Articles in Anchorage
This Week in LGBT Alaska 12/18/09

SEAGLA Social Fridays (6-8 p.m.) for GLBT people and our friends over 21, at The Imperial Bar, downtown.
Gay-Straight Alliance at JDHS, Wednesdays at noon.
Jeff’s Holiday Bonfire Dance Party 12/18, 9 p.m.
UAF Gay-Straight Alliance, Mondays at 5 p.m. in the Women’s Center (Eilson 112). Jessi.
Wednesday LGBTA Social at 9:30 p.m. Email Joshua for the current location.
Mat-Su Valley
Mat-Su LGBT Community Center in Palmer is open M-F 5-8 p.m. (except 6-8 on Wed.) The social group meets Wednesdays, 5-6 p.m. at Vagabond Blues.
Holiday Open House at the Gay and Lesbian Community Center 12/18, 5-7 p.m.
EverReady in Eagle River 12/18, 9p.m.-1a.m. at Tips Bar.
Friday Diva Variety Show, 9 p.m at Mad Myrna’s.
Anchorage Youth Initiative Holiday Drop in/Hang Out 12/19, 12-3 p.m. at the GLCCA.
Snowball 2009 with the ICOAA 12/19, 7-11 p.m. at Mad Myrna’s.
AMP Holiday Party 12/19, 3-7 p.m. RSVP Required.
Sunday worship with MCC Anchorage at 2 p.m.
Miss MeMe’s Gospel Xmas Show 12/20, 5 p.m. at Mad Myrna’s.
Assembly demotes Ossiander, chooses Flynn as Chair

- As chair, she overruled a motion to limit repetitive testimony and instead allowed hundreds of religious opponents to preach anti-gay hate at the hearings.
- She allowed Wasilla residents to testify on the Anchorage measure, dragging out the hearings for months.
- In her comments before the vote, she admitted that LGBT people face prejudice and discrimination in Anchorage and need protection, then voted against the measure anyway.
- She could have been the deciding vote against the mayor’s veto, but instead she chose a legacy of caving in to pressure and supporting an agenda of hate.
Do you give to the (anti-gay) Salvation Army?

If you’ve been in a grocery story or mall recently (and who hasn’t?), you have seen and heard the Salvation Army’s Christmas bell-ringers collecting donations for charity. Straight bell-ringers, because the Salvation Army does not hire gays.
And many gays do not give to the Salvation Army, choosing to give money to charities that do not discriminate against us instead of those that do.
In addition to not hiring gays, the Salvation Army actively lobbies for anti-gay laws, calls gay couples with children ‘pretend’ families, and promotes celibacy as the only option for gay Christians.
But the Salvation Army is not the only option for giving. Queer Alaskans who want to donate to nondiscriminatory charities have many choices. Three local charities with good records are Beans Cafe and homeless shelter for adults and Covenant House for homeless youth, both in Anchorage, and the Street Outreach and Advocacy Program for homeless kids in Fairbanks.
The Salvation Army works on a much larger scale, and some gays and allies say that justifies their donations.
Do you put money in the Salvation Army buckets?
Christmas Music, Youth Drop-In, HIV Survey & Gifts for Change

Gay AK – news for and about LGBT Alaska
Youth Initiative “Drop In/Hang Out” kicks off in Anchorage
The Youth Initiative program is ready to offer a safe place for youth to hang out with their peers and adult facilitators. The two facilitators are Johnathan Jones and Ginger Blackmon, community leaders with youth work and education training. To kick off this exciting new program, we’re hosting a special holiday drop-in/hang-out for teenage youth (13 to 19) at the Gay and Lesbian Community Center on Saturday Dec. 19 from 12-3 p.m. The entire center will be set aside so that the youth can use the space as they like. The youth will have the opportunity to meet with the facilitators and let us know exactly what it is they would like to do and how they would like to see the Youth Initiative develop. Because this is a special event, holiday gifts and pizza will be provided. And not just lousy gifts, but cool gifts. If you are a LGBTA youth, you don’t won’t to miss this! For more info or make a donation to support the program, please contact the GLCCA.
HIV Prevention Online Survey seeks rural Alaskan men who have sex with men
The University of Alaska, Department of Health Sciences, has asked for our cooperation in spreading the word about a new online survey. The online survey is primarily targeted for “men who have sex with men” who live in or are visiting rural Alaska. The survey is HERE. If you have questions, please direct them to Dr. Nancy A. Nix, Assistant Professor of Public Health at UAA.
Christmas Music Service and MCC news
The MCC Christmas Music Service is Dec. 16 at 7 p.m. Please join us for refreshments, scripture readings by Dianne O’Connell, music by James Gray, Kevin Holtz and the MCCA choir, and a message by Sara Gavit and Matthew Moak. The monthly MCC potluck will be on Sunday Dec. 20th. Feel free to bring a dish to pass or just join us for a great time of food and fellowship after the service. Step by Step, the Wed. Bible study, is taking a break for the holidays and will meet again starting on Jan 6, 2010. The Annual Congregational Meeting is January 17, 2010. Thank you to all those who have donated food and clothing items for Covenant House. We will be packing up the boxes in the next week or so. Thank you for making a difference in the lives of those who so desperately need it. Metropolitan Community Church
The Affirmation Declaration
The Affirmation Declaration expresses the convictions of Christians all over the world and was written in response to the infamous anti-gay Manhattan Declaration. The Affirmation Declaration corrects errors that have been preached in the pulpits of many churches for far too long. Please read The Affirmation Declaration and sign it if you are willing.
Help needed for Kuani’s Kidney Transplant
Kuini AhDar is in need of a kidney transplant. Her friends and co-workers are working with the National Transplant Fund to raise the amount that insurance and other sources won’t cover for the surgery. The Friends of Kuini have organized a fundraiser at the Snow Goose Restaurant on Third Avenue in Anchorage from 6:30-9:00 p.m. on Thursday Dec. 17. Light appetizers and entertainment will be included in the ticket price of $35 per person, with a cash bar and silent auction. If you cannot attend, but would like to make a tax deductible contribution in Kuini’s honor, please call 800-642-8399 or go to The Transplant Fund and enter “AhDar” in the patient box on the homepage. If you can volunteer for the fundraiser, please contact Lori. Thanks
Gifts for Change to benefit the Four A’s
Do your holiday shopping with Four A’s this year by giving those on your list Gifts For Change. The Four A’s Gifts For Change program provides donors with another option for special occasion gift giving and it also supports individuals living with HIV/AIDS in your community as well as prevention efforts across the state. It is truly the gift that keeps on giving and is a meaningful way to celebrate the holidays with your loved ones while impacting your community at the same time. Four A’s will send the recipient a card recognizing the gift and your name (amounts will only be acknowledged if you choose that on the form.) For more information, or to arrange a Gift For Change with a credit card over the phone, call (907) 263-2046 or use the online form HERE.
A Lesbian Bishop
The Episcopal Church has elected a second LGBT bishop! Rev. Mary Douglas Glasspool is a partnered lesbian and was chosen as the Assistant Bishop of Los Angeles. In 2004, openly gay Rev. Gene Robinson became the Bishop of New Hampshire. Congratulations to Rev. Glasspool and Los Angeles.
This Week in LGBT Alaska 12/11/09

SEAGLA Social Fridays (6-8 p.m.) for GLBT people and our friends over 21, at The Imperial Bar, downtown.
4th Annual Gruvn Christmas Toy Drive with Wet Thunder 12/11, 7 p.m. $5 at the door to benefit Interior AIDS Association. Please bring a new unwrapped toy.
UAF Gay-Straight Alliance movie night 12/14, 5 p.m. in the Women’s Center (Eilson 112). Jessi.
Wednesday LGBTA Social around 9:30 p.m. Email Joshua for the current location.
Mat-Su Valley
Mat-Su LGBT Community Center in Palmer is open M-F 5-8 p.m. (except 6-8 on Wed.) The social group meets Wednesdays, 5-6 p.m. at Vagabond Blues.
Lesbian Film Night 12/11, 6 p.m. RSVP for location: LGBT Meetup group.
Friday Diva Variety Show 12/11, 9 p.m at Mad Myrna’s.
Second Saturday in Spenard 12/12, 9 p.m. Music, raffle and auction at the Spenard Roadhouse to benefit Four A’s.
Holiday Tapas Taster 12/13, around 5 p.m. at Mad Myrna’s.
“Your mind is not your enemy” 12/13, 1-3 p.m. Talk on Tantric Buddhism at the A.T.O.M. Center by an LGBT-friendly rinpoche. Contact Bird for more info.
Annual Christmas Music Service at the Metropolitan Community Church, Wed 12/16, 7 p.m. Free and open to the community.
Human Rights Day and Sullivan’s Hypocrisy

“Many other groups face discrimination to a greater or lesser degree. Some of them are easily definable such as persons with disabilities, stateless people, gays and lesbians, members of particular castes and the elderly. Others may span several different groups and find themselves discriminated against on several different levels as a result.Those who are not discriminated against often find it hard to comprehend the suffering and humiliation that discrimination imposes on their fellow individual human beings. Nor do they always understand the deeply corrosive effect it has on society at large.Discrimination feeds mistrust, resentment, violence, crime and insecurity and makes no economic sense, since it reduces productivity. It has no beneficial aspects for society whatsoever. Yet we continue to practice it – virtually all of us – often as a casual reflex, without even realizing what we are doing.I would therefore like to encourage people everywhere – politicians, officials, businesses leaders, civil society, national human rights institutions, the media, religious leaders, teachers, students, and each and every individual – to honour Human Rights Day 2009 by embracing diversity and resolving to take concrete and lasting actions to help put an end to discrimination.”
Gay Movie Night at the Anchorage Film Festival

Meditation, Grants, Facebook, Arctic Heat, and lots ‘o news

This Week in LGBT Alaska 12/4/09
SEAGLA Social Fridays (6-8 p.m.) for GLBT people and our friends over 21, at The Imperial Bar, downtown.
LGBTA Christmas Concert Gathering with the social group, Sunday 12/6, 4 p.m. for the Fairbanks Symphony Orchestra Christmas Concert in the David Concert Hall, UAF. Tickets here, and email Joshua to RSVP.
UAF Gay-Straight Alliance meets Mondays at 5 p.m. in the Women’s Center (Eilson 112). Jessi.
Wednesday LGBTA Social around 9:30 p.m. Email Joshua for the current location.
Mat-Su Valley
Mat-Su LGBT Community Center in Palmer is open M-F 5-8 p.m. (except 6-8 on Wed.) The social group meets Wednesdays, 5-6 p.m. at Vagabond Blues.
Kristara is co-hosting the Friday Night Diva Variety Show 12/4, 9 p.m at Mad Myrna’s.
Comic Mike Lebovitz 12/5, 8 p.m. performs at Mad Myrna’s and part of the proceeds benefit the YWCA.
Sunday worship with MCC Anchorage at 2 p.m.
Gay, Joyous and Free AA Meeting, Mondays 6:00 p.m. at the GLCCA.
“American Primitive” showing at the Bear Tooth 12/9, 8 p.m. as this year’s Gay-La gay movie with the Anchorage International Film Festival. Followed by an after-party at Myrna’s around 10 p.m.
Alaska observes World AIDS Day