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Five candidates run for Emperor & Empress 38

Wednesday, 21 July 2010 – 9:06 AM | Comments Off on Five candidates run for Emperor & Empress 38
Five candidates run for Emperor & Empress 38
The Imperial Court of All Alaska has five candidates running for their highest positions of Emperor and Empress this year, and the campaigns are in full swing. Four of the candidates sent introductions to Bent Alaska, and they’ll be posted over the next few days. Get ready to meet the new top title holders of the ICOAA!
If you are 18+ years old and have a valid Alaska ID, you can vote. Voting day is August 21, in Anchorage at the Gay & Lesbian Community Center (336 East 5th Ave.), in Fairbanks at College Floral (3260 College Road) and throughout the state by absentee ballot. (To request an absentee ballot, contact Joani.)
The candidates for Emperor are Stephen Moore and Cory Crowder. The Empress candidates are Mariquita, Paige Langit and Samantha SoWrong. The new Emperor and Empress will be crowned at Coronation on Labor Day weekend.
Samantha held the first candidate meet ‘n greet back yard barbeque on Thursday. Starting tonight, Mad Myrna’s is hosting “Wii Wednesdays – EnE Candidate Edition” featuring Wii games and the candidates every Wednesday from 6-10 p.m.
The candidate intros will be posted one a day, starting tomorrow. Good luck to all of the candidates!

Prevo calls gay Christians "deadly" as Ray Boltz sings of love

Wednesday, 14 July 2010 – 2:46 PM | 4 Comments
Prevo calls gay Christians "deadly" as Ray Boltz sings of love

The Ray Boltz concert in Anchorage was a hit with LGBT fans and mainstream Christians – but not with Jerry Prevo, who warned his flock to avoid the free concert and wrote a column attacking gay Christians, calling Boltz an “ex-Christian” with “deadly secrets.” Boltz took the high road and answered the hate with a new song about love:

“I will choose to love,
though they shake their fists at me.
And I will be myself with you,
living authenticity.
Though they wrap their hatred
in a message from above,
I will choose to love.”

Amen to that.

In June, Bent reported that Ray Boltz was coming to Anchorage and posted his hit song “Don’t Tell Me Who to Love”, featured in a video for marriage equality. Meanwhile, Prevo warned his followers about the concert in a special all-caps “BEWARE” message, and explained in the ABT bulletin why Christians should not attend the concert of one of their favorite Christian singers:

“Many of us are familiar with such Christian songs as “Thank You” and “Watch the Lamb” written by Ray Boltz. For years, Mr. Boltz performed before numerous crowds and churches, singing and preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He sold over 4.5 million records before retiring from Christian music. Why did he retire?”

Prevo is very familiar with the song “Thank You” — in fact, his congregation chose the Boltz song as their special tribute to Prevo when they celebrated his 38 years of spreading fear and hate against gays. Oops! Boltz had already come out, but ABTers are notoriously behind the times.

“In December of 2004, Boltz revealed to Carol, his wife of 30 years, and his four children that he was a homosexual. Since that time, he has divorced his wife in lieu of his settling into his new-found lifestyle.”

Carol writes a blog in support of gay Christians, and gives advice to their former spouses. She also manages Ray’s website, and weeds out the hate mail from people like Prevo. Boltz lives with his male partner, as an honest gay man whose family loves and accepts him. He performs at gay-friendly churches around the country, and the tickets are often free.

“How does this happen? Paul gives us a look into this phenomenon. “For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying its power” (2 Tim 3:2-5). These are the religious people; these are the ones who exist in the community of believers; these are the ones who exhibit a “form of godliness.”

Do you think he has a special grudge against gay Christians? Blasphemers, traitors, brutal – he aims that whole list of sins at gay people of faith, just because they tell the truth about how God created them and continue to believe that God loves them. Prevo hates that truth.

“How hopeless can it be to know the truth and deny the power of that truth? How can we go through the motions day after day, coming to church, and even involved in ministry, yet “denying the sovereign Lord who bought us?” (2 Peter 2:1) “They profess to know God, but in works deny Him” (Titus 1:16). Jude wrote “They have gone in the way of Cain, have run greedily in the error of Balaam for profit, and perished in the rebellion of Korah” (v.11).”

Actually, these quotes apply perfectly to preachers who sell hate-for-profit disguised as religion. Just sayin’.

“Only an individual and God can know what deadly secrets he/she keeps. Don’t let them have power over you like Cain’s hatred for Abel (Gen. 4:7). Having a clear understanding of doctrine, attending church, and working in the ministry are vital to the Christian life, but they can also be counterfeited to fit a religious form. Jesus did not say the good branch sits faithfully in pews; He said, “It abides.” This is revealed in a continual desire to draw near to God, the expression of obedience, and a hatred for sin. Nothing would be more tragic than to say those hopeless words, “Did we not prophecy in your Name?” to the Lord who never knew you.”

Being gay is a “deadly” secret? Yes, says Prevo, a secret that will lead to the murder of good Christian Abels who are taken in by the “counterfeit” gay Christians.


Hate laced with the threat of violence. Don’t let them have power over you like Cain… don’t let them murder you with their deadly secrets… defend yourself and your family… kill them first.

Crazy dangerous hate.

Why does Prevo hate Ray Boltz so violently? He should be happy that Boltz continues to believe and has not abandoned the church.

Prevo hates Boltz because he knows that when Christians hear a believer they respect singing heartfelt songs about being gay and knowing God’s love, they will forget to be afraid of him and will be touched by the truth and humanity of his music.

And when they stop fearing gays, they won’t pay Prevo to protect them from a non-existent threat.

Try it for yourself. Watch the video below and the other videos from the local concert, and see if his songs move you. “Who Would Jesus Love” from the new album True is especially appropriate for Anchorage in the aftermath of the ordinance.

“Would He only love the ones
who look the same as me?
Would He only offer hope
when He saw similarity?
Would he leave the others waitin
like a stranger at the gate?
Would He discriminate?
Tell me, who would Jesus love?”

The following video opens with photos of his Alaska visit set to “Don’t Tell Me Who to Love”, then switches to the concert. Boltz tells about coming out to his supportive family, and sings the new song “I Will Choose to Love.” (The song starts around 4:20 and it’s worth waiting for.)

The haters in Anchorage need to hear this message, even more than the gays and allies do. I hope a few disobeyed Prevo and went to this incredible concert. Perhaps they will also choose love.

Go GaGa for Monster Ball tickets with KFAT & Myrna’s

Tuesday, 13 July 2010 – 6:52 AM | Comments Off on Go GaGa for Monster Ball tickets with KFAT & Myrna’s
Go GaGa for Monster Ball tickets with KFAT & Myrna’s
Mad Myrna’s, the new KFAT 92.9, and Alaska Airlines have teamed up to send two lucky Alaskans to Lady Gaga’s Monster Ball concert in Tacoma, Washington.
Everyone who comes to Mad Myrna’s on the next four Saturday nights will qualify for a chance to win round trip tickets for two to Lady Gaga’s August 21 concert at the Tacoma Dome. Double your chances by showing up at Myrna’s dressed as Lady Gaga!
Go GaGa starts on July 17 from 8-10 p.m. at Mad Myrna’s, 530 E 5th Avenue in downtown Anchorage, and continues every Saturday night until the grand finale on August 7.
Grand prize winner receives:
Round trip tickets for two to Tacoma, Washington
Hotel stay and tickets to Lady Gaga’s Monster Ball Tour
Come to all the dates! We’ll also be playing games for other prizes at each event. You don’t want to miss it!
**Must be at least 21 years old to enter**
**Must be present to win**
Official rules are HERE. (pdf)
Can’t wait to see Myrna’s packed full of gay and straight Alaskans – women and men – dressed as Lady Gaga. It’s enough to give Prevo nightmares!

This Week (and next) in LGBT Alaska 7/9/10

Friday, 9 July 2010 – 11:59 AM | Comments Off on This Week (and next) in LGBT Alaska 7/9/10
This Week (and next) in LGBT Alaska 7/9/10
Several great events are happening this weekend, with two on Sunday: the Ray Boltz (Gay/Christian) Concert at MCC, and the Seven Deadly Sins Dinner at Mad Myrna’s… an interesting coincidence. On Saturday, the Comedy Hypnosis Show returns to Myrna’s. On Friday, the “Life’s a Drag” show in Juneau is a benefit for Four A’s and the ICOAA.
Next weekend’s events are also listed, including the Brandi Carlile concerts in Anchorage and Fairbanks, and the Pride Picnic in Juneau.
To get the LGBT events as a weekly email newsletter, subscribe to Alaska GLBT News.


“Life’s a Drag” show and flogger making party 7/9, 8:30 p.m. at the Rendezvous Bar, $10 benefit for Four A’s & the ICOAA.

SEAGLA Social Fridays (6-8 p.m.) for GLBT people and our friends over 21, at The Jaded Lounge.

SEAGLA and PFLAG Annual Pride Picnic, 7/17, 4-8 p.m. at Skater’s Cabin.


Brandi Carlile concert at The Blue Loon, Thursday 7/15, 8 p.m. Tickets HERE.

Angry, Young & Poor 2010, 7/17 noon-midnight, a (gay-friendly) music event at Ester Community Park.

ICOAA Ducal Ball XVIII: The Duck Awards, Pioneer Park, 7/17, doors at 7 p.m. show at 8. $15 for food and show.

Mat-Su Valley

Coyote Gardens Open Garden 7/17 from 10-5 and 7/18 from noon-4, garden tours by Les and Jerry to raise funds for The Alaska Rock Garden Society and the Willow Garden Club.

Mat-Su LGBT Community Center in Palmer is open M-F 5-8 p.m. (except 6-8 on Wed.) The social group meets Wednesdays, 5-6 p.m. at Vagabond Blues.


EverReady plays the Bear Paw Festival in Eagle River, 7/10, 1:00p.m.

Comedy Hypnosis (Summer Hump) Show 7/10, 9-10:30 p.m. at Mad Myrna’s. Tickets HERE.

Seven Deadly Sins 3.0, on 7/11 at 5:30p.m., Mad Myrna’s. Tickets $25 in advance for the 7 course meal and entertainment. Proceeds to benefit NE2010 and Identity Inc. Tickets HERE.

Ray Boltz Concert at MCCA, 7/11 from 7:15-9 p.m. Register HERE for FREE tickets.

LGBT Caucus of the Alaska Democratic Party meeting 7/13, 6:30-8:30 p.m. at ADP headquarters, 2602 Fairbanks Street in Anchorage.

Operaoke! 7/13, 9-10:30 p.m. at Myrna’s.

Identity & PFLAG Volunteer Appreciation Picnic, 7/15, 6 p.m. at Goose Lake Park.

Brandi Carlile concert at The Discovery Theater 7/16, 7:30 p.m. SOLD OUT.

Pride Float destroyed & rebuilt for July 4th parade wins Grand Prize (video and links)

Tuesday, 6 July 2010 – 5:17 AM | Comments Off on Pride Float destroyed & rebuilt for July 4th parade wins Grand Prize (video and links)
Pride Float destroyed & rebuilt for July 4th parade wins Grand Prize (video and links)

Two days into a camping trip, I received a text message that a Pride Parade float entered in the Anchorage 4th of July parade had been destroyed by a suspicious fire.
The Imperial Court had 48 hours to rebuild. They called for volunteers and for the LGBTA community to march along with the new float. In the nearest town, I shared that information on Bent’s Facebook wall before the connection quit.
Coming home last night, I saw photos of the new LGBT float and the queer youth float that also participated in Sunday’s parade.
The Pride float was built by the efforts of many. Thanks to the LGBT people and allies who created the float so quickly and with so much style. Thanks to the businesses and individuals who donated the materials, funds and labor to rebuild the float. Thanks to all who rode and walked with the float. And thanks to the Facebook users, local media, and bloggers for reporting the fire and the story of Phoenix Rising, the LGBT float that won the Grand Prize in the 4th of July parade. It was a community effort, in every way.
A fund is set up to help rebuild Paula & Ken Butner’s garage (Wells Fargo account #9297382088). The fire investigation is still in progress. In a possibly related incident, the police are investigating eggs thrown on the home of Daphne, the emcee for the LGBT float.
KTUU has a good report on the float, but their video can’t be embedded. KTVA also reported the suspicious fire, and that the rebuilt float won the Grand Prize. Watch the parade story:
Linda of Celtic Diva posted a photo essay about the float on Mudflats. Gryphen on Immoral Minority asked if Mayor Sullivan considers the fire “quantifiable evidence” of hate toward the gay community in Anchorage. The incident was also reported by the Associated Press, and by the national gay blog Towleroad.

Meanwhile in the town of Homer, Alaska, the LGBTA float for the July 4th parade was created without incident by PFLAG and the Gay/Straight Alliance, but the announcer refused to introduce the PFLAG/GSA float when they passed the judging booth. One of the marchers had to step forward and tell the crowd who they were.
More people rode in the PFLAG rainbow skiff this year, and several of the walkers wore Alaska rainbow socks. The LGBT contingent included the skiff, two bicycles, two gay olympic athletes with their medals, a skateboarder, a group of walkers, and a blond queen wearing a pink sweater-set with black leather boots and riding a motorcycle.
Thanks to the national LGBT book blogger Band of Thebes (who lives part time in Homer) for the story and photos.

Watch: Drag Queen Bingo & Alaska Pride Parade (videos)

Friday, 2 July 2010 – 8:24 AM | Comments Off on Watch: Drag Queen Bingo & Alaska Pride Parade (videos)
Drag Queen Bingo story on KTVA Channel 11

Thanks to KTVA channel 11 for airing several stories throughout the week of Alaska PrideFest this year. Here are KTVA’s stories on the annual Drag Queen Bingo at Snow City Café, a benefit for AMP; and at Anchorage’s annual Pride parade and festival.

Openly gay Ray Boltz performs in Anchorage, July 11

Tuesday, 29 June 2010 – 8:33 PM | Comments Off on Openly gay Ray Boltz performs in Anchorage, July 11
Openly gay Ray Boltz performs in Anchorage, July 11

Ray Boltz is performing in Anchorage on July 11 — and the concert is FREE! Yes, that’s right, you can hear this acclaimed gay singer perform for free by registering HERE before they run out of tickets.

Ray Boltz sold over 4.5 million records and was the recipient of two Dove awards before coming out as a gay man and retiring from Christian music. After a five year break from the stage, Boltz recorded True, with songs about same-sex marriage (“Don’t Tell Me Who to Love”), bias crimes (“Swimming Hole”), and the conservative claim of a gay ‘agenda’ (“Following Her Dreams”).

“Don’t Tell Me Who To Love” was featured in this Soulforce video on Prop 8. Check it out:

In several of the songs on True, Boltz tries to reconcile being gay with his Christian faith.

“I don’t believe God hates me anymore,” said Boltz in an interview with the New York Times. “I always thought if people knew the true me, they’d be disgusted, and that included God. But for all the doubts, there’s this new belief that God accepts me and created me, and there’s peace.”

Both Bolz and his ex-wife Carol have been vilified by religious extremists for becoming LGBT advocates. She manages his website and blogs her support at My Heart Goes Out.

Mrs. Boltz also realizes better than anyone how many former fans vehemently object. She fields the e-mail messages that pour into the Web site, the ones that say, “We will be destroying all your cds cassettes etc immediately” and “Instead of converting to man-love, why not goat love?”

Ugh. Sounds like something Prevo would say. So if you enjoy gay-themed songs or contemporary Christian music, go to this free concert and support Ray Boltz in his return to the stage as an openly-gay man. And bring your straight Christian friends and relatives! They need to hear his message as much as LGBT people do.

The Anchorage concert is sponsored by the Metropolitan Community Church (MCCA) and St. Mary’s Episcopal Church. For more on Boltz and his tour with another recently out singer Azariah Southworth, visit the Living True tour.

Make "Housing First" a reality, support Karluk Manor

Monday, 28 June 2010 – 6:25 PM | Comments Off on Make "Housing First" a reality, support Karluk Manor
Make "Housing First" a reality, support Karluk Manor

Four A’s is a member of the Anchorage Coalition on Homelessness and sent the following message in support of the Housing First program. They explain why this program is important to the fight against Homelessness and AIDS in Anchorage, and how we can lend our voices:
Make It A Reality
A Housing First project is critical to our efforts in eliminating homelessness from our community. RurALCAP is working hard to establish Anchorage’s first large Housing First complex (48 efficiency-style units); Karluk Manor. Without a Housing First project, Anchorage will continue to struggle with the negative community impacts caused by the chronically homeless population.
Four A’s has approximately 15 clients who are chronically homeless who would greatly benefit from this project. These individuals have been unsuccessful in any of the housing programs we have provided over the years. Without housing, these individuals are unable to remain adherent to HIV medications or consistently access support services. Each year we are serving more and more hard-to-serve/house individuals. Without this project, these people will remain homeless.

To make Karluk Manor a reality, RurALCAP requires a conditional use permit. We need you to voice your support for the project. For more information on Karluk Manor, click here. At the bottom of the page is information regarding Housing First (PDF) and Karluk Manor (PDF).
Click here to voice your support. Without community support, this project will die and we will not have a Housing First project for many years to come. Help us achieve our goal of 100 people providing positive testimony for Karluk Manor. Comments can be as short as “I support Karluk Manor”, to more details outlining why you support the project.
Please join us and countless others in letting our community know the importance of Karluk Manor. The Municipality is putting forth many road blocks that have the potential of “killing” this project. Without your voice, they will win. Share this request with friends and family. We need the city to hear we want Housing First….we want Karluk Manor.
What is the Housing First program?

Housing First is permanent housing, as opposed to emergency/transitional housing, and has intensive case management services available. As a result of being permanently housed, the homeless can begin to access medical, mental health, substance abuse treatment, employment and vocational training and life skill resources. Economic studies have shown providing permanent housing for the chronically homeless population significantly reduces the costs of homelessness.

For more information about Housing First, click the links above for the Anchorage Coalition on Homelessness. For information on HIV/AIDS services and resources, visit Alaskan AIDS Assistance Association, aka the Four A’s.

TODAY: Alaska PrideFest Parade & Festival – Join the Party!

Friday, 25 June 2010 – 11:01 PM | Comments Off on TODAY: Alaska PrideFest Parade & Festival – Join the Party!
TODAY: Alaska PrideFest Parade & Festival – Join the Party!

Alaska’s Celebrating Diversity Parade and Pride Festival is TODAY, Saturday June 26 in downtown Anchorage. The Parade begins at 11 am, marching west on 6th Avenue from D Street, and the Festival follows at noon on the Delaney Park Strip around K Street.
Come march with us – join a group you like and show your Pride in being LGBTQ or an ally. If you don’t want to march, please cheer us on from the side. Every parade needs a cheering crowd! Then join us for the Festival on the Park Strip.
See you there!

The ordinance one year later (video)

Friday, 25 June 2010 – 3:07 PM | Comments Off on The ordinance one year later (video)
The ordinance one year later (video)
KTVA looks back at the 2009 battle for an equal rights ordinance, and asks where the LGBT community of Anchorage is today, as we celebrate PrideFest 2010.
Four voices speak for fairness and equal rights: Matthew, Rachel, Johnathan and MeMe. Only one person speaks for hate: Prevo. Which side are YOU on?