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Articles in Gay AK

Gay AK: Music, Dance, Free Food & Guest Bloggers

Monday, 30 August 2010 – 8:48 PM | Comments Off on Gay AK: Music, Dance, Free Food & Guest Bloggers
Gay AK: Music, Dance, Free Food & Guest Bloggers
Gay AK is a semi-regular column with short news items and up-coming events for LGBT Alaska.
The good news: my right shoulder should be healed in a week or two. The bad news: I’m right handed. I can manage the FB page, but would really appreciate a few guest bloggers so the blog doesn’t go silent. Any LGBT Alaskans with something to say? Here’s your opportunity. Send a few paragraphs to Bent Alaska.

Arctic Siren’s First Friday Cabaret at the Snow Goose is $15 a person to benefit the Four A’s. Friday, Sept. 3 at 7:30 p.m. (Doors open at 6:45 p.m.)
Womyn’s Dance, 10/9 at the Snow Goose. We’re back with new music and a new sound system! Come alone, bring a friend, an ex, a blind date or a gaggle of lesbians, but come on out to the Snow Goose the Saturday night of the Pride Conference. Doors open at 7:30pm and we’ll dance until around midnight.
Marcia Stuber has offered to throw an end-of-summer Women’s Retreat weekend at her resort in Sterling. Her cabins sleep 2-4, and she slashed the rate to only $100 per night per cabin. Located about a 9-iron from the Kenai River, this promises to be a weekend full of fun, fishing, friendship, campfires, music, an all-around blast! Alaska Red Fish Lodge
The long awaited revealing of the Fairbanks HAUS oF FUSION: Join Beyonca Fusion on her ultimate coming out on the town party event with the revival of the long lost tradition of Follies of Dollies: the ReMix. Downtown at the 310 1st Ave Banquet Hall on Saturday, Sept 18. Doors open at 8, drag show at 9. This is partly a benefit to “honor & give love to our dear friend Richard Welch, a pioneering community member who has been instrumental in the “art of the night” for many years.” $9 @ door, 21+ only.

NE2010 was “a RAGING success with over 100 attendees enjoying three full days of educational classes and workshops taught by 8 national presenters on the SM and Leather lifestyles. Attendees were spoiled with a bustling registration brunch, brown bag lunches sponsored by the ICOAA and an off the hook farewell Seven Course Sinners Dinner with 10 performers and awards.” The Dirty Dick Award was given to it’s 8th recipient: Sarha was proud to award it to the GLBT community of Alaska.
Every Sunday night, Kodiak Bar and Grill on 5th Street hosts a totally free BarBQ at 7 pm. Chicken, steaks, burgers, fish, (different meats, different weeks, it’s just a surprise) but always very good. Baked potatoes with sour cream, butter, shredded cheese, chips and dip. Of course, you are free to purchase your beverage of choice. Music and dancing after the dinner.

Gay AK: Get ready for late summer and fall events

Wednesday, 11 August 2010 – 5:53 AM | Comments Off on Gay AK: Get ready for late summer and fall events
Gay AK: Get ready for late summer and fall events
Gay AK is a semi-regular column with short news items and up-coming events for LGBT Alaska. This week, we have a variety of late summer and fall events in Anchorage, Fairbanks, Juneau and the Mat-Su.

PFLAG Fairbanks has a booth at the Tanana Valley State Fair, which continues through August 14. The theme of the fair is “Barn in the USA.” Beverly designed an adorable PFLAG booth and Jenn did the art work (see photo). Stop by and say hello, or sign up for a shift and go to the fair free that day.
The LGBT Center in the Mat-Su Valley has closed due to a lack of volunteers and donations. However, the Wednesday Social continues at Vagabond Blues in Palmer at 5 p.m.
Juneau Pride Chorus begins rehearsing again on September 7, on Tuesday evenings 5:15 – 6:45 p.m. Potential new members are welcome to attend rehearsals. Email Juneau Pride Chorus for information.
Anchorage events
Come to a Meet & Greet at Bernie’s Bungalow on August 18, 5-7:30 p.m. to celebrate Alaska’s LGBT community and the 25th anniversary of Pride Foundation, a northwest organization that helps local LGBT projects and people through grants and scholarships. A 21+ event.
Northern Exposure 2010 is Alaska’s first educational SM and Leather convention, Aug 20-22. Three days of workshops, classes, parties and meals. Register at NE2010. (This is not specifically LGBT, but is a GLBT-friendly event.)
The gay and lesbian bowling league of Anchorage is getting ready to start another season. Our first league meeting is Sunday August 29 at Jewel Lake Bowl at 4 p.m., and our first day of bowling is September 12. Contact the Northern Exposure Bowling League.
The Imperial Court’s Coronation is traditionally held on Labor Day weekend, and Alaska Coronation 38 – “Kickin’ it old School…Back to our Roots” will be Sept. 2-6 in Anchorage. Visit the ICOAA for the schedule and tickets.
The annual Alaska Pride Conference is coming up: October 8-10 at Alaska Pacific University.

Mailbag: the Good, the Bad and the Clueless

Saturday, 17 July 2010 – 12:18 PM | 2 Comments
Mailbag: the Good, the Bad and the Clueless

As Alaska’s only LGBT news and events blog, Bent gets mail with a variety of questions, suggestions and tips. In addition to events and news from locals, this week included a donation, a hater, a rude reporter and a clueless outsider.

The Good

A wonderful reader made a donation to Bent Alaska through the donation button on the blog. THANK YOU. As a volunteer blogger, I write because it’s important and useful and fun. I also appreciate contributions, for the financial support and for the compliment that you consider Bent worthy of support.

If you like Bent, please consider making a contribution through the Donate button on the top right side of the blog. Thanks!

The Bad

As an LGBT blog in the moderate main city of a conservative state, Bent also receives mail full of anger, fear and hate. I don’t take it personally — those messages say more about the person who spent several minutes of their life attacking someone they have never met just because that person is different. For example, today’s hater said that I’m going to Hell for being gay, a common theme:

“Homosexuality is a sin against God. God loves you so much. He will allow you to live a lie if you so choose; not because He hates you, because He is HOLY, set apart from sin. Your sin will result in death. You will spend eternity in hell — forever seperated from God. You must repent of your sin, and except Christ as your personal Lord and Savior. If you are a homosexual, repent. Your eternity draws near.”

This comment was on a post about Jerry Prevo calling gay Christians “deadly” and attacking the popular Christian musician Ray Boltz, who is gay and recently performed in Anchorage. Since Prevo is not HOLY and he spreads lies about us all the time, I guess this hater thinks Prevo’s lies will result in his death.

The Good and Bad

Bent gets media requests from local reporters as well as from LGBT news agencies all over the country. The national focus is often “What is it like to be gay in Sarah Palin’s home state?” and “I’d like to interview someone gay in Wasilla.”

The local reporters ask about specific topics, and they’re reporting LGBT stories more often since the equal rights ordinance. The LGBT community has developed good connections with the local reporters.

Last week, I had an unpleasant exchange with a straight young reporter I’d never heard of. He kept asking for my phone number, over and over, but offered no reason to work with him – no story, no introduction, no knowledge of LGBTQ issues — and was rude when I declined.

This reminds me to be grateful for all the polite media professionals — print, online, TV & radio – who report our community’s news with accuracy and respect. Thank you.

The Clueless

Bent Alaska has many readers who subscribe to the blog through RSS and email. They get each post when it’s published, with all the photos and links, including the title linked to the post’s permanent page and the words “You are subscribed to Bent Alaska” with the blog name linked to the home page. [The subscribe tabs are on the top right side of the blog.]

One subscriber from the Lower 48 clicked the Reply link and asked, “Do you have a website?”

We all have brain-dead moments, and I try to be polite no matter how absurd the question. I explained that yes, this post came from my website.

His reply: “What is the address of your website?”


LaMex for Four A’s, DoB at Pride, Softball, HIV testing & AYP in Fairbanks

Saturday, 5 June 2010 – 7:02 AM | Comments Off on LaMex for Four A’s, DoB at Pride, Softball, HIV testing & AYP in Fairbanks
LaMex for Four A’s, DoB at Pride, Softball, HIV testing & AYP in Fairbanks
Gay AK – Notes from and for LGBT Alaska
Calling all Dykes on Bikes (and other wheeled transport)
We need a leader to organize the entry in the parade this year. Is it you? Are you ready to lead us with flair? Alaska PrideFest 2010: www.alaskapride.org.
Eat Good, Do Good at La Mex
On the second Tuesday of each month, both Anchorage LaMex locations (Spenard and Dimond) donate 10% of their proceeds from the entire day to a non-profit. On Tuesday, June 8, The Four A’s will be the lucky recipient of this generous program. Go out to lunch, after work appetizers or plan on taking the family out that night to either location (or, maybe get something to go)! In addition, from about 6-8 p.m., Four A’s staff will be at each location with an information booth so be sure to stop by and say hello.
Women’s Softball in Anchorage
This is where the Grrlz are on Thursdays and the Fireweed Dry Cleaning softball team is the one to watch. Women’s D League, plays Thursday evenings at the Cartee Fields on Pine & DeBarr. 6/10 at 7:35 pm; 6/17 at 9:45; 6/24 at 8:40; 7/8 at 9:45; 7/15 at 8:40; 7/22 at 6:30; 7/29 at 6:30; 8/5 at 7:35. Put their games on your calendar and go support the grrlz!
June 21-27, 2010 – National HIV Testing Week
One of many free HIV testing opportunities that week will be at PrideFest on Saturday June 26th. The Four A’s and the Municipality of Anchorage will be offering free HIV testing and free gonorrhea and chlamydia testing from 1-5 p.m. Just come visit the Four A’s booth. Check out www.alaskanaids.org next week for full details about National HIV Testing Week!
Seeking LGBT groups for free youth-outreach event in Fairbanks
Angry, Young & Poor 2010 is looking for community-based groups to host booths (no fee) at our annual event in Fairbanks. Angry, Young & Poor is an upbeat, awesome event full of positive creativity, local bands, free food, art, activites and more! It’s a free concert from noon to nite on July 17 at the ever-scenic Ester Community Park. All the proceeds from the things we sell (t-shirts with local art, bumper stickers, patches, food) are given to a local charity. Last year we were able to donate $1,000 to the Street Outreach and Advocacy Program which supports homeless and underprivilged youth in Fairbanks, including LGBTQ youth.
AYP is super-inclusive, with a primary goal of helping kids in the Interior find ways of expressing themselves through art and find community support. Booths are hosted from everything from the Environmental Center to local magazines to theatre companies etc. It’s important to get LGBTQ community resources to these kids. Hannah would like to talk with services/groups in the Interior/South-ish that gear towards the younger folks and are in promotion of the caring, supportive community we all try so hard to establish and nurture. If you think you can help, please reply via email to Hannah Hill, Event Disorganizer. Thanks!

Memorial Day Picnic, Homer GSA, Juneau benefit, Palmer gallery, Marcia’s Lodge

Saturday, 22 May 2010 – 10:30 AM | Comments Off on Memorial Day Picnic, Homer GSA, Juneau benefit, Palmer gallery, Marcia’s Lodge
Memorial Day Picnic, Homer GSA, Juneau benefit, Palmer gallery, Marcia’s Lodge
Gay AK: Notes from Homer, Juneau, Palmer, Kenai and Anchorage
May 22 is Harvey Milk Day. He would have been 80 today.

Community Memorial Day Picnic

Please join the Imperial Court as they host the annual Memorial Day Picnic in Anchorage, at the Kincaid Park chalet again this year, on Monday, May 31, noon-5 p.m. For more than 30 years, this showcase event has launched the summer meet and greet season. Strike a pose! See you there!

Homer’s New Youth-Community GSA
A group of young adults in Homer started a Youth-Community GSA. Their first meeting is on Saturday, May 22, from 3:30-5:30pm in the Homer Public Library Conference Room.

Marcia’s Redfish Lodge on the Kenai
Thinking about a summer tip to the Kenai? Check out Marcia’s Alaska Redfish Lodge. Beautiful cabins, friendly environment, and a great place to get away.

Half Moon Creek opens new art gallery in Palmer
The new Palmer store is open! Come support some fabulous lesbians and some of Alaska’s finest artists. Half Moon Creek.
Juneau Drag Queen and King benefit show, help needed
The recently appointed Duchess Marguerite of Juneau is planning a Drag Queen and King show as a fundraiser for Four A’s, at the Rendezvous Bar on Friday June 18th, and she’s looking for help.
“I need some awesome talent to get up there and shake it. You can lip synch, sing live or karaoke, juggle, I don’t care really, just as long as you’re willing to cross dress while doing so. Or not, I’m pretty open to any help! Not a performer? How about help with sound, lighting, costumes? Sign making, donations, general street team getting the word out action is definitely needed. Donations of time, supplies, ideas, money, I want it all.” Please contact Marguerite, to offer assistance.

Coronation, 2nd Celebration for F. Ken, Leaders & Cleaners

Saturday, 15 May 2010 – 8:17 AM | Comments Off on Coronation, 2nd Celebration for F. Ken, Leaders & Cleaners
Coronation, 2nd Celebration for F. Ken, Leaders & Cleaners

Gay AK – Notes from LGBT Alaska

Coronation 38, Labor Day weekend

Alaska Coronation 38 — “Kickin’ it old School…Back to our Roots” Labor Day weekend in Anchorage, Sept. 2-6, 2010! Call the Sheraton for reservations (907) 276-8700, mention ‘ICOAA’ for the special rate. Visit Imperial Court of All Alaska for updates throughout the summer.

2nd Celebration of Life in August for F Ken Freedman

F. Ken Freedman, a long-time member of the Anchorage LGBT community, a licensed professional counselor, Queer Activist and loving presence in the world, passed away on Saturday, May 1, 2010. Many calls and e-mails came in after the Celebration of Life was held on May 6th saying “But I did not know”, “Can we have a second service?” We decided to do so. Please send your name to Victoria if you would like to be kept in the loop about this service. His brother, who was very close to F Ken, spoke to him daily on the phone would love to meet all of F Ken’s Alaskan family. They are planning a second Celebration of Life in August 2010 to allow the greater community to mourn with them. More details to follow as they are planned. Please sign his guest book and share your memories with F Ken’s family of origin and family of choice.

Judge Lack wins Harvard fellowship

Judge Jonathon Lack, appointed in 2007, serves as the Superior Court Master and District Court Magistrate in the Alaska Court System, and he is one of ten LGBT leaders to win a Harvard fellowship this summer from The Gay & Lesbian Leadership Institute. Congratulations!

New leader for the UAF Gay-Straight Alliance

Jessi Angelette, president of the UAF Gay-Straight Alliance and the student spokesperson for the effort to add gays to the UA non-discrimination policy, is moving out of state this summer. Lauren Tibbitts-Travis, current pres. of the GSA at Juneau Douglas High School, is graduating and moving to UAF where she will be their new GSA president and will continue working for the UA policy change. The Regents agreed to deal with it this year, their next meeting is June 3-4 in Anchorage, and Lauren will speak at the meeting. Thanks, Lauren! Congratulations to Jessi on the pregnancy, and good luck in your next state!

PFLAG thanks Mary Parker

The Anchorage PFLAG Board of Directors has accepted, with gratitude and thanks, the resignation of Board member Mary Parker. Mary has been a board member for the past 14 years, among many other things she has been our primary contact person with all aspects of Anchorage youth and UAA during that entire time. She plans to continue her work as a point of contact for both youth and UAA, but she wants to eliminate Board meetings from her busy schedule. The Board thanks Mary for her many years of valuable service and we hope her future schedule has a little more flexibility. Thank you very much for your time and efforts Mary, your wisdom will be missed!

Thanks to the Fabulous Nine

A great big Thank You to the Fabulous 9 people who showed up at 10 a.m. on Saturday and worked so hard to clean the highway for PFLAG Juneau. There were 4 men and 5 women who worked really hard! We collected 12-15 bags of garbage and quite a bit of recyclables. The sunshine was glorious, the lake was beautiful, and we got several waves and gratitude honks from passers by. That was community service you can see and feel good about, SEAGLA and PFLAG working together on improving the community in which we all live… Thanks!

Alice and LuLu in Fairbanks, Frontrunners in Anchorage

Saturday, 8 May 2010 – 9:50 AM | Comments Off on Alice and LuLu in Fairbanks, Frontrunners in Anchorage
Alice and LuLu in Fairbanks, Frontrunners in Anchorage
Gay AK – News and notes for LGBT Alaska
Happy Mothers Day to all moms – lesbian, bisexual, transgender, queer and straight!

“Alice in the Underground” in Fairbanks
The Street Outreach and Advocacy Program (SOAP) of Fairbanks Counseling and Adoption (FCA) is proud to present Alice in the Underground, a fundraiser play about the realities of life for at-risk and homeless teens in Fairbanks. Teens at the downtown drop-in center worked with local theater professionals to create the play, resulting in a unique retelling of Lewis Carroll’s classic tale.
The show runs May 7th, 8th, 14th, and 15th at the Empress Theater downtown in the Co-op Building on Second Avenue. All performances are at 7:30 and tickets are $20 for general admission; $15 for students, seniors, and military; and Free for youth under 18.
Please come and help FCA continue its outreach and advocacy for the youth of Fairbanks, including LGBT youth. Email Alice in the Underground and check out their Facebook page.
Kentucky Derby party brings new members to Alaskans Together
On Saturday May 1, ATE held a Kentucky Derby Fundraiser in Fairbanks. We had about 30 people, raised $607 and signed up several new members. Everyone had a lot of fun. More fundraisers for Alaskans Together are being planned for Anchorage and Juneau this year, and we’ll let you know about them as soon as we have the details.
LuLu Small and the Small Band 5/14 & 5/15 in the Interior
Dance to Alaska’s premiere all-woman all-rock-&-roll band in Fairbanks and North Pole. The Lulu Small Band (Lulu, Marilyn, Merley) with special guest Trish Ham perform in the Interior: Friday, May 14 at The Marlin (non-smoking) in Fairbanks, and Saturday May 15 at The Badger Den in North Pole.
Run/Walk with Anchorage Frontrunners every Tuesday, 6:00 p.m.
Anchorage Frontrunners are starting to meet again officially this week. Some of us started a few weeks ago, but we usually run May through October. Tuesdays 6:00p.m. meet at Westchester Lagoon. A nice group of happy runners. Email Peter or check the Anchorage Frontrunners site.
Prom for Queer Teens, Guideline of Rights for LGBT Youth
The ACLU receives calls every year from students all over the country who have been told they cannot attend prom with their partners of choice or cannot dress in non-traditional gender clothing. In response, they posted a letter to principals and superintendents that students can use if their school tries to stop them from bringing a same-sex date to the Prom, and a letter for girl students who are being prevented from wearing a tuxedo to school dances. The letters and other resources are available at the ACLU’s Prom Resources for LGBT Students.

Ann Reed, Brandi Carlile, Gay Art, Travel & Clean-up

Saturday, 1 May 2010 – 5:27 AM | Comments Off on Ann Reed, Brandi Carlile, Gay Art, Travel & Clean-up
Ann Reed, Brandi Carlile, Gay Art, Travel & Clean-up
Gay AK: News and Notes for LGBT Alaska

Ann Reed concert 5/22
Lesbian singer Ann Reed is coming back to Anchorage for a concert on Saturday May 22, at 7:30 pm in the Wilda Marston Theater at Loussac Library. Tickets are $22 in advance/ $25 at the door, order through the Ann Reed site or call 1-800-947-9180.
Brandi Carlile in Anchorage 7/16 and Fairbanks 7/15
Lesbian singer Brandi Carlile is coming right from the Lillith Fair to play two concerts in Alaska. July 15 at The Blue Loon in Fairbanks (tickets), and July 16 at the Discovery Theater in Anchorage (tickets.)
GLBT art entries sought by Out North
Out North Theater Gallery in Anchorage is looking for entries to add voice to an exhibit that showed in Soldotna in April. “Celebrate” is not a rant, but rather a celebration of the small steps forward the LGBT community has made recently. Contact Out North if you’d like to play a part. Opens May 21, runs for 5 weeks through Pride Month.
Get Out in Alaska
Want to explore our great state? The gay guides of Out in Alaska are organizing several excellent adventures this summer, including backpacking in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in June, rafting the Copper River (Chitina to Cordova) in July, and kayaking Kenai Fjords in August. Great discounts are available to locals. For more information visit Out in Alaska.
Rainbow Highway with PFLAG and SEAGLA 5/8
PFLAG and SEAGLA have collaborated for years to take care of the most beautiful 2 mile segment of highway in Juneau, right along Auke Lake. This year’s community cleanup is on Saturday, May 8. Bags and gloves are provided, please show up at 10 AM at the Auke Lake parking lot. Wear bright colored clothing so we can put a rainbow of color on the highway that morning. Contact SEAGLA for more info.

Gay AK: locals win grants & awards, unblock web sites, thank Kristara

Sunday, 18 April 2010 – 5:57 AM | Comments Off on Gay AK: locals win grants & awards, unblock web sites, thank Kristara
Gay AK: locals win grants & awards, unblock web sites, thank Kristara
News and notes from LGBT Alaska
Gay Youth sites unblocked in Mat-Su schools
The Day of Silence website was unblocked from the Mat-Su school computers a week before the April 16 national event, according to Melissa, a high school student in the district. It was blocked all school year under the catergory of “Pornography/nudity.” She gave her teacher a list of blocked LGBT websites that are age appropriate for students and now they can be accessed from school computers. She thinks that this affects all schools in the Mat-Su School District, but she’s not sure. Go, Melissa!
ACLU wins grant for LGBT voter campaign
The ACLU of Alaska won a 2010 Pride Foundation grant “to identify, educate, and register new pro-LGBT Anchorage voters.” Since 2007, Pride Foundation has invested over $100,000 in twelve organizations that serve Alaska’s LGBTQ community. In addition, numerous Pride Foundation scholars hail from Alaska. The next grant application for organizations based in Alaska will be available in June.
Identity thanks Kristara for birthday fundraiser
Last Saturday night’s fund raiser for the Gay & Lesbian Community Center and Kristara’s birthday was a great evening of community, laughs, and donations for the Center. Our thanks go out to Kristara (ICOAA Empress 17, 26, 30, 32), Myrna, all the divas, Kevin and Paige, Mikey, sound, lights, food, folks at the door, and everyone who was there for this special evening.
72% support hospital visitation
In an unscientific poll conducted by KTUU.com Channel 2 News in Anchorage, respondents were asked, “Should hospitals grant the same visitation rights to gay and lesbian partners that they do to married heterosexual couples?” Of the 430 people who voted, 72% said Yes, and only 28% said No. The April 16 poll was in response to President Obama’s memo ordering the Department of Health and Human Services to prohibit discrimination in hospital visitation, including for gay and lesbian couples.
Gay-Straight Alliance wins UAF Diversity Award
The GSA student group at the University of Alaska, Fairbanks won a Diversity Enrichment Award and $100 at the SOAR awards ceremony on Saturday. The GSA is leading the effort to add gays to the UA non-discrimination policy, participates in the annual Day of Silence against anti-LGBT bullying, and raised awareness about the controversial ex-gays when a workshop was held on campus. Read the full story.

Ugly Betty, Equality Mixer, ATE update

Saturday, 3 April 2010 – 5:00 PM | Comments Off on Ugly Betty, Equality Mixer, ATE update
Ugly Betty, Equality Mixer, ATE update
Gay AK – notes for and from LGBTQ Alaska

Justin’s Episode on “Ugly Betty”
GLESN and the creative team of “Ugly Betty” have announced that the character Justin will come to terms with his sexual identity in an April 7 episode. “Your support for GLSEN is making real storylines, just like Justin’s, possible in schools all over our country. We applaud the work you do, and hope you’ll be watching with all of us at Ugly Betty as we help our much-loved Justin take the next step in his personal coming out journey.”

Equality Works Mixer
Join Equality Works for a night of entertainment, education, and community-building, on April 10 at 7 p.m. Meet other people interested in making Anchorage safe for gay and transgender Alaskans. Test your knowledge of LGBT issues and politics in the U.S. Find out how you can help Equality Works move Alaska forward. Be there for the start of something beautiful. E-mail Tiffany McClain for address and directions or call (907) 258-0044 ext. 2006.

DADT, ENDA and AK Hate Crimes updates
Alaskans Together for Equality, Inc. (ATE) continues to monitor legislation at the federal and state level. The Military Readiness Enhancement Act (H.R. 1283/S. 3065) is moving forward to repeal the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” law. In addition, the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (H.R. 3017/S. 1584) is making its way through Congress. In order for these two pieces of legislation to continue to move forward we need your help. If you haven’t already, please contact our Congressional delegation and voice your support for these two important pieces of legislation.

In Alaska, we have been monitoring Senate Bill 202 (Alaska Hate Crimes Legislation) that is making its way through the State Senate. If passed as amended it will cover crimes motivated by prejudice, bias, or hatred based on the victim’s sexual orientation as well as on other inherent characteristics. For more news, to become an ATE member or to volunteer for ATE visit Alaskans Together for Equality.

Celebration wrap-up from RAW
“Thanks for another awesome Celebration! Thank you to all the wonderful volunteers, performers, crew and committees that helped make this year’s Celebration of Change a success. Special thanks to Metro and GLCCA for selling tickets and Kodiak for hosting the after party. And thanks to all that came out and watched the show. See you next year!” Radical Arts for Women.