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This Week in LGBT Alaska 10/9/09

Friday, 9 October 2009 – 3:35 PM | Comments Off on This Week in LGBT Alaska 10/9/09
This Week in LGBT Alaska 10/9/09
October 11 is National Coming Out Day and we have a busy weekend in Anchorage!
This week’s events from the statewide newsletter. Subscribe to Alaska GLBT News.


The Laramie Project sequel, one night only, Monday 10/12, 7:30 p.m. Free, at the Alaska Territorial Hall.

SEAGLA Social Fridays (6-8 p.m.) for GLBT people and our friends over 21, at The Imperial Bar, downtown.


PFLAG’s October Meeting 10/11, 4 p.m.

Pump House Wednesdays, LGBTA social at the Chena Pump House, starts around 9:30 p.m.

Mat-Su Valley

Mat-Su LGBT Community Center in Palmer is open M-F 5-8 p.m. (except 6-8 on Wed.) The social group meets Wednesdays, 5-6 p.m. at Vagabond Blues.


Mad Myrna’s Diva Variety Show, with MC’s Daphne DoAll & Duchess Paige, 9 p.m.

Pride Conference Kick-off Dinner 10/9, 7 p.m. at Organic Oasis. Please RSVP.

QueerWorld Connect: Alaska Pride Conference 10/10 at APU, 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m.

National Equality March–Alaska Support Rally, 10/10, in front of Loussac Library 10 a.m.-6 p.m.

Alaskans Together social 10/10 at Kodiak Bar & Grill 5-7:30 p.m.

Pride Conference Queer Bowling with Adam & Steve 10/10, 7 p.m. RSVP required.

Mr., Miss and Ms. Gay Alaska ICOAA Pageant 10/10, doors at 8, show at 9 p.m. at Mad Myrna’s.

Alaskans Together annual meeting 10/11 at the Country Kitchen (next to the GLCCA) 9 a.m.-3 p.m.

“Crossing the Generations” Pride Conference Brunch Panel 10/11, 10:30-noon. Registration required.

PFLAG meeting with the DVD “Anyone and Everyone” 10/15 at Immanuel Presbyterian Church, 7 p.m.

Ossiander’s politics of division, round 2

Friday, 9 October 2009 – 2:17 AM | Comments Off on Ossiander’s politics of division, round 2
Ossiander’s politics of division, round 2

It’s not enough for Assembly Chair Debbie Ossiander to try to block the presentation of an award from the Imperial Court because she thought it was from the Diversity Dinner, and then be curt to the Anchorage residents presenting the award, as Bent Alaska reported last week. Now she’s answering complaints about her bad attitude with divisive attacks.

“When a viewer named Mark e-mailed his displeasure at Ossiander’s ‘dismissive and condescending attitude’ and ‘efforts to prevent the presentation of the award,’ he got an acid reply,” reports the Alaska Ear column in the ADN. “Debbie apparently thought he was part of the presenting group, although Ear is told he wasn’t.”

The Ear quotes Ossiander’s response to Mark:

Our meetings are for our agenda… not for you to make your statement…. You apparently believe you merit special treatment above others who have to wait, so you found a way around the rules. I did not appreciate it.

“OUR” agenda? “YOUR” statement? Since a majority of assembly members voted in favor of the ordinance and accepted the Imperial Court’s award, who is Ossiander calling YOU?

Whoever YOU is, we are all the same — we all belong to one organization, we work together on everything (if only!), and apparently no one outside of that group would ever support us.

She uses the word you/your five times in that short quote and makes four accusations against YOU: making a statement, wanting special treatment, not waiting your turn, and breaking the rules. That’s a lot of anger over a 1 minute 20 second presentation… unless the accusations are really how she feels about the equal rights ordinance.

“Special treatment” is strikingly like “special rights.” After all that testimony, she still doesn’t get it.

But “special treatment above others who have to wait?” We sat through weeks of ordinance hearings with homophobic religious fanatics, waiting all summer for the ordinance to pass. We’ve been waiting for legal equality in Anchorage for over 40 years, and because of her, we’re still waiting for the basic protections that other minority groups receive. It’s absurd to think that we’re wasting her time with a one minute award.

Grady Jenkins, who presented the award from the Imperial Court, wrote that it wasn’t really a political statement, but “an acknowledgement of who our true heroes are.”

Heroes. The leaders who stood for fairness and equality, the allies who support civil rights for everyone, despite the threat of consequences. True heroes.

Ossiander isn’t the only Assembly member with a bad attitude toward some of the people she represents. Bill Star also showed his temper at the meeting, according to a comment from Tim. Jenkins presented the award, the Court members left the room, and Tim describes what happened next:

The ever so pleasant Assembly member Bill Starr jumped all over me after the ICOAA’s presentation to the 7 assembly members who voted for Ordinance 64. I guess he assumed because I was sitting in the row behind the wonderful ICOAA folks who did the presentation that I was involved. It is the seat I sat in almost all summer — that’s just where I plop down when I’m at the assembly meetings now.

He said he thought the presentation was improper and in poor taste. I informed him that I had never met any of the folks who did the presentation nor am I a member of ICOAA and that his rant might be better directed at the folks who made the presentation. He asked that I pass his comments along to them. I think I will have to write a formal response to Assemblyman Starr telling him MY thoughts on HIS actions, and by the way… I thought the presentation to the “fabulous 7” was outstanding. That was the main reason I attended the Assembly meeting Tuesday evening.

Assembly member Starr made the same mistake Ossiander did in assuming that all gay people in Anchorage know each other and belong to the same group. There couldn’t be more than one gay group in Anchorage, could there? And he wants Tim to find the Imperial Court of All Alaska and pass along the rude comments, instead of contacting them himself. I guess no one has introduced Starr to Google search.

Like Tim, I too have a place in the Assembly room where I sat all summer, waiting for equality. The time will come. Until then, we have our friends, our heroes, and our dignity. Not even the Assembly Chair can take that away.

Alaskans Together choosing Statewide Goals at Annual Meeting, Oct.11

Thursday, 8 October 2009 – 2:21 PM | Comments Off on Alaskans Together choosing Statewide Goals at Annual Meeting, Oct.11
Alaskans Together choosing Statewide Goals at Annual Meeting, Oct.11
Alaskans Together for Equality, Inc. (ATE) is holding their 1st Annual Meeting on Sunday October 11 to plan the goals and direction of Alaska’s new and only statewide civil rights group focused on promoting the rights of LGBTQ people. ATE is also holding a pre-meeting social on Saturday evening at Kodiak Bar & Grill.
“We are happy to report that we outgrew our original meeting space,” writes Marsha Buck, Board President, “and will be holding our annual meeting in the Country Kitchen banquet room at 346 East 5th Avenue in Anchorage.” Participants will evaluate the ATE mission, identify critical issues, choose 3-5 goals for the year, and develop a plan to reach those goals.
“Cathy LeCompte, our experienced facilitator from Ketchikan, calls most of the day a ‘Facilitated Strategic Conversation.’ In addition to that conversation, we will be electing new board members and new board officers.”
Alaskans Together for Equality is seeking people from all across Alaska to serve on the Board of Directors. People from rural and urban Alaska who are interested in the challenge of doing advocacy in our state, committed to serving on a working Board, and motivated to increase civil rights for LGBT Alaskans are encouraged to contact Marsha Buck and attend the strategy meeting.
Alaskans Together, the group that led the fight against the April 2007 anti-gay advisory vote against same-sex partner benefits, reorganized as two new groups: Alaskans Together for Equality to lobby the state Legislature for equal rights for LGBT Alaskans, and Alaskans Together Foundation to educate the Alaskan public on the need for equal treatment and civil rights for LGBT Alaskans.
On Monday, Marsha and Dr. Mo Longworth were interviewed on KTOO’s “Juneau Afternoon” radio program, discussing the ATE annual meeting, the Alaska Pride Conference, the National Equality March in DC and the Anchorage support rally. Marsha is coming to Anchorage for this weekend’s LGBT events and Mo is going to DC to march with her wife.
“There’s five of us going from Alaska,” said Mo about the National Equality March. “We’ll be marching behind a dark blue banner with yellow lettering saying “Alaskans Together for Equality, Inc.” and the Big Dipper will be represented in every color of the rainbow, each star being a different color. You can look for us behind that banner, and anyone is welcome to join in.”
“The goal is that all 435 Congressional Districts will be represented and we will all descend on DC and our Congress members asking them to support legislation that effects us.” One of the bills is ENDA, the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, which was introduced in June and will be coming up for a vote soon. “Please contact our legislators from Alaska and ask them to support ENDA.”
Saturday, October 10
Pre-Annual Meeting Social/Informational, 5-7:30 p.m.
Complimentary Hor D’oeuvres and No-host bar
KODIAK BAR AND GRILL 225 E. 5th Avenue
Sunday, October 11
1ST Annual Membership Meeting, 9 a.m.-3 p.m.
Country Kitchen Banquet Room
346 E. 5th Avenue (next door to the GLCCA)
8:50 a.m. Gather for coffee, tea, bagels and lunch selection
9:00 a.m. Welcome – Introduction of participants and facilitator
–Why we exist, brief history, and accomplishments of the past year
9:30 a.m. Facilitated Strategic Conversation led by Cathy LeCompte
–Mission Statement Discussion – Do we all agree on the Mission Statement?
–Identification of Issues Facing the Organizations – What are the critical issues facing ATE? ATF?
–Setting Goals – What are the three to five goals we will aim to accomplish in this upcoming year?
–Implementation Plan – Who will be responsible for carrying out the agreed upon goals?
–Debrief – Did we accomplish what we set out to do? If not, what next?
12:00 p.m. Lunch while continuing with strategic conversation
1:30 p.m. Annual Board of Directors meeting with membership participation
–Presentation of potential new board members
–Board vote to accept new board members
2:00 p.m. Discussion and decision regarding conference calls for coming year
2:15 p.m. Presentation of potential Board officers for coming year
–Board vote on officers
–Brainstorm of fundraising ideas
–Wrap up and adjournment by 3:00 p.m.
If you are traveling to Anchorage for either the Alaskans Together for Equality annual meeting or the Alaska Pride Conference and need a place to stay, take advantage of a special lodging rate at the Copper Whale Inn.
For more information on Alaskans Together, visit: www.alaskanstogether.org

Pride Conference asks "What is Important to Queer Alaskans?"

Wednesday, 7 October 2009 – 2:43 PM | 5 Comments
Pride Conference asks "What is Important to Queer Alaskans?"
This weekend is QueerWorld Connect: the 16th annual Alaska Pride Conference! The three-day Anchorage event includes a kick-off dinner on Friday, the Saturday conference at Alaska Pacific University, and a Sunday brunch discussion on “Crossing the Generations.” (The full schedule is posted below.)
“This year for Pride Conference, instead of having one guest speaker, we will be having a panel of six community leaders,” said Johnathan Jones, Pride Conference chairperson. “Each leader has been asked to speak for five minutes on issues they consider relevant to queer Alaskans.”
The leaders on the panel include Her Imperial Majesty Ms. MeMe of the ICOAA; Trevor Stoors, Executive Director of Four A’s; Marsha Buck from Juneau, Co-President of Alaskans Together; Mike Mason, organizer for this year’s Youth Pride Prom; Rev. Susan Halvor from the ELCA (Lutherans); and Jackie Buckley from the Identity Advocacy Team.
After each leader has spoken, there will be a moderated panel discussion followed by a Q&A with the audience. “Our aim is to discuss important issues, with the opportunity for all attendees to have input in the discussion,” said Johnathan. “We invite all people to come prepared for stimulating conversations.”
The Pride Conference registration form is available online and can be dropped off at the Gay & Lesbian Community Center. QueerWorld is sponsored by Identity, Inc. and APU’s Spectrum.
The information below came from Johnathan and the October 2009 issue of NorthView, Identity’s quarterly bulletin, which is available online (linked HERE).

Pride Conference “QueerWorld Connect”
Pride Conference is a statewide gathering of queer folk and allies, with workshops, a plenary session, and a chance to socialize. The theme this year is QueerWorld Connect. When committee members brainstormed topics, we noticed that connection was the common thread, with unity as the ultimate goal. Connection within communities has to happen for unity to exist.
This year, the conference is a little different. We are broadening the scope and having a three day event focused on education, entertainment, and connection – connection with ourselves, with each other, and with community. Instead of a keynote speaker, we are having a panel on “Issues of Relevance to Queer Alaskans” which will feature community leaders from around our state.
The main day of the Pride Conference, Saturday at APU, begins with a breakfast buffet by the Last Frontier Men’s Club. There will be two sets of workshops, a vendor’s court, lunch, the panel discussion, and a hypnosis show by Jay Her.

Special effort went into making this an all ages friendly event, so feel free to bring kids to the conference or any conference function. A van will be available to transport those who need it from event to event. We do not want anyone to miss the conference because of lack of funds. If needed, Contact Johnathan for scholarship information.
To make the most of the conference, be prepared to meet new people, learn about new topics, and expect to have fun!
QueerWorld Connect Pride Conference
Friday Night – Oct. 9th – Dinner, Socializing & Entertainment
7:00 Dinner social at Organic Oasis with musical entertainment by EverReady. Please RSVP to Johnathan.
Cost: Purchase of your own food and drink.
Saturday – Oct. 10th – Conference at APU, Atwood Center
8:30 Breakfast (Included)
9:30 Welcome/Opening Remarks
10:00 Choice of workshops
11:15 Choice of workshops
12:30 Lunch (included)
1:15 Hypnosis Presentation
2:00 Plenary Session: Panel on “Issues of Relevance to Queer Alaskans”
3:00 Closing remarks/evaluation
Cost: At the door: Adults $25, Students $15. Pre-registration: Adults $20, Students $10. Scholarships available: Contact Johnathan
Saturday Night – Oct. 10th – Bowling & Social
7:00 Bowling hosted by Adam and Steve, Center Bowl on Spenard and Minnesota, RSVP required.
Cost: free for 2 hours of bowling and shoe hire, but we only have 20 spots available so RSVP to Johnathan asap.
10:00-Midnight Late night drop in at the GLCCA.
Sunday – Oct. 11th – Breakfast Program
10:30-Noon Hot Brunch and panel on “Crossing the Generations” at the YWCA next to the Community Center.
Cost: Adults $10, Seniors and Students $7.50 Pre-registration required at the GLCCA.

Johnathan Jones, Pride Conference chairperson, is a wanna be life-long Alaskan. Having grown up in Australia, he now calls Alaska home. Johnathan is passionate about working with non-profit groups and forging working relationships with all members of our communities. He is really excited about the upcoming “QueerWorld” Pride Conference and hopes you all make it!

Anchorage Rally for the National Equality March

Tuesday, 6 October 2009 – 2:12 PM | One Comment
Anchorage Rally for the National Equality March
Join us in Anchorage this Saturday at the National Equality March support rally for Alaska’s one congressional district, an LGBTA rally at Loussac Library for “Equal protection in all matters governed by civil law in all 50 states.”
The Anchorage rally was reported in yesterday’s post, 6 Things Alaskans Can Do This Week for LGBT Rights, but I want to highlight it today with another inspiring NEM video:

Why rally at Loussac, the site of this summer’s attempt to gain equal protection under the law in the Anchorage Municipality? Why return to the scene of the crime, after the Assembly chair rudely dismissed us from the chambers just last week?
It’s time to show Ossiander that we will not go away quietly and let them continue to discriminate against us in silence. We will not slink back to our “unacceptable lifestyle” and let religious fanatics determine our legal rights in our town. Instead, the LGBT community and our many allies will work for and gain equality under federal law. The mayor and assembly chair and local bigots are only big fish in the small pond of Anchorage, they cannot make the whole country and all of Congress bow down to their fear of us.
It’s time to join LGBTA people all across this country and Rally for National Equality!
The Anchorage support rally for the National Equality March will be at Loussac Library, 36th and Denali Street, on Saturday, Oct 10 from 10 a.m. (the start time of the DC rally) until 6 p.m. Join us for an hour or stay for the whole day. Bring big (easy to read) signs, warm clothes, and all of your equality-loving friends. See you on Saturday!

6 Things Alaskans Can Do This Week for LGBT Rights

Monday, 5 October 2009 – 7:31 PM | Comments Off on 6 Things Alaskans Can Do This Week for LGBT Rights
6 Things Alaskans Can Do This Week for LGBT Rights
The National Equality March (NEM) is Oct 10-11 in DC, and a group from Juneau will carry the Alaska banner in the march. Those of us who are not going to DC can also support the march and LGBT rights this weekend. How?

Equality Across America called this march to address the lack of federal rights and protections for LGBT people AND to build support for LGBT equality in all 435 congressional districts in the United States.
The goal of the National Equality March:
“to let our elected leaders know that now is the time for full equal rights for LGBT people. We will gather. We will march. And we will leave energized and empowered to do the work that needs to be done in every community across the nation.
“Our single demand: Equal protection in all matters governed by civil law in all 50 states.”
Here is the National Equality March call to action video:

Alaska has only one congressional district, representing the whole state. Here are 6 things we can do this week in Alaska’s at-large congressional district to support the goals of the National Equality March:
1. Rally here when they rally in DC: Join the Anchorage support Rally for LGBT Equality! Anchorage is holding a support rally for the DC march, along the sidewalk in front of Loussac Library, 36th and Denali Street, on Saturday, Oct. 10 from 10 a.m. (the start time of the DC rally) until 6 p.m. (Everyone from the Alaska Pride Conference at APU can carpool a few blocks down 36th and join the rally when the conference ends at 3:30.) Rally for our rights!
2. Bring your ideas for national LGBT equality to the Alaskans Together for Equality annual strategy meeting! The 1st annual Alaskans Together for Equality meeting will develop plans for LGBT Alaskans and our allies in this congressional district to support our state and national rights, on Sunday, Oct 11, from 9a.m.-3p.m. in the Country Kitchen banquet room, 346 E. 5th Ave. (next door to the Gay & Lesbian Community Center.)
3. Meet Alaskans who support LGBT equality at the Alaskans Together social! Come to ATE’s social gathering with complimentary hors d’oeuvres and a no host bar, on Saturday Oct 10, at the Kodiak Bar & Grill, 225 E. 5th Avenue, from 5-7:30 p.m. (after the Pride Conference and National March support rally.)
4. Contribute to the Alaska banner for the National Equality March! The group representing Alaska is carrying a blue banner with gold letters saying “Alaskans Together for Equality” with nine rainbow stars showing the Big Dipper and North Star, a gay version of the Alaska state flag. They would appreciate donations from the community to cover the cost of the banner. Send to: SEAGLA, PO Box 21542, Juneau, AK 99802.
5. Come Out on National Coming Out Day! The march was called for this weekend because Oct 11 is National Coming Out Day. Wherever you live, have Conversations from the Heart about LGBT equality with your friends and family. A simple conversation can change lives.
6. Call Alaska’s Members of Congress to support LGBT Equality! Let our elected leaders know that we support the National Equality March and full GLBT equality under the law. Encourage them to support the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA), which they will be voting on soon, the repeal of the military’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy, and the repeal of the marriage ban known as DOMA. Contact Rep. Don Young, Senator Mark Begich and Senator Lisa Murkowski.
Spread the news about these events, and bring your friends and family members to support LGBT rights this weekend, right here in Alaska!

This Week in LGBT Alaska 10/2/09

Friday, 2 October 2009 – 9:45 AM | Comments Off on This Week in LGBT Alaska 10/2/09
This Week in LGBT Alaska 10/2/09
This week’s events from the statewide newsletter. Subscribe to Alaska GLBT News.


SEAGLA Social Fridays (6-8 p.m.) for GLBT people and our friends over 21, at The Imperial Bar, downtown.


Pump House Wednesdays, LGBTA social at the Chena Pump House, starts around 9 p.m.

Mat-Su Valley

Mat-Su LGBT Community Center in Palmer is open M-F 5-8 p.m. (except 6-8 on Wed.) The social group meets Wednesdays, 5-6 p.m. at Vagabond Blues.


Mad Myrna’s Diva Variety Show, with MCs Daphne DoAll & Duchess Paige, 9 p.m

Side Street Saturdays, an informal meetup for LGBT writers, at noon in Side Street Cafe.

Womyn’s Dance at the Snow Goose 10/3 doors open at 7:30 p.m., $5 donation requested.

Sunday worship, 2 p.m. at MCC Anchorage.

Gay, Joyous and Free AA Meeting, Mondays 6 p.m. at the GLCCA.

October is Gay History Month, National Coming Out Day

Thursday, 1 October 2009 – 2:45 AM | Comments Off on October is Gay History Month, National Coming Out Day
October is Gay History Month, National Coming Out Day
Halloween is not the only gay holiday in October! October is GLBT History Month, October 11 is National Coming Out Day and, for the first time in years, we’re having a national gay rights march in DC, the National Equality March on October 10-11. In Alaska, we’re celebrating October with the annual Anchorage Pride Conference.
GLBT History Month
Modeled after Black and Women’s History Months, GLBT History Month highlights the achievements of 31 gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender icons—one each day—in a 30-second video. The video is updated automatically and posted below.
The 2009 Icons include GLBT artists, scientists, politicians and other leaders like Rachel Maddow, Gus Van Sant, k.d. lang, Alfred Kinsey, Zora Neal Hurston, B. D. Wong and Suze Orman.

National Coming Out Day
October 11 holds a special place in GLBT History Month as National Coming Out Day. Whether you’re lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or straight, be proud of who you are and your support for LGBT equality this National Coming Out Day.
The NCOD theme for 2009 is Conversations From the Heart. Watch the conversations on the personal meanings of gay equality, and have your own Conversations From the Heart with your friends and family. A simple conversation can change the lives of people you care about.
The National Equality March
Because of National Coming Out Day, the weekend of October 10-11 was the obvious choice for the National Equality March in DC:
“We are guaranteed equal protection by the 14th Amendment of the US Constitution. Free and equal people do not bargain for or prioritize our rights, so we are coming to DC this October 10-11th to demand equal protection in all matters governed by civil law in all 50 states. Now.”
Watch the National Equality March video HERE.
Anchorage Pride Conference & Alaskans Together
What are Alaskans doing to celebrate National Coming Out Day on October 11th?
(1) The March: A group from Juneau is attending the National March for Equality in DC. They invite other Alaskans to join them. Email SEAGLA for more information.
(2) The Pride Conference: Alaskans are coming to Anchorage from all over the state for an expanded 3-day Pride Conference, on October 9-11 in Alaska Pacific University’s Atwood Center. The main events:
Friday Oct. 9
7 pm: No-host Dinner Social at Organic Oasis featuring music by EverReady. Please RSVP.

Saturday Oct. 10
8.30 am to 3:30 pm: Anchorage Pride Conference at Alaska Pacific University. The day includes breakfast, lunch, a vendor’s court, workshops, plenary and a comedy hypnosis show with Jay Her. Pre-registration: $20 adult, $10 student. At the door: $25 adult, $15 student. The link to the registration form is HERE.

Sunday Oct 11
10:30 am to 12 noon: Brunch and a panel discussion on “Crossing the Generations” at the Gay & Lesbian Community Center. $10 Adult/$7.50 Students and Seniors. Pre-registration required.
The Anchorage Pride Conference is sponsored by Identity, Inc. and APU’s Spectrum.
(3) The Alaskans Together Gathering
Alaskans Together for Equality (ATE) is holding their first annual meeting at the GLCCA on Sunday October 11, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Their goal is to plan the future direction of Alaska’s only statewide civil rights group focused on promoting the rights of Alaska’s LGBTQ population. This is an open meeting and all are welcome and encouraged to attend.
ATE is providing a limited number of travel scholarships to help people from outside of the Anchorage area be able to participate in the meeting. If you want to apply for a scholarship, please send an email containing your name, contact information, and a brief statement on why you would like to attend the meeting.
On Saturday, the day before the meeting, Alaskans Together will host a social gathering after the Pride Conference at the Kodiak Bar & Grill (225 E. 5th Avenue) from 5 to 7:30 p.m.
(4) Special Offer for the Pride Conference & ATE
The Copper Whale Inn, on L Street in downtown Anchorage, is offering a special lodging rate for anyone attending the Pride Conference and the Alaskans Together annual meeting. The rate is $77 a night (+ tax) and includes breakfast, free wireless access, and beautiful Cook Inlet views. Copper Whale Inn is near the Gay & Lesbian Community Center where the ATE meeting will be held, and about 10 minutes by car to the Pride Conference at Alaska Pacific University. Visit The Copper Whale Inn for more information.
(5) Conversations From the Heart
Like people all over the country, Alaskans will have our own Conversations From the Heart with our friends and family members on National Coming Out Day, October 11.
More National Coming Out Day events are in the works for Anchorage and other parts of Alaska, but they aren’t ready to be announced. Check back to Bent Alaska for NCOD updates and other events planned throughout the month. And don’t forget those gay-fabulous Halloween parties!

Ossiander bristles at Imperial Court award

Tuesday, 29 September 2009 – 10:21 PM | 8 Comments
Ossiander bristles at Imperial Court award

The scene was too familiar: people entered the Assembly Chambers a few at a time on Tuesday evening, looked around and chose seats. One man wore a bright red shirt. But the ordinance hearings were over, the equal rights ordinance passed 7-4 then was vetoed by the new mayor who sat at the end of the curved Assembly table. There was one more loose end to tie, one more thank you to the Assembly members who stood for equality and fairness. One more award to present. The Imperial Court honored them with the Raymond Jorgenson Memorial Award at Coronation and were here to present it in person.

Imperial Court of All Alaska (ICOAA)But first, the mayor wanted to speak. He thanked everyone at the Assembly meeting for attending his “Unity” Dinner. He mentioned the keynote speaker (GOP-fundraiser Lynn Swann), the number of people attending (400), and that the money raised from the dinner will support “diversity events” all year. He did not mention the amount of money raised or what diversity events would be sponsored by the city.

The moment was awkward only partly because a quarter of the people in the room represented a gay organization and recently endured a summer of hearings on an equal rights ordinance that the mayor vetoed right before the start of his Diversity Month. He may not have known they were there, but he certainly knew that several of the Assembly members attended the sold-out True Diversity Dinner instead of his union-picket-line-crossing “unity” night.

There was more business, then Assembly member Elvi Gray-Jackson donated her personal comment time so The Imperial Court could present the award to the seven Assembly members who voted “yes” on the ordinance. The Court announced the award winners at Coronation during Labor Day weekend, along with their other annual awards and scholarships. Gray-Jackson said that the last Assembly meeting of Diversity Month was an appropriate time for them to present this award…

…but Assembly Chair Debbie Ossiander interrupted, saying that it should have been presented at the Diversity Dinner (although the Court did not organize the dinner) and she had already rejected their request for time. Gray-Jackson persisted that it was her time, and Grady Frank Jenkins presented the award on behalf of the Imperial Court of All Alaska.

Now, aside from Ossiander’s negative tone toward a community group that was trying to give Assembly members an award, she didn’t even bother to know which group was presenting the award before she objected. It’s as if she thinks there could only be one gay group in Anchorage and they must be responsible for all gay-related awards and events – including the Diversity Dinner, which was organized by a heterosexual couple who have never been involved with the Imperial Court. It’s not like the names “True Diversity Dinner” and “Imperial Court of All Alaska” could be easily confused. It was a “they all look the same to me” moment.

Or maybe she’s upset because Anchorage Baptist Temple hasn’t given her an award for being the deciding vote against the override.

Grady kept cool under pressure and made his statement to the Assembly:

This award is from The Imperial Court of All Alaska, the largest and oldest gay and lesbian organization in Alaska and one of the oldest in the nation. We wanted to thank you all for your courage in dealing with Ordinance 64 this past summer. It was very difficult and we appreciate the time that you all took. By unanimous vote, our organization, at our Coronation Ball which occurred three weeks ago, voted to present a plaque to the seven members of the Assembly that chose to vote “yes” on Ordinance 64. This is named our Raymond Jorgenson Memorial Award and we present it to Patrick Flynn, Elvi Gray-Jackson, Matt Claman, Jennifer Johnston, Sheila Selkregg, Mike Gutierrez, and Harriet Drummond. We appreciate the time that all of you took on this ordinance this year. Thank you.

And immediately, Ossiander jumped in, “Thank you. Moving on,” and had to pause for the clapping before saying, “the next order of business…”

Grady gave the awards to Claman and Gray-Jackson, who read them, smiled, and passed them down the table to their colleagues. The Assembly members moved on to other business and the Imperial Court members left the room.

But that wasn’t the end of Diversity Month for the Assembly. Anthony Wilkerson planned to address the Assembly on Workplace Discrimination issues during the public comment period. Tony is the Alaska State Coordinator for the national Workplace Bullying Institute, and he was also disappointed in the mayor’s veto of the ordinance:

It’s unfortunate that the Anchorage Mayor vetoed this measure to guarantee equal rights for all, but this should not stop those that have fought thus far…. I will be addressing the Anchorage Assembly in regards to discrimination and harassment that is currently not protected by Federal Laws. I would ask that you come in support, and help make Anchorage safe for all to work; free from discrimination and harassment, thus making Anchorage safe for all to pursue the American dream of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

I left before Wilkerson’s address, but I wonder if Ossiander objected to him as well. Just another one of those darn diversity people.

No Unity Without Equality: A Diversity Dinner to Remember

Monday, 28 September 2009 – 4:36 AM | One Comment
No Unity Without Equality: A Diversity Dinner to Remember

At the True Diversity Dinner, the progressive community of Anchorage celebrated diversity and equality with a dynamic mix of Native Alaskan culture, democratic politics and gay civil rights.

When Mayor Sullivan vetoed the equal rights ordinance two weeks before the start of his Diversity Month and changed the name of the main event from the Diversity Dinner to the “Unity” Dinner, John and Heather Aronno (of Alaska Commons and the good version of SOS.Anchorage) and a few people they met during the ordinance hearings discussed an event to protest the mayor’s lack of appreciation for diversity. After a few hectic weeks of planning, the result was the True Diversity Dinner, a celebration instead of a protest.

Here’s a run-down of the evening’s planned, unplanned and many inspiring moments:

The Native dance troupe Masingka set the tone of the evening with their stories and songs of life in Alaska, while the guests ate delicious food from the Snow Goose buffet tables.

Assembly member Elvi Gray-Jackson, looking regal and towering above the crowd in her heels, was the first to say the line that echoed throughout the evening: equality is for e-v-e-r-y-o-n-e (she spelled it out.)

Diane Benson gave an impassioned speech about stopping the abuse of women, children and Native Alaskans.

Steven Alvarez performed his rousing song “See What Love Can Do” with backup by the doo-wop girls, his daughter Sarah and friend Shelly.

Reverend Marquita Pierre, of the Alaska Center for Spiritual Living, kicked butt. (Can I say that about a preacher?) She spoke about being treated differently based on the color of her skin, and how we treat people as “other” based on many kinds of differences, including sexual orientation. She said, “There can be no unity without fairness; there can be no unity without equality” which is the quote I used for the title of this post. Then she called for us to move to a better place regarding diversity – not tolerance (we can tolerate bad things) or acceptance (things that are only OK) which value people despite our diversity, but we can learn appreciation, for the gifts we each offer our family and community, because of our diversity.

Keynote speaker Shannyn Moore was next, but Daphne Do’all LaChores, a local icon in full drag, got on stage with Shannyn and ranted about the mayor’s veto. She dissed Shannyn’s shoes, plugged the Diva Show at Mad Myrna’s, and announced that she was heading down the street to crash the “unity” dinner. She ruffled a few feathers but added a good dose of humor and reality – many in the queer community are still angry about the veto and think it’s odd to throw a party when we don’t have any rights or protections to celebrate.

Then Shannyn spoke and disagreed with Daphne about the veto being a slap to the GLBT community, saying that it hurt everyone, including the straight allies who withstood the “summer of hate.” Shannyn was the keynote for this Diversity Dinner, where most of the organizers, speakers, performers, and politicians were straight allies. Gay rights and gay people were visible and acknowledged (a rare thing at an Alaska political event), but the focus of the event was to recognize and thank the allies who continue to work for an equality that includes us, and to strengthen those alliances.

After the speakers and performers, the diversity awards were presented.

Excellence in Business – Cook Inlet Region, Inc (CIRI)

Eric Cordero, a Mat-Su school board member, noted the celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month and read a statement from CIRI accepting the Excellence in Business Award. CIRI is a Native Alaskan corporation that ‘walked the talk’ about equality this summer: they were the only large company (of the many that have protections against anti-gay discrimination) that wrote a public letter to the mayor in support of the equal rights ordinance (posted HERE.)

Excellence in Non-Profit – Identity, Inc.

Scott Turner and Steph Gingrich, two Identity board members, accepted the non-profit award from Heather. Identity runs the Gay & Lesbian Community Center, organizes PrideFest in June and the Pride Conference in Oct. (see HERE for the upcoming conference), supports the gay-straight alliances, sends the Advocacy Team to educate groups throughout the city, shares funds with other gay groups and publishes the NorthView.

Excellence in Print Media – Julia O’Malley

Bob Poe, candidate for governor, spoke about his essay (posted HERE) on how gay rights is not just the right thing to do but is also good for the economy, then announced the print media award. Julia was not able to attend, so her mother, Assembly member Sheila Selkregg, accepted it for her. She was proud of Julia and spoke about the women in her family and their commitment to civil rights. She reminded us that standing up for civil rights can have consequences, that some politicians (like her mother) lost their jobs standing up for civil rights, and that members of the Anchorage Assembly who voted for the ordinance may face tough re-election battles because of their support.

Excellence in Online Media – Mel Green of Henkimaa

Mel’s blog Henkimaa mixes the personal and the political with in depth analysis and keen observation. She accepted the award in an orange sweatshirt, worried that she wouldn’t be recognized without her blue-colored ordinance hearing clothes. She also spoke of the union picket line at the mayor’s “unity” dinner down the street as an issue of diversity, equality and quality of life.

Excellent in Outreach – Tiffany McClain

Tiffany is the coordinator of Equality Works, the group that organized in support of the equal rights ordinance. She thanked everyone for our support this summer and pledged to continue working for equality in Anchorage. She encouraged each of us to write to our senators in support of ENDA, the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, which has been introduced in both branches of Congress. ENDA only protects us from workplace discrimination (not in housing, education, finance or public accommodations, like the ordinance would have) but it is a step in the right direction and an important federal protection.

Lifetime Achievement Award – Vic Fischer and Jane Angvik

M.E. Rider, editor of the Grrlzlist and all-around community leader (grand marshal at PrideFest this year, and she has won just about every award the LGBT community gives to women) announced the winners of the lifetime achievement award. Neither Vic nor Jane could be present, but M.E. described their decades of work for Alaska and the diverse communities of Anchorage, starting before most of us were born.

The last official speaker was organizer John Aronno. The final award, the Epic Fail Joke Award, was won by Mayor Dan Sullivan for vetoing the ordinance. But in deference to the recent death of Dan’s father, former mayor George Sullivan, the award was not given. Instead, John told a story comparing political involvement in Anchorage to politics in Lower 48 cities. Here you can meet your elected leaders at local events like the Diversity Dinner, and that makes all the difference.

There was an impressive showing of politicians at the Diversity Dinner. In addition to those already mentioned – Elvi, Diane, Eric (Cordero), Bob, and Shelia – I saw Les Gara, Patrick Flynn, Harriet Drummond, Eric Croft, Ethan Berkowitz… and then Senator Mark Begich came from his Health Care Town Hall and said a few words of support.

One of the goals of this event was to build the momentum from the ordinance battle to address future gay concerns. So what is next? For the GLBT community, October is Gay History Month, National Coming Out Day (Oct 11), the Anchorage Pride Conference (Oct 9-11), and supporting the National Equality March in DC on Oct 10-11.

I invite our friends and allies to join us in celebrating diversity and equality at GLBT events in October and throughout the year, and to continue learning about our community and working together to achieve, as Elvi said, “equality for e-v-e-r-y-o-n-e.”

Thanks to John and Heather for organizing a True Diversity Dinner, and thanks to the speakers, performers, award presenters, helpers and guests for making the evening such a grand success!

– photo from Floridana Alaskiana, where Janson Jones has four posts of photos from the dinner.