Wednesday, 14 May 2008 – 1:55 PM
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- MCC Religious services (Christian) – Sunday worship at 2 p.m. and Wednesday “Step by Step” at 6:30 p.m.
- Transgender Support Group – Sundays 6:30-8:30 p.m. at the GLCCA.
- Alaska Women Write – Women writers’ workshop. Thursdays 6-8, Immanual Presbyterian Church.
- Gay, Joyous and Free AA Meeting – 6 p.m. Mondays at the GLCCA.
- Anchorage FrontRunners – Coastal Trail running group. May-Oct. Mondays 6 p.m.
- This Way Out, The International Lesbian & Gay Radio Magazine – Wednesdays 8:15-8:45 p.m. on KWMD.
- Mad Myrna’s Divas Variety Show – Fridays 9 p.m.
- Side Street Saturdays – Saturdays at noon, an LGBT writer’s group at Side Street Cafe.
Mat-Su Valley
- SEAGLA Social Fridays – 6-8 p.m at the Imperial Bar & Billiards, Downtown.
- Juneau Pride Chorus – Fridays 5:15-6:45 p.m. Juneau Pride Chorus, a women’s chorus, rehearses at the Resurrection Lutheran Church, August-May. Marsha
- Pump House Wednesdays – LGBTA social group Wednesdays at 9 p.m. at the Chena Pump House.
- UAF Gay-Straight Alliance – GSA meeting Mondays 5-6 p.m. in the Women’s Center (Eilson 112)
Anything else?

by E. Ross
Rev. Johnathan Jones is leaving MCC Anchorage, and the church is hosting a farewell potluck in his honor.
“I have had a wonderful and rewarding time working with our church and community,” said Rev. Jones. “However, it is now time for me to move on.”
Johnathan worked hard to build the church and the gay community during his four years as pastor of
MCC Anchorage, a gay and lesbian-inclusive church that welcomes everyone. In addition to leading MCC, he spoke at UAA, lobbied politicians, and was a board member of several LGBT organizations, including PrideFest and Identity. His good works and admirable qualities are the subjects of an earlier post,
Appreciating Rev. Jones.
“We are very sad to have him go, but wish him well in his new endeavors,” said Edie Bailey, MCC board member. “He has been a very dynamic personality in Anchorage and will certainly leave a hole in the church and in the community.”
To thank him for his contributions and wish him well in his next location, MCC invites the community to Johnathan’s last Sunday service on May 25. The service begins at 2 p.m., and the potluck will follow at 3 p.m.
In June, MCC Anchorage will begin the next stage in it’s development. “We are going to have a tough time without a minister,” said Edie. “We have lined up some guest speakers and pastors, but we need everyone to pitch in.”
During this transition, the board will need help with singing and reading scripture at the Sunday service, bringing refreshments and paper goods, and preparing the food and program for the Thursday Night Soul Food service.
Johnathan’s last day at MCC is May 31, and he will be leaving the country soon after. “A great opportunity has come up for me and I have decided to pursue it,” he said. “My visa expires this year, so it seems God has been planning my next step.”
“I will always have fond memories of my first Parish.”
Add your good wishes to Rev. Johnathan Jones in the comment section:

by E. Ross
This is the first same-sex marriage announcement to appear in the Juneau Empire. The newspaper published an article about a lesbian couple who were planning to get married in San Francisco when that was briefly possible. However, the couple missed the window of opportunity, so no wedding announcement was posted.
These men live in the Netherlands, where same-sex marriage is legal:
Crispian Smith, of Juneau, and Jeroen van Dalen, of Rotterdam, the Netherlands, were married in a ceremony attended by family and friends on March 29, 2008, in the Old Church in Amsterdam.
Mr. van Dalen is the son of Cees van Dalen, of Schiedam, the Netherlands, and Atie and Dick de Zeeuw, of Amsterdam. He received his doctorandus from the University of Maastricht and works as a content management consultant.
Mr. Smith is the son of Phil and Deborah Smith, of Juneau. A graduate of Juneau-Douglas High School, he received his bachelor’s degree from the New School for Social Research in New York City and his master’s from the University of Amsterdam. He is a case manager at the war crimes tribunal in The Hague.
After a brief honeymoon on the Belgian coast, the couple returned to their home in Amsterdam.
Congratulations to Crispian and Jeroen on their wedding, and to the Juneau Empire for their first same-sex marriage announcement.
by E. Ross
Someone is making dirty Internet-based attacks on an Alaskan democratic candidate for senate, The Fairbanks Daily News-Miner reported on Monday:
The addresses direct viewers to either a fake blog, a San Francisco-based gay lifestyle site or a merchant selling items imprinted with the phrase “Trust Fund Baby.” The implication is that [he] is a rich California liberal — otherwise known as an Outsider.
Actually, the implication is that he’s a rich ‘queer’ Outsider.
One of the fake addresses redirects to “Your Online Guide to Gay San Francisco” with business listings, a calendar of events, and articles from SF Spectrum, an LGBT publication that reports news, entertainment and information for the gay community in the SF Bay Area.
The political attacks include a second fake address that redirects to a gay site, which the News-Miner didn’t describe. The address goes to Only in San Francisco: The Official Visitor’s Site for San Francisco. But it doesn’t redirect to the home page of the city guide – it goes to Itinerary 6: Queer Culture Tour.
The attacks are specifically anti-gay, not just anti-Outsider.
This attempt to harm a politician’s reputation by falsely linking his campaign to gay web sites was exposed during the same week that Alaskans were debating the participation of local students in Day of Silence, a national event that brings attention to anti-LGBT name calling and harassment by highlighting the voices that are silenced by prejudice.
The News-Miner article did not discuss the anti-LGBT aspect of the attacks. Instead, the author brought attention to his own lack of awareness by describing the destination page as a “gay lifestyle site.”
If a gay news site posts news, and a gay events site lists events, what does a gay lifestyle site post? Fashion tips?
Castro Online is a community guide and the online home for a news magazine – similar to the News-Miner’s web site for posting articles, ads and events relevant to Fairbanks. Does that make a Fairbanks lifestyle site?
The Anchorage Press didn’t have the News-Miner’s problem describing a gay web site. They published the story first and wrote that the fake site redirects to “, a San Francisco calendar and information guide for the LGBT community.”
The News-Miner changed it to a “gay lifestyle site” in their article posted five days later. The next day, the Juneau Empire described the sites as “pages associated with gay culture in San Francisco.” Awkward, but accurate.
So what happened at the News-Miner? They report a story about an anti-gay smear campaign, but they barely acknowledge the anti-gay aspect and instead refer to the gay community as a lifestyle.
Perhaps our journalists should take a Day of Silence to highlight the lack of good quality news reports on LGBT issues in Alaska.
Tuesday, 29 April 2008 – 9:37 PM
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It’s true: Elton John is performing in Alaska!
Elton is to play two SOLO concerts in Alaska, USA. The dates are: Wednesday May 28, 2008 at the Sullivan Arena, Anchorage, Alaska, and Thursday May 29 at the Carlson Center, Fairbanks, Alaska.
This will be the first time Elton has played in the state of Alaska, and comes as a result of huge popular demand for him to play there. These concerts also take him within sight of achieving his aim to have performed in every state of the USA. Alaska will be the 49th state in which he has performed. (
In Anchorage, tickets go on sale at 10 a.m. on Monday, May 5. There is a six-ticket purchase limit, and prices range from $56.50 to $116.50. Tickets will be available online at, Charge-by-Phone at 562-4800, Fred Meyer Ticketmaster outlets and Sullivan Arena box office.
In Fairbanks, tickets go on sale at 10 a.m. on Saturday, May 3 and will be available at Fred Meyer Ticketmaster outlets, the Carlson Center box office, 456-4800, and Ticket prices are set at $75 and $115, not including fees.
Monday, 14 April 2008 – 9:07 AM
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“The ICP Mardi Gras Masquerade Ball was a huge success. Prince Cory Crowder and Princess Rhonda Sheer stepped down, making way for our new Prince and Princess, Joseph Williams and April Rains. Fun was had by all, and the entertainment was awesome. Cory and Rhonda put on a fabulous show.”
~ From Mary Bess of the Imperial Court of All Alaska (ICOAA)

Prince Joseph Williams and Princess April Rains
by E. Ross
Welcome, subscribers of
Alaska GLBT News – the statewide newsletter for GLBT events – and readers of the women’s newsletter, the
One lucky subscriber from each of these newsletters will win a free ticket to Celebration of Change –
Pirates of the Lesibbean.
Here’s how you can win:
- Give one reason why you want to attend Celebration of Change this year.
- Put the reason in an email to Bent Alaska:
- Include the name of the newsletter you are subscribed to, either the Grrlzlist or Alaska GLBT News. You must be currently subscribed to one of these two newsletters to enter the contest. (Subscribe to AGN now.) If you are subscribed to both, you may send two separate messages, one for each subscription.
- Send from the email address where you receive your newsletter, to verify the subscription and to contact you if you win. (If sending from a different address, write the subscribed address in the message.)
- Be the 5th (fifth) subscriber from that newsletter to send an email.
- Check Bent Alaska on Saturday to see who won.
The tickets have been purchased and will be held at the door for the winners.
Good luck!
by E. Ross

Pictured from left to right: Janet Sarnick, Mandy Salgato, Jessicah Heller, Geysa Aldebot, Laura Carpenter, Stacey Uptegraft, and Amber Jay. Photos by Drea Hunnicutt. Design by Kenna Bates.
It’s a pirate’s life for Celebration of Change this year, and the Pirates of the Lesibbean have captured the Wilda Marston Theater for the annual women’s performance.
The show begins with a rowdy pirate song and dance number with music from the Pirates of the Caribbean 3. “Plenty of swabbing of the poop deck and stage combat,” said Leslie Ward, who choreographed the scene. “Dancers ‘capture’ performers and ‘toss them into the brig’ (backstage).”
Ward will perform two solo dances later in the show, jazz/modern and hip hop style. Other performers include EverReady, Barbara Wish and Stray Dogma. There will be dance, song, spoken word and comedy, and Radical Arts for Women (RAW) will announce the winner of the Radical Woman Award.
The Bazaar before and after the show includes visual art, information and snacks.
“I haven’t seen the rehearsals at all,” said Laura Carpenter, Coordinator of RAW and Treasurer/P.R. for Celebration. “I’m the behind the scenes person this year. The show will just happen like magic for me that night. I’m excited about it.”
Carpenter has been involved with Celebration of Change for five years and performed in several shows. As Coordinator of RAW, she oversaw the distribution of $2,000 in grants in 2007 to feminist and lesbian artists.
“Celebration is usually a full house, but not sold out,” said Laura. “I like it that way because I don’t like turning people away.” The $15 tickets are available before the show at Metro and the GLCCA, and are the same price at the door Saturday night. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. and the show begins at 7 p.m.
Celebration of Change is the annual fundraiser for
Radical Arts for Women, a Lesbian and Feminist philanthropic organization that funds Alaskan women art projects. In addition to Celebration and the Radical Woman Award, RAW sponsors a short story contest for women in Alaska. This year’s winning entry is posted on the RAW web site.
So hoist a lavendar skull and crossbones, and come to the Wilda Marston Theater in Loussac Library for Celebration of Change – Pirates of the Lesibbean!
Thursday, 3 April 2008 – 4:54 AM
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by E. Ross
“We often take Johnathan for granted,” said Edith Bailey, a member of the MCC Board of Directors. “Just as I believe there cannot be too many potlucks, I also believe there are never too many ‘I love you’s and ‘I appreciate you’s. Johnathan deserves to hear it at times other than just Christmas.”
MCC invites the GLBT community to a “Johnathan Jones Appreciation Day” Potluck. Edie will prepare a ham, potato salad, and rolls. Annie promised to make her pineapple casserole that was such a big hit on Easter.
Here are some of Johnathan’s qualities, experiences, and activities that the congregation appreciates:
- Johnathan left Australia in 2004 when he was only 24 to accept a position as the pastor of MCC-Anchorage.
- He had already experienced a divorce from a heterosexual marriage and was a physical and sexual abuse survivor.
- He threw himself into the work and began building the church.
- He labors to lead a service that has wide appeal, because the congregation is very diverse.
- His sermons make positive references to the GLBT community.
- He quotes scripture that dispels the notion that homosexuality is condemned in the Bible.
- He made MCC known in the community.
- He works on the Identity Helpline and fields questions concerning homosexuality and the Bible.
- He is Co-Chair of the PrideFest 2008 Committee and leads the Gay Memorial & MCC Pride Service.
- He accepts numerous speaking opportunities at UAA and in the community at large.
- He gives interviews on radio talk shows about homosexuality and religion.
- He speaks out through Compass pieces in the Anchorage Daily News.
- He is often interviewed on TV when there is an issue in the news about the GLBT community.
- He lobbied the Senate and Congress in DC concerning the Matthew Shephard Act. (Equal Opportunity Law Enforcement Act and Equal Non-Discrimination Act.)
- He personally met with Senator Murkowski to discuss the bills. (She did vote for the Matthew Shephard Act.)
- Johnathan is a very personable young man who laughs easily and loves deeply.
- His sincerity is immediately apparent to all who meet him.
- He shares many of his life’s experiences with the congregation, demonstrating that one can survive all sorts of discrimination, prejudice, and abuse and still be a Christian.
- He is deeply loved by his congregation.
Thank you, Johnathan!
The Potluck follows the 2 p.m. service on Sunday 4/6. If you want to be on the program or have questions, contact
MCC is an inclusive church and welcomes everyone. Rev. Jones is also available for weddings, same-sex commitment ceremonies, baptisms, funerals, and one-on-one pastoral care. Visit
MCC Anchorage.