Articles in Friends & allies
Fairbanks for One Anchorage: Music, dessert, & fun at UAF Pub

Fairbanksers are holding a fundraiser for the equal rights of their fellow Alaskans 360 miles south this Thursday, March 1 at the Pub in UAF’s Wood Center . The fundraiser, for One Anchorage, will feature a night of live music from local Fairbanks talent, and a dessert auction of donated baked goodies.
Sara’s News Roundup, 2/19/2012: Whitney Houston against bullying

Whitney Houston against bullying, contraception & anti-LGBT rhetoric in Republican presidential politics, marriage equality in New Jersey and Maryland, Don’t Say Gay in Tennessee, and other recent LGBTQ news selected by Sara Boesser in Juneau, Alaska.
Paula Poundstone returns to Alaska: March shows in Juneau, Anchorage, & Fairbanks

Stand-up comedian Paula Poundstone visited Fairbanks last August with the cast and crew of NPR’s news quiz show, Wait Wait… Don’t Tell Me! She liked it so well that she’s coming back to Alaska in March, with shows in Juneau (March 15), Anchorage (March 16), and Fairbanks (March 17).
Dine Out for Equality: Spenard Roadhouse, Snow City, & Sacks Cafe in support of One Anchorage

Dine Out for Equality at Spenard Roadhouse (Jan. 30), Snow City Cafe (Feb. 14), or Sacks Cafe & Restaurant (Feb. 27) — and show your support for One Anchorage!
Sara’s News Roundup 12/19/11: Straight sister to LGBTs

A straight sister to LGBTs, an argument for a bisexual hairstyle, the Straight Spouse Network for spouses of gays/lesbians who come out, and other recent LGBTQ news selected by Sara Boesser in Juneau, Alaska.
Community Building for Alaska: The possibilities of every person

Several members of the Alaska LGBT community recently attended Community Building for Alaska sponsored by the Alaska Community Foundation & Alaska Pacific University, joining other Alaskans from throughout the state in a two-day program in experiential education on how to build community. We welcome one attendee, Shannon Sanderson, as a new contributor to Bent Alaska.
Call for participants: Influences on LGBT Self-Identity research project

Heather Aronno of Alaska Commons is also a student at UAA, and is conducting a study on influences on lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender self-identity. Please consider participating!
The circle turns

by Lauren Tibbits. Alaska Pride Conference was about drawing the younger and older generations together to better serve the LGBT community in Alaska — a wonderful experience, but coupled with grief for the passing of a beloved mentor, Alison McKenna of Juneau, who died unexpectedly on Saturday. The important thing, I’ve discovered, is to be part of the living legacy Alison has left behind.
The Daily Show covers the repeal of DADT

“A Few Gay Men”: Jon Stewart and Jason Jones of Comedy Central’s The Daily Show report on the repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell.
Choosing Alaska: A garden, a sauna and a dog

“I suggest a garden fence to protect your crop from moose,” Tallimat recommends to a gay couple thinking about moving to Alaska. “It is best that the fence be so tall that it can be seen from space.” From our series Choosing Alaska on living and working in Alaska as LGBT.