Articles in Alaska communities
Juneteenth Celebrates Emancipation on the Park Strip

Pride Chorus Spring Concert Touches the Soul

The Juneau Pride Chorus is meeting on June 26 to vote on music for next season, and they invite interested women singers to attend. Then the Chorus takes a break for the summer and begins rehearsing again in August. Contact Marsha for the time and location of the June meeting, or check Alaska GLBT News for updates.
Once again, the Juneau Pride Chorus and our fabulous audience created magic in a space that doesn’t seem at all magical! Betsy, our sound engineer, was a genius in using a light touch with amplification. I was astounded by the return of that magnificent powerful final note after we stopped singing….as if the space confirmed the power and beauty we offered. I am always amazed at the relationship we have with our audience….they always spur us on to be better, brighter, more full of life. We are fortunate to have an audience who engages with us. Thanks to all for the wonderful season full of laughter, tears, beauty. It has a been a real privilege to be a part of this phenomenon for 10 years. – Soprano 2, Jill SandlebenI, too, loved watching the performance. I was so impressed with you all, and especially of the many of you who put yourself out there to do solos, play an instrument, or sing in an ensemble! Everyone had great expressions on their faces and in their body movement. While it was fun to be in the audience and get to be entertained, I will hurry back to join you all when we get going again this fall! – Alto 1, LindaThose who weren’t there missed a wonderful, wonderful performance. I loved every minute of it and wasn’t at all ashamed of some of my tears since they were in the eyes of many around me. “Power Tools” was the biggest kick and the audience loved the “choreography.” Have a wonderful summer and I’ll see you in the fall. – Soprano 2, Paula Terrel, a Pride Chorus member on spring hiatus.
Where to Find GLBT Alaska – Organizations, Groups & Publications

UPDATE: Check out the updated list of LGBTA Businesses in Alaska!
Visitors, new residents and even long-time Alaskans want to know where they can find GLBT Alaska. Previously, I posted our Annual Events and Recurring Events. Here is the resource list for Alaska’s GLBT organizations, groups and publications with their current web links or email contacts.
Organizations (in alphabetical order):
- 4 A’s – Alaskan AIDS Assistance Association provides supportive services to persons living with HIV/AIDS and their families, and works to eliminate the transmission of HIV infection and its stigma. Includes Power-On Alaska, Get It On, a quarterly newsletter and the Adam & Steve young men’s group.
- Alaskans Together – formed in 2007 to fight the anti-gay advisory vote, Alaskans Together is now a permanent statewide organization that advocates for LGBT equality in Alaska.
- Equality Works – a coalition working to protect Anchorage residents from discrimination and harassment.
- GLSEN & GSA – the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network has an Anchorage chapter, and the Gay Straight Alliance has student clubs in Anchorage, Juneau and Fairbanks.
- IAA – Interior AIDS Association is a nonprofit organization in Fairbanks that provides HIV-related prevention, case management, and other support services.
- ICOAA – The Imperial Court of All Alaska raises money for scholarships and community non-profits through participation in fundraising events, benefits, titleholder balls and other functions.
- Identity – Identity’s programs include a statewide Helpline, the NorthVIEW quarterly newsletter, Anchorage PrideFest, the Pride Conference, the Gay and Lesbian Community Center of Anchorage (GLCCA), the Identity Advocacy Program, and support for local youth programs.
- Mat-Su LGBT Community Center – A new Center opened in Palmer, with social groups, a blog and a library.
- MCC – Metropolitan Community Church of Anchorage, an Inclusive Church: Proud, Courageous and Loving.
- PFLAG – Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays has chapters in Anchorage, Juneau, Fairbanks, and Homer.
- RAW – Radical Arts for Women presents Celebration of Change, a short story contest and scholarships for women in the arts.
- SEAGLA – The Southeast Alaska Gay and Lesbian Alliance provides a supportive social network for GLBT people in Southeast Alaska.
- TLFMC – a non-profit social club that provides bears, leathermen, cowboys, their respective admirers, and other masculine Alaskan gay and bisexual men with the opportunity to meet socially.
- AK Community – an informal youth and family group with a discussion forum.
- Alaska Women Write – women’s writing workshop, Thursdays 6-8 p.m. Immanual Presbyterian Church
- Anchorage FrontRunners – Anchorage GLBT walking/running club affiliated with International Front Runners, meets May-Oct, Monday nights at 6 p.m. for a run/walk on the Coastal Trail.
- Anchorage LGBT Meetup Group – meet with other members and supporters of your local LGBT community.
- Juneau Pride Chorus – The Women’s Chorus is affiliated with Juneau PFLAG, and rehearses weekly from late summer through their spring concert in May.
- Men of Alaska – a social Meetup group for gay men in and around Anchorage.
- Trans Alaska Pipeline – the official site for the Transgendered Alaskans’ Social Group and source for information and support for TransPeople everywhere.
- Transgender Support Group – Sundays 6:30-8:30 p.m. at the GLCCA.
- Alaska GLBT News – statewide email newsletter with news, announcements and upcoming events.
- Bent Alaska – blog for GLBT News and Events with a Local Alaskan Bent.
- Grrlzlist – Anchorage women’s email newsletter with news, announcements, ads and upcoming events.
- Naked Ptarmigan – creative writing journal.
- NEWS – Sara’s emails of current local, national and international LGBT news briefs.
- Quarterly newsletters – 4 A’s and Identity (linked above) print quarterly newsletters.
- Yahoo! Groups – AnchoragePride, fairbankspride and matsulgbtcc, and some organizations have members-only groups.
- Facebook – several of the organizations have Facebook pages.
Have I missed something?
Blogging for LGBT Families Day: Two Moms and Two Boys DO Make a Family

My Two Moms: When Woodrow Wilson declared Mother’s Day in 1914, there probably weren’t many two-mom families like the one led by Martha Murray and Jenifer Shapland of Juneau. They’ve been together for almost 23 years and are raising two boys.
Juneau Pride Chorus Sings "Songs for the Soul"

OutMusic award winner Irina Rivkin tours Alaska with personal and political songs

Irina Rivkin is bringing her “poetic vocal worldfolk live-looped harmonies and beats” back to Alaska, with performances in Anchorage on June 4 at Tap Root Cafe and June 14 at the Juneteenth Festival, and in Fairbanks on June 12 at College Coffeehouse. Her twin sister Inna will open for her and harmonize.
Irina is returning to Alaska to visit her family and to tour. Last year, she performed at the Seldovia Summer Solstice Music Festival and an Out North Showcase in Anchorage.
Singer-songwriter Irina Rivkin has performed for 25 years, from her childhood singing Russian folk and American Jazz in a family band, to performing her own songs for the last 12 years. She expresses insightful, gutsy, vocal world-folk originals, journeying into the personal and political, with occasional travels into Russian and Spanish language lyrics. Irina layers her poetic lyrics with rich textured harmonies, swirling with vocal percussive beats, all created live on-the-spot using her loop station instrument.
Her full-length CD “upwelling” was released on Rose Street Records in 2004. The song “See Through Bush,” about George W., was chosen for the Acoustic Rainbow v.20 radio sampler.
“Ya Eyo Lublu”, Irina’s “Russian-émigré-lesbian-coming-out-love-song” about bringing the woman she loves home to meet her mother, received an OutMusic Award for Outsong of the Year and was included on the “Safe Haven” compilation, raising funds for Portland LGBTQ youth services.
Irina’s father was fired and blacklisted by the KGB for “the crime of listening to poetry” and the family came to America seeking freedom. But in 2000, Bush “steals an election” and turns the country into “his own police state.” The song “Taking Our Freedom” compares her family’s experiences with the Russian KGB to the current tactics of the FBI.
Watch a live-looped version of “Taking Our Freedom” on Irina’s MySpace page, or listen to “upwelling” on SonicBids.
Irina also founded the Rose Street House of Music, a house concert & touring musical community featuring women singer-songwriters, with a focus on poetic music of substance & depth.
“She is political, jazzy, and rhythmic…hot, harmony-rich vocals… rhythm & sound would pass as a Russian Sweet Honey in the Rock.” Angela Page, Sing Out! Summer 2004
Irina’s 2008 Alaska Tour:
- Anchorage 6/4 (Wed) at Tap Root Café, 8 p.m. (1330 E Huffman), $5-10 sliding scale donation suggested, no one turned away for lack of funds.
- Fairbanks 6/12 (Thurs) College Coffeehouse, 8 p.m. (3677 College Road Unit 4), $5-10 sliding scale donation suggested, no one turned away for lack of funds.
- Anchorage 6/14 (Sat) at the Juneteenth Festival, 7 p.m. on the Delaney Park Strip, free.
She is also available for a house concert or live-looping workshop in Anchorage or Palmer on June 15, and in the Fairbanks area June 6-8.
Juneau "Femme Fatale" Raises $3000 For Four A’s
OUT is IN – Alaska: Anchorage PrideFest 2008

by E. Ross
Where to Find GLBT Alaska – Annual Events, Revised Again

- Arctic Heat (Jan.) – TLFMC comes out of hibernation to choose the next Bear and Leather titleholders.
- Celebration of Change (April) – RAW’s ‘break-up’ performance celebrates women, art, music and springtime. UPDATE: changed to JUNE for 2009.
- Femme Fatale (end of April) – ICOAA’s Juneau benefit for 4 A’s closes the legislative session.
- Day of Silence (April 25) & Pride Prom (April in Anchorage, Feb. in Fairbanks) – Gay/Straight Student Alliances (GSA’s) participate in National Day of Silence, and Pride Prom graduates teens in style.
- Pride Picnic (May, Memorial Day) – The Picnic and BBQ celebrate unity and the beginning of summer.
- Juneau Pride Chorus spring concert (May) – An evening of music, food and dance. UPDATE: The Pride Chorus concert was in February this year.
- PrideFest (June) – The summer solstice parade and festival displays Gay Pride in downtown Anchorage & Fairbanks.
- Coronation (August) – ICOAA’s late summer extravaganza invests the new Imperial Court.
- Pride Conference (October) – Identity’s back-to-school conference is inspired by National Coming Out Day.
- World AIDS Day (Dec. 1) – Four A’s and IAA recognize World AIDS Day with red ribbons and candlelight vigils.
Big Wild Gay?