the Youth Initiative develop. Because this is a special event, holiday gifts and pizza will be provided. And not just lousy gifts, but cool gifts. If you are a LGBTA youth, you don’t won’t to miss this! For more info or make a donation to support the program, please contact the GLCCA.

HIV Prevention Online Survey seeks rural Alaskan men who have sex with men

The University of Alaska, Department of Health Sciences, has asked for our cooperation in spreading the word about a new online survey. The online survey is primarily targeted for “men who have sex with men” who live in or are visiting rural Alaska. The survey is HERE. If you have questions, please direct them to Dr. Nancy A. Nix, Assistant Professor of Public Health at UAA.

Christmas Music Service and MCC news

The MCC Christmas Music Service is Dec. 16 at 7 p.m. Please join us for refreshments, scripture readings by Dianne O’Connell, music by James Gray, Kevin Holtz and the MCCA choir, and a message by Sara Gavit and Matthew Moak. The monthly MCC potluck will be on Sunday Dec. 20th. Feel free to bring a dish to pass or just join us for a great time of food and fellowship after the service. Step by Step, the Wed. Bible study, is taking a break for the holidays and will meet again starting on Jan 6, 2010. The Annual Congregational Meeting is January 17, 2010. Thank you to all those who have donated food and clothing items for Covenant House. We will be packing up the boxes in the next week or so. Thank you for making a difference in the lives of those who so desperately need it. Metropolitan Community Church

The Affirmation Declaration

The Affirmation Declaration expresses the convictions of Christians all over the world and was written in response to the infamous anti-gay Manhattan Declaration. The Affirmation Declaration corrects errors that have been preached in the pulpits of many churches for far too long. Please read The Affirmation Declaration and sign it if you are willing.

Help needed for Kuani’s Kidney Transplant

Kuini AhDar is in need of a kidney transplant. Her friends and co-workers are working with the National Transplant Fund to raise the amount that insurance and other sources won’t cover for the surgery. The Friends of Kuini have organized a fundraiser at the Snow Goose Restaurant on Third Avenue in Anchorage from 6:30-9:00 p.m. on Thursday Dec. 17. Light appetizers and entertainment will be included in the ticket price of $35 per person, with a cash bar and silent auction. If you cannot attend, but would like to make a tax deductible contribution in Kuini’s honor, please call 800-642-8399 or go to The Transplant Fund and enter “AhDar” in the patient box on the homepage. If you can volunteer for the fundraiser, please contact Lori. Thanks

Gifts for Change to benefit the Four A’s

Do your holiday shopping with Four A’s this year by giving those on your list Gifts For Change. The Four A’s Gifts For Change program provides donors with another option for special occasion gift giving and it also supports individuals living with HIV/AIDS in your community as well as prevention efforts across the state. It is truly the gift that keeps on giving and is a meaningful way to celebrate the holidays with your loved ones while impacting your community at the same time. Four A’s will send the recipient a card recognizing the gift and your name (amounts will only be acknowledged if you choose that on the form.) For more information, or to arrange a Gift For Change with a credit card over the phone, call (907) 263-2046 or use the online form HERE.

A Lesbian Bishop

The Episcopal Church has elected a second LGBT bishop! Rev. Mary Douglas Glasspool is a partnered lesbian and was chosen as the Assistant Bishop of Los Angeles. In 2004, openly gay Rev. Gene Robinson became the Bishop of New Hampshire. Congratulations to Rev. Glasspool and Los Angeles.

Meditation, Grants, Facebook, Arctic Heat, and lots ‘o news

Saturday, 5 December 2009 – 10:38 AM | Comments Off on Meditation, Grants, Facebook, Arctic Heat, and lots ‘o news
Meditation, Grants, Facebook, Arctic Heat, and lots ‘o news
Gay AK – news for and about LGBTA Alaska
Good News, Bad News
In national news this week, DC approved gay marriage, New York defeated gay marriage, and New Jersey said they are almost ready to vote on gay marriage. Washington state’s expanded domestic partnership law took effect on Thursday. Atlanta GA elected the first openly lesbian African-American state senator in the U.S., and Campbell CA elected the youngest openly gay Asian-American mayor. Meanwhile, Christopher Constant of Anchorage went to the Victory Fund conference to get ready to run the first openly-LGBT candidates for anything in Alaska. Email Chris at constant(at)alaska.net to see how you can help. We have work to do.

In local news, Gov. Parnell appointed Judge Craig Stowers, a conservative Christian, to the Alaska Supreme Court. The anti-gay and anti-choice groups are thrilled. Speaking of anti-choice and anti-gay, the same local groups that strongly oppose granting protected status to gays are pushing a new ballot initiative to give personhood status to fetuses so that abortion will become murder. They’re doing this in several states, and the Alaska version was just introduced.

Facebook: Hold Sullivan Accountable & Church Life Alaska
Two interesting new Facebook pages: Hold Mayor Dan Sullivan Accountable was created by a young man who lists the ordinance veto as one of many reasons he is concerned about our mayor. Church Life Alaska is a Christian Church for the LGBT community of Anchorage and Allies. If you know about a new local LGBT-related page or group, please share it on Bent’s FB wall.

Arctic Heat 2010 seeks volunteers and candidates
Arctic Heat will be in February 2010 and we are looking for people to help plan and produce the event as well as those interested in running for the following titles: Mr Alaska Leather, Ms Alaska Leather, Mr Bear Alaska, Alaska Bear Cub. Other titles are being considered and will be included if people show an early interest in assisting. Please contact The Last Frontier Men’s Club if interested.
Identity and ACLU win Pride Foundation grants
Congratulations to Identity, Inc. and the ACLU of Alaska for being the two Alaska non-profits awarded new grants by the Pride Foundation on Wednesday.

Gay-friendly Meditation Center & “Your mind is not your enemy”
Bird Trungma is opening the Dharma Joy of Enlightenment Buddhist Meditation and Study Center of Anchorage, and is giving a talk called “Your mind is not your enemy” on 12/13, from 1-3 p.m. at the A.T.O.M. Center, 4025 Raspberry Road, requested donation $25.
Bird is bisexual, with a preference for women, and was “a student of the Tibetan Buddhist guru, the Vidyadhara, Venerable Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche since the 1970’s. He was the first Buddhist guru to not only accept gays, but to appoint an openly gay man, Thomas Rich, as his Regent, meaning his chief student and acting guru to all of the rest of us. Besides being the first gay person appointed to such a high position, he was also the first Westerner so appointed. Thomas Rich was given the name Osel Tendzin by Trungpa Rinpoche and acted in that capacity during the 1970’s and 1980’s, prior to his death from AIDS. I knew him personally and loved (and still love) him very much.” For more info on the Center and the talk, email Bird at Joy of Enlightenment.