Tuesday, 28 October 2008 – 10:24 PM
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Here is the political poll you’ve been waiting for, the big questions of our time: Will LGBT Alaskans vote for McCain and Palin, or for Obama and Biden? For Stevens or Begich? For Berkowitz or Young? Who do we support, and by how much? Inquiring minds want to know. (Well, I want to know – don’t you?)
Answer the 3 question poll in the right hand column here on Bent Alaska and we’ll see how the community votes. 60-40 for Obama? 70-30 for Begich? 80-20 for Young? (kidding!) Make your predictions below for how our community will vote.
There have been dozens of political messages on our email lists and newsletters. What does all this talk boil down to, what are the numbers? Take the poll, send the link to your LGBT friends in Alaska, and come back Friday for the results!
Sunday, 26 October 2008 – 8:15 PM
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Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity at the University of Alaska Fairbanks will hold a fundraiser for the YouthAIDS Foundation, according to the
SigEp event runs from Nov. 1 to Dec. 1 in the UAF residence halls. The fundraising will help promote HIV/AIDS awareness and raise money for the YouthAIDS Foundation.
Students who live in the residence halls will be encouraged to put small donations in containers maintained by Residence Hall staff. Awareness information about AIDS and HIV will be given to students throughout the event.
Other donation containers will be available in the UAF Wood Center for people not living in the residence halls, but only students living in the residence halls will be eligible for the prizes.
Sigma Phi Epsilon, the largest fraternity in the US with over 14,000 members, partnered with
YouthAIDS to create an HIV/AIDS awareness campaign on college campuses. In addition to educating peers, SigEp brothers plan and produce events to raise funding for YouthAIDS prevention programs around the world.
Friday, 24 October 2008 – 12:52 PM
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Check out this week’s events from Alaska GLBT News.
For full listings, news briefs and up-coming events,
subscribe to AGN, the weekly email newsletter.
SEAGLA Social Fridays, 10/14, 6-8 p.m., 21 and over.
Ever Ready in Eagle River 10/24, 7:30-11:30 p.m.
Last Sunday Brunch with TLFMC 10/26, 10:30 a.m.
MCC Sunday Worship service, Sundays 2 p.m.
Trans Support Group at the GLCCA, Sundays 4-6 p.m.
Craft and Chat at the GLCCA, Thursdays 7-9 p.m.
Hump Day Happy Hour, Wednesdays 5-7 p.m. with The Last Frontier Men’s Club.
Thursday, 23 October 2008 – 10:14 PM
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UPDATE: Here is an update from the Alaska Patriot Guard:
“I want to thank you all for showing up to the Memorial, in spite of the cold weather, nasty wind and lack of sunshine. The 22 people in Fairbanks who took time out of their busy day to help with the Memorial and show Respect for the family of this Marine – you have my respect and admiration.
“Please, continue to Stand with me when a Citizen falls, if there may be a next time. You will never forget it, nor will you feel sorry for Standing there for the Families. God Bless You All.”
The Westboro Baptist Church – the extremists at GodHatesFags (dot) com – announced that they will be in Fairbanks to picket the memorial service for Cpl. Jason A. Karella, 20, of Anchorage, who died in Afghanistan on Oct. 9.
The memorial is at Fairhill Community Church (101 City Lights Blvd., Fairbanks) on Friday Oct. 24 at 4 p.m.
The Westboro news release says: “God Hates America, and God is killing our troops in His wrath. Thank God for IEDs” and “These soldiers are dying for the homosexual and other sins of America.” (The full statement is on their web site under Press Releases.)
Some in the Fairbanks LGBT community will be there “to peacefully stand against intolerance” in case Westboro members show up to picket.
Patriot Guard will also be there to “shield the mourning family and their friends from interruptions created by any protestor or group of protestors,” according to their mission statement.
“WB did not show at the funeral in Anchorage [on Saturday] and they probably won’t show in Fairbanks. But better safe then sorry,” said Christine Mahnken, the AK State Captain. “Anyone can join us and stand in a line with a flag, as long as they respect the grieving family. Wear WARM clothes!”
Wednesday, 22 October 2008 – 12:10 PM
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Have you ever tried to figure out what to give that person in your life who already has everything?
The Four A’s has launched a new program for donors called “Gifts For Change” that not only provides you with another option for special occasion gift giving, but also provides support to individuals living with HIV/AIDS in Alaska and prevention efforts across the state.
Gifts For Change can be made in recognition of birthdays, holidays, anniversaries, weddings, thank you gifts or any other occasion you celebrate.
Here’s how it works. Fill out the
Gifts For Change form, specifying the gift recipient’s contact information (recipients will not be added to any Four A’s mailing lists), gift occasion and the amount you’d like to donate. Four A’s will send the recipient a card recognizing the occasion and your name (gift amounts will only be reported to the gift recipient if you chose).
Send the completed form to Four A’s, ATTN: Chrissy Bell,1057 W. Fireweed, Suite 102, Anchorage, AK 99503.
Tuesday, 21 October 2008 – 1:12 AM
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UPDATE: Wendy Withrow won 1st place for “Frayed Yellow Rope.” The list of winners and honorable mentions is posted at
RAW. Thanks to all who entered the 2009 contest. The 2010 contest will be announced in the fall.
Radical Arts for Women (
RAW) is giving away the most money yet for its 3rd annual short story contest, open to all women living in Alaska.
The fiction pieces must be between 250 and 5,000 words and contain some lesbian content. The deadline is Jan. 15, 2009.
The grand prize is $500, publication and an opportunity to read the story at Celebration. The second place winner will receive $300 and the third place wins $100. There is no entry fee.
In addition to the annual story contest, RAW produces
Celebration of Change and awards grants to Alaskan women in the arts.
Complete guidelines:
- Each entry must contain a cover sheet with author’s name, address, phone number and email and with the story’s title and word count.
- The short story must be between 250 and 5,000 words and contain some lesbian content. Stories should be on 8.5-by-11 paper, double spaced, 1-inch margins, no less than size 10 font. Do not put author’s name on the story. The fiction and lesbian stipulations may be interpreted by the author, but we are not seeking poetry or non-fiction. Erotica is acceptable. Electronic submissions are not accepted. Unpublished submissions only.
- Feel free to use a pseudonym, but let us know your real name in case you win a prize.
- Author must be a woman living in Alaska as of January 2009.
- Jan. 15 is the postmark deadline for entries.
- There is no entry fee.
- Winner receives $500 and the invitation to read her work at RAW’s annual performing arts production Celebration of Change in the spring of 2009 in Anchorage. The winning short story will be published on RAW and in the Alaska LGBT literary journal Naked Ptarmigan.
- Honorable mentions will be given at the judges’ discretion.
- Winners will be announced Feb. 15. For a complete list of winners, include an SASE with entry.
- Mail entries by Jan. 15 to Radical Arts for Women Short Story Contest, PO Box 244436, Anchorage AK 99524-4436.
Also, the
Naked Ptarmigan is accepting submissions: PO Box 244076, Anchorage AK 99524. Several of last year’s stories were published in the journal.
Sunday, 19 October 2008 – 10:41 AM
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Identity, Inc. is now approved as a Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) charity. If you are a federal employee, you can choose Identity as the non-profit to benefit from a donation withheld from your pay check. Supporters can also donate to Identity from your PFD checks if you apply online for the 2009 PFD.
Here are four easy ways you can support
Identity, Inc, sponsors of the Gay and Lesbian Community Center in Anchorage, the Pride Conference and PrideFest:
1. UNITED WAY – WORK PLACE GIVING: In Health & Human Services, write in “Identity, Inc.”
3. COMBINED FEDERAL CAMPAIGN – WORK PLACE GIVING: Federal Workers select Identity Inc.
4. ALASKA PERMANENT FUND: Identity, Inc. is an approved charity for selection when you apply on line for 2009.
If you indicate that your name may be disclosed to us, you will receive a thank you letter when your contributions are received at Identity, Inc.
Friday, 17 October 2008 – 12:59 PM
| Comments Off on This Week in GLBT Alaska – 10/17/08
Check out this week’s events from Alaska GLBT News.
For full listings, news briefs and up-coming events,
subscribe to AGN, the weekly email newsletter.
Friends Steve & Carol are both turning 50! Birthday Party 10/18, 8 p.m. at Jeff’s house.
Casting call for Drag Through The Ages, a benefit show for Interior AIDS Association (IAA), 10/18, 4 p.m. at Dance Theater Fairbanks. First rehearsal is Sunday evening.
SEAGLA Social Fridays, 10/17, 6-8 p.m., 21 and over.
HIV Rapid Testing by Four A’s at the Hispanic Community Center 10/17, 4-6 p.m. for National Latino AIDS Awareness Day.
MCC Sunday Worship service with speaker Sara Gavit 10/19, 2 p.m.
ICOAA Chili Cook*Off 10/19, 4-7 p.m. at Mad Myrna’s. Prizes! $3.00 at the door includes chilli & cornbread.
ICOAA Annual Meeting 10/20, 6:30 p.m. in Mad Myrna’s showroom.
Hump Day Happy Hour 10/22, 5-7 p.m. with The Last Frontier Men’s Club at The Raven Bar.
Thursday, 16 October 2008 – 10:26 PM
| Comments Off on Growing Up Gay in Alaska
Discrimination against LGBT Alaskans, growing up gay in Alaska, and The Family are the topics of a front page
story in The Northern Light, the newspaper of the University of Alaska, Anchorage.
The first part of the article covers the ACLU of Alaska’s preliminary
report on LGBT discrimination, and the second part covers The Family, especially members who grew up in rural Alaska. The article also tells students about
Identity, Inc. and the Gay and Lesbian Community Center in downtown Anchorage.
This part about The Family compares the experiences of gay teens in Anchorage with those who grew up gay in rural Alaska:
Vicki Mason, current president of The Family, an unofficial UAA club, said that while discrimination is not a huge problem in Anchorage, the group has had to deal with people ripping down posters and signs that advertise the group’s presence.
The Family has had a presence on campus for years. Its goal is to act as a family for straight and LGBT students who may have nowhere else to turn.
Many members of The Family spoke about outreach they had growing up. Many who lived in Anchorage were part of their high school’s Gay-Straight Alliance. Others, especially those who had grown up on the Kenai Peninsula, had absolutely nothing.
One student, who grew up in Soldotna, grew up dealing with harassment, fear and name-calling. Several students who attended Homer High School said that one student had been beat up for being gay; the assailants only received a three-day suspension as punishment.
Another member of The Family who grew up in the lower Kuskokwim River Area, said that in most villages there was a general feeling of “don’t ask, don’t tell.”