Articles in Alaska communities
Open letter to the Municipality of Anchorage: Dissembling to save face

A new…ish resident of the Municipality of Anchorage calls the Assembly, Municipal Clerk’s office, and Election Commission on their dissembling about the botched April 3 election.
Anchorage election: Former election coordinator calls for full handcount; voters file for handcount & audit

Former municipal election coordinator Guadalupe Marroquin calls for a full hand count of every precinct’s ballots from the the April 3 Municipal election; and an application for a hand count of 15 precincts and full audit of the election has been been filed with the Municipal Clerk. The Anchorage Assembly meets today (Thursday, May 3) at 5 PM in the Loussac Library on whether to certify the election.
Imperial Crown Prince and Princess Ball XX: “A Mariachi Masquerade”

join Prince Steve and Princess Alexis on celebrating the end of their reign at the Imperial Crown Prince and Princess Ball XX, “A Mariachi Masquerade,” at Mad Myrna’s on April 28. All proceeds benefit ICOAA.
March against the war on women: April 28 in Anchorage

Help defend women’s rights and pursuit of equality at the Unite Against the War on Women March on Saturday, April 28 in Anchorage. Starts at 9th & I at 12:00 noon, marchers will walk to Town Square, where there will be speakers and music.
Celebration of Change 2012: A slideshow celebration

Bent Alaska presents a slideshow of photos from Celebration of Change 2012: Moving Forward, which was held Saturday, April 21 at UAA’s Wendy Williamson Auditorium. Thank you RAW & all the great performers, stage crew, & volunteers for a fantastic Celebration of Change!
Anchorage Election Commission special meeting of April 21: Holding Duke accountable on “ignore broken security seals” instruction

Giving only two days’ notice, Assembly chair Ernie Hall announced on Thursday, April 19, that the Anchorage Election Commission would hold two special meetings to get further information about April 3 election irregularities. Here’s my report on Saturday’s meeting, and on the first mainstream media report on Deputy Municipal Clerk Jacqueline Duke’s instruction to election workers to ignore broken security seals on voting machines.
Anchorage Pride Prom 2012: Steampunk! — Saturday night at Out North

Join Anchorage and Mat-Su area youth this Saturday night, April 21, for Anchorage Pride Prom 2012. This year’s theme: Steampunk!
Juneau Pride Chorus holds 2012 spring concert Saturday at the JACC

Please join the Juneau Pride Chorus for their annual concert, this Saturday, April 21, at the Juneau Arts and Culture Center. The concert is sponsored by PFLAG Juneau and the Pride Foundation.
Day of Silence 2012 observed this Friday, as another gay teen is mourned

Day of Silence in protest of the bullying and silencing of LGBT students and their allies is being observed on Friday, April 20, in high schools and colleges throughout the nation — including, in Alaska, UAF and UAA.
Celebration of Change 2012: Moving Forward — this Saturday at UAA

Celebration of Change, the annual celebration of Alaska women’s art, music, poetry, dance, and humor will take place this Saturday, April 21, at the Wendy Williamson Auditorium.