Articles in Alaska communities
LaMex for Four A’s, DoB at Pride, Softball, HIV testing & AYP in Fairbanks

Anti-gay incident at SantaLand

A well-respected member of the North Pole community and his partner were recently asked to leave Santa’s RV because they are gay. Santa’s RV is owned by the same people who own the Santa Claus House. Use of other campgrounds in Fairbanks or North Pole are suggested for anyone who despises this kind of discrimination. Thanks!
All I know is that they were told they had been reported as too loud and when they questioned that, they were told that the fact they were gay was the deciding factor.
2 Alaskans win Pride college scholarships

Tonei Glavinic is a Queer 20 year old from Anchorage, AK. Tonei is a student at American University in Washington, DC and is pursuing a degree in Political Science and Women, Gender, & Sexuality Studies. Tonei wants to thank Anchorage Youth Court, GLSEN, the ACLU, and everyone who has supported Tonei’s work over the years. Tonei is a Public Policy and Advocacy Intern at the Task Force; volunteer at a pro-choice clinic; Executive Director of American University Queers and Allies; and will be a Resident Assistant next year.Tonei won the following scholarships: Pride Foundation Community, Political Leadership, and Scott Rodriguez LeadershipKady Titus is 21, bisexual, and an Alaskan Native. She is currently a freshmen at Haskell Indian Nations University studying Social Work. Kady owes a huge “thank you” to Kathy Halverson, who was Kady’s first social worker from Foster Care. Kady says, “She stayed with me throughout everything.”“My plans and aspirations are the same now as they were almost 10 years ago: to open the interior of Alaska’s first Transitional Living Program with special services geared toward GLBT youth and foster children.”Kady won the following scholarship: Pride Foundation/Alaska
Congratulations to Tonei, Kady and all 108 scholarship recipients! More information on the annual scholarship program can be found at
Transgender podcast debuts with Alaska show on "Transpeople and Christianity"

The first show of “Good Morning, TransAmerica!” is now available, with news and discussion on transgender issues around the world, hosted by Anja Gensel of Anchorage, Alaska.
The first show is called “Transpeople and Christianity: Does God have a plan for us?” Anja and her guests address why many fundamentalist Christian churches reject transpeople, how they hijacked the Anchorage Assembly hearings last summer, and why they have it wrong.
We ask the question “Can you be transgendered, AND be a Christian?” We hear from Anchorage Televangelist Jerry Prevo, Pastoral Minister Sarah Gavit of St Mary’s Episcipal Church, and two Christian Transwomen, Kelly Johnson and Piper Moritz.
Another local segment on the show is “TransLife in a small Alaskan town” with commercial fisherman and transwoman, Carrie Thorne. Carrie also discusses her experiences with Dr. Toby Meltzer, who performed SRS, Voice modification and FFS on her.
Other guests include Lisa O. discussing her SRS results performed in Thailand by Dr. Suporn.
Finally, Mental Health Clinician Roni Lanier, M.S. reviews the book: “Transgender Emergence: Therapeutic Guidelines for Working With Gender-Variant People and Their Families” by Arlene Ister Lev.
Plus, the podcast opens with a review of recent transgender world news.
The second show is called “TransLife in Australia” and will be available in June. For the third show, Anja travels to Chicago to the 2010 “Be-All” International Gender Conference.
“Transpeople and Christianity: Does God have a plan for us?” is available HERE.
For more information on the next shows, visit “Good Morning, TransAmerica!” on TransAlaska Pipeline, the website for Transgender Alaska.
Fairbanks soldier investigated for “future gay terrorist” video

A Fairbanks soldier is under investigation for posting on Facebook a video titled “future gay terrorist!” with two Iraqi children being taunted about being homosexuals and terrorists, and writing, “I was bored in Iraq. So I kept myself entertained.”
The young boys don’t understand the soldier’s insults about being gay and liking gay sex, so they nod and smile. When he asks if they will grow up to be terrorists, at first they return his thumbs up, then the older boy realizes the soldier is not being friendly.
Robert Rodriguez, stationed at Fort Wainwright near Fairbanks, made his Facebook page private a week after posting the clip, and his wall and videos are no longer visible to the public. However, a second Alaska-based soldier shared the video, and concerned friends in North Carolina contacted a local television station, which posted this video and the article quoted below:
The 30-second clip shows the two boys standing side by side on a dusty road, and the photographer asks them if they’re gay and engage in homosexual acts. The boys smile and nod, but it’s unclear whether they understand English.
“Are you going to grow up to be a terrorist? Yeah! All right! Cool! Yeah, terrorists! Woo!” the photographer says.
The boys smile and give a thumbs-up signal.
“Are you going to plant IEDs?” the photographer asks. “Yeah, awesome!”
The older boy apparently realizes at this point that they are being mocked, and he holds down the younger boy’s arm.
The video was posted May 14 on the Facebook page of Robert Rodriguez and titled “future gay terrorists.”
Rodriguez describes himself on Facebook as a soldier living in Fairbanks, Alaska. An Army spokesman said a Spc. Robert Rodriguez is stationed at Fort Wainwright, outside of Fairbanks.
It’s unclear whose voice is heard on the video, but in posting the video to Facebook, Rodriguez wrote, “I was bored in Iraq. So I kept myself entertained.”
A North Carolina soldier who also is based in Alaska subsequently shared the video with friends on his Facebook page, and a concerned area resident alerted WRAL News.
“The conduct portrayed in video is disgraceful and clearly inconsistent with the high standards we expect of every Soldier. The incident is currently under investigation. The Army will take appropriate action based on the findings of the investigation,” Maj. Bill Coppernoll, a public affairs officer for the U.S. Army in Alaska, said in a statement Friday.
Memorial Day Picnic, Homer GSA, Juneau benefit, Palmer gallery, Marcia’s Lodge

Community Memorial Day Picnic
This Week in LGBT Alaska 5/21/10

New Group: Youth-Community GSA, meets 5/22, 3:30-5:30 p.m. in the Homer Public Library Conference Room.
SEAGLA Social Fridays (6-8 p.m.) for GLBT people and our friends over 21, at The Imperial Bar.
Wednesday Social Group, contact Joshua for the location.
Mat-Su Valley
Mat-Su LGBT Community Center in Palmer is open M-F 5-8 p.m. (except 6-8 on Wed.) The social group meets Wednesdays, 5-6 p.m. at Vagabond Blues.
GLBT Art Show “Celebrate” opens 5/21 at Out North, runs through Pride Month.
Summer Kick Off Comedy Hypnosis Show: Night of Mayhem 5/22, 9:00p.m. at Mad Myrna’s. Tickets & info: Jay Her.
Ann Reed in Concert 5/22, 7:30p.m. in the Wilda Marston Theater at Loussac Library. Tickets & info: Ann Reed.
LGBT Alaska Democratic Party Caucus meeting 5/24, 6-8 p.m. at ADP Headquarters, 2602 Fairbanks Street, in Anchorage.
Ever Ready “Light” 5/25, 7-9 p.m. jammin at Uncle Joe’s Pizza in Anchorage.
Put the "March" back in Pride March

While last year we celebrated the 40th Anniversary of our liberation at Stonewall on the last Sunday of June in 1969, we are celebrating another anniversary in 2010. And we need to do it right.On the last Sunday in June 1970, Gay Liberation Front and Gay Activists Alliance, in commemoration of the Stonewall riots, staged the first Gay Liberation Day March. Organizers in Los Angeles and San Francisco also held marches that day.We have much to celebrate. As a community we have struggled and fought for our very lives. Together, we have accomplished what at one time was a fantasy at best. Our sexual liberation has been celebrated every year now for 40 years with what was once a march and is now a parade, in the streets of New York and dozens of other cities across the country and the world.This year, in light of the major battles we have ahead of us, we are asking for all of you to join us in taking back pride. While we have so much to be proud of in what we have accomplished as a community, this fight is far from over. We want our community to not only remember those who have fought and died before us, but to forge ahead in the struggle — so that our children may one day live truly free and equal lives in this country.The organizers of Pride Marches around the country work tirelessly over the course of the year to bring us the most inclusive marches and celebrations in the world. We want to help those organizers by working with them to implement plans for education and protest within our marches.We know that our community is made up of every race, creed, religious affiliation and political background imaginable. We come from everywhere, from Africa to New Zealand. We represent Conservatives and Socialists. We are made up of Catholics and Buddhists alike. The time has come to embrace our ideals and differences and remember that what we have in common as a community – is our strength.For Pride 2010, we ask that organizers and participants of marches around this great country take this opportunity to be heard. Yell. Scream. Chant. Wear your chaps and thongs, but carry a sign while you do it. Put on your most sequined ball gown, but shout for your rights as you flaunt your fabulousness. The sheer number of people who turn out in the streets this June will send a clear message around the world that we are not content with what we have. We are somebody. We deserve full equality.If you’re marching with a group, ask your group what they are angry about. It could be Marriage Inequality, or Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell. It could be that in 31 states, you can still be fired for being gay. (see the Get Angry section for more issues.)We owe it to our community and to those young gay people who are still afraid to say who they are to TAKE BACK PRIDE. Make your signs. Create your chants. It’s time for us all to remember this is a march, not a parade. This is OUR celebration of who we are and it has the potential to once again be something we are ALL truly proud of.Please join us by making a comittment to Take Back Pride in your own way.
Ann Reed in Anchorage, May 22

Coronation, 2nd Celebration for F. Ken, Leaders & Cleaners

Gay AK – Notes from LGBT Alaska
Coronation 38, Labor Day weekend
Alaska Coronation 38 — “Kickin’ it old School…Back to our Roots” Labor Day weekend in Anchorage, Sept. 2-6, 2010! Call the Sheraton for reservations (907) 276-8700, mention ‘ICOAA’ for the special rate. Visit Imperial Court of All Alaska for updates throughout the summer.
2nd Celebration of Life in August for F Ken Freedman
F. Ken Freedman, a long-time member of the Anchorage LGBT community, a licensed professional counselor, Queer Activist and loving presence in the world, passed away on Saturday, May 1, 2010. Many calls and e-mails came in after the Celebration of Life was held on May 6th saying “But I did not know”, “Can we have a second service?” We decided to do so. Please send your name to Victoria if you would like to be kept in the loop about this service. His brother, who was very close to F Ken, spoke to him daily on the phone would love to meet all of F Ken’s Alaskan family. They are planning a second Celebration of Life in August 2010 to allow the greater community to mourn with them. More details to follow as they are planned. Please sign his guest book and share your memories with F Ken’s family of origin and family of choice.
Judge Lack wins Harvard fellowship
Judge Jonathon Lack, appointed in 2007, serves as the Superior Court Master and District Court Magistrate in the Alaska Court System, and he is one of ten LGBT leaders to win a Harvard fellowship this summer from The Gay & Lesbian Leadership Institute. Congratulations!
New leader for the UAF Gay-Straight Alliance
Jessi Angelette, president of the UAF Gay-Straight Alliance and the student spokesperson for the effort to add gays to the UA non-discrimination policy, is moving out of state this summer. Lauren Tibbitts-Travis, current pres. of the GSA at Juneau Douglas High School, is graduating and moving to UAF where she will be their new GSA president and will continue working for the UA policy change. The Regents agreed to deal with it this year, their next meeting is June 3-4 in Anchorage, and Lauren will speak at the meeting. Thanks, Lauren! Congratulations to Jessi on the pregnancy, and good luck in your next state!
PFLAG thanks Mary Parker
The Anchorage PFLAG Board of Directors has accepted, with gratitude and thanks, the resignation of Board member Mary Parker. Mary has been a board member for the past 14 years, among many other things she has been our primary contact person with all aspects of Anchorage youth and UAA during that entire time. She plans to continue her work as a point of contact for both youth and UAA, but she wants to eliminate Board meetings from her busy schedule. The Board thanks Mary for her many years of valuable service and we hope her future schedule has a little more flexibility. Thank you very much for your time and efforts Mary, your wisdom will be missed!
Thanks to the Fabulous Nine
A great big Thank You to the Fabulous 9 people who showed up at 10 a.m. on Saturday and worked so hard to clean the highway for PFLAG Juneau. There were 4 men and 5 women who worked really hard! We collected 12-15 bags of garbage and quite a bit of recyclables. The sunshine was glorious, the lake was beautiful, and we got several waves and gratitude honks from passers by. That was community service you can see and feel good about, SEAGLA and PFLAG working together on improving the community in which we all live… Thanks!