Articles in Alaska communities
Escape to Gilligan’s Island this Sunday with the 39th Emperor & Empress

Their Most Imperial Majesties, Denali Emperor Kevin Fawcett-Majors and Aurora Empress MariQuita of the Imperial Court of All alaska, invite every single one of you to:
Investitures of the 39th Reign:
ESCAPE to Gilligan’s Island!
Become a part of Reign 39: Will YOU be the next Prince of the Pribilofs? Earn your title! Buy your title! Bribe someone for a title! STEAL your title! It’s all in good fun! Costume contest: the winners get….A TITLE!
- Date/time: Sunday, October 2, 2011, 5:30 pm
- Location: Mad Myrna’s, 530 E. 5th Ave. in downtown Anchorage (see map)
- Cost of admission: $5 cover, with ALL proceeds benefiting the Imperial Court of All Alaska!
The Imperial Court of All Alaska (ICOAA) is an Alaska LGBTQA not-for-profit which over its lifetime has raised over a million dollars for scholarships and charity.
Bent News, 9/29/11: Andrew Caleb Pritt makes the Anchorage Daily News

The Anchorage Daily News reports on Caleb Pritt, Wal-Mart adds transgender protections, and more in this edition of Bent News.
Choosing Alaska: Fairbanks is a good cup of coffee

We recently posted a letter from a grad student and a letter from a gay couple asking for similar advice: What is it like to live and work in Alaska as an openly-LGBT person? KHW describes his experience living in Fairbanks as a gay Asian male who recently graduated from college on the east coast.
Follies of Dollies this Saturday in Fairbanks

We invite you to please join us for a night of racy fun, as only the Haus oF Fusion, AnARoX Productions, and Cabaret Noir-Burlesque can bring together!
as we continue the annual tradition of “FOLLIES OF DOLLIES” … illusion is the fusion element of the night! This show will benefit The Richard Welch Memorial Scholarship Fund 2012 (student application information at show).
Follies of Dollies is an “age old” tradition in Fairbanks drag/illusion, started by Rochelle DeLite & many queens that carried it through the years with style and class. It’s always meant to be a grand fun night of camp and naughtiness.
Featuring the very best of Fairbank “Club Queens & Kings” —
- Beyonca Fusion* of The Haus oF Fusion
- Shug Delmontague
- Michelle Diamond
- Jasmine MizzBarbie Davenport
- Kelly D.
- plus more being added & updated here!
Also performing are the luscious ladies of Cabaret Noir-Burlesque and the delish vocal stylings of Kelly Wade aka Helly Spade!
Haus oF Fusion continues the tradition hosting this event for the second year and hopes to honor it well, keeping the party going with a bow to the past & a “Sashay” to the future!
This is a glbtiq&a inclusive event/secured h8 free zone. There will also be an after-party to celebrate DADT repeal!
- Date/time: Saturday, September 24, 9 PM to 1 AM
- Location: Lower LA (the private lounge downstairs from Los Amigos), 636 28th Ave, Fairbanks, AK (see map)
- Cost of admission: $10 @ door. limited $15 VIP seating available, call/text (907)322-5242 to reserve.
- Further info: see Facebook events page
Alaskans celebrate the end of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell

Alaskan soldiers & Senator Begich reflect on the repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell, which ended on Tuesday, and the LGBT community celebrates at two local events.
Homes for Our Troops: “Money from the fundraiser was lost” (Andrew Caleb “Drew” Pritt aka Diedra)

Questions emerged over the weekend about missing funds from a fundraiser held last month to raise money for the charity Homes for Our Troops (HFOT). The fundraiser, dubbed “Home for an Alaskan Hero,” was intended to help complete building of a fully accessible home for Army Sergeant Latseen Benson of Chugiak, who lost his legs to an improvised explosive device (IED) in Iraq in November 2005. Latseen is the son of Alaska politician Diane Benson, an ally of the LGBT community.
Gay in AK: LGBT in Anchorage and the State — a community panel at UAA Constitution Week 2011

As part of UAA Constitution Week 2011, University of Alaska Anchorage will present a community panel Friday, September 23 which will explore the issue of gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender rights as it relates to the Alaska and United States Constitutions. The panel will feature leaders who have advocated for equal rights in front of Alaska’s courts, the Anchorage Assembly, and the University of Alaska Board of Regents.
One Anchorage campaign to begin gathering signatures

About 50 people gathered last night in Waldron Hall at St. Mary’s Episcopal Church in Anchorage to learn about One Anchorage, the campaign by Equality Works to add sexual orientation and transgender identity to the Anchorage equal rights code through a ballot initiative. The initiative, if successful, will provide the same legal protections against discrimination already provided in Anchorage on the basis of race, color, sex, religion, national origin, marital status, age, physical disability, and mental disability. The One Anchorage campaign was announced on September 1.
Sugarbuzz, a friend & fundraiser for Identity — Saturday in Anchorage

Following the kd lang and Wanda Sykes concerts in Anchorage Saturday, meet and greet your friends at ORSO for Sugarbuzz, a friend and fundraiser for Identity. And who knows, you might even meet kd and Wanda, who will be getting personal invitations to join us along with their crew.
University students take the lead

University students around the state are kicking into gear — with classes, but also with activities, organizing, and leadership development.