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Historic Rainbow Flag Brightens Fairbanks Parade

Thursday, 31 July 2008 – 2:41 PM | One Comment
Historic Rainbow Flag Brightens Fairbanks Parade

It didn’t rain on the Golden Days Parade, and the forty-five-foot rainbow flag from Key West, Florida cast multicolored light on the girl skipping beneath it as the PFLAG contingent marched down Second Avenue in Fairbanks, Alaska.
For the third year in a row, the Fairbanks chapter of Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG) carried the big rainbow flag, a segment of the longest gay pride flag ever made, and this year it was the top parade photo published in the Fairbanks Daily News-Miner.
“The flag did not arrive until the afternoon before the parade,” said Terrie Donovan, marcher and organizer of the PFLAG Golden Days Picnic after the parade. “There was a lot of anxiety that it might not get here in time.”
In 2003, Key West Pridefest commissioned Gilbert Baker to make the world’s longest gay pride flag, which was sixteen feet wide by a mile and a quarter long and took 3,000 volunteers to carry. Baker created the original rainbow flag design in 1978 at the request of the late Harvey Milk, the first openly-gay San Francisco City Supervisor.
After the Key West Parade, the flag was cut into sections and loaned to gay pride groups around the country. Peter Pinney of Fairbanks PFLAG and Tim Stallard of Out in Alaska arranged to borrow a sixteen foot by forty-five foot section for the Golden Days Parade.
The Golden Days Parade celebrates the gold rush origins of Fairbanks. Many local groups and politicians march in the parade, and spectators camp out in folding chairs to reserve a good spot. 
PFLAG marcher Beverly Chmelik was interviewed for the Channel 11 live parade broadcast, and her interview was on the local news. “They asked what PFLAG was about and what we do. I told them it was a support group for parents of gay, lesbian and transgender children, and for those who are coming out and wanting to tell their families.”
“I forgot to say that for more information, please see our booth at the Fair.” PFLAG Fairbanks is building a themed booth for the Tanana Valley Fair, August 1-9. 
PFLAG held their annual Golden Days Picnic at Nussbaumer Park, providing hamburgers, hotdogs and lemonade to a group of lesbians, gay men, transgendered women, straight allies and children. The picnic was funded by a grant from the Imperial Court of All Alaska.
The historic rainbow flag segment was returned to Florida – until next year.

Before the parade, Beverly Chmelik, Pete Pinny and another PFLAG member hold the Fairbanks chapter banner while the rest of the contingent holds the historic rainbow flag from Florida. Photo by Shayle.

Alaskan Vigils for UU Church Shootings at "Welcoming Congregation"

Tuesday, 29 July 2008 – 11:40 AM | Comments Off on Alaskan Vigils for UU Church Shootings at "Welcoming Congregation"
Alaskan Vigils for UU Church Shootings at "Welcoming Congregation"
The Unitarian Universalist Fellowships in Anchorage and Juneau are holding vigils in support of everyone effected by the tragic shooting at the UU Church in Tennessee, and as an expression of solidarity with all people of faith who engage in spiritual work for social justice.
The Juneau Unitarian Universalist Fellowship vigil is at 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, July 29 in the Marine Park shelter. The Anchorage vigil is at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, July 30th at the Anchorage Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, 3201 Turnagain Street.
“We invite all members and friends of Juneau’s faith community to join us in this solemn moment,” said Dave Dierdorff, the current lay leader of the Juneau Fellowship. “The shattering of the sanctity of any sanctuary, no matter the faith, is an attack on all of us.”
On Sunday, Jim David Adkisson went into the Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church in Knoxville and shot several congregants, killing one man on the spot and fatally wounding a woman from the Westide Unitarian Universalists congregation, who died shortly after being taken to the hospital.
The evidence now strongly suggests that hate was the motive for the crime. Adkisson had in his car a four-page handwritten note in which he blamed what he called ‘the liberal movement’ for his inability to get a job, and targeted the church because it received publicity regarding its ‘liberal stance.’
“He disliked blacks, gays, anyone who was a different color or just different from him,” Carol Smallwood of Alice, Texas, told the Knoxville News Sentinel. 
TVUUC is a Welcoming Congregation and hosts numerous LGBT groups, including the Knoxville chapter of PFLAG and the Spectrum Cafe, which “especially welcomes teens who self-identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender, or who are questioning their sexual or gender identity.” One of the transgendered teens was in the church at the time of the shooting, in a special youth performance of the musical Annie. Her new foster father, Greg McKendry, stepped in front of the gunman to protect others in the church, and was killed. 
On Monday evening, the Second Presbyterian Church — next door to the TVUUC, which is now a crime scene — held a candlelight vigil that drew hundreds in solidarity.
The Anchorage UU is also a “Welcoming Congregation” and sent this message to the community:
We were all shocked and saddened to learn about the horrible events that took place at the Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church in Knoxville.
Apparently a deeply disturbed man entered the sanctuary yesterday during Sunday morning service, shouted “hateful things” according to a witness, and opened fire into the crowd during a children’s program. Two adult members of the church were killed, and 6 others are currently in the hospital being treated for serious injuries.
Such senseless violence happening in a place of worship and peace is difficult to process. Especially difficult is the fact that this horrible incident is now being investigated as a hate crime after a letter was found in the shooter’s car indicating that his motivation was born out of hostility toward “the liberal movement.”
Details of the letter are unavailable, but the church had just become a UU “Welcoming Congregation,” openly showing their support and welcome to the GLBT community, in addition to promoting religious tolerance and acceptance of those with differing or no religious beliefs.
The Anchorage Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, also a “Welcoming Congregation,” will be holding a candlelight vigil in support of all those affected by the tragedy, and all those who hold dear the ideals of freedom, reason and tolerance for all people.
We invite any and all to attend who wish to be together in reflection, compassion and support.

Local Station Airs Lesbian & Gay Radio Program

Monday, 28 July 2008 – 6:55 PM | 3 Comments
Local Station Airs Lesbian & Gay Radio Program

Update: This Way Out also airs on KEUL 88.9 FM in Girdwood and 105.3 FM in Hope on Wednesday evenings at 10 p.m. (Thanks to DJ Ultraviolet)
Every Wednesday, listeners in Anchorage, Eagle River, Kasilof and the Mat-Su can tune in to This Way Out, an award-winning and internationally distributed gay and lesbian news and music program, on KWMD from 8:15-8:45 p.m.
KWMD broadcasts in Anchorage on 104.5 FM and 87.74 FM, in Eagle River on 92.5 FM, in Kasilof on 90.7 FM, and in the Mat-Su on 107.9 FM. 
This Way Out begins with a summary of major news events in or affecting the lesbian & gay communities around the world. The 30 minute magazine-style program continues with interviews of authors and performers, music by openly-Lesbigay recording artists, humor, readings from GLBT literature, and news feature stories.
The weekly show was broadcast in Fairbanks on KSUA 91.5 FM, but has not been aired since the Homophonic Radio program was discontinued.
This Way Out recently celebrated 20 years on the air. The all-volunteer operation accepts donations, and CD or tape subscriptions are available for those who live outside the broadcast areas.

This Week in LGBT Alaska

Friday, 25 July 2008 – 2:28 PM | Comments Off on This Week in LGBT Alaska
This Week in LGBT Alaska

From Alaska GLBT News (subscribe):
Bac’untry Bruthers plays Americana at the Down East Saloon on Thursday 7/24 at 10 p.m.
Ever Ready plays rock, country and blues at Del Rois on 7/26, 9 p.m.-1 a.m.
The Last Frontier Men’s Club (and friends and visitors) Last Saturday Brunch at Snow City Cafe in downtown Anchorage, 7/26 at 10:30 a.m.

Anchorage Celebrates Our "Diverse City"

Wednesday, 23 July 2008 – 5:22 PM | Comments Off on Anchorage Celebrates Our "Diverse City"
Anchorage Celebrates Our "Diverse City"
The Mayor’s Office of Equal Opportunity, along with Anchorage’s Diversity Commission, is hosting a free community-wide “Diverse City (Diversity) Barbecue” on Friday, July 25 on the Delaney Park Strip, 5-8 p.m.
What do they mean by “diversity?”

Diversity in this Administration’s book means, in addition to differences based on ethnicity, gender, age, religion, disability, national origin and sexual orientation, an infinite range of individuals’ unique characteristics and experiences, such as communication styles, career, work, life experience, educational backgrounds and other variables.  

Eat free hamburgers, hotdogs, and samples of ethnic foods while listening to live music from local bands. Beer and wine will be sold in a secured area. Adults can participate in the diversity barbecue cook-off and the karaoke competition, and look for jobs at the Department of Labor’s mobile employment station. Kinds can enjoy free youth activities.
The Mayor’s Office is also organizing the 2008 Mayor’s Diversity Month, September 1 through September 30, bringing together a wide variety of community organizations “to host events that combat bias and promote a respect for diversity.”

All events and programs help build positive relationships, partnerships and bridges to encourage acceptance of Anchorage’s broad diversity base. The community is invited to participate in the celebration by hosting a diversity event in conjunction with Mayor’s Diversity Month or to assist with an already scheduled event.

Organizations that are interested in hosting a diversity event can download an event form on the MOA’s Diversity page. Want to get involved? Diversity month organizing meetings are every other Thursday at 5:30 p.m. in the Mayor’s Conference Room, 8th floor, City Hall, 632 W. 6th Avenue. Meeting dates are: June 26, July 10, July 24, August 7, and August 21. 

Rev. Johnathan’s New Journey: From Anchorage MCC to Edinburgh

Monday, 21 July 2008 – 8:43 PM | Comments Off on Rev. Johnathan’s New Journey: From Anchorage MCC to Edinburgh
Rev. Johnathan’s New Journey: From Anchorage MCC to Edinburgh
Reverend Johnathan Jones, pastor of the Metropolitan Community Church (MCC) in Anchorage for four years until his resignation in May, accepted a position as Interim Pastor at Edinburgh MCC and was introduced to Scotland’s LGBTA community during last Sunday’s service. 
Rev. Jones worked hard to build the all-inclusive MCC church in Anchorage. His efforts and his personal manner were appreciated by many in the community, and his resignation was a shock.
The church hosted a farewell potluck in Johnathan’s honor, and he left Alaska in early June. He was back last week to deal with visa issues and visited with friends and church members. When he returned to Scotland, he sent this message to MCC Anchorage, the LGBT community and our allies:
It was such a pleasure to see you all again so soon. Now I am back in Edinburgh and have started working at a fast pace. Yesterday (July 20) was my first Sunday back and we celebrated MCC Edinburgh‘s 13th birthday. We had over 40 people in attendance and had a wonderful service. 
I have recently been reading a Thomas Merton book and there was a fabulous quote in there that I would like to share with you:
“Only when we see ourselves in our true human conditions as “one body” will we begin to understand the positive importance not only of the successes but of the failures and accidents in our lives. My successes are not my own. The way to them was prepared by others. The fruit of my labors is not my own: for I am preparing the way for the achievements of another. Nor are my failures my own. They may spring from the failure of another, but they are also compensated for by another’s achievement.” (Thomas Merton, No Man Is An Island)
As I read this passage, I was reminded of my time in Anchorage. I thought about my successes with the church and my failures with the church, but this passage made me realize that neither the successes nor the failures were solely my own. WE worked hard as a Church to outreach to the GLBT community of Anchorage. WE worked hard to establish a strong Building Fund account. WE worked hard to build An Inclusive Church. And there is a liberation in knowing that where we failed, we failed together and we learned together.
As I now move on another journey with MCC Edinburgh, I will always remember with joy my time with my first church. I will always keep in mind the invaluable lessons I learned during my four years with all of you. In the same manner, there are many things that MCC Anchorage can learn as you grow into your new journey.
I will pray for you often, and I will be back in January to visit with you. If you would like to keep in contact with me, I am keeping the same email address.
God Bless You.
Rev. Johnathan
Interim Pastor
MCC Edinburgh

Imperial Court Float Makes Waves in Anchorage Parades

Sunday, 20 July 2008 – 3:07 PM | Comments Off on Imperial Court Float Makes Waves in Anchorage Parades
Imperial Court Float Makes Waves in Anchorage Parades

The Imperial Court of All Alaska won float honors at two Anchorage parades, winning Best of Theme in the Independence Day Parade and Best Overall in PrideFest’s Celebrating Diversity Parade.
The float was built by the 2008 Anchorage Ducal Court, led by Keith Heim and Donna Parsons. 
The float’s “Out is IN” sign for PrideFest was changed to “We’re ALL In” for the July 4th Parade, in honor of the 50th Anniversary of Alaska’s Statehood.
Myster of Own The Sidewalk took a picture of the float (left) and pointed out the Court member in the blue and white dress:

This lovely lady called out over the loudspeaker to the very conservative Dan Sullivan, standing next to us on the sidewalk: “Dan Sullivan! Dan Sullivan! I went to high school with you! You probably don’t remember me.”

In her post on the Independence Day Festival, Myster said, “One of the many joys of living downtown is proximity to Park Strip parties. Another is that sometimes you get to see a drag queen heckle Dan Sullivan.”
In March, the ICOAA float got attention at the Fur Rondy Parade. “The only actual float was the Imperial Court of All Alaska, which is the oldest gay community organization in Anchorage,” wrote Troy B. Thompson. “They also happened to be playing the best music and seemed to be having the most fun.”

This Week in LGBT Alaska

Friday, 18 July 2008 – 12:09 PM | Comments Off on This Week in LGBT Alaska
This Week in LGBT Alaska

From Alaska GLBT News (subscribe):
  • Golden Days Parade and Picnic with PFLAG, 7/19. Meet for the Parade at 10 a.m., space 31 behind the Carlson Center. Picnic at 2 p.m. in Nussbaumer Park, corner of Haines Street & “E” Street, in Hamilton Acres.
  • Bac’untry Bruthers at the Saltry in Halibut Cove on Friday 7/18 at 6 p.m. and at the Down East Saloon next Thursday 7/24 at 10 p.m.
  • “Spank Your Bottom” 7/19, 9 p.m. Mr. Alaska Leather Fundraiser for The Last Frontier Men’s Club. Held at Mad Myrna’s. $5
  • Transgender Support Group 7/20, 4 – 6p.m. at the GLCCA.
  • Emperor and Empress Interview Meeting 7/21, 6:30 p.m. in Mad Myrna’s Ballroom.
See also the list of GLBT Recurring Events.

Pride and Politics in Anchorage Parade and Festival

Thursday, 17 July 2008 – 4:58 PM | Comments Off on Pride and Politics in Anchorage Parade and Festival
Pride and Politics in Anchorage Parade and Festival

Three political candidates participated in the Anchorage PrideFest 2008 Parade and Festival on the Park Strip, adding a strong political presence to this year’s LGBT Pride.
Supporters of Mark Begich, Diane Benson, and Ethan Berkowitz marched down 9th Avenue in the Celebrating Diversity Parade, along with the Anchorage Democrats, the ACLU of Alaska, and a variety of LGBT and gay-friendly social and community groups. 
Mark Begich walked with his supporters at the beginning of the parade, then left to attend the Statehood Celebration. He returned later with his son, and read the city proclamation establishing the third Saturday in June as Gay Pride Day. Begich, a democrat running for US Senate against Sen. Ted Stevens, has attended PrideFest every year since becoming mayor.

During the Festival, Diana Benson talked with PrideFest attendees, but did not march in the Parade or speak on stage. Benson, a progressive running for the US House of Representatives, supported Out North when it’s funding was challenged by the Assembly several years ago, and supports gay marriage. 
Ethan Berkowitz did not attend PrideFest, but sent a press release of his endorsement by the Human Rights Campaign, one of the nation’s largest LGBT rights organizations. Berkowitz, also running for the US House of Representatives, supported same-sex partner benefits as a state legislator, and includes sexual orientation and partner benefits in his civil rights statement.
In addition to the candidate contingents, two allies showed their support for LGBT equality by participating in PrideFest.
The Anchorage Democrats marched in the Parade behind a banner stating “Equal Civil Rights for ALL People.” The Anchorage Democrats also had a booth at the Festival, registering voters and providing material about the candidates, including Begich, Benson, Berkowitz, and Representative Les Gara, a member of the State House who is up for re-election.
Tiffany McClain, the LGBT Public Policy Coordinator for the ACLU of Alaska, led a group of marchers wearing yellow “Get Busy. Get Equal” t-shirts from the LGBT Project of the national ACLU and green foam statue of liberty crowns. The ACLU of Alaska was a sponsor of PrideFest again this year.
No republican candidates or signs were seen at the Parade or Festival, and no anti-gay protestors were present this year.

CowGal Val and Ravenhurst: Lesbian and Gay Bloggers Who Lived in Alaska (But Don’t Now)

Wednesday, 16 July 2008 – 4:55 PM | Comments Off on CowGal Val and Ravenhurst: Lesbian and Gay Bloggers Who Lived in Alaska (But Don’t Now)
CowGal Val and Ravenhurst: Lesbian and Gay Bloggers Who Lived in Alaska (But Don’t Now)
CowGal Val and Ravenhurst are two blogs by LGBT people who used to live in Alaska.

CowGal Val is written by Valerie and Deborah, a lesbian couple from Anchorage who are now living in Portland, Oregon.
In early June, Valerie was diagnosed with stage four lung cancer. Val and Deborah created the blog to keep “friends and family all the heck over the place in the loop about Val, Deborah, lung cancer, and our community’s capacity for amazing generosity of spirit.” 
In addition to treatment updates, they post about their dog, their friends, learning from cancer, and enjoying daily life. When Val began chemotherapy, they posted video of shaving her head and wrote about the experience of being bald. 
If you know Valerie and Deborah, or even if you don’t know them personally, drop by CowGal Val and leave a note of encouragement. A message from someone who cares can brighten a dark chemo day.

Ravenhurst is written by Richard, a 56 year old gay widower who lived in Fairbanks for 19 years and now lives on a five acre ranch near Paradise, California. He writes about gay news, politics, and his life in rural California, including his participation as a friend and witness in the first gay and lesbian marriages in the county. 
Like CowGal Val, Ravenhurst was created in response to a life-changing event. Five months ago, Richard’s life partner and soulmate Steve passed away. Richard began blogging through the grief and just kept going.
Richard was almost evacuated last week because of a fire burning out of control near Paradise. Luckily, Ravenhurst – his homestead and his blog – was spared, and Richard continues to post on life, love, and interesting gay news. Go say Hello from Alaska.
Do you know other LGBT (ex-)Alaskan bloggers? Send in their links and they will be featured in another post. While you’re here, check out the category Where Are They Now? for news about LGBT people who once lived in Alaska but now live somewhere else.