Articles in Alaska communities
Arson? Anchorage Gay Float was torched *UPDATES* AFD needs our help!

“They have finally finished the investigation, and said that it is not our fault or an accident,” wrote Paula. “They said that it was started by someone! They are still asking for information from anyone who may know who started it.”
“This has been a horrible situation for everyone involved, and worse to know that this may have been a targeted crime,” wrote Miss MeMe, Empress of the Imperial Court of All Alaska.“I have been incredibly proud that our community has shown great courage and Pride, and I know that we will continue to work together to conquer hate towards our community and its allies. We also continue to support the Butners during what has been a challenging time for them, and continue to be grateful for all of the support they have shown the LGBTA community over the years.”
“Insurance will not cover the sound equipment belonging to Daphne Do All LaChores, emcee of Drag Queen Bingo and PrideFest Parade announcer,” wrote Phyllis of Identity, Inc.Hence, a fundrai$er to replace the equipment—a spaghetti feed with salad on Saturday afternoon, August 14, 2010, from 1:00 to 5:00 pm at Guido’s, 549 W. International Road. Tickets $10.00 per person, $5.00 under 10 years old. $5.50 of every adult ticket sold will go to Daph. There will also be a 50/50 split the pot and silent auction to raise funds for the equipment.”
“We lost our trailer and all of the sound equipment, tools and supplies,” Daphne commented on Linda’s photo essay of the fire. “Ken and I started to upgrade the space into a workshop and storage facility to house all of the decorations and scraps of previous award winning floats. It’s all gone now.”
Answers to "Why do you need a gay parade?"

“Some people have said, “Why do those gay people need to have a special float in the parade at all?” I would answer, that the reality of discrimination and ignorance towards LGBT people is very real in Homer, Alaska—particularly for young people.”
“Well, why do we need a July 4th parade?” I asked. “We don’t – we have it because we want to celebrate our country.”“Even if we didn’t need a gay pride parade, we’d want to have it to celebrate the LGBT community. We celebrate our LGBT groups, mostly run by volunteers, we celebrate the LGBT people in Alaska, we celebrate our friends and allies, and we celebrate that we can have a gay parade in Anchorage, that we have the right to peacefully assemble and celebrate our community. Like the 4th of July parade.”
I would have also mentioned that the Pride Parade comes at the end of Pride Week, which is celebrated in cities all over the country… during a month proclaimed by the President of the United States!The LGBT celebration is no different than that of February and African-American History Month, or March and American Red Cross. Cheers for sticking to your guns, and educating… without getting up on a soap-box… LOL!
Why have a parade at all? To express our pride in something, to show how far we’ve come, to make known that we all are great. Parades are great shows of triumph. We have a gay pride because, hello, we’re in the 21st Century, not the 18th. We have a gay pride because we’re proud, too.Because it’s much friendlier than an equal rights march.Processions have in all peoples and at all times been a natural form of public celebration, as forming an orderly, and impressive ceremony. Symbolic processions were an important tool in the non-violent protest of Gandhi. Marches on Washington include formal processions. I think for us, as a community, to have the parade we are demonstrating our heritage as well as our unity as a community.Why? Simple….as a community WE ALL are largely invisible….how else are we to show that we are here?In one respect, it’s less about being proud of ourselves and more about showing ourselves to the world at large. We’re showing the richness of our diversity and the support we enjoy from our friends and family. But just as much as highlighting our differences, we’re celebrating the things that make us like everyone else, we love, laugh, party and share our lives with friends and family just the same way everyone else does.Is “Why do we need a gay parade? the real question or is it more “Why must you publicly flaunt your gay selves? You know some folks are just not comfortable with anyone who does not fit inside their closet.Unless every GLBT turns purple tomorrow they’ll never know we are even here….THATs why we need a parade. Without it how will they even know we exist? If they don’t know we exist then laws or omissions will be made to make out lives even MORE unequal.To liven things up!The answer to the question should it have been asked by someone who is not comfortable with gays is this: We do not need a gay parade, but you do.To raise awareness that gays are everywhere/can be anybody and to celebrate that we are not alone!I have met so many people who are still struggling to come out of the closet. When I was in the closet I felt ashamed of who I was as a person. Its important to see people who can assert their own identity for everyone who is still struggling, because no one should have to feel ashamed of who they are.I love the ideas expressed here (it WAS one of our bigger parades)! With what happened to the Imperial Court’s float showed the entire community who and what we’re about. We are a loving, inclusive, and as expressed here, diverse community. Our friends, family, and allies especially showed true colors and really came together. I couldnt be more proud of the face we showed. And THAT’S why I feel a Parade is a celebration of who we are and a very healthy way to express our Diversity!
The new Duke & Duchess of Fairbanks

I am honored and thrilled to hold the title of Fairbanks Grand Duke XVIII. Thanks goes out to everyone who attended [Saturday] night’s show and for those of you who encouraged me to run this year.I have lived in Fairbanks since May 1998 and have been a non-active participant of the community for years. My first drag show I ever attended was back in the “Palace” days…. where I had the great opportunity to meet some of the best Kings and Queens.I am interested in helping this community not only grow in size but grow together for the good of outreach and community togetherness. During my year as Grand Duke XVIII I hope everyone will support me, advise me, and help me help OUR community be stronger than its ever been. I am open to any and all suggestions to make this year a FABULOUS year!! LET’S DO THIS TOGETHER!!!
Cory for Emperor 38 of All Alaska

Hi Everyone… my name is Cory Crowder and I’m a candidate for Emperor 38 of All Alaska!!! That’s right, I finally decided to run. I hope to see all of you Saturday, August 21st at the G&L Community Center for voting!!!Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions, or I’m sure I’ll run into you on the campaign trail!!!
Stephen for Emperor 38 of All Alaska

To the Community Members of the Great State of Alaska:My name is Stephen Moore and I am also a Candidate for Emperor 38. Over the next few weeks, you will have a great time getting to know all of us candidates and learning what each of us want to do to support you! If you would like to know more about me, the Imperial Court of Alaska, or have any questions, please feel free to contact me.Vote Stephen for Emperor XXXVIII of Alaska is my official FB page that will be updated all along this awesome journey! I love to have fun and do outreach to the community as much as possible.Please come vote on August 21 at the GLCC in Anchorage, or in my hometown at College Floral in Fairbanks. Polls open at 9 am and will close at 8 pm. EVERY VOTE COUNTS!VOTE STEPHEN on April 21, 2010! Stephen for Emperor XXXVIII of Alaska!
Samantha for Empress 38 of All Alaska

Hi EVERYONE, I am Joseph Williams, AKA Samantha SoWrong, and I am aspiring to be Empress 38 of ALL of Alaska!! Love, Unity, and Universal White Light FOR ALL! If you would like to know more about the I.C.O.A.A check out their web page: ICOAA. SEE YOU ALL ON THE CAMPAIN TRAIL! “gosh I hope I get a book deal…”
Greetings!!I am running for Empress 38 of All of Alaska under the stage name, Samantha So Wrong. Yes something so “wrong” really is SO RIGHT!The Imperial Court of All of Alaska started in 1971 and is the oldest Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgendered and Allied organization in Alaska. Their mission, to raise money and give it back to the community. As Empress, I will be representing the community and holding fundraisers and traveling out of state to represent our court on the circuit. I have to win first.I win by YOUR VOTES. Anyone who is an Alaskan Resident, is 18 and has an Alaskan ID can request an absentee ballot, but you have to do it now! You have to email your request. You will get a ballot that will have all the info on it. They will need proof you are of legal voting age. It will not count with out it!! (making sure I say it enough….) Email your request to Joani.Make sure you VOTE FOR SAMANTHA SoWRONG! I will need EVERY VOTE I CAN GET!! There are three of us girls running for the Title!!If you are going to be in Anchorage, vote at the GLCCA on Saturday Aug 21, 2010. If you’re in Fairbanks, you can vote at College Floral.I love you All, and thank you for your time reading this!JosephAka ” Samantha SoWrong ”
Paige for Empress 38 of All Alaska

I am happy to announce that I am running for the title of Empress 38 of the Imperial Court of All Alaska! I would appreciate your support! I have a fan page up aptly titled Vote Paige for Empress 38 of All Alaska! LOL Follow me on the campaign trail!
My name is Paige Langit, and I’ve been an active member of the ICOAA for the past eight years.As a straight ally, I wish to enlighten the straight community as to what it is the Imperial Court does, and hopefully with that understanding, be able to form a more cohesive bond between the GLBT and straight communities, especially the new generation. (Not quite Star Trek…) I want to see more involvement in the fundraising efforts this organization puts together, because in the end, everyone benefits; from the students who are awarded the scholarships and charitable organizations that are given donations, to the people who donate their time and effort who will build and create better and new relationships and networks with others, regardless of their personal lifestyle.I’m 29 years old. I think my age gives me an upper hand at this point in time. During my time as Duchess, I found that I was able to associate with the younger crowd, and help introduce them to the Court and involve a new generation of the GLBT community who, in turn, help give back to their own community. (It’s a wonderfully vicious cycle…)I have never felt more part of something, as I have with the GLBT community and the Imperial Court of All Alaska. With the experiences that I have had in (most specifically) the last two years within the Court and community, with involvement in almost every fundraiser in the State, including Fairbanks and Juneau, I feel that I am ready to give back to the a community which has welcomed me and let me find my own place within it. (… kicking and screaming of course…)I know this isn’t really much about my past or what my favorite foods are… do I like long walks on the beach, etc… but it’s the important things that are going through my mind right now. :)
"Why do you need a gay parade?"

Five candidates run for Emperor & Empress 38

Homer July 4th emcee "would not say the words lesbian or gay" *Updated with contact info

I am writing on behalf of the Homer Chapter of PFLAG, to express my heartfelt appreciation to the community of Homer for the cheers and support we received for our float during this year’s 4th of July Parade. This year, PFLAG (Parents, Friends of Lesbians and Gays) marched with the newly-formed Homer Youth Gay-Straight Alliance, in order to strengthen efforts at providing support and solidarity for LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendered) youth in Homer.I am also writing to express my concern about the significant omissions by the emcee of this year’s parade, Tim White, while he was reading the description of our organizations and float. Rather than reading the prepared statement as written, he omitted the names of our organizations and would not say the words lesbian or gay, which were part of our statement. This omission was quite obvious and did not appear to be accidental.It is tragic to think that this incident might be related to anything other than a logistical mishap, especially on a day when we are celebrating a day that is all about freedom. It is my sincere hope, and that of Homer PFLAG, that the Homer Chamber of Commerce is committed to having the voice of the 4th of July Parade be one that would never in any way be associated with discrimination, censorship, or homophobia.Some people have said, “Why do those gay people need to have a special float in the parade at all?” I would answer, that the reality of discrimination and ignorance towards LGBT people is very real in Homer, Alaska—particularly for young people. The intention of PFLAG and the GSA in our community is to promote equal treatment of all people—regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity. In the words of the ACLU, “freedom does not protect itself.” Silence is deadly—and the silence of this year’s parade emcee has given us an opportunity to speak a bit louder.