Monday, 30 March 2009 – 1:37 PM
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Tiffany McClain is in the perfect position to write a gay rights column: she is the LGBT Coordinator for the ACLU of Alaska, the organizer of Equality Works, and on the board of Alaskans Together. Tiffany recently wrote a guest post on
her experience at the Creating Change conference, and I am pleased to welcome her as a regular contributor to Bent Alaska.
Equality Works in Florida Too: LGBT Rights Activists Victorious in Gainesville
by Tiffany McClain
Over the past year, conservative groups have been trying to strip Gainesville’s LGBT citizens of protection from discrimination. They’ve been whipping up opposition with fear-inducing lies, including demonizing attacks representing transgender people as sexual predators. For weeks leading up to the vote, all the news was dire, but we finally found reason to hope on March 24th when the citizens of Gainesville stood up against prejudice and handily defeated the initiative by a vote of 58% to 42%.
As most of us well know, when activists, legislators, or court officials take positive steps to end discrimination against LGBT people, we often end up fighting efforts to impede our progress. The Prop 8 debacle in California is the most recent example of this, but we need only look back to the 2007 advisory vote to roll back the Alaska Supreme Court’s ruling on domestic partnership benefits as an example of the tug-of-war that has come to characterize the national movement for LGBT civil rights. With this in mind, we have been keeping an eye on Gainesville for lessons on how to overcome obstacles as we continue on the path of protecting LGBT Alaskans from discrimination and harassment.
So what can we learn from the Gainesville victory?
We can learn that as much as the fear-mongering might hurt and offend us, it doesn’t necessarily translate into votes against equality.
We can learn that while we might do what we can to avoid being dragged into an ugly—and inherently unfair—battle for votes, we shouldn’t assume we’ve lost until every ballot is counted.
We can learn that as much as we have come to depend on judges and lawmakers to recognize the rights that the Constitution promises us, and as much as we might hate to legitimize the idea that anyone’s civil rights should be determined by a popular vote, our losses are never inevitable.
Win or lose, a fight for civil rights is always worth it.
Support efforts to advance and protect the rights of LGBT Alaskans: Dedicated to the cause of civil liberties for all Alaskans
Update: I posted this on Pam’s House Blend and the intro was picked up by the Huffington Post! They want to know what Alaskans think of Ross, so please join the conversations at HuffPo and the Blend – and be sure to tell your legislators what you think of WAR as our AG.
* * *
Gov. Sarah Palin named Anchorage lawyer Wayne Anthony Ross as her new attorney general on Thursday. We did not expect her to pick a gay-friendly AG, however his blatant prejudice expressed in a public letter to the state Bar shows that he is a poor choice for our top attorney:
“During a fight several years ago over gay rights, [Allison] Mendel helped organize Anchorage lawyers in support of an anti-discrimination ordinance. Ross wrote a nasty letter to the Bar Association newsletter, using words like “immoral”, “perversion” and “degenerates.” The language went way beyond reasonable disagreement, Mendel and others said.” [Wayne Anthony Ross never a quiet force, Anchorage Daily News]
Other interesting facts about Wayne Anthony Ross:
- He was a founder of Alaska Right to Life and represented, without fee, anti-abortion protesters charged with trespassing. “I feel I have a good relationship with the good Lord (but) if I could overturn Roe vs. Wade, I figure I got my ticket,” he told a reporter.
- He was the defense lawyer for former Rep. Vic Kohring, who is now serving time in prison.
- He opposes Native subsistence rights and was the lead lawyer in the case that got Alaska’s subsistence law declared unconstitutional. When running for governor in 2002, he said he would hire a band of “junkyard dog” assistant AG’s to challenge the federal law that requires a subsistence preference, or seek changes through Congress.
- He wrote for the old Anchorage Times, then for the Voice of the Times in the ADN, with titles like “KKK ‘ Art’ Project Gets’ A’ For Courage” listed on the publications page of the Ross & Miner law offices.
- He represented Palin in her ethics case against state GOP chair Randy Ruedrich when both were on the Oil and Gas Commission, and became the co-chair of Palin’s 2006 gubernatorial campaign. He was hoping for an appointment to the Department of Health and Social Services so he could “stop the department from interfering with families when they should not be interfering and get them interfering with families when they should be interfering” but he was passed over.
- He defended a Soldotna man who twice poured buckets of water from a passing pickup onto peaceful demonstrators in the rain and snow. His client was convicted of harassment and violating constitutional rights.
- He was the co-chair of Alaskans for Phil Gramm. (Gramm is one of the people responsible for the current economic crisis, and as co-chair of John McCain’s presidential campaign he called us “a nation of whiners.”)
- He is a former vice president of the National Rifle Association and was in line to become president, but was voted out of office.
- He ran for governor in 1998 and 2002. (Think he’ll use the AG position as a stepping stone to the governor’s mansion?)
The state House and Senate Judiciary committees will hold confirmation hearings on his appointment.
Friday, 27 March 2009 – 3:54 PM
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Early voting has begun for the Anchorage municipal election.
The Alaska Volcano Observatory has updates on Mt. Redoubt’s activity, currently at Red Alert.
SEAGLA Social Fridays (6-8 p.m.) for GLBT people and our friends over 21, at The Imperial Bar, downtown.
Mat-Su Valley
Mat-Su LGBT Community Center is open M-F 5-8 p.m. The social group meets Wednesdays, 5 p.m. at Vagabond Blues in Palmer. Election of the Board of Directors 4/1, 5 p.m. at the Center.
“Sordid Lives” 3/27-3/28 at 7 p.m., 3/29 dinner at 5 p.m. & show at 8. Mad Myrna’s.
Boot Camp: Fetish Ball, 3/28, 9:30 p.m. Fashion show by The Look, piercing demo by The Hole Look. $15, proceeds to benefit the Four A’s food bank. Mad Myrna’s.
Fifth Sunday of Lent with Rev. Norman Van Manen and MCC Anchorage in their new location. 3/29, 2 p.m.
Sheila Selkregg house party 3/29, 4:30 p.m.
LGBTQ Personal Experiences at UAA, in Anchorage & Beyond, a panel discussion for Women’s History Month, 3/31, 7 p.m.
Thursday, 26 March 2009 – 10:03 PM
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Tuesday, 24 March 2009 – 9:52 PM
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The Last Queer Frontier
Anchorage PrideFest 2009 will be June 13-21 with the theme The Last Queer Frontier. The highlight of PrideFest is the Celebrating Diversity Parade and the Festival on the Delaney Park Strip on June 20. The Festival features live entertainment, vendors, food, friends and fun, all under the glorious Midnight Sun. Parade and Vendor applications are available on the
Links page.
Growing Mat-Su Center seeks funding
Mat-Su LGBT Community Center opened its doors on Monday. “I’m very encouraged by the size of our coffee meetings,” writes Brianne. “At this time we could really use a contribution towards setting up Internet and phone access in our office. Also we very much need bookshelves.” The Center is open Monday-Friday 5-8 p.m. and the coffee social is on Wednesdays, 5 p.m. at Vagabond Blues in Palmer.
Conservatives notice Alaskans Together
Alaskans Together was mentioned by The Catholic Anchor and the Alaska Standard in an article opposed to the Fairbanks school board’s decision to add gender identity to the non-discrimination policies: “The policy change was a welcome move by an increasingly well-organized group of gay rights advocates in Alaska. The Web site for the activist group Alaskans Together expressed hope that the new policy would set an example for future action by other schools and governments across Alaska.”
Men of Anchorage on Meetup
Men of Alaska is a group for gay men in Anchorage, Alaska and surrounding areas who meet for social events and community service projects. Gay men visiting from outside of Alaska are also welcome to join to find events that are happening during their visit.
Out in Alaska summer trips
Out in Alaska has awesome adventures planned for this summer, including backpacking in Gates of the Arctic National Park (June 5-13), backpacking in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (June 15-21 – women’s trip, and August 18-24), rafting the incredible Copper River (July 18-25), and kayaking in Kenai Fjords (Aug. 3-7). No experience necessary, just be in good shape and ready for adventure. Ask Tim about the local discount.
Sunday, 22 March 2009 – 7:18 PM
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The Divas Drag Show at Mad Myrna’s is featured in the Sunday Anchorage Daily News, with a headline and photo displayed on the front page.
“Gay bars change acts to appeal to straight customers”, written by Julia O’Malley, focuses on the performers, the show, the bar and how the audience is now more straight than gay.
Myrna’s has been home to a drag show for a decade, and straight people have long been part of the audience. But on some Friday nights lately, gay patrons have thinned dramatically, replaced by military couples, bachelorette parties and curious young professionals. It’s part of a national trend.
Read about the drag queens, gay go-go boys and straight girl co-host who perform the weekly drag variety show.
Thanks to Julia and the ADN for this article about the gay citizens of Anchorage and the straight people who enjoy our company.
Saturday, 21 March 2009 – 1:31 PM
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The Fetish Ball, where the people are the show!
“Please help me and The Alaskan Kinksters raise money for the Four A’s, and have one hell of a party,” wrote Scott, organizer of the Ball.
The Fetish Ball will be held at
Mad Myrna’s on March 28 at 2130 hours (9:30 p.m. civilian time.) There is a $15 “enlistment fee” (cover charge) and all proceeds benefit the Four A’s food bank. Events include a fashion show by The Look and a piercing demo by The Hole Look. Come on down and check it out!

Friday, 20 March 2009 – 12:58 PM
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SEAGLA Social Fridays (6-8 p.m.) for GLBT people and our friends over 21, at The Imperial Bar, downtown.
Gender Bender Party, a fundraiser for Fairbanks PFLAG and Interior AIDS Association. 3/21, 8 p.m. 21-and-over.
Mat-Su Valley
Mat-Su LGBT Community Center social support group meets Wednesdays at 5 p.m. Vagabond Blues in Palmer.
LunaFest women’s film festival at Out North 3/20-3/21, 7 p.m.
Electronox 3/21, 9 p.m at Mad Myrna’s.
“Sordid Lives” performed live at Mad Myrna’s. Sunday Dinner Matinee on 3/22, 5 p.m.
Fourth Sunday of Lent with Rev. Norman Van Manen and MCC Anchorage at their new location. 3/22, 2 p.m.
Transgendered Alaskans’ Social Group (TASG) meets Sundays 6:30-8:30 p.m. at the GLCCA.
Thursday, 19 March 2009 – 8:14 PM
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Dan & Al Carter-Incontro have been together for 40 years, and 32 of them were spent in Alaska.
They got together in 1969, three months before the Stonewall riots began the modern gay rights movement, and lived in Alabama four years before moving to Alaska. In 2005, they moved to Florida and are celebrating their 40th Anniversary on March 21.
During their decades in Anchorage, Dan & Al were involved in the gay community and were plaintiffs in the case that won partner benefits for state and city employees. The conference room at the Gay & Lesbian Community Center (GLCCA) is named in their honor.
“At the GLCCA, we have created a celebratory photo booth to help Dan & Al celebrate their 40th,” wrote Phyllis of Identity. “Come by any time the GLCCA is open and the volunteer on duty will take your photo with the ‘Happy Anniversary Dan & Al’ sign.” The complete set of digital photos will be sent to Florida as a present from their many friends in Alaska.
Visit the
Gay & Lesbian Community Center, M-F 3 to 9 p.m. and S-S noon to 6, to take the ‘Happy Anniversary’ photo, browse the library collection, use the computers and socialize in a safe LGBT environment.
Dan & Al, congratulations on your 40th Anniversary! May you enjoy many more good years together.
Tuesday, 17 March 2009 – 8:55 PM
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MCC Anchorage will hold the March 22 Sunday service in their new location at St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, on the corner of Lake Otis and Tudor Road. The service marks the fourth Sunday of Lent, and Pastor Van Manen’s sermon is titled “Day of Action.” The worship will begin at 2:00 p.m. in the A-frame chapel.
“Come and enjoy an action packed day of celebration and worship,” wrote Pastor Van Manen in his
Pastor’s Ponderings. “Come and worship with us as we move through this Lenten season.”
The MCC newsletter includes this message of appreciation: “Thanks to our Board of Directors for all of their hard work in making this move a reality, and thank you to the good people at St. Mary’s who saw fit in welcoming us into their home. This move, which has been three months in the making, affords the congregants of MCC Anchorage the opportunity to worship God in a welcoming, accepting & collaborative environment.”
“We are excited to say the least,” wrote Vice Moderator Matthew Moak about the move. “It is the second step in rebirthing MCC in the community [and] our attendance has grown dramatically over the months.”
MCC Sunday worship: St. Mary’s Episcopal Church at 2 p.m. Beginning on March 25, MCC’s mid-week program Step by Step will be held on Wednesday evenings at 6:30 p.m.